What are you heading? Joe: "Ha! Ask them questions. Especially when you’re writing an "ask" email to someone you’ve never met before, the subject line functions like a first impression. – Are you ok? To ask someone how are you feeling in Spanish in a more formal way, you can also ask ¿Cómo te encuentras? Use it after one of the “thank you” phrases above. Nonverbal cues can help communicate your concern. I sometimes ask people, as casually as possible, how they are doing, or how's it going. Different Ways to Ask Kids “How Was Your Day?” 1. What is happening? Do you like me? I won’t be able to. And you only get one chance to make a first impression. ”. how to ask for someone’s time … in an interesting way. What of? I have to take care of a few things first. Better questions lead to better answers. The Best Way To Know How Someone Is Feeling If you want to know how someone is feeling, close your eyes and use your ears. Stress… ugh. Ça va ? What are you up to? Cute and caring ways to ask, “How was your day?”. Lately I’ve been thinking about suicide.” “I really need help. It takes courage to ask someone for their time. You should prepare for the worst. The next time someone asks how you are, consider it a trick question. Here are some considerations for what to say when someone is sick. Asking someone how they are really is the first step to a new friendship. 4. Did anything make you feel frustrated? Interesting Ways to Ask Someone How They're Doing. Providing or experiencing physical well-being or relief. And better, deeper, more caring professional and personal relationships. Filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise. Amazed. Ask me again in a week/month. You can write out a simple message that asks if he/she likes you. How is life sailing? What was the best part of your day? What’s up with the flow? Sometimes you feel really, really grateful, and you want to show that. Did anything surprise you today? We have individual, multi-faceted personalities, and that, combined with our past experiences, shapes the way that we show love when in a romantic relationship. Just because someone asks how you are, that doesn’t mean you need to spill your guts to them. Feeling anything other than fine is not something that you have to share with someone you don’t feel comfortable sharing it with. When I’m depressed and my mother calls and asks how I am, I always say I’m fine. Have you seen a doctor?" Most people do not want to be an aggressor. Getty Images. What’s new? Having unexpected good luck. 3. How’s life? It manifests for each of us in different ways. What are they feeling? How can I make your day easier in five minutes? 1. “You rule!” Such a nice thing to hear from someone. I feel a little sad/happy/angry/…. What was the best part of your day? Informal You rule! … Ask them what they need from you. "And how have you been?" INFJ // M. "Are you okay?" Write them a note Be sure not to oversell your email title, though—that's one of the top 20 email mistakes to avoid . How’s your family? Here are some ways to ask for help How to talk to a friend, partner, family member “I need to tell you something really important. Muscle tension, inability to … “Give yourself permission to say no without feeling guilty, mean, or selfish,” says Stephanie Lahart, author of Overcoming Life’s Obstacles: Enlighten – Encourage – Empower. How to Ask. If someone confides in you that they’re feeling anxious or having a panic attack, the most important thing to remember is that their feelings — and telling you about them — are a big deal. Nalencer Dig Yourself. (What are you up to?/What are you doing?) Physician. If someone asks for a friend to vent to, say, “Would you like for someone to listen, or are you seeking advice?” as a way to confirm if you need to. It’s almost a part of saying hello. This way of asking someone how they are is used on someone you may have just met, but do not really know that well. When someone asks how you are, and you want to ask how they are in return, there are many ways you can respond. 20 Questions to Ask Besides “How Was Your Day?” for Richer Conversations. What’s going on? or just "Yourself?" How to ask someone you’re worried about if they’re thinking of suicide Published: July 24, 2018 4.08pm EDT • Updated: July 24, 2018 8.53pm EDT Anthony Jorm , … Vous allez bien ? All five are initial questions, appropriate for a … What’s the good word? How to Tell What Someone Feels (Don’t Ask) People can be only as good at reporting emotions as they have learned … This is #1 most common way to way to ask how someone is in Japanese. 4. One way to offer support is to cook for your loved one and share a meal together. When you ask someone what they like about your relationship, they will have an opportunity to describe what they value—as well as, potentially, what they feel is missing. How are you feeling? Try out a variety of options to see what is most comfortable for you. This is a more formal way of asking how are you in Spanish. The last you want to do is transfer those feelings to them instead of what you initially had in mind to say. It takes trust to show that kind of vulnerability. Here is the list of adjectives to describe feelings and emotions in English. oral. Howdy! Life, huh? If you’d like to ask just one friend or close acquaintance, then you say comment tu te sens ? "How are things on your end?" 2. What’s new with you? “‘How are you today’ is an inquiry into what is true for someone in this moment, in the past few hours and can feel more approachable because it’s specific.” 2. The 4N process helps you explore your needs and feelings. With the phrases above, you now have more than 50 different ways to say no in English without hurting anyone’s feelings! Two different people typically won’t offer support in exactly the same way. Most of the time, we use this question as a polite way to say hello, and you don’t need to say anything about how you are really feeling. This Propose Day, 2022, propose to the love of your life in a different way, try these ideas. Asking better questions can get you richer responses. Posing the question this way acknowledges that things are hard right now and implies that you don’t expect the other person to say they’ve been well. It if feels appropriate, you could place a hand … The main one is that Germans ask others how they are way less often than we (English speakers) do. What have you been up to lately? Now that you’re home, is there anything I can do to help you? Often it’s not always clear to you (or others) what it is, exactly, that you’re in need of. It can be hard to know whether someone you care about is upset with you, especially if they're acting a little out of the ordinary and you aren't sure why. (How’s it going?) One big challenge people face when starting to ask for consent is finding the balance between giving space for the other person to say no, yet maintaining the sexiness of the situation. Wie geht es dir? “How are you feeling?”. 23 Questions to Ask Yourself When You’re Stressed Out. We can often tell how someone we know well is feeling just by looking at their face. But for the holiday dinner parties with your uncle’s best friend’s sister-in-law? Second Call Dialog: Me: "Hey Joe." People generally like to feel happy, calm, and good. You might express these feelings by smiling, laughing, or indulging yourself. You might feel enjoyment when: If enjoyment and its related feelings feel elusive, try to take a look at other emotions or feelings are getting in the way, such as: Hopeful that the best will happen in the future. The art of asking for what you want: Part 1: You have to actually ask. Or “great how about you?” If you go into too much detail, especially if something is wrong with the wrong person it could be too much information. What the best question/safe question you've come across to ask, without feeling like an idiot, or looking like a psycho? Approach someone who asked a great question. Hearing the positives that he sees in your relationship can be emotionally validating and may also clear up ambiguous or uncertain feelings. Use affirmations. Fortunate. So when you feel particularly happy because of what someone has done for you, you can add an “extension” with one of these phrases. The second way to ask someone how they are with the informal “tu” is to simply state “you are well”, but using the right intonation to transform it into a question. All examples are fine. However, I think "do you feel any better" seems a little silly for the semantic reason that, well, obviously they feel bette... Say, "I'm concerned about you and want to know if you're doing okay." 3. If you're not in contact throughout the day, they'll make it … Setting up that phone call, lunch or coffee date with someone that you may or may not know, to talk about something important to you in a productive and focused way, is no small thing. 1. No I'm good." Share a Meal. Rarely I might comment that someone seems quiet/low energy. Often, it’s some combination of the two – high points and low points – throughout the day. Upgrading your questions also helps elicit more authentic responses when your loved one’s day was challenging. Ask “How Are You * Feeling ?*”. I am mad at him/her…. Daniel L. Meltzer, MD, MPH. Source: @hauteofftherack. What are you heading? The person you’re talking to is likely to respond with “good,” or “fine,” or whatever other neutral-positive word comes to mind. In American culture we often ask acquaintances “how are you?” but unless it’s a close friend/family member it’s meant to be more of a greeting and they expect to hear “doing good and you? Thanks." Just as the way we ask questions can facilitate trust and the sharing of information—so, too, can the way we answer them. (This is how you say it in German.) You can use the means that seems the most popular to you. Ask patients how they feel, along with how they are feeling. Genki simply means “lively” or “healthy.”. With people we don’t know well, it’s harder and we should be careful not to jump to conclusions. – “How are you feeling?” If you know that someone has been feeling a little under the weather, this is a good way to ask how they’re feeling. Use them as a way to gain deeper understanding, but use them sparingly. Asking This from Someone of Your Age:- If you are walking by your street and someone of your age meets you in the... 3. It’s OK to Feel Down. 10 Much Better Questions to Ask Than 'How Are You Doing?' What do you know today that you didn’t know yesterday? Sit facing them and make eye contact when you speak. (This is most appropriate to utter if you find the recipient of your greeting sighing about life.) OR Here are nine ways to help a family member, friend, or anyone in need of some comfort: 1. A person who has real feelings for you will want to stay up-to-date on what's happening in your life. twordans, Jul 20, 2007 #1. The reason is that we have a different dominant love language. It’s been a difficult day. Ultimately, the goal of identifying other ways to say how are you is to replicate the feel of hanging out in person and genuinely connecting. 7 yr. ago. I dislike being asked if I'm okay. The way to pronounce “¿Cómo está usted?” is Ko-Mo Eh-Sta U-Stead. What was the best thing that happened? However, make sure you read the room before you use any of these phrases. There you go, 7 different ways to ask a French speaker how they are doing. This expression is great for asking someone how they’re feeling in Spanish. is a question we can ask when someone is recovering from an illness. One way to make up after a fight is to not engage with the person for some time. If I’m not feeling great, and someone asks how I am, I might say something like, “Could be better.” 2. We often think that to win people over, we have to be impressive: we have to have interesting things to say, be well informed about the topic, or be hilarious and entertaining. How to tell someone how you feel about them without scaring them. Don't just sit around feeling anxious, though—instead, reach out to get some insight into how they're feeling. Ahoy, matey! Make sure to ask in a private environment and do not use family or friends as interpreters. Listen and respond in a way that doesn’t minimize their experience. "How/What about yourself?" Asking too many questions can make the conversation start to feel more like an interrogation. What’s … 2. Kayf halik (This is how you say it in Arabic.) According to research published by the American Psychological Association, relying solely on facial cues may not be the best strategy for accurately recognizing the emotions or intentions of others. Here are great ways to ask someone out. 1. Listening to a person’s thoughts and feelings in a non-judgmental way – and using active listening skills when you do it – is the best way to go. is the most natural to me, but I only really ask people I'm very close to that. 2. How have you been? Knowing good questions to ask is essential.....Because asking questions is the most powerful way to get to know someone.Of course, not all questions are equal.Having the right questions to ask prepared goes a long way in helping you to connect with people more effectively.. And I know it sounds too good to be true, but the right question to ask someone … 4. Is there a frustrating moment or struggle that you’d like to get off your chest? How ya doin’? Validation is a way of communicating that the relationship is important and solid even when you disagree on issues. “Sending you all the strength you need for this road ahead.” As a friend or family member, you’re a source of strength when your loved one needs it most. If you want to talk to someone or are experiencing suicidal thoughts, text the Crisis Text Line at 741-741 or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at … For example, there’s a big difference in the emotional needs of someone out with the flu compared to a patient just diagnosed with cancer. 5. In practice however, the thrill of asking for consent is fun and creative. 6. There’s lots of things going on and I’m not sure I can handle it anymore. "How's everything with you?" If you know that this person has a favorite food or restaurant, purchasing a gift card can be another way to show you care. Learn how to ask someone out the right way and save yourself the disappointment—make it clear that it’s a date and that it will be just the two of you. All five are information-seeking: listen closely, and you will learn something about that person’s life, character, and ideas. Qu’est-ce qui se passe ? Optimistic. For less serious matters, you could use jokes and humor to make the ask, such as bantering with a coworker when you need some help on a project. Aside from letting them know you understand how they feel, ask if there’s something you can do for them. See the value in what they’re doing. Joe: "Ok but I'm good. [Read: How to ask someone out over text] 1. Though we experience all 5 of the love languages, we each have a dominant one. with questions that show your friends you genuinely care about their well-being, especially in these strange times. This is an all-too-obvious step that’s often overlooked. 1. How are you holding up? Go beyond the basic "How are you?" Take a deep breath and relax. Telling someone how you feel is scary. How’s everything little thing in your life? Saying no may feel aggressive, like you're rejecting the person. Get expert help with feeling loved and wanted. This article will give you 15 different ways to ask, ranging from formal to informal and colloquial expressions. Say one or two positive words, thank them for asking, and ask them the same question. These tips on how to say no when someone asks to borrow money will help you kindly, firmly, and gently decline their request. Next, send personalized requests or invitations on a 1:1 basis to people you think would be … "Want to do FaceTime coffee later?" If that’s the way of expressing their love for you, take it. Three days go by and I call him back. (Are you well?) If enjoyment and its related feelings feel elusive, try to take a look at other emotions or feelings are getting in the way, such as: trouble focusing on … 5. 5. You’ll send a different kind of Get Well card to a child than you would to a colleague or client. 5. 3. Now that you feel confident and ready, just what are the best ways to ask someone out? Comment ça va ? Skip the chit chat, ask them how you can support them. Contents Show. We also perceive love from others in different ways as well. compassion. Asking about their “genki-ness” – How are you? 1. How are things? How are you holding up? Me: "Seriously, if you need anything, give me a call." If you're not sure what the best way to go about it is, don't worry. (How are you?) Our feelings in general on any given day can be a lot to explain in a sentence. Start by asking about your friend’s physical situation and the present moment. These questions can be easier to answer and ease you both into the conversation. Tu vas bien ? It’s different in Germany. written with oral follow-up or. Most of the crowd will do one of two things once a session ends: 1. exit or 2. form a line trying to talk to the speaker. Long time no see! David Braucher, LCSW, Ph.D, writes: How are you feeling? Tell me something that made you laugh. The answers give you great insight into what the person values most in life. The longer version of this sentence is “est-ce que tu vas bien ?” which means “are you well?” or more literally “are you going well?”. How do you do? 1. Little gestures such as opening the door, kissing on the forehead, and hugging for a bit longer are small ways of making someone feel loved, Dr. Hafeez explains. The more clarity you can have about what you want, the better. The thing is that I am angry/sad/…. April 23, 2016. You will always have people in your life who really do want to know–and you’ll feel comfortable and free to unload your stress if they’re offering an opening. 3. In summary – we show love in different ways. Questions to Ask Instead of ‘How Was Your Day?’ 1. It is commonly used in Nicaragua and various parts of Central America. Sup? Ways to Ask How Are You Feeling How are things coming along? Howdy! What is happening? 7. __ Yes “I’m fine, thanks,” is an okay answer. 5. We hope you found this guide on how to say no politely useful! Comfortable. Only with someone I know well and have joked with before.) What’s new with you? "How's it going with you?" Enter in the “cool off period.”. Human beings express their feelings in lots of different ways. Dr. King says that it’s a "great way to get someone out of a funk and offer up a healthy challenge. I noticed your questions were closed-ended questions: questions that require a yes/no response. These are less effective at showing empathy and war... By asking, you are expressing concern for them. They can give you details after that if they want. I think the key is to simply ask something like "How are you doing?" or "How are you feeling?" When you want to ask someone to give you something and you feel you need to be polite, it’s always a good idea to “soften” the sentence — I like the phrase: “Would it be OK if I got your number?” 3. Look at these people. How long has it been? Below are some common phrases you can use. Expressing Feelings. Get well soon!" 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