Contrails come in two varieties: aerodynamic and exhaust contrails. Contrails vs Chemtrails. Proponents of the chemtrail conspiracy theory say that chemtrails can be distinguished from contrails by their long duration, asserting that the chemtrails are those trails left by aircraft that persist for as much as a half-day or transform into cirrus-like clouds. It's a MUST READ. The chemicals that are being released are said to be unknown, because only a few planes in the world can analyze them and they are expensive. A jet produces a contrail or cloud because its exhaust consists primarily of water vapor. Contrails block sunlight, but they also trap heat — even in the dark; 2.2 percent of flights create 80% of contrail-related warming — takeoffs in late afternoon and early evening that leave contrails into the night; Changing the trajectory of those flights up or down by 2,000 feet or less could reduce the warming effect by 59% Turboprop and piston engine airplanes generally fly in lower, warmer air where contrails are less likely to form. The TURBOFAN is the THRUSTER (almost 90% thrust is from the FAN), not so much the turbine exhaust as what most think! The hot, humid exhaust from jet engines mixes with the atmosphere, which at high . How long do contrails last? Contrails are clouds formed when water vapor condenses and freezes around small particles (aerosols) that exist in aircraft exhaust. They are not smoke from the engines, they are formed when the water in jet engine exhaust (and there's quite a lot of it, like car exhaust on a cold day) mixes with wet . Contrail formation is most likely at altitudes at or above 35,000 feet and at temperatures below -58°F (-50°C), therefore contrails are mostly formed by jets. The combination of water vapor in aircraft engine exhaust and the . They are all old-age conspiracy theories that are all evident-less. How long the contrail remains visible to us from the ground depends on a couple factors, including the type of aircraft, the weather, and the surrounding air temperature. Not just stealth aircraft, most military aircraft are required to avoid contrails. Chemtrailers have said they have tested the soil that these chemtrails have fallen on and have found chemicals. A tried and tested method by NASA is NOT to fly in regions of air that support contrail formation. Claim #5: The photos floating around on the internet showing contrails from military jets in the 50's proves that jet engines produce contrails. I'm talking cold like the kind of cold that . Military cargo jets leave persistent contrails, most odd numbers. Jets leave white trails, or contrails, in their wakes for the same reason you can sometimes see your breath. There are some other trace materials. That contrail makes it easy for enemy pilots to see where the aircraft is, so a combat pilot will often choose to fly at a lower altitude, where the contrail won't form. Some of that water vapor comes from the air around the plane;. Military jets form contrails just like any other jets do. Sometimes I will observe a military jet flying that does not leave a persistent contrail.That is what I was saw when I was younger with military jets of this type. In the tactical world, that's bad. The results are white clouds known as contrails, which is short for condensation trails. The atmosphere where the plane is flying needs to have low vapor pressure and . Contrails are extremely similar in composition, though differ greatly in their life span. A plane will contrail if the conditions are right for it. What is the exhaust on the back of a plane? The weather directly influences how long a contrail exists for. I thought I had read some where that turboprops do not leave contrails. In this post, we're going to take a closer look at this phenomenon. Contrails are "condensation trails," and they have nothing to do with chemicals. Most military aircraft use JP-8 jet fuel which is a blend of commercial Jet Aviation Fuel -1 (or Jet A-1) with three extra additives. Contrails form due to moisture in the aircraft's exhaust. Contrails were difficult to study before September 11, 2001, because they normally cross each other by the hundreds. Other days they will be much shorter, and on some days there will be none at all. Rather, the white smoke will gradually dissipate over the course of a few hours. I have some iPhone photos and a couple up close that are buried somewhere in my mess of photos. Contrails are generally categorized into three groups; short-lived, persistent (non-spreading) and persistent (spreading). In addition these planes are high flying military jets that are large planes- not the smaller comerical jets flying a south north corridor to the airports in San Francisco and San Jose. In some situations military airplanes do try to avoid parts of the atmosphere where trails are likely to occur. It is hot air from the engine exhaust mixing with the cold air at altitude. Fact: The handful of photos from the 50s showing military jets and prop planes used water injection or internal combustion piston engines or turbojets, not high-bypass turbofans. When flying at high altitudes, jet engines exhaust extremely hot air and water vapor, among other things. You can do some research about this topic 0:56 There is a military project being undertaken by community murcia 1:00 percent which is secret because they do not give us information about aircraft and are 1:04 taking off every day 1:06 unique functions and fumigate 1:08 They are spraying the entire sky are leaving a trail of ten floe sky 1:11 It's just my opinion) When the water mixes with "wet" atm. The white trails left behind jets are known as contrails. . Contrails (/ ˈ k ɒ n t r eɪ l z /; short for "condensation trails") or vapor trails are line-shaped clouds produced by aircraft engine exhaust or changes in air pressure, typically at aircraft cruising altitudes several miles above the Earth's surface. At ground level, because the relative humidity is generally low enough to contain the excess moisture and because the temperature is fairly high, the exhaust of the jet engine doesn't cool rapidly enough before the water vapor dissipates. Any jet engine that leaves a trail of heated exhaust behind in a freezing air mass will leave a contrail as the exhaust's water vapor condenses and freezes. In combat or any time (like recon/surveillance) a military plane is trying to keep it's position secret, it will avoid flying in the contrail layers. They are not smoke from the engines, they are formed when the water in jet engine exhaust (and there's quite a lot of it, like car exhaust on a cold day) mixes with wet . Aerodynamic Contrails This page may take 30 seconds or so to load - because there is a lot of important text towards the bottom of this page. So when the air around the engine is cold and wet enough, the water in the exhaust will mix with that air to leave contrails that linger in the air for a period of time after . While many military jets would prefer to not make contrails in order to not be visible they are subject to the same laws of physics as any other planes so will produce them for the same reason. Contrails block sunlight, but they also trap heat — even in the dark; 2.2 percent of flights create 80% of contrail-related warming — takeoffs in late afternoon and early evening that leave contrails into the night; Changing the trajectory of those flights up or down by 2,000 feet or less could reduce the warming effect by 59% Some days, the contrails will form thin lines that cross the entire sky. Military Contrails Contrails would be a dead giveaway for a stealth aircraft. ALL commercial jets, and large military craft use the HIGH BYPASS-TURBOFAN jet engine. Chemtrails: is the term used to refer to the theory that says that airplanes leave behind chemical or biological agents in the sky. ü Two-engine 737 and four-engine jets leave 3 or 5 line contrails, with a nozzle in the jet's mid-belly. A contrail is the condensation trail that is left behind by a passing jet plane. Witnesses have photographed military and unmarked jets who leave these long-lasting trails. Military "heavies" flying below 30,000 feet should not leave contrails at all. They often look like a short white line following the aircraft's path, like the tail of a comet. (CO2 is the greenhouse gas that presents an existential threat in my mind… please don't attack me. These trails are actually called contrails, short for "condensation trails". Contrails form when hot humid air from jet exhaust mixes with environmental air of low vapor pressure and low temperature. Why do military jets not leave contrails? The proponents claim that after 1995, contrails had a different chemical composition and lasted a lot longer in the sky . Short-lived: These contrails are the smallest ones in the sky. When atmospheric conditions are right, the turbulence from wings and stabilizers can form contrails, as shown by this F22 aircraft. It includes water vapor and CO2 mostly. The cold temperatures and low pressures at these altitudes result in the water forming into visible ice crystals. Seriously, the airplane doesn't matter, the altitude and weather conditions do. The mixing is a result of turbulence generated by the engine exhaust. When airplanes fly through the sky, moisture from their jet exhaust freezes into ice crystals high in the atmosphere. Before, During and After Chemtrails. These trails are actually called contrails, short for "condensation trails". ALL Jets, both military and commercial leave contrails and also don't leave contrails depending on their altitude and weather conditions. Contrails, as the lines are called, are formed when the hot, humid air coming out of the jet exhaust mixes with low vapor pressure in cold temperatures. Contrails form when hot humid air from. It sometimes also refers to the possibility of modifying or changing the weather conditions by the airplane's contrails. See also item durability minecraft? So, why do airplanes leave behind a trail of white smoke? Witnesses have photographed military and unmarked jets who leave these long-lasting trails. The condensation trail left behind jet aircrafts are called contrails. Why Planes Leave Trails. I'm talking cold like the kind of cold that . Not to be confused with the erroneous conspiracy theory of chemtrails, contrails (aka condensation trails) are very real, and they're very impactful in terms of global warming processes.. The chemicals that are being released are said to be unknown, because only a few planes in the world can analyze them and they are expensive. No one wants to be seen so far out. When you're looking at contrails from the ground, you're seeing the results of aircraft flying at 30,000+. This accounts for odd numbers of contrails. Chemtrailers have said they have tested the soil that these chemtrails have fallen on and have found chemicals. Contrails are composed primarily of water, in the form of ice crystals. But with planes grounded for three days following the terrorist attacks, Minnis observed that six military aircraft caused about 7,700 square miles of cirrus clouds to form over Virginia and Pennsylvania in otherwise clear skies. Contrails don't form for every airplane. Some planes in the sky leave trails that persist and spread, and other planes, in the same sky, leave short-lived trails, or no trails at all. They occur when water condenses into a cloud - in either liquid or ice-crystal form. The trail of smoke left in the wake of jet-engine airplanes is colloquially known as a contrail. An. Contrails form when jet exhaust emits water vapor that condenses and freezes. But as we said before, contrails are just vapor or moisture condensation . Contrails are generally classified in three. the same type of soot particles, but usually not to the same degree as military aircraft. A contrail forms because one of the components of jet engine exhaust is water. Chemtrails are thin white clouds left in the sky by high-flying aircraft that consist of chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed, for sinister purposes, over the general public without their knowledge or consent. They seem very rare to see but I have seen Q400s with contrails a few times and I think a Commander or something. Do military jets leave contrails? Flight Explorer does not show altitudes for military jets, but, according to the FAA, tankers and transports usually transit continental airspace at around 30,000 feet to ensure safe separation from airliners flying between 35,000 and 39,000 feet. The clouds that jets form on certain days are called condensation trails or contrails. At ground level, because the relative humidity is generally low enough to contain the excess moisture and because the temperature is fairly high, the exhaust of the jet engine doesn't cool rapidly enough before the water vapor dissipates. RICHARD SEMONIN (Illinois Institute of Natural Resources): In the absence of natural clouds, given the correct atmospheric condition, jet aircraft in high frequency can almost completely cover the atmosphere, visible atmosphere, with clouds. Overview of Contrails. Why do military jets not leave contrails? Some planes in the sky leave trails that persist and spread, and other planes, in the same sky, leave short-lived trails, or no trails at all. Contrails, as the lines are called, are formed when the hot, humid air coming out of the jet exhaust mixes with low vapor pressure in cold temperatures. Why do military jets not leave contrails? Contrails are formed from extremely cold air mixing with hot exhaust gasses. This is for two reasons: the type of fuel and the type of engines. 14.4K views Aircraft can generate both aerodynamic contrails and exhaust contrails. When jets fly overhead, are they leaving trails of hot air - or are they seeding clouds with sinister chemicals used to control the weather and, possibly, human minds? Usally its jets that leave the white trails in the sky, more often than not its only military jets that leave those trails. Answer (1 of 4): The contrail is the byproduct of combustion.

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