Abstract. . The view of information operations as a peacetime operation and the desire to communicate Russian century, as it manifested itself in Ukraine and later in Syria. Their new doctrine views the military as part of a broader national whole of government approach to warfare. The vital importance to counter information warfare aggressive acts was first noted in the Information Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation approved by the President of the Russian Federation as of September 9, 2000. It is not even limited to the "initial phase of conflict" before hostilities begin, which includes information preparation of the battle space. Russia's Military Doctrine", Point of View No. Urban warfare is the most complex, hardest type of warfare for even the best-trained and equipped military in the world. Russian Information Warfare Doctrine Russian doctrine also views information warfare as a wide-ranging concept crucial to any armed and/or diplomatic conflict. "Internet sovereignty", defined as the ability of the state to have control over its information space, remains a fundamental concept both within Russia and in its position in international forums.16 As of December 2016 and amid Western and former Soviet-sphere countries accusing Moscow of waging informational warfare campaigns, the Kremlin . The Russian doctrine is more of a continuum. Armies throughout history have used unconventional methods to defeat adversaries. Vaccine disinformation and misinformation. A look inside the GRU's psychological warfare doctrine. "Although the term 'hybrid warfare' was not mentioned in the article, Gerasimov was later identified as 'the face of the hybrid war approach', for example, in Maria Snegovaya's article on Russian information warfare published in 2015.19 The idea that Gerasimov outlined a new 'hybrid warfare' doctrine that later served as the basis . This section will discuss three internal policies, to be followed by the section on mili-tary issues related to the Georgian-Russian conflict of August 2008. and acts of aggression, including through information warfare, political warfare, psychological warfare, hybrid warfare, cyber warfare, etc.12 The defensive nature of IPb is formalized in official Russian strategic documents. Russia's information warfare is thus a significant challenge to the West, but not a particularly novel or insuperable one. The concept of hybrid warfare or even UW is not new. Russian information warfare combines cyber operations, electronic warfare, psychological operations, and information operations, with the ultimate goal of controlling the "information . Michael Kofman on salient trends in Russian military strategy and doctrinal thought, as opposed to the mythical Gerasimov Doctrine. Krutskikh was quoted by the Russian Information Agency Dec. 29 describing U.S . The functional aspect of the strategy reflects the concept of infor-mation warfare as outlined in the doctrine. Information warfare, according to the original Russian government document Conceptual Views Regarding the Activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Information Space, is defined as confronting a state in the information space by damaging information systems, pro- cesses, and resources. This was the objective of Russia's successful annexation of Crimea in 2014, the move that launched the debate over Russian "hybrid strategies." the russian federation military doctrine (hereinafter "military doctrine") represents a systemized aggregate of fundamental official views (guidelines), concentrated in a single document, on preventing wars and armed conflicts, on the nature and methods of waging them, and on organizing the activities of the state, society and citizens to ensure … [1] The competition, and enormous loss of land by the . Capturing territory without resorting to overt or conventional military force. I. ruSSIAn InforMAtIon wArfArE thEory 1. the revival of the topic Russian information warfare theory has a long tradition in Russia. The country's actions, especially during the 2016 U.S. elections, have brought cyber information operations out of the shadows and into the limelight. How Russia's Warfare Doctrine Is Failing in Ukraine. This chapter examines whether information warfare at the time of writing in 2015 actually reflects the same reality as in the 1990s‐2000s, and discusses the supposed renewal of information warfare in light of Russian doctrine. Based on the Soviet tradition - it was revived in 2000 as a part of the Information Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation, following a rapid increase in information security. For example, the 2016 Foreign Policy Concept and 2016 Information Security Doctrine emphasize the Alongside these cyber operations, the Russian government has launched a diverse and devious set of activities which at first glance may appear chaotic. The authors of the report are interested in . The military doctrine of the Russian Federation is a strategic planning document of the Russian Federation and represents a system of officially state adopted views of preparation for the armed protection of Russia. Russia's ability to evolve its use of information operations to leverage social media and the cyber domain continues to shock and challenge the world community. Typical Objectives of Russian Hybrid Warfare As practiced today, Russian hybrid warfare can have at least three objectives. Valery Gerasimov, Chief of the Russian General Staff, turns 65 this year and is likely to stay on as long as . While these Russian information warfare is the subject of theoretical analyses and is arousing multiple interpretations. Consequently, cyber security, Internet (including any kind of Internet-based activity), as well as . The goals of the Kremlin, and more specifically Vladimir Putin, are multi-leveled, and interwoven with Russia's broader history as a nation seeking regional and international power. Ideally, it is to be employed as part of a whole of government effort, along with other, more traditional, weapons of information warfare that would be familiar to any student of Russian or Soviet military doctrine, including disinformation operations, PsyOps, electronic warfare, and political subversion. Introduction "A new type of war has emerged, in which armed warfare has given up its decisive place in the achievement of the military and political objectives of war to another kind of warfare - information warfare."1 Along with other Russian instruments of power, the concept of Curiously, both the Information Security Doctrine of 2000 and the 2010 Military Doctrine define information operations as something to be conducted during peacetime and as a prelude to war, rather than just a component of war itself (Heickero 2010). One of the main points of the doctrine in the information field is a lack of definition of the information struggles elements. (U) Russian Ground forces have updated their military doctrine to reflect these numerous changes in their organization, equipment, and tactics. But Russia's concerted effort to cultivate techniques of information warfare and non-military . www.ndc.nato.int A Russian Federation Information Warfare Primer - Jackson School 2 weeks ago In February 2013, Gerasimov articulated his theory of modern warfare in a now-famous article for the Military-Industrial Kurier. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky) Now more than a month into Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the embattled nation's defensive forces have seemingly made the impossible commonplace, halting Russian ground forces on multiple fronts and somehow managing to . Russian combined-arms doctrine has generally advised against making cities primary objectives. Very active periods of Soviet and Russian hybrid and information warfare have taken place during periods of conservative and nationalist retrenchment, when the USSR was ruled by Leonid Brezhnev, Yury Andropov and Konstantin Chernenko from the mid-1960s to mid-1980s and under President Putin since 2000. Since 2014, Western experts on Russian military affairs have been trying to understand the Russian dis - course on the character of war in the 21. st . Thus, to succeed in future conflicts, the US must recognize cyber warfare is the next evolution in information warfare, the timeless contest to control, manipulate, and leverage information. Ten Key Characteristics of Russian Warfare 1. The Russian security state defines America as the primary adversary. Numerous successive revisions of military doctrine have been promulgated since 1990. In the final phase of the Cold War the relevance of information technology for the military had gained momentum, resulting in the formulation of the concept and soon thereafter also the doctrine of Information Warfare in NATO, Warsaw Pact and Asian countries. . MOSCOW — The chief of Russia's armed forces endorsed on Saturday the kind of tactics used by his country to intervene abroad, repeating a philosophy of so . The first doctrine was launched in 2000 (Sokov 2007). "The Handbook of Russian Information Warfare" is an introductory guide to Russia's doctrine and activities in this field, including elements . . Contemporarily, hybrid warfare is a term used to describe the "increasing sophistication and lethality of violent non-state actors and the growing potential . The military's focus on information dominance extends from a broader belief among Russian leader The most recent revision of the military doctrine was approved in 2021. 01.04.2020. Russian strategies overlap across many countries and may serve multiple objectives. Handbook of Russian Information Warfare 1. The Russian military is developing the doctrine and capabilities for gaining and contesting battlefield awareness that will pose a significant challenge to U.S. forces in any future conflict with Russia. Despite all the proclamations of its modernization and expertise, Russia . The Russian military is developing the doctrine and capabilities for gaining and contesting battlefield awareness that will pose a significant challenge to U.S. forces in any future conflict with Russia. Indeed . the prior implementation of measures of information warfare in order to achieve political objectives without the utilization of military force and, subsequently, in the interest of shaping a . The doctrine redefines the modern concept of interstate conflict and warfare puts it on a par with political, economic, informational, humanitarian and other non-military activities. It relies, above all, on Russia's ability to take advantage of pre-existing dispositions among its enemies to choose its preferred courses of action. Until February 2022, Russia had a reputation as one of the trendsetters in military art. 12 He claims that, while information warfare waged against major powers like Russia will not lead to an overthrow of their governments, it can still cause harm, damage reputations, weaken economies, and encourage domestic dissent. Today, there are plenty of state institutions working both on theory and practice of disinformation. 50, Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich, May 2015. not been widely covered in open sources, and their potential implications for the next wave of information confrontation with Russia. Urban warfare is the most complex, hardest type of warfare for even the best-trained and equipped military in the world. Russian military doctrine, because HEMP attacks electronics, categorizes nuclear HEMP attack as a dimension of Information Warfare, Electronic Warfare and Cyber Warfare, which are modes of warfare operating within the electromagnetic spectrum. Instead, they merely supplement its existing capability.91 It is necessary to underline, that in the Russian case, the burden of warfare has been externalized less to technological surrogates (e.g. drones) and more to human ones like PMCs and militias.92 The Russian military has historically understood victory as the product of human spirit and . In the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation, first published in 2000, the "Russians recognized the need/necessity for their armed forces to operate in the 'information space' and the existence of 'information threats' faced by the Russian army." 21 For the United States and NATO, hybrid warfare, along with information warfare . These attempts produced several terms, such as "Gerasimov Doctrine" and "Russian hybrid warfare." 3. Numerous successive revisions of military doctrine have been promulgated since 1990. In all pioneering countries, Information Warfare was meant to use any . Thanks to the development of the internet and new technologies, it's now relatively easy to conduct a mass attack on entire societies - says Kamil Basaj from the Safe Cyberspace Foundation in an interview on Kremlin's propaganda, information warfare and the new Russian doctrine. It is derived directly from spetspropaganda (special propaganda) theory, which was first taught as a separate subject in 1942 at the Military Institute of Foreign Languages. The paper will conclude by examining the likely future of Russia's behavior in cyberspace Russia's information warfare is on the rise: David Ignatius . This doctrine is being employed tactically in Ukraine today. The Free Russia Foundation this week released a report, "Aquarium Leaks," on disinformation tactics used by Russia's GRU. March 2, 2019. Aquarium view. The Russians define hybrid war precisely and . The Gerasimov Doctrine, named after the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov, is a foreign policy doctrine.. The "Gerasimov doctrine" or "hybrid warfare doctrine" articulates the art of achieving political goals by predominantly nonmilitary means—through information warfare, cyberattacks, diplomacy, economic pressure, and coercion, combined with limited or indirect . June 27, 2018. The doctrine redefines the modern concept of interstate conflict and warfare puts it on a par with political, economic, informational, humanitarian and other non-military activities. the Russians have modernized their military strategy, doctrine, and tactics to include use of asymmetric . The military doctrine of the Russian Federation, and the in-formational and interpretive campaign accompanying it, are one element of Russia's overall information strategy. In Ukraine, Russia has been deploying the Gerasimov Doctrine for the past several years. 2. 1. In the Russian construct, information warfare is not an activity limited to wartime (i.e., declared wars). Alex Hollings Sandboxx News March 24, 2022. The Russian military defines a "hybrid war" as a strategic-level effort to shape the governance and geostrategic orientation of a target state in which all actions, up to and including the use of conventional military forces in regional conflicts, are subordinate to an information campaign. on Russian internal information-related policies and on military capabilities. From it we can gather that three kinds of conflicts, above all, are seen as threats to the nation. The first policy issue addressed, Russia's 2000 Information Security Doctrine, will be examined By Andrew E. Kramer. DPRK propaganda takes an unusual turn: sweet and sentimental. The first threat involves the risk that conflicts escalate in the immediate vicinity of the Russian border. 3 Instead, it is an ongoing activity regardless of the state of relations with the opponent 4 BY TETYANA MALYARENKO AND BORYS KORMYCH. The military's focus on information dominance extends from a broader belief among Russian leader China and Russia have already demonstrated their ability to wage information warfare in the digital age - understanding cyberspace is a means to an end. Despite all the proclamations of its modernization and expertise, Russia . Terterov sees information warfare in the context of a "Second Cold War" between Russia and Western countries. This concept breaks down the binary boundaries of war and peace and views war as a continuous sliding scale of conflict, vacillating between the two extremes of peace and war but never quite reaching . 3 For a more detailed examination of cyber's role in Russian information warfare doctrine, see Keir Giles, "Russia's 'New' Tools for Confronting the West: Continuity and Innovation in . Russia's information warfare campaigns have impacted democracies, promoted extremism and dissatisfaction, supported anti-democratic leaders, and shaken the influence of the West. and acts of aggression, including through information warfare, political warfare, psychological warfare, hybrid warfare, cyber warfare, etc.12 The defensive nature of IPb is formalized in official Russian strategic documents. The belief has been that if the enemy's main force in the field is destroyed, then his cities will . The Russian military doctrine emphasizes therefore the political aspect of warfare, and the link between military operations and its ideological and foreign policy aspects: in all the three major fronts (Syria, Ukraine, Georgia), the Russians have carefully prepared the public affairs and the narrations in all their conflicts. "Disinformation has been part of Russian military doctrine for more than a decade," said James Lewis, a researcher and tech expert at CSIS. This surprise gave birth to the ill-fated terms "Gerasimov Doctrine" and "Russian hybrid warfare." 8 While these concepts tried to attribute to Moscow the invention of a new blend of military and nonmilitary (political, diplomatic, economic, informational, cyber and other) means and methods, there was in fact very little conceptual . The doctrine became known after its publication in February 2013 and . Tyler Quinn. 9 "Hybrid warfare" and the "Gerasimov doctrine" were consequently coined as umbrella terms 10 in the West to describe, often without context or erroneously, Russia's nonlinear approach to conflict. The country's actions, especially during the 2016 U.S. elections, have brought cyber information operations out of the shadows and into the limelight. The Gerasimov Doctrine and Russian Hybrid Warfare. Russian actions abroad are widespread and their motivations are often opaque in nature. The doctrine defines the goals of modernization of military forces as a part of informational space of Russia. Russia understands this completely and has developed a war fighting operational doctrine that falls within the larger Russian doctrine of Information Warfare. For a reverse example, Russia's concept of "hybrid warfare," or the so-called Gerasimov doctrine—a term used to describe a blend of conventional and irregular warfare as well as political and cyber. During the 2014 protests there, the Kremlin supported extremists on both sides of the fight — pro-Russian forces and Ukrainian ultra-nationalists — fueling conflict that the Kremlin used as a pretext to seize Crimea and launch the war in eastern Ukraine. Russian military, ranging from "hybrid" warfare doctrine, to the role nuclear weapons play in its strategy, to cyber and electromagnetic warfare, to Moscow's posture in the Arctic or the Black Sea, to the lessons its Armed Forces have learned from their ongoing operations in Syria and eastern Ukraine. The doctrine became known after its publication in February 2013 and . The most recent revision of the military doctrine was approved in 2021. The Russians know they can't compete head-to-head with us—economically, militarily, technologically—so they create new. A senior interagency training advisor at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center explores Russia's belief that success in the contemporary operating environment requires lower-level formations to have a degree of autonomy and the capability to perform a variety of missions including psychological warfare and information operations. The Gerasimov Doctrine, named after the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov, is a foreign policy doctrine.. The doctrine furthermore stresses "the need for modern Russian warfare to utilize information in warfare in a 4:1 ratio of nonmilitary to military measures." Similarly, Russian strategy, as taught in the Military Information Unit of the Russian Department of Defense, is called spetzpropaganda. of information and cyber operations in Russia's information warfare doctrine and will analyze the recruitment efforts and modus operandi of Russia's cyber departments, particularly psychological and cyber operations units within military intelligence. Russia's ability to evolve its use of information operations to leverage social media and the cyber domain continues to shock and challenge the world community. The Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation (hereinafter the Military Doctrine) is one of the fundamental strategic planning documents in the . It is identical to Russian military scholars and doctrine elegantly categorizes these activities as components of a single strategic playbook — information warfare. Categorizes these activities as components of a direct military confrontation with the United States and 29! 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