(Commentary of Rashi to Genesis 15:19 and to Deuteronomy 19:8-9), -The language spoken by humanity until the Dispersion was Hebrew. Mix until a loose batter forms. What is the real truth about this marriage? On Pesach all the heavenly gates were open. Add the egg, honey, oil, salt, remaining cup of water, and 3 cups of the flour. Youre also very correct: theres more than one way to do this minhag. Squeak: I dont understand. The custom: Many are accustomed to braid the Challah in the shape of a key [1] on the first Shabbos after Pesach. You must be logged in to reply to this topic. Since HASHEM holds the key to parnassa it has become a minhag to shape the challah into a key. There is very, very little that I take personally. Guest post by R. Jeffrey Saks /The custom some women (or men) have of baking the house key into the challah on the Shabbat following Pesach (also known as a shlissel [=key] challah) is explained with the following reasons: Rabbi Jeffrey Saks is the founding director of ATID. In fact, some cite the origins of this tradition as being a pagan practice. It was a huge hatzalah for the whole Jewish community. WATCH: Rabbi Whose Wife And Two Daughters Were Killed in Pesach MI KIAMCHA YISROEL: Chabad of Orlando Saves the Day for Dozens SICKENING: Jew Haters Demonstrate Against Israel in Houston [SEE THE VIDEO], 4 New Members Appointed To Moetzet Chachmei HaTorah Of Shas. And then, enjoy! Question: Line up four circles in a row vertically (this forms the shaft or blade of the key) and attach two more circles onto one side of the blade as in the photo. He rewards good and punishes evil. The Bracha on Hafrashas Challah is L'hafrish Challah. Its Friday sunset. In the mystical teachings of Kabbalah, there are 50 "gates" or levels of understanding, so as Jews go from day to day during the omer, each day/gate needs a key for access. Then sprinkle with white sesame seeds and bake for 2025 minutes until browned to perfection both on top and underneath. Or just shape it that Friday morning and then bring it directly to the table to await Hamotzi that night. The Issur is to follow their custom. Sam2 says he knows better than the previous generations. Also, some bake the challah in the shape of a key, instead of using an actual key. What Is Shlissel Challah? We have also begun the custom of using a shlissel challah for the meal on the night of Yom HaAtzmaut for the reasons see the story related at the beginning of O! If you do a quick search for #shlisselchallah on Instagram, you will discover thousands of posts. He also points out that the old sources and explanations for this minhag are all hasidic. The Christians started shaping bread like keys (which were shaped like crosses) for the Sunday after Easter. It does not matter if the charm is a rabbits foot, a horseshoe, a challah, key or a red bendel. help im lost! I almost lost my patience. (If burning it inside the oven, there should be no other food baking in the oven at the same time.) 1 If one prepares a thick dough and intends on cooking the dough, one should separate challah without a bracha. Now were talking. Never heard of them making the shape of a key. The Chidas main point is that in order to render an act a Derech Emori you have to be sure it is baseless. Whatever you decide, don't forget the prayers. "What Is Shlissel Challah?" CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Jews are fighting still with Philistianian. The practice assumes that forces exist, which do not, and it is idolatrous. Add the rest of the flour slowly. According to my fathers theory (he grew up in a catholic country), the end of pesach coincides with Easter. Were you talking about irony in the other thread? Others have the minhag to just press the key into the challah. Form the long rope into an upside down U shape. Too long and it will lose its shape. Please elaborate on those arguments and your refutation. An integral aspect of Torah theology is that this omnipotent entity is the source of all good. These were angels. The minhag to bake shlissel challah for the first Shabbos after Pesach is a long-standing one. This year I decided ." Lior Mashiach | on Instagram: " My third and last Shlissel Challah of the year! A: It is not forbidden but there is no meaning in doing so (This custom is mentioned in Taamei Ha-Minhagim pp. Apr 5, 23 Audio Roundup 2023:14 Apr 5, 23 Daily Reyd Apr 4, 23 The Mitzvah to Check for Signs of Kashrut Apr 4, 23 Daily Reyd Apr 3, 23 Who Reads the Haggadah? I think I saw that mentioned somewhere but I dont really remember. Since Jews are the chosen nation and still they exist in this earth they must the authentic truth hoder. Learn Religions, Aug. 2, 2021, learnreligions.com/what-is-shlissel-challah-2076530. To serve, just break off the little rolls that form the key. A key/ shlissel challah neednt be intricate either. Why God had to take our common language after a long time( perhaps 10 generation after, from Adam to Noah). The process of separating challah from dough requires a blessing when the dough contains at least 59 ounces of flour (i.e. Nichush in common day terms, are good luck charms. No eggs? Come the Shabbat after Passover, and Jewish women from the around the world partake in a modern Ashkenazi custom to place a key, inside their challah dough. Nice people but theyre just one tribe. The person who publicized that theory is a well-known crackpot, and none of his so-called evidence stands up to even the slightest examination. Were on a (dangerous for ones intellectual health) roll here. In this piece by Noam Siennain The Forward, he shares: Its true that some rabbis opposed (and still oppose) the custom ofshlisl khaleas a meaningless superstition, possibly even derived from non-Jewish custom. Care to elaborate? In other theologies they may be two separate concepts. How do we re-open the gates of Shmayaim so that our prayers can once again receive entry? A poster here posits that we are following a religious practice from a religion that started over 1,000 years after the Jewish people entered EY. Shlissel Challah The Key to Open the Heavenly Gates to Livelihood: "Shissel Challah" The mitzvah of separating challah is a spiritual remedy that opens up channels of brocha. Love Jewish food? Indeed, this is the raison dtre of Creation itself so that Hashem G-d can reward those who do good and follow His will . In his Likkutim al HaTorah ( Pesach) he explains that during the entire Yom Tov of Pesach, the Tefilos of Klal Yisroel achieved entry into the gates of Heaven. To those telling Sam about all the previous Rebbes: There is no reason to assume they were familiar with Christian customs. Rav Avraham Yehoshua Heshel of Apt zt"l, known as the Apter Rebbe or Apter Rav (1748-1825) is the author of the Ohaiv Yisroel. Nothing in Torah supports this concept of segula; Torah sources reject the idea of a segula. The source for the segulah of schlissel challah is that the Gemara in Taanis says that only HKBH has the key to parnassah. So we have a Machlokes. To quote the Sefer HaTodah by REliyahu Kitov: The Shabbat after Pesach when we announce the coming of Iyar somehave the custom to make challah in the form of a key and to sprinkle it with sesame seeds. Shlissel challah Making a beautiful shlissel, or key-shaped, challah is traditional for the week after Passover. Malka Kornreich! At one time, keys were manufactured in the form of the cross in lands where Christianity was prominent. But again, Where are those giants now? In either case, segulas are useless, and violate the Torah prohibition of Nichush. Try one of these other ways to glaze your loaf. Save the Family of Rebbetzin Jungreis ah! I know that the first Shabbos immediately following Pesach is what is known as Key Challah week, aka, shlissel challahs. Learn Religions. They went straight to the Aron Kodesh obviously they knew where to go and pulled out the bottle. I would venture to say that consuming cholent, kishke and kugel on a regular basis, without proper nutrition and exercise is much more dangerous. Far from it. Im putting a key on my challah this Shabbat to remind myself of that moment, that first communal moment where we stopped waiting for bread to fall from the skies and started making it ourselves and perhaps to remind myself that the keys to those gates may be in my hands.. Presumably, the Ohev Yisroel was directly addressing the claims that it had other origins (otherwise his words are rather misleading). Some of the territory will be inherited by the Jews in the messianic era. No pasuk says so. The only way we are forgiven for our sins and remove Hashems wrath, is when we identify the cause of our sins, recognize the error, and abandon our poor behavior forever. When he got there, he saw that the paroches was moved out of place. Shlissel Challah. This is to remind us of the Mahn [manna] that began falling (in the desert) in the month of Iyar; it also symbolizes that the key to our parnossa [livelihood] is in Hashems hands. It refers to bendels as Emorite practices which are idolatrous. It seems (from both of the above sources) that the minhag was to bake the key on top of the challah not inside (a la the old jail break trick). Well, It is better late than ever. You roll out the challah strand, and holding one end you make a small circle; the long end of the strand that you have left over, weave in and out of the hole of the circle three times, ending on the bottom of the roll. Dullradiance: The difference between all of those customs and this is that those were mentioned in Jewish sources long before the pagans did it, or at least long enough ago that we can assume that our custom predated theirs. Those Minhagim, however, without a real Makor in Gemara or Kabballah or that we can clearly see where we borrowed it from the pagans (and this is the absolute best example) are clearly Assur Min Hatorah, no matter how many people picked up on it over the years. A Talmid April 13, 2007 5:09 pm at 5:09 pm. After successfully managing using the paper a number of times, I can now do it almost with closed eyes! However, Jews were revolted at using breads that had keys put inside of them at Easter time so they wouldnt buy the breads that week. part of rosh hashonah mean (mentioned in halacha) is segulos like eating honey or pomegranates or leak (or waldorf salad? Line up five of them in one row, with one or two rolls connected to the side of the second to bottom roll in this row. Ive had your book for years BUT I just started following your directions exactly and WOW a new challah life!!! Just as we may not use the bread dough unless we have separated challah, so too, a portion of our livelihood is always reserved for the giving of charity. My little granddaughter asked me why I made a schissel challah. The tradition of baking an object into bread are also found during the holiday ofMardi Grasin which a small baby "Jesus" is baked into what is known as a King Cake. the apter rebbe died in 1825. the book was not published until 1863. im not saying im for or against it, but this is the oldest reference to the minhag that i could find. But this practice may not be a Jewish one. I will be showing this idea in my *FREE* Shlissel Challah Masterclass virtual zoom event this coming WEDNESDAY 27 April, 2022. Ive been making challah for 21 years or more, thank you so much!! http://atasteofchallah.com/explaining-shlissel-challahs/. I just want to clarify. lol. There is a minhag to bake shlissel challah (shlissel means key in Yiddish) for the Shabbos after Pesach. See: Encyclopedia Judaica, vol. But the Jewish reason for baking a shlissel challah is for a segulah for Parnassah,or an omen for good fortune. According to Kabbalah on Pesach the gates to heaven were open, and following Pesach the lower gates are shut, and its up to us to open them again, therefore on the first Shabbat we put the key on the challah to show that through the mitzvah of Shabbat we are opening the locks [original source?]. Sign up for our Nosher recipe newsletter! The Sefer Chasidim writes that when you understand the reason it is not Nichush. sam2 -chas vashalom do i disagree with you. I Dont want to miss you until all my questions are answered. During Passover, it is said that all of the upper gates of heaven are open and that after it ends, they are closed. Don't let it rise too much or it may lose some of its beautiful shape. I have no question on challah. These tips will take your challah to the next level. So, as I said earlier, its around the turn of the 19th century or a bit earlier. The earliest Jewish source for this is from the Apter Rov in at the turn of the 18th century. What was the name of that language that text ment? CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. key in yiddish is shlisl and not shlis. One may recite the bracha whether one prays with a congregation or alone. Keys (antique ones) have a similar shape to a cross. So since nearly all of us want blessing for a good parnossa, we usually find a way to push ourselves to get those challahs done, even after all the work of Pesach has just finished. The rabbis understood this as God asking for us to open up within ourselves a small hole, even as small as the tip of a needle, and in return, God would open a larger hole. If, in the path of life, we successfully attempt to emulate G-d then we will be rewarded. TikTok video from Miriam Ezagui (@miriamezagui): "Baking shlissel challah for the first shabbos following passover #challah #shabbos #shabbat #baking #wealth". By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times, Yes, Mommy, but what does the key mean? The easiest and most efficient way to create the key shape. "The Best of Myles". I already have shown one in my Hebrew challah book and in a previous article I did for Hamodia over seven years ago; this time Id like to try a new way. There is a concept in Judaism of yirat Shayamim or fear of heaven. The burning however, should not be done until after all the dough is mixed. Next Question: Do you have a prophet still now in your country like Elijah,Elisha,Jeremiah,Ezekiel,and so on? This applies to any dough made from any of the Chameshes Minei Dagan (five species of grain), wheat, barley, spelt, oats, rye. Normal, IL; Dalkey Archive Press, 1968. What Is Hanukkah? 2023 My Jewish Learning All Rights Reserved. But I never exactly investigated so thoroughly. Kosher.com Staff April 25, 2022 Passover has ended, which means that this week is the popular shlissel challah Shabbat. or they simply use the opportunity to share challah with their friends and family as an act of lovingkindness. Some [3] record that the above custom is not followed by Chabad Chassidim. It is also not even the custom of many Chasidim, for example, it is not minhag of Lubavitch. The main reason people abhor Segulos is because they cannot fathom the idea of non physical intervention. Continuing where the top roll of the handle is, place the rest of the little rolls in a circle coming off of it. The great Sam2 has declared that schlissel challah is idol worship and assur min hatorah in the face of so many rebbes who were unable to see that for themselves? How to Make a Schlissel Challah Jamie Geller 43.8K subscribers 12K views 4 years ago The traditional first challah baked after Passover is usually made in the shape of a key (or a clean key is. Tamar Ansh is also the author of several books, among them her bestseller, A Taste of Challah, a photographic guide to making your challahs the best they can be! On Easter, Christians would bake a symbol of Jesus into their bread to symbolize Jesus "rising" from the dead. Ive heard the original minhag was neither key-shaped bread nor metal-containing bread, but regular-shaped bread decorated with seeds in the shape of a key. So some developed a minhag to bake a key into challah as a reminder that only Hashem has the key to provide for us parnassah (represented by the challah) and it should be inspiration to have more emunah, bitachon and daven harder. It dates back to when Klal Yisroel entered Eretz Yisroel in Yehoshuas time. Answer to both qus: 180-182. Divide into 12. 30 Purim Seudah Picks You Can Make In Under 1 Hour! There are many Minhagim that we have whose Makor is in Kabballah. There are true Segulos in many places. It is as easy to say that the foreigners may have co-opted one of our minhagim for their own. You may not need it all, so go slowly towards the end. Any ideas you can share? SAM2: Sorry to disagree with you but the Sefer Taamei Haminhagim calls this minhag VADAI TORAH HU! The earliest reference is in the works of Rabbi Pinchas Shapiro of Koritz (born 1726), a descendent of the Megaleh Amukos and a student of the Baal Shem Tov. The result of the disease was quadriplegia with myelopathy. Shlissel challah is considered a segula (lucky charm or good omen) to bring parnassa, meaning livelihood or good fortune. Baking a "shlissel challah" is a tradition the week after Passover. They were doing this hundreds of years anywhere before any mention of this appears in any Jewish source ever. Let sit about 15 minutes until thick and frothy. The most important part though, is really our tefillos, our prayers, when we do the mitzvah of hafrashas challah. He was the Rebbe that Rav Aharn Kotler said that he was a chossid he would be a chossid of the Kapishnitzer Rebbe. Re the noted Shir haShirim phrase, I recently saw RTzadoq haKohein miLublin quoted as rereading ufasach H al hapesach as referring to the pesach of the machat, i.e. It is considered good luck to be the one who gets the baby in their piece of cake. Separate a small piece of dough, approximately one ounce, and say: "This is challah." Burn the challah by wrapping it in a piece of silver foil and placing it in the broiler, or by any other method. Prepare your favorite challah dough. Correct, the Minhag predates writing it. Blessings said before eating. car keys) might be muktza. This is the reason use of Pas Palter was so widespread and became normative. In these households, the symbol baked into bread was a key. They went straight to the Aron Kodesh obviously they knew where to go pulled! Jewish one Yehoshuas time. no reason to assume they were familiar with Christian customs before mention! Forget the prayers egg, honey, oil, salt, remaining cup of water, 3... Sources and explanations for this minhag VADAI Torah HU Noah ) back to when Klal Yisroel entered Yisroel! And then bring it directly to the table to await Hamotzi that night in order to render an a! A horseshoe, a horseshoe, a horseshoe, a challah, key or a red bendel a. Bake the challah the previous Rebbes: there is a rabbits foot, a,! 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