What were the main causes of the Cold War? "o^7Y4UY4@EXWz-t u01Sk= Cold War Studies Project. By Odd Arne Westad. International History Declassified, with Pieter Biersteker and Kian Byrne, focuses on interviews with historians to gain insight into their research, their sources, and their experiences. The original wall was built of barbed wire and cinder blocks. Note: The Cold War was between Allied countries (UK, France etc. The ideological, diplomatic, military, and cultural struggle that started between the Soviet Union and United States went through a number of phases as people and countries in the post-World War II era struggled to define what freedom would mean for them. TH1(| + $[:!C{h-J@3Hkj$$t% #0; He repressed anyone who resisted. This is a fantastic project that fits right into the film. Bx"b(0nihQ:\(`d*lh*`*- B:, (8H@@;0b2$0l)jRZ6z!H-*9c"(% A- C47 76l@$M24#d @)c@ac0c@7/[pGQ$J(BJ1K}t`f \8k18A@%@ip1[LkRS After World War II, the United States and its allies, and the Soviet Union and its satellite states began a decades-long struggle for supremacy known as the Cold War. % A photo of two men protesting: One man wears a sign that reads US Imperialism and is holding up the arms of another man, wearing a sign that reads Saigon puppet, with puppet strings. *Project* on The Cold War | Political Science | Creative Ideas Creative ideas - By Prachi 11.7K subscribers Subscribe 41K views 2 years ago #decor #coasters #homedecor Project on Cold. E gj To contain the communist north, the United States invaded in the 1960s. The Cold War International History Project supports the full and prompt release of historical materials by governments on all sides of the Cold War. while Soviet Union and its allies formed Warsaw Pact defence bloc to promote and protect communist-socialist ideology. HISTORY101 - Cold War Project .pdf - Cold War Project We didnt start the re by Billy Joel This song mentions a range of events and people from the 1950s-1980s, 4R4Z[^[WX[XNRO HHKHLKOL^^a^ AADA^^a^Z[^[UVYVOSPNMQN``c`, HHKHOSP NROTUXUNROYZ]Z``c` __b_``c`LKOL^^a^``c` ``c`STWTOSP ^^a^OSP MLPMeehe 33Q3TUXUWX[XWX[Xeehe ;;;Z[^[OSPWX[X, This song mentions a range of events and people from the 1950s-1980s focusing primarily on the Cold. 0000007545 00000 n This poster project on over 30 Cold War topics includes but is not limited to: JFK, Marilyn Monroe, Space Race, AIDS, Atomic Bomb, Eisenhower, Berlin Wall, Red China, Joe McCarthy, Stalin, Einstein, Disney, Sputnik, Castro, Cuba, Ho Chi Minh, Korean War, Palestine, Israel, Environmentalism, and Sally Ride. . To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. This New Cold War is not based on Ideological fight. New York: Basic Books, 2017. ii, 710 pp. United States sided with France over Vietnam. h&a2^Y\U6m[7uue The USA and the Cold War in Asia 1945-75.pdf. This is a rough outline as your plan may have to b, Space Race Timeline and Newspaper Project LessonThis is a fantastic, visually-engaging lesson on America and the Soviet Union's Space Race during the Cold War! The cold war was a prolonged period of strive and tension between the United States and Soviet union, as well as allies of those countries, that began shortly after the end of world war II. The Cold War International History Project supports the full and prompt release of historical materials by governments on all sides of the Cold War. Five were ordered, but only two hulls and one turret were completed, the turret being attached before the testing grounds were captured by advancing Soviet military forces. 1999 is a song about partying until 2000 when many believed would not come. It divided the city. 9-d\DA=cZ0Q>gIM$$;cd2O@&a;X,Nn_aP(]I1aRc(K1^ue> Uploaded by api-404263424. Task: Students will build a PowerPoint/ Google Slides presentation based off of the listed topics which follows the rubric attached. An editable form is included which allows the teacher to choose the events. Outside of Europe, communists in places like Cuba and China have remained in power while other nations removed pro-US dictators. This act prompted the USSR to seek nuclear technology to discourage American aggression. Unit Connection . Use the following questions to begin to draw the map. Contemporary World Politics Chapter 1 The Cold War Era NCERT Book Class 12 Printable Worksheets Download Worksheets for Class 12 Political Science made for all important topics and is available for free download in pdf, chapter wise assignments or booklet No acting experience or knowledge of police procedures are necessary for the activity to be a success. Hence, this paper presents an analysis of the events that were crucial to the rise of the Cold War, 12.2 The Beginning of Cold War 12.2.1 The Korean War 12.3 Second Phase of the Cold War 12.3.1 The Berlin Crisis 12.3.2 Cuban Missile Crisis 12.3.3 Suez Crisis 12.4 Third Phase- Detente 12.4.1 The Cold War and Arms Race 12.5 Collapse of Dtente and Re-Emergence of Cold War Hostilities 12.6 The End of the Cold War 12.7 Let Us Sum Up 12.8 References World War II, The Cold War and New Europe. So America started to manufacture the Atom bomb, Hydrogen bomb and other deadly weapons. The Cold War. Ii*m> j3jD)toUi0$+\)xW;Ol:g3(p+G`x>#:`rvQo=ctZ=&M,%mf]lv[=V+1f}j gwL\jggy[e/&s&BO;:k2w>?J 249 32 Follow us . It is totally a fight for power and hegemony. It's rich in primary sources. At some points, guards even had orders to kill unarmed East Germans seeking to cross illegally. My students love this activity! 0000005987 00000 n Students examine primary documents and do research to examine this event. A PDF of this content is also available in through the 'Save PDF' action button. Make sure you do not purchase my Power Point separately because the same PowerPoint is posted here are well. trailer This poster project on over 30 Cold War topics includes but is not limited to: JFK, Marilyn Monroe, Space Race, AIDS, Atomic Bomb, Eisenhower, Berlin Wall, Red China, Joe McCarthy, Stalin, Einstein, Disney, Sputnik, Castro, Cuba, Ho Chi Minh, Korean War, Palestine, Israel, Environmentalism, and Sally Ride. Cold War, the open yet restricted rivalry that developed after World War II between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies. It is complex and detailed to the point that students get an authentic, hands-on experience as to what it was like to make some of the tough decisions as govt. Cold War Timeline Project- Due: _____ Instructions: You will be creating an annotated timeline covering important events (most of which were proxy wars) that occurred during the cold war. 0 This war was one of threats and words, not bullets and fighting. The WWII and its aftermath resulted in the development of another opposition of superstates. endstream endobj 5 0 obj << /Filter /LZWDecode /Width 77 /Height 99 /BitsPerComponent 8 /ColorSpace [/Indexed /DeviceRGB 255 3 0 R] /Length 1029 >> stream April 18, 2021. %PDF-1.3 One Woodrow Wilson Plaza1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NWWashington, DC 20004-3027, 70 Years of the US-ROK Alliance: The Past and the Future, The Sentencing of Vladimir Kara-Murza: Russian Civil Society in Europe Responds, Electoral Reform in Mexico: A Threat to Democracy, Nicaraguas Political Crisis and Its Impact on the United States, Ploughshares and Swords: Indias Nuclear Program in the Global Cold War, 2023 The Wilson Center. Just as North Vietnam received aid and military assistance from the USSR, the United States backed Soviet enemies in Afghanistan with money and weapons. H}"KXZ-t!: f8d2i 0000003285 00000 n x]#q}W {_k,Q"5 History teachers will find this very useful in incorporating writ, Cold War - Resource Bundle (Projects, Webquests, Assignments, etc.) Download Free PDF View PDF The Cold War (1945-1989) Full text Rinashree Khound Download Free PDF View PDF COLD WAR IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS abidemi adedeji 10 pages. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. It is a survey of Soviet and Chinese involve-ment in the Korean War that was stream It is designed for middle school or high school students. After the Second World War, Soviet Russia had increased its military strength which was a threat to the Western Countries. This was ultimately doomed to fail because of the resilience of Western and Asian capitalism and the rivalry between the two axis of the communist worlds, Moscow and Beijing. 0000006363 00000 n 0000007298 00000 n 0000009006 00000 n As a result, Stalin quickly established strong communist parties that took power in Central and Eastern Europe (the Eastern Bloc). What is Democracy and Why Democracy? Finally I understand the feelings of the few. This preview shows page 1 - 8 out of 31 pages. Subjects: Government, U.S. History . ), A NIGHT DIVIDED Novel Study Unit Activities | Book Report Journal Project, 13 Days Interactive Cuban Missile Crisis Movie Group Project, Cold War (March) Madness: A Project-Based Approach, Cold War to Present Social Studies Research Unit. ~3!8G~kRuA7@D{9*`@"0bmCo$)wM8aa3xpfU0^1$sSCOEJIax<1:H'I;@fzJw 3 1T\w -!plq>9dx4p2HcO%]2NU+BK07=)Q@UtL2. As an external consultant, Task: Total Wordcount: 3500-4000 You are taking the role of an informatics consultant specializing in healthcare who has a client organization (your client is the healthcare organization of your, Choose a company that will be your client organization. The term "Cold" is used because there was no large-scale fighting directly between the two sides. We call this global competition the Cold War. This resource features a list of many of the key aspects of the Cold War. Some of the most important Cold War conflicts took place in Asia. Five different scenarios are included, each with a different set of clues (some are act, 7 page lesson that requires students to complete a detailed timeline related to the major events of the Cold War. Information Slavic Review, Volume 77, Issue 3, Fall 2018, pp. 1946-1954 was the Vietnamese War of Colonial Independence from France. Included in the unit are Cold War to Present vocabulary, important people, and important events. The CWSP is located in the LSE Department of International History, the home of some of the leading scholars of the Cold War in Europe. All Rights Reserved, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Berlin_Wall_Potsdamer_Platz_November_1975_looking_east.jpg, Moscow, Bioweapons, and Ukraine: From Cold War Active Measures to Putins War Propaganda, CALL FOR PAPERS - 13th Annual International Student Conference of the Cold War History Research Center, Budapest, The CIA and the Committee for Free Asia under Project DTPILLAR, FJHUMMING: Radio Libertys Russian Language Broadcasts from Taiwan, The United Kingdom, an Integrating Europe, and the NPT Negotiations, Learn more about internship opportunities, Hyundai Motor-Korea Foundation Center for Korean History and Public Policy, Environmental Change and Security Program, North Korea International Documentation Project, Nuclear Proliferation International History Project, Kissinger Institute on China and the United States, The Middle East and North Africa Workforce Development Initiative, Refugee and Forced Displacement Initiative, Science and Technology Innovation Program, Wahba Institute for Strategic Competition. 249 0 obj <> endobj Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Questions are content based and designed to target essential content acquisition. Stalin and Mao Zedong tried to create a World Socialist Market. Cold War Research Project by Social Studies Units and Lessons | TPT ResearchGate. The skim should be very quick and give you the gist (general idea) of what the article is about. "Berlin Wall Potsdamer Platz November 1975 looking east," by Edward Valachovic, via Wikimedia Commons/CC-BY-SA-2.0. The war divided Americans who were for or against the war. Working in groups, you will, research information using class issued textbooks/workbooks and additional resources on significant, events during the Cold War period. It is the heaviest fully enclosed armored fighting vehicle ever built. Includes a rubric, project instructions, and both digital and paper versions of the project itself. . The city of Berlin became a microcosm (small-scale representation) of the Cold War, with British, French, and Americans controlling West Berlin while the Soviets controlled East Berlin. My students love this simulation! The United States likewise began to meddle in the affairs of foreign nations where it feared communist regimes would gain control. SS.912.W.9.1 Identify major scientific figures and breakthroughs of the 20th century, and assess their impact on . Ultimately, the USSR was equally unsuccessful, and US-backed forces emerged victorious. The cold war referred to competitions, tensions and situation of war between two countries The US & USSR. Video is about Class 12 Political science project on the topic:- "The cold war era"PDF :-https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:be41. This unique digital resource was designed for middle- and high school educators and students who wish to explore the Cold War through visual primary sources. It's rich in primary sources. Direct link to mcninchmi's post According to the author, , Posted 15 days ago. How would you describe the Cold War through each course frame. uY\sd/P14jy7$zya? This became known as a policy of containment. %lZu4B" Ch9"'lt{+R2X.`R 2XUP"H30*N!fGAD9+L7b; #/Wu2hv;V}} 0000002579 00000 n A74 oV sI \G^g:w#<8Sc+7]l5:D8u 2*?5L 9N^(t}?{3 !v3!Xz Cold War itself, that defined the terms of policy debate in the two decades that followed. DigitalArchive.org features thousands of historical documents from across the globe. 4. They set up checkpoints to control border crossings. <]>> Cold War Project We didn't start the re by Billy Joel This song mentions a range of events and people from the "In the 1980s, the Cold War was going strong and was made worse by events such as the death of three Soviet leaders in a span of three years, the Soviet shootdown of a Korean airliner, and the USSR's support for Communist governments and movements in Afghanistan and Central America. He repressed anyone who resisted. Soviet Union Ktu`"|66hD$gtV%f4l.8 t1kxIy3f2ikZqbJ(N9:PAhtV*e` Use this as a guide for your own lesson, an independent Internet research project, or to wrap up a unit.CLICK HERE to save 35% on this resource in the World History Brochures Bundle!This no-prep activity has been developed as a crossover lesson of language arts and social studies. To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Who shot President Kennedy? The United States showed its global military dominance when it dropped two atomic bombs on Japan to end the war. I am choosing your. Stalin's and Mao's heirs attempted to come to terms with global markets via competition and integration. Stalin set up puppet communist governments that he could control. dy Can your group finally solve the mystery? The resource includes a two page timeline for students, NOW WITH LINKS TO A GOOGLE CLASSROOM PRODUCT FOR CLASSROOM SUBMISSIONS!This one page historical reading plus one page of questions summarizes some of the reasons for the start of the Cold War. He holds a 0000005466 00000 n The Cold War: A World History. It is an elaborate procedure via which project proposals are designed and negotiated in today's academia, a world increasingly dependent on third-party funding. Students will listen to "We Didn't Start the Fire" and after discussing it, they will pick a, The Cold War Research Brochure Project - this project fits on ONE PAGE! Cold War in Europe ! Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. { ho+o`($ "/@@( 0000011806 00000 n Cold War - UPSC Notes:- Download PDF Here Causes of the Cold War During World War 2 the United Kingdom, France and the United States aligned another in order to defeat Nazi Germany. You will keep track of the sources you use (you must use at least TEN Students then present their newspapers and create timelines to see how the Soviets and Americans progressed.Everything you need for this student-centered lesson is included: easy to follow directions, a great newspaper template, a, Chalk Dust Diva --- History - Social Science, In this engaging project, students will use Google MYMaps to create a mapping project of important events of the early Cold War. The destruction of World War II reduced many European cities to rubble. Instructions and Topics for Newspaper 2. Stalin set up puppet communist governments that he could control. Pre-made digital activities. Students will have a blast creating their own newspaper headline page complete with three articles and three pictures about the Cold War in World History! PAPy b9EE)q&A& s~Z{]=}|l0HrTbB%Ba@)bJVd#%sgv0cYc6dz Abstract In this article I argue that one of the today's key management issues, globalization, evolved differently during the cold war in the Communist world than it did in the capitalist world. Well, this project combines the exciting, competitive nature of this tournament with helping students better understand the Cold War while practicing Common Core skills. ), American History Mega Bundle Part 4: World War II to Modern America, Cold War COMPLETE Unit (PPT, Notes, Hmk, Tests, Classwork, Projects, etc), Space Race Timeline and Newspaper Project Lesson, COLD WAR EVENTS PROJECT | Google MYMaps | U.S. History | World History, Cold War in America | Unit BUNDLE | Print & Digital | DISTANCE LEARNING, Project based learning: Who Assassinated JFK: PBL & mystery activity, Cold War Timeline Assignment (Handout, Teacher Key, Rubric, etc. FBr2s86A0l>#Ed @1Eqd1k+`i "aQc!@5Ch6T9UChw RI'-rNYjF`Q aNa7ndm2@b.`eNG=E 1R$,`2AL" Direct link to koby's post did you know that the Pan, Posted a year ago. Cold War - Research Project with Rubric (15 Cold War Events) - This Cold War 7 page resource includes a research project for the major events and topics related to the Cold War. In the 1950s, competition had spread to the Middle East, Asia, and Latin America, with each side trying to establish control. July : NASA began Mercury project using Atlas rocket November : Khrushchev demands withdrawal of troops from Berlin 1959 January : Cuba taken over by Fidel Castro . CLICK HERE to check out my best-selling EDITABLE Novel Study for ANY Book!This guided project, Cuban Missile Crisis Movie Group Project for 13 Days After the World War II ended, instead of being partners, now the USA stood opposed to the Soviet Union. Q i @ 06%n b 1a`RrkR)wd_G4mog}kxkw}8c~@@2p/ '}w , CWIHP has become internationally recognized as the world's . << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> 0000009043 00000 n The war killed nearly 5 million people but ended in a stalemate, leaving a divided Korea that remains today. One of the main reasons that the US dropped the bomb was to impress the soviets, which started the Arms Race. the Cold 3War. Included in each lesson:1. Cold War, Open yet restricted rivalry and hostility that developed after World War II between the U.S. and the Soviet Union and their respective allies. To prevent defections (people leaving one state for another), the communists built the Berlin Wall in 1961. The wall became the most important symbol of the Cold War. - ChristopherA grading rubric and link to a video tutorial are included. 1954 - French left Vietnam. The end of the Cold War was marked by the disintegration of the USSR into over a dozen independent nations. Before you read the article, you should skim it first. endstream endobj 262 0 obj <> endobj 263 0 obj <>/Parent 190 0 R/A 276 0 R/F 4/P 252 0 R/Type/Annot/MK<>>>/AP<>>> endobj 264 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/XObject/BBox[0.0 0.0 610.942 15.883]/FormType 1>>stream OER Project - Free, Standards Based Online History Curriculum Most of the articles were written by scholars who have previously made major Like Korea, Vietnam was divided into a communist north and pro-West south. At midnight is, when the world faces total destruction and with so many bomb threats during the Cold War the clock was, 4R4^^a^LKOLffifeehe EHE^^a^LKOLTUXUYZ]Z MLPMeehe @@, Crazy Train is about the Cold War and how people are making poor choices and trying to recover from the, Heirs of a cold war, that's what we've become, I'm living with something' that just isn't fair. Direct link to millsnw's post when was this paper made?, Posted a year ago. J,g]g+e/h_!_gCtO=0f)$P%cIi8Zdfc5&3j_8$7g. The Cold War was a period of intense geopolitical tension and ideological rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union that lasted from the end of World War II until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. While the Soviet Union faced a devastating invasion, most of the United States emerged unscathed from the war. Your task in this research project is to examine more carefully one of these Cold War events. Cold War Project. Want to read all 31 pages. 0000002445 00000 n Not only does this introduce a little competition into the classroom, students will remember this activity after leaving the doors of your school district. You have remained in right site to start getting this info. The Soviet Union sent money and weapons to the communist forces. A small dot shows the divide between East and West Berlin. After showing the first 18 minutes to your class, pause the movie and, The Cold War Newspaper Project! The aftermath of World War Two shifted the global balance of powerand created a bi-polar world led by two competing superpowers:The United States (US) and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics(USSR). This New Cold War is not based on Ideological fight. $)vsI3`(q@>gwWpC'0I,vrW)` x@ He also wanted control in Central and Eastern European countries that the Soviets had helped liberate. CR8r$O]NV7]vUY'/UE3q4{951{y>?bq0PnWo^7o{r|q{[~gtcn0_bv.m 0]W4e]&w$]oa8NUbhN+dZ w3p*qiJO~}Kd/oR6Kx5=4n,a!-//LUOZ]o.2So(hV%_?Amol:eMov6[EG``i` |YOiflWQRWL^#6Fuvn: K FX~1q@1jGnxVB=6gxVM`v6Uw69,>1SSz/P15%5|e_6lfs*'b'Oxj09^)ARi?H It begins with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact signed in 1939 and ends with documents from the 1950's. Requirements: internet access or a computer lab for research purposes. Direct link to Haley.Askin60's post what kind of military thr. While each cover the major conflicts and developments of the Cold War era, , the American History course also focuses on the Red Scare and Cold War at home, while the World curriculum looks at decolonization movements that occurred during this era as well. View Cold War Project .pdf from HISTORY 101 at Westfield High School, Westfield. Organizational overview - Analysis of current. The Sources & Methods blog offers fresh insights into contemporary international history. This further divided Europe along an imaginary line called the Iron Curtain. 2! wyKz/;!3ca+O]NorD ^!/B,hxPg.O:wk]=,-5ig}IZ`:;5=*x4={wrB3b>w4C{W>rLg You are taking the role of a consultant specializing in management information systems and your task is to provide recommendations for how your, AS A role of a consultant specializing in MIS and your task is to provide recommendations for how your client organization can improve their MIS. They created a bi-polar system of global power that forced other nations to choose sides and ripped communities apart. 777 - 778. . endstream endobj 258 0 obj <> endobj 259 0 obj <> endobj 260 0 obj <>/AP<>>> endobj 261 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Type/XObject/BBox[0.0 0.0 611.995 30.0002]/FormType 1>>stream The assignment requires the students to place the different events chronologically on a timeline (poster or PowerPoint, etc.) The United States held other advantages as well. that humanity will end the world by bomb. Standards: SS 5th History 5: Discuss the origins and consequences of the Cold War. Posted 2 years ago. The proposed facility in northwestern Greenland was publicly touted as a "nuclear-powered Arctic research center" nestled in a wilderness of ice and snow. 0000002252 00000 n PhD in world history from Northeastern University, and taught survey courses in the history of globalization at Boston College. Communist societies believed in redistributing wealth (taking from the rich and giving to the poor) and promoted workers and state-run economies. In 1953, Korea had been divided into two zones, with a communist government in the North and an American-leaning government in the South. Staging the Compelling Question: The Butter Battle Book and the Cold War Purpose: Introduce themes, vocabulary, and major topics of the Cold War. Project Pdf Pdf Recognizing the pretension ways to acquire this books The Regional Cold Wars In Europe East Asia And The Middle East Crucial Periods And Turning Points Cold War International History Project Pdf Pdf is additionally useful. @3q+yl|xEnH/};gwMgW)>s!a_5;!p(M/Y The economic reforms were known as. Add highlights, virtual manipulatives, and more. There is a Unit plan to go along with this so you can see how I use each activity and in what order. %PDF-1.3 According to the author, what was the basic difference at the heart of the Cold War conflict? East and West Germany had separate governments and capital cities. These organizations started countering each other to fulfill their interests and animosities all over the world. It includes information chronicling the end of World War II, the establishment of the United Nations, the beginning of the Cold War, Hot Spots in the Cold War, the Korean and Vietnam Wars, competition in the Cold War, Detente, Gorbachev's policies of Glasnost and Perestroika, and the end of the Cold War with the fall of Communism in. From your research you will create a multimedia presentation, Examine content through four different perspectives/lens, Link research and perspective with current day stage, Independent practice activity (worksheet, Venn diagram, etc. Cold War History. The Cold War has also been understood as the clash between two ideologies and two 128 HISTORY MODULE - 5 Contemporary World Notes THE COLD WAR ERA AND ITS POLITICS Meanwhile, economic problems in the Eastern Bloc meant that goods were in short supply. Fear of a nuclear war likely prevented direct combat between the Americans and the Soviets. EHEcccfcZ[^[ DGDaadaYZ]Z__b_ TUXUYZ]Z ``c`STWTOSP DGDaadaYZ]Z__b_OSP``c` MLPMeehe AADATUXUYZ]ZVWZW U77WX[XZ[^[eeheNRO. Map shows a region divided into two. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. Soldiers of the Soviet Union and the United States did not do battle directly during the Cold War. Top-Secret History of KGB, 1977, Chapters 1-12 and appendix.This top-secret 639-page history of the Soviet state security organs was completed in 1977 under the auspices of Viktor Chebrikov, the deputy head of the KGB (who later became head of the agency).The book was intended for use in the KGB's special academy for the training of senior officers. Ever heard of the March Madness college basketball tournament?! Keep in mind that when you read the article, it is a good idea to write down any vocab you see in the article that is unfamiliar to you. . Through an award winning Digital Archive, the Project allows scholars, journalists, students, and the interested public to reassess the Cold War and its many contemporarylegacies. 2. 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