It obviously wouldn't force them to act on them, but they'd certainly be tempted to and weaker willed individuals would probably give in. Into Reality Shifting? has stingers on the top of their wrists unlike actual bees if the use stings someone they dont die and can regrow it if necessary. Privacy Policy. Jaws: the user can spawn mouths on solid surfaces. Handsome mafia who suddenly came to Eflic and took her forcibly. hi!! #1 in villains! Please tell me if you use them so I can check out your stories and promote them on their respective chapters! CERITA DEWASA GARIS KERAS DENGAN ALUR TIDAK BISA DITEBAK! Damage to the object will cause it to deflate, ending the effect. The amount of energy released is not correct according to science, just to not make it completely fucking overpowered.A subsection of the quirk is that the user can store is cells inside of is cells. He was born with the Decay Quirk, and it allows him to disintegrate anything he touches with his fingers. The user obtains the ability to get into peoples head, allowing them to irritate the person into saying their name three times. This allows them to close wounds, bind objects together, or seal peoples mouths shut. hi my loves! This Quirk creates essentially super small cut's and it would take the User about a minute to even create a wound equall to a papercut. This next quirks are from the next generation. Hermes. Here is a small sumary of what the Villian can do with this quirk. Extremity: the user can extend the tips of their fingers to great lengths. victims The users skin has black stuff all over their skin Drawback The user is unable to remove or take off the black stuff on their skin. if you arent comfortable with that i can list just the idea in the comments! The flaw to this quirk, though, is that whenever your feelings get to wound up, the ground starts to shake and it might cause . Though, it cannot be used through devices, it has to be physical contact that has the intention of activating the quirk. Furthermore because of this pinpointed skill the User can sever the muscle and quirk's of other people midfight (this takes time because of the cut's remain small). Any quirk related to a villain/villains. After that the person keeps developing the quirk to the point were it can swap with gases and liquid and mostly ignoring the size rule. Please read the Rules and FAQ before posting anything. cons: if the change how they look/sound to many times in a short period of time(like more then 6 in like an hour), they will become extremely confused about who they are for around an hour. you can see these spirits and they appear black like like a ghosts. When stolen, the user gains the souls quirk for 30 minutes, an hour if boosted or exceeded. These are quirk ideas that I randomly came up with! Fright: by touching a person, the user can turn into an embodiment of their worst fear. This quirk allows her to bring someone's body to a state before it was injured, removing the injury. ~ water/ ice manipulation- the user can create snow monsters, ice storms, thunderstorms, hurricanes and manipulate water to turn to ice and ice turn to water. Her quirk, however, isn't the most heroic. For more information, please see our Kaya bigla niya akong sinampal. The first is the strongest and lasts the longest out of all three, just a small smell of the dangerous aroma can lead you into the users bidding. Chaos Magnet: They attracts bad things. Siapa yang akhirnya dipilih Jenar? Enthrall: the user can enter a statue, costume, or any object resembling a human/animal, possessing it. So let us steel ourselves, for We are the Flame, and Darkness fears us. i would highly advise in adding drawbacks with these quirks but its up to you! The more senses or people the user wishes to fool, the more effort and concentration it takes. Like someone with a scorpion tail, the head of a black mamba, etc A violation of people's rights. ~ dark souls- the power to call upon the dead and borrow the quirks of the dead. My Hero Academia Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. I actually was thinking of a hero design for this. Her quirk can prove to be extremely dangerous, and there's a significant chance that she could kill her opponents, something heroes often try to avoid. and all that jazz, description: user most likely has at least one button eye. Once said, the user will obtain the ability to wreak havoc in their life and break off relationships with the limit of 5-10 minutes. BnHA Quirk Ideas List | WIP. Emitter - Great quirk for a villain/true evil OC. Form: the user can gather loose materials like sand, dust, snow, or nearby detritus, and shape it into solid constructions. Quirk: Cigarette! transform- you are able to turn into anything you want that is non-living. Most have quirks, some of the quirks are finished but If anyone could help me workshop some of them u would appreciate. Quirk Name Toxicated Type Mutant Description This quirk allows the user to turn anything or anyone they touch into ash or black mold. Visual contact is needed, and it does matter if the objects is part of a larger one it only swaps the user size. Description This quirk allows the user to sense when danger is near or coming towards them, DrawbacksThe user cannot tell which way the danger is coming from, Possible Ultimate Move(s)City Danger- This allows the user to sense how many dangerous things are about to happen in the city they are in before they run out of energy, *If trianed well they can use this to block attacks. The user can use this quirk with the limit of 5 people being affected, unleashing the true, negative/pessimistic nature that people have kept behind their kind face. Ngumiti lang ako bilang tugonI know. or just their quirk is siren and they sing sea shanties Twin Drills: the users hair is long, and can be shaped into and used as two drills. (instagram: quirk.ideas). A full human body can stop the decay for about 2 days and gives the user 1 ton of extra lifting strength for the same amount of time. And despite his list being useful, there are plenty of other quirks and combinations that will help you make it through the Darkest Dungeon. 6th- Emitter- Name- (Need help)- can convert matter into energy, follows E=mc^2. [Aku hanya akan menulis tentang karakter wanita-wanita yang tangguh karena aku ingin semua wanita menjadi hebat], "And the sweet little angel couldn't keep her eyes off the devil. controlling stuffed animals a guaranteed and again the longer the user is Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. The user doesn't insta kill, it's an hero so. Just some ideas about mha fan quirks i thought of and some i got inspired by :3 Though an extremely useful skill for any dungeon-delving Hero, this quirk is particularly useful on Lepers -- as their default accuracy is somewhat low. Thermodynamic: the user can absorb heat into their body via touch, or pour their own heat into something/someone else. ~ smoke screen- much like midnight from mha quirk/super power but instead your skin can let out a smoke and aroma that can make people hallucinate whatever you desire. So! ~ toxic- when the user touches anything it will mold and turn into ash to a certain extent if you have the intention for it. And indirectly Bella must be caught in the man's black life. This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. The strength of the plants is tied to the amount of sun light, water and minerals in the user body's. Tolong bijak dalam memilih bacaan]. you can submit quirks or ask for custom ones if you want, too! But Jane looked up at Sean and said, "I don't love you anymore, Sean". He/She can listen in on confersation despite beeing out of reach of sound. When he's using his quirk, his eyes somewhat glow and his innards turn to sand. Generally speaking any universal +ACC, +DMG, and +SPD quirks a hero can effectively utilize are the best for them. cons: growing the stinger back is extremely painful, description: user can create a ton of (like any type) roses and rose bushes in seconds in all different sizes. Of course, these are free to use for me and everyone else, so if you see someone has . 11th- Transformation- Name- Dino Parts- Gives the user the ability to change 2 parts of their body to dinosaurs members, they appear like the user knowledge of non-avian dinosaurs. Furthermore, the larger they grow, the more they must take in. The quirk user can effectively shoot a neon coloured substance from their palms. The quirk though, only works when the users hair is up in pigtails. cons: user will get headaches if used for too long and the father away the button the more serve the headaches get. Jeremy benci anak-anak dia tidak mau mengurusnya sendiri. Geby setuju karena Jeremy bersumpah tidak akan menyentuh Geby, Geby tidak harus melakukan tugas seorang istri. Doing so will boost the users awareness, intelligence, and reactions, stealing them directly from their victim. The longer the pessimistic nature is kept, the more chaos will ensue. Damage to the object will cause it to deflate, ending the effect. Although two seperate Quirks, Eagle Eye and Precise striker fulfill virtually the same role in terms of damage-dealing, increasing your chance to crit with ranged or melee strikes. Vortex: the user can create swirling, stationary vortexes of air on surfaces. Peristiwa itu menjadi titik balik dalam hidup mereka.Jenar yang sebetulnya sudah memiliki pacar merasa hidupnya hancur, hubungannya dengan sang kekasih berada di ujung tanduk, sementara Remo berjanji untuk bertanggung-jawab meski dirinya sendiri terkenal sebagai playboy berat, belum lagi Remo ternyata pria yang cukup posesif. Press J to jump to the feed. if you aren't comfortable with that i can list just the idea in the comments! So Slugger, Natural Swing, and Quick Reflexes are great. A person with a Fear quirk would be able to manipulate the negative emotions of those near him. Precise Striker: +3% Melee Crit chance. This quirk is honestly kind of gross. :warning: TW: blood and death :warning: this post is about quirks and super powers so there will be mentions of death, blood, weapons and such. Pinigilan ko ang kamay niya saka hinila ko siya palapit sa akin.Bitiwan mo ako Julius! Hinalikan ko siya sa noo. Genre adult romance alias 21++. ~ water/ ice manipulation- the user can create snow monsters, ice storms, thunderstorms, hurricanes and manipulate water to turn to ice and ice turn to water . Breakdown: the user can break down solid objects into various shapes via touch. this is my first post here so i made this wiki to help those who are shifting or thinking of shifting to my hero academia (like me ;3) or a reality with super abilities! Emitter - Good quirk for detective-like OCs. But it's probably smaller things that have an easier time corrupting you because the leap to determine whether it's okay to do what you're doing is much easier. Quirk Ideas. Description: whenever the user spills blood within 20 feet of them, they get a strength, agility, and intelligence boost in direct proportion to the amount of blood spilled. Thank you ^^. This quirk will slowly wear off if the user does not continue using their voice. There are some unfortunate downsides to this quirk, like how it can only last for 1 day, if used longer; the victim will break out and the quirk will become useless as it takes most of the users energy to use. His/her enemie's will forget midfight they even started a attack or who they are attacking giving a yet another major advantage to the user. But keep in mind that the Caretaker is an odd man. Bagaimana jika ternyata gadis itu sudah mengetahui rahasia besar yang selama ini Edric sembunyikan? ((( Julius POVs )))Napabangon ako dahil sa bungangang yun. description: can create clouds of pollen. The string also comes from the users blood, which explains the redness and the sudden connection the victim will feel around you, whether it being a positive or negative connect they gain. description: can make anyone do whatever he wants by making eye contact with them and at least whispering what the user wants them to do as long as user actually want it to happen (to make this less op I suggest making the character not really care about anything anymore but up to you)\, cons: they have to make eye contact with the person and say want they want them to do before eye contact is broken, description: user can do whatever almost anything(as long as its humanly possible) and as long as they actually want to. The user can aswell behave the same way as the people who have been manipulated by the quirk if used for too long. 1 New Order. 12h level 1 maximum size of a goat. The user has the ability to throw apetal blade at other opponents which causes a stun, sucking the opponents energy out just like how a bee sucks out pollen from a flower. Wendigo: eating solid matter allows the user to rapidly increase their height and strength, far beyond human capacity. because like if it were me I would feel terrible, yes i would be proud and happy for them but god damn, it wold eat me up at night. There are . So if given enough time he/she can temporally cause Muscle/quirk overstrain and disable certain part's of his opponent if not outright making them unable to use their quirk's, And even now the list goes on with that this quirk can do. Just not in comparison with some of the other quirks on this list. Pinigilan ko ang kamay niya.Gising na gising ako. Simply mouthing the words is enough, and they also have full control over the volume at which their words are repeated. Automatonophobia: (Monster Type Human) -20% Stress Resist. Inflation: the user can inflate solid objects with hot air by touching them, causing them to start floating in a manner similar to balloons. Negative Character Quirks. cons: User is CONSTANTLY in a high like state and anytime the roses the user creates get damaged or destoryed user will get small cuts on them or depending on how they were destory like say the roses were burned user will get burns on them. Good for manipulation, life-threatening events and strategic fights, Emitter - Good quirk for chaotic neutral OCs. Similar to Midnights quirk, the user creates a magenta fog around the victim, when inhaled; will become manipulated into loving and doing whatever the user desires, like a simp. (don't have an idea of what). "I warned you to stay out of it but. If the user them-self lies, the quirk will backfire and shock them instead. Description This quirk allows the user to sense when danger is near or coming towards them Drawbacks The user cannot tell which way the danger is coming from Possible Ultimate Move (s) City Danger- This allows the user to sense how many dangerous things are about to happen in the city they are in before they run out of energy Possible Hero Names Description: The user's cells are unstable and are in a constant state of decay. -Refine own Quirk or other quirk's to perfection which can not be obtained via Training (example of how much the power can be increased would be Berserk Darkshadow in brough Daylight), -Cause internal Bleeding /extrernal Bleeing, -Gather every single information in withing a Mile Radius and understand everything on first few. He can pinpoint every single word, slap, falling father at the spot. also cant copy others quirks just their psychical looks and how they sound. Gumising ka nga! At pinagsasampal ako ni Janine, magkabilaang pisngi. -----So watcha think? Since they are still limited by their bodys resistance to hot and cold temperatures, this quirk is only useful for making other things/people marginally colder or hotter. This makes it impossibel to sneak up on the User and he is used to gathering large amount's of information. (It's weird to explain) Like how we replicate our cells to heal the quirk allows you to have a stockpile of cell so you can heal quickly, like a namekian heals but slower. The bonus speed on your first round of combat helps to quickly kill your foes, and the dodge helps you stay out of harm's way when the enemy comes out swinging. This quirk is ultimately useful on any Hero, but one could argue that it benefits tanks more than other classes. Can so it with people, animal, plants, and microorganisms. Natigilan siya sa kakapalag.Now, your mine. Saka ko siya hinalikan sa labi.Bakas sa mukha niya ang pagkagulat. "Sophia Watson is a normal teenager, who has a good relationship with her parents. Let's say there's this organization of people with fire quirks who are just as, if not more dangerous than the League of Villains. Ngiting-ngiti na napapailing. Good quirks for villains? Of the Slayer/Hater quirks, the Eldritch ones will . Leeching: the user can generate leeches from their body that they can place on others. I'm trying to make a character that has a naturally evil/chaotic quirk, like Shigaraki's disintegration touch. The first wave, the second and the third. The quirk user often has an explosive personality that comes along with the quirk, the limit of control being 2 LIVING people. They can regulate the strength of this force, to some degree, allowing them to throw off aircrafts or projectiles. Arabella, a twenty-four year old girl who fled from New York because she always got violence from her stepfather. Original Characters created by you, or found on the internet, inspired by Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia. Natulala siya.Bumangon na ako. Ability: The User can seperate Object's and organism's on micro level within a certain radius of the user. I thought we had time, but I guess I was wrong. These Quirks can be acquired from stress relief activities in the Hamlet, or most commonly during (and in the aftermath of) an expedition. The user has the ability to steal and obtain souls from dead bodies. ~ weightless- the user is able to carry anything and have it weight close to nothing no matter what it is, meaning you also have a super strength power and abnormally strong bones and muscles which is good for defense too! "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE TO COME NEAR ME, BASTARD! she screamed on top of her lungs as he kept walking towards like a hunter walking towards its prey meanwhile he took off all his clothing and stood straight in front of her in his naked glory revealing his perfectly carved muscular body. She just moved to a new town and on the first day of school she runs into Axel Jarvis, an unlikable character, with whom she gets off on the wrong foot straight from the beginning.Axel also doesn't like Sophie. "I see you, Tia, I always have. So Im kinda new to the fandom and I want to make some ideas for quirks. Inflation: the user can inflate solid objects with hot air by touching them, causing them to start floating in a manner similar to balloons. (seting cerita Yorkshire Inggris sejarah dan budaya akan menyesuaikan) the only problem is that you must keep your eyes open, if you blink the person snaps out of it but is hazy for 2-3 minutes allowing you to hypnotize them again if possible. its your desired reality for a reason :). How? These chains can be used for various purposes such as offensive maneuvers or grabbing things. Deterioration: once they have spotted a fault or break in an object or person, they are able to steadily make it worse via line of sight. If yes, please wake me up!I want to wake up from this nightmare! I screamed mindlessly. Dan gadis itu ternyata datang untuk sebuah misi balas dendam? +4 Speed, +5 Dodge, during the first round of combat. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. -essentially it's a combination of a small field and small cut's, ---------------------------------------------------. This quirk allows the user to attach a red string onto one person, it being transparent to others while red and visible to the quirk holder, being in control of their relationships and choices; while being able to learn everything about them. The quirk can last from 30 minutes to 1 hour if the user is strong enough to handle the downsides of the quirk. a few ideas maybe we like use sirens as inspiration like when they sing the sea shanties maybe instead of being lored to the person singing about they are forced to like join in and start dancing making them completely unable to fight back or really do anything for that matter . A Dangerous Atrophy Qi River's Old Stream Tragedy Pessimist Manipulative Sophisticated Dominant Obsession Rosaline died, and Sean personally put Jane into the women's prison for it. "Take good care of her" his words made her three years in prison a living hell and even cost her a kidney. The user has cancer, but is immune to the effects of it, meaning that it isn't harmful to them. Pria itu berjanji tidak akan melepaskan gadis itu lagi. He can convert any specific part of the body to create expulsions, like bakugos. I'm so happy right now guys you are amazing!!! *~***.. Having a steady damage output, the Graverobber and Highwayman both benefit greatly from the Unerring Quirk. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If the quirk user looks into a target's eyes, or makes contact with them, they can force them to feel anything. The creation only last for a maximum of 12 hours unless deactivate earlier( with the increase of the size of the chimera the time being to get lower. The user can order the creatures, but for humans only of weak minded. Unfortunately for them, things take a turn when Tia is married to Caleb's older brother, Luke, and forced to bury her feelings for Caleb. This lets them move at highs speed, create high speed winds around them, and mow through things. These chains remain attached to the quirk user, and if they are broken the detached chains immediately evaporate. I have one fanfic in boku no hero, I made like 30 or something characters. Her ability, Rewind, allows her to manipulate her target's biological clock to turn back time, but only as it relates to the target's physical makeup. Before she went to prison, Jane said, "I didn't kill her," but Sean was unmoved. The brighter the light, the less dense the substance. So essentially this Quirk can bring the ABSOLUTE BEST out of the body and quirk's even the quirk itself. Some are just easier to hurt people with. Cukup sudah pencarian akan Zura selama empat tahun lamanya. Useful for psychological acts and revenge, useless for battle. But failing the objective and having high stress drastically increases the chances for bad quirks. Dalam upaya bangkit dari keterpurukan setelah kehilangan ibunya, Zura bertemu dengan Edric Goldwin Louis, pria tampan yang dia anggap sebagai seorang pahlawan yang melepaskannya dari belenggu kesedihan. cons: when they are using their quirk its kind of like sleep walking they have no control over themselves and dont remember anything during the time their quirk is being used. Well I know this is really late BUT I though up a quirk for a classic Villian. The user's movements are also incredibly . Obviously, you want to try your best to collect positive quirks that will enhance your character and their abilities. The stronger the targets fear, the stronger the resulting transformation. Even if the users body is slightly touched by another human, they will return back to their own self, losing their ability to enter ones mind for a few seconds. Got any ideas? Starts only being able to do small quantities of solids, but evolves into large quantities of the 3 states. 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