The Bossing Tips and Tactics page details the possible ways there are to hunt the mega-mutants of Dead Frontier. At first seeming daunting when faced with towering, rampaging zombies that kill you in one or two hits, most of Fairview's bosses can be taken on without boosts or expensive gear. The first floor of a building is being considered the entrance floor at ground level. His bulky mutated muscles are deceivingly fast and brutally strong, capable of ramming over tanks before they can even turn to fire. It is advisable to keep a safe distance when facing this new variant, created by the brutal conditions of the southeast areas. Melee is unadvised. Steps. Sometimes, the creature will simply walk towards it's target, while in most cases, it will sprint extremely fast at it's target, never slowing down, and following survivors through buildings. This was the 3D map until January 2016 when new areas have been added to the game and the map was randomized. For the lucky ones that manage to escape, they did so with temporary or permanent eye damage. To outrun him you generally need Sprinter V and some clothes with good speed buffs. (Outpost Leader) (Dallbow Police Department, Dallbow), Jack Graves Whenever he starts to roar, start shooting him for a few seconds, and then wait until you feel like he is about to roar again and shoot him to knock him back, and then run far away. Being accustomed to the abyssal conditions of cold climates, these beasts are sighted mainly on December dates. That is, if you put an item up for sale in the Outpost Zone and then travel to the Central Zone, the items can be seen by players barricaded in the Central Zone. Attacks by screaming and damaging everyone close to him. It's rumored that Fairview's top body builders used the N4 Drug to stay one step above the rest of the competition, which have since mutated their elitist bodies into a monstrous and twisted mold of a "Titan". Scientists fled from the Secronom Bunker to the Wasteland to learn more about this mysterious beast, but only a few made it back to report their findings. And if all this wasn't bad enough now they also present a walking radioactive hazard, at the moment of giving them the coup de grace they explode in a shower of fragments and toxic gases for the survivors. Spawns in level 10 zones and beyond. Melee is not recommended as it takes a long time to attack and leave you vulnerable to damage. It is not to be trifled with. Evidence was recently unearthed of a covert mission conducted by AdminPwn, several of his commanding officers, and a handpicked team of elite survivors. DF Profiler provides its own bossmap page that can be viewed free of charge. Several scientists have confirmed present levels of radiation in the air at the southeastern borders where the fateful event of the facility there occurred, which would explain how these irradiated spider abominations now exist. Currently, the available types of boss are as followings: At threat level 5, large packs of these types of zombies may be encountered in place of normal bosses. Avoid bosses if you just want to loot. It is advised to use a Shotgun or Machine Gun to combat them. The Stalker keeps you on your toes looking behind your back constantly. All backpacks are rated as Common-grade items (white name in the inventory and unlimited trades allowed), however backpacks of the same kind may have different minimum level . A faster and stronger burned zombie. I will 10,000% recommend you get agility to 100 asap and an armor with +20 agility. Dead Frontier 2 is a free-to-play Third-person shooter MMORPG video game, developed and published by Creaky Corpse Ltd. Dead Frontier 2 is developed in the Unity game engine and focuses on gameplay in an open world, survival horror setting. With multiple heads and a highly mutated vocal cord, the Choir's primary form of attack is to scream so loud that it damages the hearings of survivors and leaves them stunned for them to close in and tenderize victims with his giant bony spike that was once his arm. Another strategy whilst solo is to wait for the Spitter to start the spitting animation and then attack her to cancel the acid spit attack, it is important to not attack her for too long so that the knockback cooldown resets before she spits again. Several survivors recount how their teams are brutally decimated and devoured by packs of these aberrations, proving that the Wraith in all its variants remains a horrifying memory of humanity's best. +35% speed boost is essentially mandatory for open combat, unaided by barriers. Early in the outbreak multiple armed forces were deployed to try to contain riots caused by panicked people and to try to fend off the initial outbreaks. Video of ZeroLife using strategies to kill a high level flaming Choir: With +50% speed boost, poor turn radius can be exploited for dodging purposes. Whatever it is, a mutant, an infected, or something more related to the paranormal, what is known is that it appears in the loneliest regions of Fairview and on dates close to Halloween festivities. By now, the 'zone' borders in Fairview have changed dramatically - this map is only supposed to give a broad idea of the difficulty in each area. Notes: He was recently nerfed so that no longer has a chance of attacking very fast. Since the southeast border incident and the so-called red mist, new mutations appeared, including this aberrational creature. Explore properties. Contact Us; Dead Frontier Boss Zombie Map Boss locations updated at Enter player name or ID: 1 = Unknown x 5 2 = Unknown x 2 3 = Unknown x 2 4 = Unknown x 4 5 . Know the boss types and room-key locations for each building that day before you head out to boss hunt. It is not always accurate. The supposed "Sister" to Fingers, the Spitter shares similar movements to Fingers, with the exception of being more lethal. 15-20; Bite 32 / One Arm 64 / Two Arms 128, Level 25-30; Bite 64 / One Arm 128 / Two Arms 192, Bloodied; Bite 96 / One Arm 192 / Two Arms 288. One of the few, albeit trivial, details initially obtained about it was that it appeared to resemble the "Slenderman"a mythical monster popularized by the pre-outbreak world's "Creepypasta" internet culture. And then just repeat that until she is dead. These mutants are by far one of the most unusual (and somewhat comical) enemies encountered yet. Depending on your character build a good strategy to dealing with her is to slowly circle her while attempting to take chip shots at her head or body. *Please note that 2D is no longer supported by Dead Frontier. I mainly will stick to uploading Dead Frontier 2 videos. Use this to see what bosses are currently available, and where they are at. Spawns in level 10 zones and beyond. Resistant to knockback, but heavily susceptible to stagger from high RoF weapons. Given the few expeditions in the southern zone, there is no much information about this beign, except that it is extremely violent and territorial and that it appears when the giant hordes come together due to the carelessness of some poor soul down there. The effect observed when exposed to high doses of radiation have caused a new variant in the Wraith. Scientists hypothesize that the fire caused the virus to accelerate and mutate the bones into a dense, formidable armored shell. Dead Frontier II Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. If thats the case, it only made things worse; much, much worse. Dodge its attack by side-stepping (moving horizontally from its attack direction), instead of backpedalling. He's very fast inside of a building especially. These bosses have a special spawning condition and will drop special items upon death. The extremely lucky ones that managed to bring it down will surely have great bragging rights. - Spawns crows rapidly to fill up available horde space. Very very well. 15-20 (Spawns in level 25 areas); Bite 6 / One Arm 32 / Two Arms 64 / Acid Vomit 10, Level 25-30; Bite 12 / One Arm 64 / Two Arms 128 / Acid Vomit 20, Bloodied; Bite NA / One Arm NA / Two Arms NA / Acid Vomit NA, Level 15-20 (Spawns in level 25 areas); 1,920. The various colored zones group areas where particular types of infected can be encountered. Aiming at the exposed points of the body or deal great damage to their shields is the way to bypass the armour and kill these bastards for good. Despite her size, the mother is slow, even when aggressive or injured. Taller than most of your average zombies, the mother possesses two pairs of gaping maws as arms, although it isn't her primary form of attack. She has the ability to sprint like the Titan, but sprints faster and for a longer duration. Level 10-20; Stare 5 / Bite 8 / One Arm 16 / Two Arms 32, Level 25-30; Stare 10 / Bite 16 / One Arm 32 / Two Arms 64, Bloodied; Stare 10 / Bite 32 / One Arm 64 / Two Arms 128, Slow/Medium (Random chance of either walking slowly, or walking fast). All zones are 13 x 13 grid squares and the zone edges are marked on the map by using black instead of red borders between the blocks. Extremely fast attack animation, with a deceptively long and wide hitbox. When she uses her spit attack the best move would be to strafe either left or right, preferably in the direction you plan to circle her, be mindful of the fact that if you stop moving too early she may still hit you with the last of her vomit projectiles. These possess significantly higher durability and agility than their non-boss brethren, combined with the ability to down any survivor in as little as one to two attacks, and often will require the cooperation of multiple survivors to be taken down. Skip to content. To kill those five Flaming Flesh Hounds, it would take a Vulcan mini-gun over six and a half minutes to fire 5,152 rounds - assuming each bullet hit its target. More agile and violent than before, this mutation should not be taken lightly, it has recently been confirmed that they travel in herds, so it is recommended to carry high-caliber weapons to repel these bastard arachnids, that or be torn to pieces by these new threats produced by the abyssal conditions of the southeastern border. Do not attempt to backpedal without significant speed boost and high RoF/knockback weapons. Tendril is the fastest Mutated Boss and will be very tough to kill, you need about 65-75+ Jog Speed and have to take the corner turns well other wise she will hit you, she attacks rather fast and multiple times rapidly with her long tentacle arms. GUNNER BOSS (CLAPPERS SKILL SET+GEAR) by YogaRappapa Thu Mar 18, 2021 9:22 pm 2 Replies 6492 Views Last post by Maximas14 Notes: The N4 virus unsparingly fused both mother and fetus, as if to further mock the sanctity of life. Further research was recently conducted on a preserved sample of flesh, taken from the brain of a dead Slenderman. A vile mutation that resembles the adorable marshmallow men associated with Christmas and the holidays. Get one of these weapon types to at least 100 (and buy a level 100 weapon) before you try to loot the end zones of the map. This curious and funny mutant rabbits at first glance seems harmless, until those who used to laugh are now disemboweled and eaten by herds of these creatures. This Leaper no longer staggers about, instead crawling at a jarring pace on all fours. The blast radius is comparable to that of a grenade launcher. A huge and tough enemy that can sprint towards the player for a certain period of time. Explodes if the killing blow is not from a melee weapon. When you are selling an item it can only be purchased in the zone that you currently are in. Its moniker is derived from the meter-long tentacles that have replaced its arms. The third stage is only filled with Purple and Red Zombies, the fourth stage contains a mix of Purple, Red and Fat Red Zombies and the final and hardest fifth stage includes all kinds of Red Zombies, especially the dangerous Long-Armed Red Zombies. Use this information wisely, since even though it may sound horrible to some, hiding in a toilet is still better than getting eaten alive by hordes of hungry zombies. His optical senses have undergone extreme mutation in bio-luminescence in addition to the usual size and muscle mutations. Because he cannot be frontally attacked in the head, use high DPS or DPH weapons like sub-machine guns or shotguns and aim for his torso. Find and share walkthroughs for Dead Frontier 2 quest items and NPC locations. Antidepressants? Game World. Any weapon, even melee, can be used against her so as long as survivors can avoid the parasite swarm she summons upon spotting a survivor. The nature of the mother creates a breeding ground within her womb for mutated stomach parasites, whom she summons as minions when attacking by expelling them from her body. Spawns in the Yellow Zone and beyond, spawns in pairs in Red Zone and every zone afterward. Across the entire Inner City, bosses are split into 6 separate groups distinguished by a certain number, from now on referred to as "threat levels." AMMUNITION VS HEALTH POINTS. Spawns in the Orange Zone and beyond, spawns in pairs in Red Zone and every zone afterward., Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. When the Spitter uses her ranged attack she spits 4-5 vomit projectiles that deal a fair amount of damage and can also inflict the Burns debuff making you more vulnerable to not only her but the other infected in the area. Some survivors (mostly the less sane ones) find the existence of a Burning Mother mutation funny and somewhat ironicuntil they are forced to engage one in combat. Melee is unadvised. The Flaming variant sports increased health and movement speed compared to the basic variant. Notes: Never in our wildest imaginations did we realize that it could get even worse. Note that each threat level is associated with a certain amount of event aggro that goes up at higher levels; players at threat level 1 may feel little disturbance, while players at threat level 4-6 will pretty much be bombarded with zombies 100% of the time. Headquarters 1 Headquarters 2 Latest News Thoughts, insights and sometimes rants from Hollow Prestige members. For each threat level, players are only able to acquire an amount of lootable bosses equal to the maximum boss count of that boss level; it is possible however, to fight boss groups of multiple threat levels in a single cycle to acquire more loot than normal. Some nickname this creature the Collector, as it never stops chasing until it's said target is beaten down with it's fists. After consuming the items, an effect may be triggered for a certain period of time. DF2 character build guides. Moving around typically keeps the infected as well as the leeches from hitting you. Dead Frontier 2 forums for the DF2 Haven community. Judging by its last message before the crash, it was apparently damaged by a beast similar to the Behemoth. There's a few strategies for killing Fingers, and is typically 1 of the most annoying bosses due to his mechanics and tanky nature. Looking for a broach? Take advantage of their lower range and slower movement speed. The zone markers should be the same, but each block layout has completely changed. Those who have survived their encounters with it have dubbed it as "The Spitter". Buffs or debuffs can be gained from the food, drinks, or medicinal items your character consumes. signals before crashing in an unknown part of the Inner City. As a reminder, I'm only uploading Dead Frontier videos due to curiosity of the new boss variants. Woe betide the survivor who finds themselves facing this nightmare-fuelled abomination. Not long after the discovery of the Wasteland, stories of a large ungodly hound lurking around the desert-like environment emerged. Circle the target to exploit its poor turning speed. Thanks to the necrosis caused by being exposed to the harsh conditions of the southeast border, these beasts have become formidable enemies. Expeditions carried out in the infamous "Death Row" have discovered entirely new variants of the mutants we already knew. The Helicopter is NOT a magic piece of loot, its just the same as everything else and thus doesn't guarantee to give you any more loot than the rusty cars next to it. Possessing a much smaller profile, but with the increased speed and damage it can cause with its tentacles thanks to this new present condition make the Mega Wraith a nightmare for anyone trying to hunt it down. Their attack range isn't any different than the average infected, which means that no special tactics are necessary. Please take these stats with a grain of salt as a rough idea of how he works. Currently, the helicopter is only a rusting and rarely visited piece of steel, but several crafty survivors still plan to repair it or check it for working machinery or valuable information. Due to these peculiar characteristics, many survivors associated this creature with the "Wendigo", saying that it was its spirit seeking revenge against Fairview last remaining settlements, although nothing could be further from the truth. Mysteriously appearing just before Easter, the mutants began attacking looters and fighters alike all around the city. Exploit his large hitbox to continuously land shots on him. Whatever-wherever-the daily quest, check DF2 Haven for a solution first! This mutation comes in a pack of 4 and they are very resistant to knockback and move extremely fast. 1. This gluttonous beast is not to be taken lightly, as it can cause serious damage to survivors, either through its blows or through the explosion it causes when shot down by firearms/explosives. Notes: Spawns in the Green Zone and beyond, spawns in pairs in Red Zone and every zone afterward. This mutation comes in a pack of 4, however, unlike Flaming Long Arms they are much harder to knock back. Close range attacks with shotguns and sub-machine guns are also viable as long as players can learn his scream pattern and retreat before he screams. The blast radius is comparable to that of a grenade launcher. Do not try to take on this monster alone unless you wish to die. The Dead Frontier Profiler Bossmap for finding zombie bosses. - Spawns in large groups, and will continue to spawn until 30 minutes have passed since it began spawning, or when the weather changes. Radiated mutations have become common although they had only been seen in normal infected, this changed with the incident at the southeast facility and the appearance of the irradiated variants of the previously known bosses. The effect observed in this being is that the fire on its exterior has long been extinguished, but it is still burning slowly inside, which gives new characteristics to this horrible variant. Survivors, unfortunately, are not gods. Stats are allocated in order to maximize Critical to equip the Gramm M11 at Level 28 and to have the necessary Strength to equip the UMP at Level 30. This is a boss mutation of the existing Rumbler zombie. Unfortunately this had little to no results and ultimately all of these squads were either maimed or infected, resulting in the creation of this class of shield armored infected (hence their nickname). It is not uncommon for a survivor to be eviscerated before his weapon can be drawn against it. Notes: This abomination is exceptionally deadly due to its heightened senses, unearthly reflexes, and ludicrous speed. - Explodes if the killing blow is not from a melee weapon. It appears that these mutants were actually individuals who had previously been fans of the Slenderman mythos on the internet, prior to being infected in the outbreak. Entering, it is playable, but you will not receive Experience or Loots. The music changes to a Halloween theme when one of these appears. The best way to gain experience and quality loot is through boss hunting. The information on the Stalker such as Health and Damage stats are all speculation right now. Flaming Rumblers are Rumblers that have come into contact with fire, and as a result, have become even deadlier in their newer form. Worth noting that with enough Walk Speed you can just ADS/Reload the entire fight without him being able to hit you. The time chosen for them is completely random and not affected by the normal 7 minute rule, and they stay for 3 hours instead of the normal bosses' 1 hour. This is a boss mutation of the zombie dogs. Continued research on the Devil Hound has shown it uses its exposed vertebrae, spiked tail, and massive claws to efficiently hunt and kill its prey. Utilize other players or walls to separate the horde from the fight. Dead Frontier Irradiated Giant Spiders [Boss] Vac 787 subscribers Subscribe 5.2K views 1 year ago Just from some spur of curiosity, I checked out the new bosses from the recent update. Unwary survivors who encounter this beast will die just as they lived without a fighting chance. Yet for all their terrible powers, bosses are often the prime target of many bands of hunters, due to the possibility of looting powerful pieces of equipment from their corpses. Level 10-20; Bite 16 / One Arm 32 / Two Arms 64, Level 25-30; Bite 32 / One Arm 64 / Two Arms 128, Bloodied; Bite 48 / One Arm 96 / Two Arms 192. Anyway, every "X" on the Map marks a toilet entrance somewhere at that block in the Inner City. Survivors who have encountered these brazen beasts told stories of their buddies having limbs torn from them like nothing, showing that they are stronger than most mutated infected of their type. The second thing is that now you must not only fight against a mutation capable of maneuvering its dangerous tentacles capable of penetrating anyone who crosses is path, but now you suffer the risk of dying from the radiation emanated by these creatures, that or die in the explosion that they cause when succumbing to firearms. Notes: This map is not a fully detailed map, it only includes a few points of interest around popular locations. - Like the Harvester, can turn when attacking to adjust to player movement, albeit at a much greater speed. While all agreed on how these zombies had gotten into this stage of mutation, not all of these people could agree on how they could have grown so exponentially. They are the only mini-bosses that don't carry aggro when they spawn. If attacking fingers in a group of two or more, considering using his current target as "bait" so the others can safely attack the back of his head. Although without a doubt the most striking feature in his arsenal are his gigantic tentacles, wich are strong as steel and capable of maneuvering several targets at the same time, impaling them and causing them a slow and painful death, while they see how their allies are falling one by one, before this new archetype of female mutant-boss found on the deepest parts of the Death Row.. Black skin, tough as steel, a gigantic body and speed like never before reported is what this new variant brings to the repertoire. collects user's IP addresses to count profile visits and stores cookies on the client(s). Analysis revealed a shocking phenomenon that seemed impossible, but was confirmed by several former neurologists and psychologists in the outposts. Wardrobe; Contact. Notes: A rather rare mutation that appeared briefly in the cold Fairview Christmas seasons. | 69,235 members Video of ZeroLife using strategies to kill a high level flaming Fingers: Reports of sightings of these creatures are always in December, when temperatures drop and the cold takes over Fairview, apparently it is the appropriate climate for the proliferation of these beings. 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