Roll well, and achieve what youwanted. Only registered users can write reviews. A character who is adapted to Violence loses no SAN for ignoring suppression (see KILL RADIUS on page 35). each Bond.Captivity or Imprisonment +10% 5 SAN 3 POW (this does not affect SAN).Hard Experience +10% 5 SAN You are Adapted to Helplessness. 7. Either way, reduce a Using stimulants: Stimulants or chain-smoking Bond by 1. offsets the exhaustion penalty by 10% for 2D6 hours, or 20% for hard drugs. Conversion disorder Dissociative identity disorder The symptoms usually dont manifest right away.When your Agent reaches the Breaking Point, make Disorders from the Unnatural a note on the character sheet that you have gained Depersonalization disorder a new disorder and whether it came from Violence, Depression Helplessness, or the Unnatural. She has never met ei- is far too large for the cabin. AUTHORIZING OFFICER 21. Make sure you hear what the players have to say. MOTIVATIONS AND MENTAL DISORDERS Hit Points (HP) 11 Motivation: Discovery Motivation: Learning about extraterrestrial life Willpower Points (WP) 12 Motivation: Guarding against the fragility of life Motivation: Crafting the perfect telescope Sanity Points (SAN) 89 48 Amnesia (see back of sheet) Breaking Point (BP) 36 13. There is no computer. Ask questions. Born of the U.S. government's 1928 raid on the degenerate coastal town of Innsmouth, Massachusetts, the covert agency known as Delta Green opposes the forces of darkness with honor, but without glory. Handlers Information Let the players use the pregenerated characters in Clyde Baughman was an active Delta Green agent this book or create new Agents. in any conversation.Describe Your Agents Actions Dont talk over other players and dont try to keep all the attention. MOTIVATIONS AND MENTAL DISORDERS Hit Points (HP) 11 Motivation: Finishing the next Ph.D. If the therapist believes you, he or time your Agent gains a disorder. end of this very book. // Personal Details and Notes Dont overlook the intangibles that make an Agent memorable. )Rolling the DiceWhen the rules need you to roll dice, they use a parti- cular nomenclature to save time and space: #D#, as in 1D8 or 4D6. The first number is the number of dice. Reviewing the papers reveals that Baughman owned a cabin in a rural area, about four hours away Ten yards away from the house, near the edge of by car. Learn how your comment data is processed. Some pursuits damage Bonds (but only non-Deltaing CON in hours without a break, an Agent loses Green Bonds) as your Agent lets relationships lapse.1D6 WP and become exhausted. Butif your game is set in another country, your Agentscould be local, unofficial friendlies who conductDelta Green operations with the guidance of a DeltaGreen control officersomeone from the CIA or themilitaryplayed by the Handler. GDG01. While the roll defends against all attackers, the offen- sive action affects only a single target. On the adjacent cof- cious. Sorry, HANDLER: Its pictorial, almost like a cave paint- youre trying to shoot. arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. AUTHORIZING OFFICER Please indicate why this agent was recruited and why the agent agreed to be recruited. This means the Sleep disorderfight or flight response takes over: your Agent either Paranoia runs away, lashes out mindlessly, or curls up in a Intermittent explosive disorder helpless ball. They figured out that it was someplace down- onto a Bond,right? The Delta Green core rulebook includesplayers. 16. Disorders from ViolenceTemporary Insanity PTSD Depression If your Agent loses 5 or more SAN from a single event, Addiction your Agent goes temporarily insane. Aside from second-hand furniture and a rustic dcor there are two items of interest: a footlocker Baughman used the other bedroom as an office and the plumbing. Help theplayers see the world through their Agents eyes.PORTRAY INTERESTING CHARACTERS Present every non-player character (NPC) as a fully realized human being. Pursuit A SKILL: If your Agent is trying to do somethingthat only someone with a great deal of training could When one character (or something worse) wants toachieve, that requires a skill. ARMOR AND GEAREQUIPMENT Body armor reduces the damage of all attacks except Called Shots and successful Lethality rolls. That meansrolling your Agents current SAN or lower on percen- gruesomely killed tile dice. INTERPRET THE RULES FAIRLY Sometimes theres disagreement about how a rule should work. None of the weapons can be legally taken on a civilian airplane.EQUIPMENT Body armor reduces the damage of all attacks except Called Shots and successful Lethality rolls. If your Agent goes insanedue to that type of trauma, erase all the marks. No kidding. time your Agent interacts with that Bond, describe how the relationship has worsened. Thats lower than thethingsso it goesfind especially weird graffiti. first. Maybe the message is a voicemail from a On paper, its dedicated to counterterrorism. ARMOR AND GEAR Kevlar vest (3 armor points) worn under clothes (can be noticed with an Alertness test). Lose 1D6 if you succeed or 1D10 if you belong to Delta Green. If the quarryit requires inner fortitude, and so on. You think hes breath- Then it turns toward you. This is only the beginning. The septic tanks entrance hatch is uncoveredA Complication: Mrs Janowitz and is padlocked from the outside (an unusual step; the key is another from Baughmans ring) but theAgents making an open or noisy approach to the handle and hinge are well oiled. It is playable with the core rulebook for DELTA GREEN: THE ROLE-PLAYING GAME, the player-facing rules in DELTA GREEN: AGENT'S HANDBOOK, or the quickstart rules in DELTA GREEN: NEED TO KNOW, all available from Arc Dream Publishing. 21. Open Game Content: Game mechanics on pages 6, 1118, and 3339 are Open Gaming Content under the terms of the Open Game License Version 1.0a, Section 1(d), found on page 2 of this book. 1D8 means roll one eight-sided die. You found it in the FBI. Keeping it imprisoned somewhere for ongoing silenced by scorching fumes. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Violence adapted Helplessness adapted Accounting (10%) 50% First Aid (10%) Ride (10%) Alertness (20%) Forensics (0%) Science (0%): 80% Anthropology (0%) Heavy Machinery (10%) Astronomy Archeology (0%) Heavy Weapons (0%) Search (20%) Art (0%): History (10%) SIGINT (0%) 40% HUMINT (10%) Stealth (10%) Artillery (0%) Law (0%) Surgery (0%)APPLICABLE SKILL SETS Athletics (30%) Medicine (0%) Survival (10%) Bureaucracy (10%) 40% Melee Weapons (30%) Swim (20%) Military Science (0%): Computer Science (0%) 40% Unarmed Combat (40%) Navigate (10%) Craft (0%): Occult (10%) Unnatural (0%) 10% Persuade (20%) Glass-smithing & lens-making 60% Pharmacy (0%) 50% Foreign Languages and Other Skills: 70% Criminology (10%) Science: Chemistry 50% Demolitions (0%) Science: Physics 50% THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION Disguise (10%) Language: 40% Dodge (30%) Pilot (0%): Drive (20%) Firearms (20%) Psychotherapy (10%) Check a box when you attempt to use a skill and fail. Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Gaming License Version 1.0a, Section 1(e), found on page 2 of this book, and are not Open Game Content: the intellectual property known as Delta Green; all trademarks, proper names, artwork, trade dress; and all text not explicitly identified as Open Game Content. But once you hit PLAY, theres no turning back. SPECIAL TRAINING SKILL OR STAT USED Despite years of psych training, the research and clinical work left you cold. lene, perhaps at a 40% penalty for trying to move a massive weight or break a chain.If They Suspect the Other Likewise, if the Agents bring Marlene out of theMarlene keeps up this act as long as it works. Plane tickets are reserved in one. webs. ARMOR AND GEAR Kevlar vest (3 armor points) worn under clothes (can be noticed with an Alertness test). Thats your Agents new Breaking Point. The quickstart rulebook of Delta Green: Need to Know includes everything you need to play Delta Green . PROFESSION (RANK IF APPLICABLE) 3. have to make a Luck roll, it doesnt depend on skill, talent, or willpower. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. OK, so I spend 2inside. Or you can find automated dice rollers on the Web and as mobile apps. Before you roll, desig-Agents, six sample Agents, a fully playable version nate one die as the tens digit and the other as the ones of the core rules, and an operation ready to play. 7. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content Youdress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, themat- must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distrib-ic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, uting are Open Game Content.depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graph-ic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names 9. It the smell of Baughmans corpse; this is where he died. Is it stifling hot from the summer heat, or shakily cold from the winter snow?Is it crowded with pallets and machinery and crates, or is it an empty cavern? (The Handler decides if some targets are ex- High or low STR modifies Unarmed Combat and Me- empted.) (Remember: Taking the Aim action for a turn adds +20% to hit.) A handful of core profes- overall qualities, not specific training. AGENT SIGNATUREDD 315UNITED STATES TOP SECRET//ORCON//SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED-DELTA GREEN 112382 FORM AGENT DOCUMENTATION SHEETPERSONAL DATA 1. LAST NAME, FIRST NAME (AND ALIAS OR CODE NAME IF APPLICABLE) 2. Your Search skill up the shotgun to fire. If a character is dull, take a moment to put yourself in that characters head and figure out how he or she would respond to the games events and the Agents actions. When a Bonds score falls, that What Skill Ratings Representrelationship suffers. Explore the details and ramifications between operations.Armor and Gear Special Training The Handler may assume that your Agent has what- Some bodies of knowledge are not common to every ever gear is typical for the Agents profession. One opposed test makes for a A STAT: If anyone might be able to do it without short, that may require not a skill but instead acertain score in a stat: Strength if it needs physical In a more substantial pursuit, one side needs twopower, Intelligence if it needs clear reasoning, Power if successes. They accepted you right away. But the Agents all recognize a call for a meeting when they see one. After the session, add 1 to each checked skill and erase all checks.INJURIES 14. The other iseverywhere. Written by Shane Ivey and Bret Kramer and running to 53 pages, Delta Green: Need to Know was published by Arc Dream Publishing on 27 April 2016 in digital format and 1 August the same year in print. It is not difficult to reach, though Down the hall are a linen closet (of no interest) the last few miles are off the main road and are dan- and a small bathroom. PROFESSION (RANK IF APPLICABLE) Schell Scientist (astrophysicist) 3. The control officer is played by gram: a top-secret, highly restricted project that draws the Handler, not by one of the players. DEVELOPMENTS WHICH AFFECT HOME AND FAMILY Choose your gender, name, and details of your Bonds. Dodging never inflicts damage. It cost you a large amount of SAN and left you shaken and scarred. jay and barn swallow). WOUNDS AND AILMENTSINJURIES Has First Aid been attempted since the last injury? You have If its a crisis and things are rapidly spinning out a 50% chance of success.of control, roll the dice.If You Must Roll the Dice Bonuses and PenaltiesRoll percentile dice to get a result from 01 to 100. The Agent loses that many points from a single effect depends on the kind of protection and the kindstat of the Handlers choice, permanently, to a mini- of attack.mum score of 3. If the Agents destroy Marlene after she attacks them, each gains 1D8 SAN instead of losing SAN. LAST NAME, FIRST NAME (AND ALIAS OR CODE NAME IF APPLICABLE) 2. She just falls apart. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Productguages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, up- Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as ex-grade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which pressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owneran existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) Distrib- of each element of that Product Identity. The nextreduce a Bonds score by the same amount. The intellectual property. Work with the Surgery 50% Handler to determine the details of what happened and how it brought your Agent to Delta Green. Remove any evidence of Delta Greens activities. Think like your Agent, take on man-nerisms youve invented for your Agent, andimagine the horrors of the game from yourAgents point of view. see DEFENSE ROLLS for details. Unlicensed and illegal MP5SD fully automatic submachine gun with built-in suppressor and four extra magazines in a lead-lined aluminum case. ISBN 978-1-940410-27-2; Delta Green: The Star Chamber (July 28, 2017); The Star Chamber is a 42-page long book written by Greg Stolze. They are to gather at 2 p.m. the lated cabin. Download the quick-start rulebook and the character sheets from it, free: The full line of Delta Green RPG rulebooks and operations is available here. When necessary, its the Handlers job to act as referee. 21. Atop the contents is asealed enveloped marked with a triangle in green ink. If its an explosive, that adds Hand grenade: Lethality 15%,+20% to the chance to hit. Delta Green Character Sheet (PDF, Fillable) Patreon for Dennis Detwiller. Either way, the Agents have day jobs reading now. All Rights RIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact textReserved. Just roll percentile dice. The contents of this document are Arc Dream Publishing, except as listed and excepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green intellectual property. EDUCATION AND OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY F M 44 High school, military training 8. Reduces the damage of an ordinary attackHandler says otherwise. When SAN drops sharp- or indefinite insanity 0/1D4ly, the Agent loses self-controland the player loses 0/1D4control of the Agent. What brought your Agent to Delta Green? This acts as a defense roll against the unaware cant Dodge or fight back. You and the Handler should decide the details. Delta Green: Need to Know is published by Arc Dream Publishing in arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. This is only the beginning. Bonus skills: An-Dr. Kamaroff thropology, Art (Photography, twice), Dodge, History, HUMINT, Occult, Search. Your Agent im- mediately loses 1D4 points from one other (non-DeltaAt 1 or 2 WP your Agent has an emotional break- Green) Bond.down, suffering a 20% penalty to all actions untilWP rises above 2. The interior is dark and only slightly damp, with a A large iron knife. the group? PERSONAL DETAILS AND NOTES 18. Delta Green agents slip through the system, manipulating the federal bureaucracy while pushing the darkness back for another day but often at a shattering personal cost. WEAPONS SKILL % BASE RANGE DAMAGE ARMOR PIERCING LETHALITY % KILL RADIUS AMMO (a) Unarmed 40% 1D41 (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 17. And they go on so long. DMG is always focusing on the future by making sure our practices are well-versed and working to reduce our carbon footprint on this planet. Hit A skill is a body of specialized knowledge that takesPoints (HP) indicate physical health. He sealed the creature in a septic tank at an iso- the Agents names. the stat by 5 and fill in that number. ISBN/UPC. EMPLOYER 4. The Handler always decides the exact repercussions, and whether it hap- pens immediately or builds gradually, in the aftermath of the trauma. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION 13. AGE AND D.O.B. Wait: Act after someone elses action this turn. action. significant, unfortunate exception: his reaction to the death of his wife, Marlene. You and the Handler should decide the details. There is nothing else of note in the apartment. You First Aid 60% can increase a skill more than once but none can be Medicine 60% higher than 80% to start. DERIVED ATTRIBUTES MAXIMUM CURRENT 12. DEVELOPMENTS WHICH AFFECT HOME AND FAMILYREMARKS 19. Whats something admirable about your Agent? Use them to explore the things that are important to your Agent and the costs of involvement in Delta Green.Exhaustion Personal PursuitsThe first time your Agent tries to sleep after sufferingtemporary insanity or reaching the Breaking Point, Choose one personal pursuit. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents mayand descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, publish updated versions of this License. That grants human voicebox. If the Agents try to block the opening and leave just enough HUMINT 80% can tell shes in a high state of space to a fuel line, that may call a Strength by Mar- alert, not quite as defeated as she seems. After the session, add 1 to each checked skill and erase all checks.INJURIES 14. To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. Apassionate hobby? This is a work of fiction. WOUNDS AND AILMENTS Has First Aid been attempted since the last injury? It can be at-tempted only once each time an Agent is injured. EDUCATION AND OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY F M 46 Medical degree with pathology certifications 8. A pinnedsecond of violence. An especially hard case led you to Delta Green. 21. were in Myanmar, deep in the undeveloped hinterlands. Permission granted to copy, print, or otherwise reproduce pages 13, 14, 2031, and 48 for personal use. meters wide (six feet), and three meters long (ten feet). Why?20. So long as nothing in Baughmans apartment That Which Was MarleneBSHSeTAAPKlNRsoTrfRtMIerTsO2vrtLa2ehMAtCecteLr3hans1TeonSoCdaOhiEorvgysWKltsCAStecewRetbphsShOhnrtdPMcleiih3oirefCte.aNrnelio1oeatnngIp,hllfdtai1oraa2diveonlch.waferia5iosniessnnntolhwepgrsot9deD.semerH91EcsNhdeobOBX%rPodehfeHoliasts.ti,dad1rhegPttnHrPrte7e,hwtuocoaoesreDreypiirItAecrlaNssialtonctouthbCdhmtoTagfhameailhtaeeel9dzeniteabtfsyhgeeddietrPecheerni.bos6OgosifelnOenmT1,i0esWanghskDsas%dtrnahhihMbO3leit,el1senyf+tsarriUt1ganhef2(rpiatnweefnloCleolaadre(lifHnAsistprcthhsemisArttpniiswembnsielnri1toilodehectacttc0sreuohobChirerPofroifnpopnrainsue,smoghclptreyeetrcub1evitaibsahne0afanlagtrlssindcymoe7tfda3otms5etdutr)hfibt%rmeroreeieenofrn,tegsrrsnsuuU)ei.etannnqotnhWslwscuenefaitseaaaerosnOeetnyulsdhhdetrtueheaassoncaeerelvslnrcelie4be.mrjloe4ehIuitbfhvndt%emsiseh,ynrpmetwsghoirsesariutebtihthtnipkhofictinouodnsatgornhgynotsnehny,uiaaasoohgetttuunadhscrpbeseltayooweestlrticdrpmcfoihoesareyoee-ulelsa.nyttoddt.e,I.ifn 47Last Things Last Handout ALast Things Last Handout B, The words you are searching are inside this book. Afterward they asked you to help them again. If you overrule someone, be patient and respectful. The Handlerdescribes what happens next. From time to time they ask for your help in their mission to stop THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION unnatural incursions and save others from being exposed. Clyde Baughmans cabin is a few hours away from his apartment by car. A First Aid roll restores 1D4 HP. If you succeed, your Agent suffers the lowerloss; with a critical success, your Agent suffers the A Bond dies minimum loss possible. Traumatic back- Dr. Schellground: hard experience, with bonuses to First Aid,Forensics, Medicine, and Occult. 33// Game System // // Delta Green: Need to Know // Combat Move: Jog 10 m., run 20 m., or sprint 30 m. (Usually, your Agent can go about 3 m. as partCombat can take your Agent out of the game quickly of another action. The septic tank man, the two were not close. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPY-is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (Wizards). Stats lower than 6 or higher than 15 are rare.Federal Agent, Physician, Scientist, and Special Opera-tor. WOUNDS AND AILMENTS Has First Aid been attempted since the last injury? Unnatural skill and costs 1D3 SAN. Delta Green has learned of this and has tasked the nearest available Needing to move quickly, Delta Green has as-Agents to conduct a sweep of his apartment to remove signed these Agents due to their availability and their any evidence of the organization. I have Anthropology at AMBER: Can I Dodge?70% and Occult at 80%. HANDLER: Youre insane, remember? Ifyoure playing a Physician, you probably want ahigh INT; a Special Operator needs a high CON. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION 13. Loathsomeness. Make sure everything is clean by then. INCIDENTS OF SAN LOSS WITHOUT GOING INSANE 10. Baughman uncovered financial tiesclues to future missions or as an aid in completing between Ventaja and accounts mentioned onongoing ones. Things Man Was Not +20% Meant to Know +10% to any four skills (except Unnatural). Delta Green Official Website. THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION 21. That means you always succeed at SAN tests triggered by helplessness. Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game; Call of Cthulhu Sourcebooks; The Unspeakable Oath; Fiction; Digital. Demanding professions allowfewer Bonds. of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the 1. Complete rules for character creation. The control officer will (probably) reimburse them with cash. Attack: Inflict damage. You see Cornwell scream and raiseright now, so you dont need to roll. Adapting to Violence: Permanently lose 1D6 CHA and the same amount from each Bond. and for storage. So you went to law school and then applied. For an Agent who thinks Marleneher. If asked, the Agent could easily pass it off as a wrong number or spam. 46// Delta Green: Need to Know // // Last Things Last // Conclusion or cabin can reveal his work with Delta Green, the group will be satisfied.As per their orders from Delta Green, the investiga-tors are to remove any evidence of Clyde Baughmans If an Agent comes back badly hurt or sufferinginvolvement with the organization. Why does your Agent help Delta Green despite the terrible risks?Wounds and Ailments Developments Which AffectIf your Agent is hurt, make a note here. BONDS SCORE Strength (STR) 10 50% Spouse 10 Parents 10 Constitution (CON) 11 55% Ex-spouse 10 Fellow survivor of a shared trauma 10 Dexterity (DEX) 14 70% Nimble fingers Intelligence (INT) 15 75% Focused PSYCHOLOGICAL DATASTATISTICAL DATA Power (POW) 12 60% Charisma (CHA) 10 50% 9. You and the Handler decide the details. Megalomania Dissociative identity disorder ACUTE EPISODES: Once an Agent has gained a disorder, further stresses may bring it to the fore. Download the quick-start rulebook and the character sheets from it, free: Need to Know rulebook Blank Delta Green character sheet with fillable forms The full line of Delta Green RPG rulebooks and operations is available here. The other players take the role of Agents of deep horror and terrible consequences. If they dont, point it out to any Sky Devils: Archetypical Figures in Native Agent with INT 14 or with 20% in a skill such as American Mythology, by Karen Barr. huddled weakly in the shallow water, reaching a handWhile it could not convince Clyde that his wife had feebly up. Keep thegame moving.Speak for Your AgentOne way to immerse yourself in a gamelike Delta Green is to speak in your Agentsvoice. If youre the Handler,your job is to present a mystery to theplayers, some terrible event that theirAgents must investigate, a horrificthreat that they must thwart, as well asthe consequences if they fail. AGE AND D.O.B. Each Bond has a score that begins equal to yourAgents Charisma stat. The goal is to becomeso immersed in your Agents imagined experiencesthat the real world drops away and you can feel thechill of unnatural horror.The HandlerThe Handler is the emcee, referee, host,and narrator. Illustrated by Dennis Detwiller, 2016. Roll either know an attack is coming and be physically capable STR5 or Unarmed Combat, whichever is of blocking or evading it. It also cost you a great deal of SAN and left you with a lingering sleep disorder: You must make a SAN roll to get a good night's sleep even at the best of 19. times. The operation went south, people . If not, your Agent suffers tionally dire, modify the chance by 20% (subtractthe consequences. Describe each Bond. Every Delta Green Agent starts with at least that much of the skill. If you fail, your Agent suffersthe higher loss; with a critical failure, your Agent loses See or hear a Bond beingthe maximum possible. Type. The tens die comes up "6" and the ones die. The action fails andyour Agent suffers some other detriment, too. Delta Green agents slip through the system, manipulating the federal bureaucracy while pushing the darkness back for another daybut often at a shattering personal cost. Traumas: Make a Luck roll. !inside a blocky shape. Maybe a building. You came to Delta Green after learning Things Man Was Not Meant to Know. Ask the Handler what else happens. SeeADAPTING TO SANITY LOSS on page 38 for details. AGE AND D.O.B. WEAPONS SKILL % BASE RANGE DAMAGE ARMOR PIERCING LETHALITY % KILL RADIUS AMMO (a) Unarmed 60% 1D41 15 6 (b) 9mm pistol 50% 15 m 1D10 (c) .38 revolver 50% 10 m 1D8 (d) Pistol butt 50% 1D4 (e) (f) (g) 17. That means you roll 2D10 (two ten-sided dice) ta Green. H.P. 5// Welcome to Delta Green // // Delta Green: Need to Know // What You Need Percentile Dice (1D100)With this book and the Handlers Screen that comes Actions in Delta Green are resolved using percentile with it, you have everything you need to play Del- dice. INCIDENTS OF SAN LOSS WITHOUT GOING INSANE 10. Black markets for weapons (Note that many countries' armies do not officially allow THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION women to serve in combat branches, particularly in special forces. Delta Green: Need to Know By: Arc Dream Publishing, Shane Ivey, Dennis Detwiller, Greg Stolze, Bret Kramer Narrated by: Alexander Wells Length: 1 hr and 50 mins 4.6 (22 ratings) Try for $0.00 Pick 1 title (2 titles for Prime members) from our collection of bestsellers and new releases. Baughmans heirs are expected within 48 hours. Complete rules for character creation. If the escape roll succeeds, your Agent is in about three metersclose enough to duck behind no longer pinnedand the escape roll defends it.) Delta Green uses polyhedral dice common to comes up "0": 30. tabletop role-playing games: four-sided, six-sided, Both dice come up "0": 100. eight-sided, ten-sided, twelve-sided, and twenty-sided. BONDS SCORE Strength (STR) 10 50% Church or support group 8 Constitution (CON) 10 50% Sons 8 Dexterity (DEX) 13 65% Steady Intelligence (INT) 17 85% Endlessly smart PSYCHOLOGICAL DATASTATISTICAL DATA Power (POW) 14 70% Resilient Charisma (CHA) 8 40% Caustic 9. Introducing a quick start guide for Delta Green. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is and The Delta Green Partnership, which has licensed its use here. Social Share There are three kinds of insanity in ma. I roll 20. All rights reserved worldwide. But once you hit "PLAY," there's no turning back. OK, I yell out, Palmer! TABITHA: I run over. DERIVED ATTRIBUTES MAXIMUM CURRENT 12. Six characters, ready to play. Many other professions are described in the Delta Each stat has space for its 5 rating. rejected by the University of Indiana, Blooming- ton, in 1985. In Myanmar, deep in the Delta each stat has space for its 5 rating reading now in Document., modify the chance by 20 % ( subtractthe consequences trying to shoot, HUMINT, Occult Search! Our carbon footprint on this planet a septic tank Man, the Agents have day jobs reading now you hes... Be at-tempted only once each time an Agent has gained a disorder fully. This book or delta green need to know trove new Agents Body of specialized knowledge that takesPoints HP. Iron knife all Rights right NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact textReserved: you must the! Law school and Then applied hit points ( HP ) indicate physical health FORM Agent DOCUMENTATION DATA... Tank Man, the two were not close its dedicated to counterterrorism never met ei- is far too for. 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