Always Authentic. These are frequently lost (since they are not unique to your specific bag, but rather generic with all new Gucci bags) and the bag can of course be authentic without one. To authenticate Gucci shoes start by analyzing interior stitches as most of the time sewing done on the replica is very inconsistent and sloppy. Anything that's unclear? Sellers that are against confirming the authenticity of the bag might not be upstanding sellers. The third line says'made in Italy'. Please enter the email address you registered with, and we will send you a link to reset your password. We are looking for a partner for our reselling business. I was always so nervous to purchase from Poshmark and eBay - But no more!! The first line is the bag's style or model number. Gucci, a brand that every person mustve heard about at least once, and that says a lot about the popularity of this high-quality brand. Compare the font on the tag of the bag in question to the image below to see if the fonts match. Lastly, observe label, box, and tag. STEP 1 Download or open the Gucci App and access the Gucci Tag section STEP 2 Scan your product by placing your smartphone on the back side of your item STEP 3 Access the authenticity page and enjoy your Gucci product Have any Question? If you need to authenticate aGucci item, please order one of the three types of authentication: Certificate of Authenticity with a thorough explanation $50. There you have it, a quick guide to help you familiarise yourself with the Gucci Serial Number. How To Tell if a Louis Vuitton Graffiti Speedy is Real or Fake? The short answer is:we most probably can. Do not just simply accept the presence of this card as proof that the bag is authentic. Looking to grow my designer reseller business and think this will help me. Got an audience? Invalid email and/or password. Invalid email and/or password. Connect & chat with personal legit check experts and get results in less than 30 minutes. Earn up to 50% of what we make, while our company works (passive income our team does the heavy lifting, you earn), See what it's like to get my item authenticated. When were rated, were as close to perfection as it could get. Access the digital world of Gucci by simply placing your smartphone near the product with the pre-configured NFC technology. By entering your email address below, you consent to receiving our newsletter with access to our latest collections, events and initiatives. The shape and style of the tag also varies substantially in older vintage Gucci. Tested the services by running 8 authentications with them and a few others. There are also some vintage handbags,manufactured between1979 and 1983, which had round tags with gold lettering or badges. And one of the most reliable ways to authenticate a Gucci bag is to check its serial number and learn how to read it. Its always worth investing a small amount to ensure that your purchase is a good one. 1. "Style numbers" and "supplier numbers" are comprised of only numeric figures and never include any alphabetic letters; 5. WHO WE WORK WITH. On the back of it, you should see anywhere between 10 to 13 numbers, the first row of numbers to identify the style of the purse, and the second to show the supplier. You were dreaming about it, you were waiting for this moment to come true, and here it is. Be advised that changing your location while shopping will remove all the contents from your shopping bag. Go to a local retailer and get an idea of what the real material and hardware should feel and look like as well as what the overall proportion of the item are. good when you need a certificate for any reason,, A Guide to Vintage Louis Vuitton French Company Bags, Christian Dior Lady Dior Prices & Reference Guide (2023), 51 Facts & Stats About Hermes You Didn't Know (2023), Where To Get A Louis Vuitton Replacement Strap Cheap, Beware of Louis Vuitton AR1169 Date Code, Here's Why, First, have a closer look at the front part of the tag: there should be a heat stamp with three lines of words. For wallets, look in the interior of the wallet under one of the credit card slips. The greatest advantage of finding a serial number in your Gucci product is that you can use the number to check that the product is real. Every Day. I am not locked into where I can sell my items. Look at the space between letters and numbers, they are never touching each other. The truth is that rectangular leather tags with right angles and serial numbers on the opposite side (which you saw in the pictures above) which are so widespread right now first appeared only in the 1990s. Check out our world class luxury & handbag authentication services. Please enter the email address you registered with, and we will send you a link to reset your password. These can be scanned using a QR code scanning app on your mobile phone to verify the bag is indeed authentic. How do I know I can trust you? Please read our Gucci Authentication Guide. In the late 1970s to early 1980s Gucci produced a Gucci Accessory Collection, which had a serial number printed in gold, which you can often now find partially peeled or fading. Many fakes get this wrong, using a wide, blunt font similar to Helvetica or Arial.". A Gucci serial number is a sequence of 10 to 13 figures, usually in two rows. Well, thats simple. LOUIS VUITTON:How Can One Spot a Fake Louis Vuitton Pochette Metis? By supporting us you're making the marketplace safer. 2. The first line of digits is a "style number" that should also appear on the bag's price tag (when purchased new) and is usually 6 digits long (but, occasionally, 5 or 7 digit stylenumbers are used); 3. The ultra-soft, supple and luxurious Guccissima leather is finished in a bright red and bold gold hardware. The second line shows the supplier code, which can be the same as other Gucci pieces produced within the same batch number. Our trained professionals can ensure that your investment is sound, as weve years of experience verifying designer handbags, shoes, clothing and more. To us, authentic and sustainable style is not a luxury- its a requirement. On the right is Gucci suede backpack in pink with bamboo hardware. Place an order STEP 2 Is your Gucci item fake? We all know that nothing can make a beautiful woman look even prettier and lovelier than a stylish handbag, especially one made by Gucci. Look inside the handbag near the interior zipped pocket for a rectangular leather tag (with sharp right angles) opposite from the bags front closure. The fashion house respects its customers, so every bag is made of high-quality leather and canvas. gucci belt authentication code check is your source for luxury watches, pens, handbags, and crystal. Why do you claim to be the most trusted source of truth in the industry? As a top luxury brand, Gucci only makes their handbags from the highest quality materials and with meticulous craftsmanship. In the late 1970s to early 1980s, Gucci reintroduced the use of serial numbers in their Gucci Accessory Collection. The Gucci logo is an important brand element. Over there, you will see the very documents we use to authenticate items for our customers. Good. . Diesel Jeans, a denim company that manufactures denim jeans exclusively from Italy, uses QR codes to authenticate its product. Look into the lettering on the Gucci word on the bag (the authenticated one has an engraved effect while the fake model looks bare. Luxury Designer Authentication Services - Real Authentication LUXURY AUTHENTICATION SERVICE Verify the authenticity of new & used luxury goods with our world-renowned brand experts. They were quick and helpful in the authentication process and results and provided the document to get a refund for my bag. You can contact usnow for more questions and information on our website! The serial numbers should have a classic, non-modern font with an appearance that appears uniform throughout. While both are helpful tools for authenticating, two or more products can share the same "style number" whereas no two products would share the same "serial number". More bang for your buck, with more benefits and more included. Not much just your device, information and that's pretty much it! Note that this alternative doesnt verify the authenticity of the bag, but it confirms that the serial number is valid. Connect with us and take the guesswork out of shopping for luxury brands. How does the Gucci Authentication Service work? Pay close attention to both sides of this rectangular tag: the front should have three lines of heat-stamped text, while the rear will have the serial number. If theres any doubt in your mind that your purchase is an authentic GUCCI, were here to help. Gucci products are distinguished by the highest quality materials, Italian craftsmanship, and imaginative design, speaking to the item's artisanal nature. No longer interlocking the G's, the updated designer logo now includes overlapping G's. 3. A "2" should have a little curly bit on the top or the tail, and the "1" should have the little overhang at the top as well as a base at the bottom, for example. Mar 16, 2023, Christian Dior Lady Dior Prices & Reference Guide (2023) Gucci GG Marmont small matelass shoulder bag. Were building the infrastructure for safely buying items online. Welcome back! includes an explanation of why the item is fake (detailed pictures and comparisons with an authentic bag, more than 10 pics included). This Code is a guide intended to provide a framework for all our activities, and to protect Kering, its success and longevity. There is also significant space between letters and it's even. Buyers Sellers Large websites Brick and mortar stores Private clientele. On vintage bags beside the logo and the embossing "'MADE IN ITALY' which can be in uppercase you can see the beautiful Gucci's knight crest. See for yourself why people have given us the high rating. Each Gucci bag comes with its own serial code. Here at Real Authentication, we think that investing in designer fashions should be fun. Typically, the number should begin with "114" or "223." If your number begins with "1212," it is definitely a fake. Download or open the Gucci App and access the Gucci Tag section, Scan your product by placing your smartphone on the back side of your item, Access the authenticity page and enjoy your Gucci product, For more information on the processing of personal data about these services,you can consult the dedicated Privacy Policy available at Use the overall look method where you analyze the Gucci bag model and dig into the whole detail of the bag. Double Check for an Interior Tag. The existence of the card doesn't actually mean your bag is a unique product of Italian manufacturer but the absence of it, especially in a new bag, might be a warning sign. Not one but two experts will use proprietary technology to evaluate your potential purchase, reviewing it thoroughly, reliably and accurately. Inquiries about Gucci website or online purchases. There are ways to tell if your Gucci sunglasses are fake, however. In fact, many reputable luxury resale companies will provide their own type of authenticity card certifying that the bag is authentic. Upload images and receive a determination within 12 - 24 hours. e, 2023 CODO, Inc. For handbags, you should find the serial number on a square or a rectangular leather patch thats sewn to the inside of the bag. The more you do this, the easier it will be to determine whether your investment is real or a phony . To make this efficient, staff can verify each item using a Gucci code checker online for free. Gucci serial numbers are found on many of the companys products, including their handbags, wallets, and shoes. Theoretically, its possible to put a real serial number on a counterfeit product. Some old products may lack serial numbers entirely. Starting in 2016 or 2017, Gucci also started including QR (Quick Response) codes in their bags. With the certification, I can list anywhere stress-free. Moreover, the database system does not allow two identical serial numbers, so the product cannot have a duplicate. There are a few ways to confirm the authenticity of the product using a serial number. Browse our collection of pre-loved Gucci products here. The interior tag stamping won't always be 100%. Little information is provided as to the factories or locations corresponding to supplier numbers, however, it generally appears in groups of 4 or 6 digits; 4. We can help take the guesswork and stress out of investing; call Real Authentication to ensure that your investment is one that will make you proud for years to come. To reach our online Client Advisors by email, click "email us" to provide details and your contact information. LTD.. Sign up for our newsletter and be the first to hear about promos, updates, and tips. Jan 29, 2023, 2023 Bagaholic | Powered by Shopify | Designed by WeTheme. They do come with dustbags, the colors of which have varied over the years. LegitGrails offers expert Gucci authentication services. gucci Authentication Details Go to a local retailer and get an idea of what the real material and hardware should feel and look like as well as what the overall proportion of the item are. Here's what you need to know. Authentic GUCCI handbags are constructed with high-quality metal hardware. So how can you use these numbers to tell whether your Gucci handbag is authentic? The very last thing is how the stitching on the fake tag is done too close to the edge which . includes an explanation of why the item is fake (detailed pictures and comparisons with an authentic bag, more than 10 pics included). Getting an opportunity to afford a Gucci bag you might rush to give your money in exchange for a luxury purchase, but before you do that, please, wait. Gucci hardware varies greatly across its several handbag styles, particularly because the hardware is where Gucci places heavy design emphasis, which has changed significantly over the years (even the Gucci logo has changed recently from interlocking Gs to the Marmont GG overlapping style). Fast professional and they know their stuff! Mar 07, 2023, List of Top 50 Luxury Bag Brands (2023) I really do buy with confidence now Thank you again! Note that this alternative doesn't verify the authenticity of the bag, but it confirms that the serial number is valid. As simple as that. Trusted by PayPal, eBay and 10,000+ customers in 87 countries . Still not sure if your Gucci bag is real? Thank you for your comment. 4. Real Authentication has been a trusted authentication partner for our hundreds of pre-owned designer bags, accessories and jewelry. 2. All rights reserved. You can create aURL with the number and login authentication QR codes in Bulkfor a large volume of products. Your Gucci purse, wallet, or watch should have a serial number. The first line is a. SIAE LICENCE # 2294/I/1936 and 5647/I/1936. Still not sure if your Gucci bag is real? An old friend gave it to me years ago stating she thought she got in in the 50 or 60s . However, when purchasing a pre-owned Gucci product, its important to confirm its authenticity. The front face of the tag is also different: note the gold print and lack of the trademark that you find on modern Gucci bags. But it is important to remember that, since not all bags are unique, serial numbers are not completely unique as well. They do come with dust bags, the . Note: be sure to closely examine the zippers! Look into the lettering on the Gucci word on the bag (the authenticated one has an engraved effect while the fake model looks bare. Their ability to do multiple brands, efficient ordering, reasonable prices (I am told we can get a volume discount if we are approved for the partner program), and faster service than other options. Authentic Gucci zippers are built to withstand the test of time. Another alternative is to take the item in-person to an individual that authenticates luxury products. Gucci products are distinguished by the highest quality materials, Italian craftsmanship, and imaginative design, speaking to the item's artisanal nature. The Bulk URL QR code generates thousands of unique QR codes for luxury and fashion brands products, containing an authentication login and token (in this case, the token is the unique number per QR code generated). Each item had a gold-print serial number (which could be partially peeling or fading today). o When you own a GUCCI item, you get to feel the quality and value that come with it making it last a lifetime. However, if you plan to buy. Look at the double G on the canvas, you will notice different sizes of the famous logo on fake bags, as well as different spaces between the letters. In a new consumer landscape driven by an appreciation for high quality, integrating QR codes into your product labels is one of the market tools that will help your buyers identify the original items from the fake ones. Many fakes get this wrong, using a wide, blunt font similar to Helvetica or Arial. l Either email us at, Simply send us everything that might be a burden for you: the set of pictures of your, An authenticator from our team will be assigned to your order. However, the QR codes are in a closed system, so scanners won't be able to scan them. o As explained in theprivacy policy, you may unsubscribe For this specific reason, we're building the Legit Check By Ch Library, the free alternative to our service. Saved me from purchasing counterfeit bags a few times! The bags produced before the 1980s usually had no numbers. Check Authenticity How to find your serial number I have a TAG Heuer Watch I have a Richard Mille Watch I have Michael Godard Art I have National Geographic Fine Art Have a quick question or comment? You can also download the template for Bulk QR code with login and authentication serial number. Gucci is one of the most famous brands in the world and is known for its timeless styles, GG monogram, and fun designs. Although it's strictly prohibited to sell fake goods, some people manage to display low-quality production on the websites and even in offline stores. Here at Real Authentication, we can authenticate: Next time youre buying and selling Gucci handbags, shoes, and clothing, get it authenticated and get peace of mind. Feb 17, 2023, Where To Get A Louis Vuitton Replacement Strap Cheap When done, save it in a CSV file and upload it to the Bulk QR solution. Manymodern Gucci bags will also have a QR Code printed on a tag located next to the leather tag (that contains the style number and supplier code) in the interior of the bag. The Bag Religion team is constantly searching for new and innovative ways to offer shoppers an exciting and seamless shopping experience. As a consequence, were forcing ourselves to prove our knowledge through our free, public. However, most of the time our answer will be with you faster than that. To combat the alarming surge of fake luxury items in the luxury industry, Gucci, one of the most iconic, well-known brands, quickly adapted QR codes as one of the authenticity tools to fight the existing problem of pirated designer bags. The font used on Gucci's "style number" and "supplier number" has serifs similar to the Times New Roman font. Buy Now. There is a white label on the plastic bag of the authentic Gucci sunglasses. Due to the increase of fake items in the black market that has been rampant globally, these counterfeit items destroy the reputation and the name of the luxury brand, leading to revenue losses for the original manufacturer. We believe the results were most accurate as well. It should consist of two groups of numbers, six digits in each of them. We are sure that it will be helpful and will save you money. The following guide contains tips and red flags that will help you conduct DIY 5-step authenticity check on a pre-owned Gucci bag. Some fakes may even have plastic hardware. Fashion Brands Diesel Jeans and Ralph Lauren use QR codes to fight counterfeit items. What an amazing service! This code will never have letters, and the font contains serifs (feet) on the numbers. These numbers should be placed in 2 lanes, embossed on a reverse side of a logo tag or other place. We also specialize in Free Shipping and Free Returns. The interlocking GG closure is very different from the modern examples, but is extremely unique and a true Gucci. Greenwich, CT, 06830 USA, G Remember that the left G on the authentic logo is facing forward and the right G is upside down. To help tackle trademark infringement in the luxury and fashion industry, QR codes as an authenticity tool have helped brands protect their integrity and maintain their trust and loyalty among their consumers. Have you already bought a counterfeit Gucci item? All letters should be of the same size and lowercase with equalspacing between letters (if you see a handbag where letters and spacing are substandard - it is definitely a fake). One time the the determination came back a few hours after i expected it, but it turned out they were double checking the serial. Some of the most iconic hardware featured on Gucci bags includes the horsebit closure, the piston lock on Jackie O Hobo bags and the bamboo closure and bamboo handles. It should be near the zipper of the pocket, on the front of the tag. Thus, the luxury or fashion business needs to have a website where the databases of products are found. And you can meet other authentic accessories with the same serial numbers. Just touch the bag and if it's a real deal you would fall in love with its incredible softness. Subscribe to get a first glimpse at sales & new goodies! good when you need a certificate for any reason, either to sell the bag with the peace of mind or to return a fake bag to the seller if you purchased a fake. The logo or the brand name should also be represented on the dust bag which you get for free to keep your purchase from sunlight, moisture, and dust. Wallets and small leather goodstypically feature serial numbers embossed on the interior. No matter what type of Gucci handbag you buy, the logo is always placed on the front. Look at the style numbers. Modern Gucci bags have QR codes to authenticate the designer bags. Counterfeits will frequently use cheap leather that will look, feel and even smell unnatural due to being machine-made and finished in poor quality chemicals. Unfortunately, the presence of a serial number isnt always an indicator that the product is real, as its possible to put fake serial numbers on counterfeit products. 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Protect your brand's identity and reputation using QR codes on your brand labels and generate them in the QR TIGER QR code generator. Every day, we're working hard to expand it so that there's less information asymmetry. The next thing is the way the lettering was put sideways in the right picture. But instead serves as a unique ID, divulging information about a bag's model and batch number. They have a vast variety of high-fashion and streetwear pieces, from suits to sneakers, t-shirts, hoodies and lots of accessories. We will send you an email to reset your password. To verify the luxury items, staff can use a Gucci code checker online for free. The backside of the interior tag holds important information such as the serial number. Feb 02, 2023, Beware of Louis Vuitton AR1169 Date Code, Here's Why When shopping for a pre-owned Gucci bag, the quality of the bag should be obvious at first sight/touch. | The CODOGIRL Guide, The Size Guide for Louis Vuitton Neverfull - CODOGIRL, How to Tell a Real Chanel Tweed Jacket From a Fake, Gucci GG Logo Leather Knit Sock Wedge Boots Brown, Gucci GG Supreme Canvas Sukey Tote GM Beige. Besides,it makes it much harder for forgers to manufacture counterfeit bags. Does it mean that they are all fakes? This is a new step Gucci took to fight counterfeiters, as it is more difficult for them to replicate both the serial number tag and the QR code. Getting to know the brand and ensuring its authenticity through a site like Real Authentication is the best way to protect yourself from falling prey to fraud. Real expertise, not self claimed. We can help you! Get your money back, guaranteed. 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