At 73, Adeboye reveals secrets of his 47-year old marriage. Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. Cut your coat according to your size! Adeboye, is a renowned Nigerian pastor, teacher, author, and leader of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). The best decision Through word of knowledge: God can speak to people through the Word of Knowledge. So God said,My Spirit will not contend (or quarrel) with man foreverhis days will be a hundred and twenty years (Genesis 6:3). See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting. How do you know the will of God concerning marriage? ", "Great article. There is no conflict within you; there is no sudden fear or restlessness. Knowing the true God, therefore, translates to salvation from sin and deliverance from evil. Were the details of my life stellar and pure? 46, Lagos-Ibadan expressway. It was recognition at first sight! Thank you and God bless for this eye opener article. Neither were/are theirs. I feel so blessed and encouraged. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." (Matthew 22:35-40) I believe that virtually every marital . It is not burdensome at all because the relationship is based on the love of God. It is clear in Scripture that the Holy Spirit specifically appoints certain men as leaders by gifting them and putting it in their hearts to serve joyfully in the context of a local church (Acts 20:28; cf. Always remember that God doesnt need you. Courtship: what you need to know How can you heal the world, when you are killing your wife? Im dying inside. That unity of purpose builds unity in marriage, as the two of you work together in serving the Lord. Recommended Resource:Mutual by Design: A Better Model of Christian Marriage It was God's will that a man and a woman become one in marriage and God intended marriage for life ( Romans 7:1-3, 1 Corinthians 7:39 ). I really believe he is depressed (only at home) and cant move, wont help me at all at home. All I ask is do something, anything for me. Which, when he wasnt drinking and raging and defending his right to have whatever lady friend he wanted to have, he was in our marriage, too. Let me say that again marriage is one of Gods greatest tools for ministry. Let him do the chase Yet, a variety of Scripture passages throughout the Old Testament and New Testament deal specifically with clergy marriage in such a way as to suggest that clergy marriage has an enhanced kerygmatic significance. Be wise my sister and obey God; do not be driven by your flesh. 1 Timothy 3:1). 30 Bitter Truths About Relationship! Know your worth girl It was God who saw the mans need of a helper to fulfill the command of God for him to multiply and increase in number, to fill the earth (Gen. 1:28) and build Gods natural kingdom on earth. If you feel disturbed, then its most likely the wrong choice. Am blessed after reading Our reconciliation as caring friends has been a witness to many others. Or we get into our established routine, and it takes a catastrophe for God to get our attention so He can let us know what He wants us to do. Take responsibility and pray and fast because I believe you have the solution within you. And as you watch other Christian singles marrying those who arent so committed to the Lord, its easy to begin thinking, Maybe Im being too rigid. Wife: Pastor Mrs. Foluke Adeboye. You can apply the principles to other areas of guidance. more wisdom, more anointing Sir. I was married to a man who believed in God but was not a born-again follower of Jesus Christ untilafter his final alcoholic rage against me wherein he insulted me every which way he could think of until, from within my spririt, I heard the Lord say calmly and clearly, You need to leave now. I did. God spoke to Samuel audibly, even though it took the intervention of the Priest, Eli for Samuel to know who was speaking to him. Thats why seeing your marriage as ministry may require an intentional shift of perspective. (From the book, Because I Said Forever). Visits since Oct. 2015Your IP:, Copyright @ 2017. One of the well-known programs of the church is the Holy Ghost Service, an all night miracle service that holds on the first Friday of every month at the Redemption Camp at Km. 97 Likes, 4 Comments - Open Heavens Interntn'l Centre (@openheavensinternational) on Instagram: "Day 3; Welcome Service RCCG Convention 2021 Ministering: Pastor . Everything depends on sincerity to accept the reality of your situation and ask God for help. This man, Enoch Adejare Adeboye who was then a lecturer of Mathematics at the University of Lagos soon became involved in the church. I cant even keep writing cause it hurts so bad. Always ensure you also have other sources of confirmation in addition to your dream. They put comfort for themselves ahead of obedience to Gods will. Through the gift of the Spirit, The Holy Spirit can reveal to you depending on how youve been dealing with the Holy Spirit in the past. In debt and without peace of mind, he found himself totally dependent on the grace of God. How God Uses This Ministry to Help Marriages, What Cindy Wright Has Learned About Marriage, What Steve Wright Has Learned About Marriage, More Marriage Tips to Use in Church Bulletins. You have the peace of mind about your choice. Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye, also known as E.A. To the others: just please love this woman and pray for her. = There was some turbulence and a sign lit up: PLEASE RETURN TO THE CABIN. They were a rebellious bunch who were not inclined to endure the hardship necessary to fulfill Gods purpose. [2] Education [ edit] Pastor EA Adeboye is the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church Of God In Nigeria. By Elizabeth Beyer, At the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. So the servant went in obedience, called to God for guidance, and God gave it to him (24:11-14). God bless u sir ", "Am really blessed with this piece and the others that I have ", "Well done sir, you're a blessing to the body of Christ Jesus. That is my wish. These gods include expensive lifestyles, unnecessarily generous entertainment, un-godly custom, wasteful pastimes, membership of exclusive clubs and fraternities, etc. You are a servant of God who ministers to those you are to shepherd. It is written, Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib and He brought her to the man (Genesis 2:21-22). God is stil saying something. Just as it was more of a hassle for Abraham to secure a wife for Isaac from his own people rather than from the Canaanites, so it will be more difficult for you to find a mate who is committed to Gods purpose. And when God made the woman out of the mans rib, even the woman had no choice as to the purpose of God. But David knew God had sent her for his benefit as well as to save lives in her household. As a result, God reduced the life span of man. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world how she can please her husband. It just means that it is redirected so that not only do you minister outside of your home, but also within it as well. Women are not angel so dnt expect 100% frm them. I feel worse now that I am closer to Christ, a 1st lady at a Church that actually runs everything behind the scenes and is mistreated. In Love with Someone You Cant Have (Dealing with Infatuation), How To Know The Will Of God In Marriage (Single & Searching Series Vol. God bless u sir. Here marked the beginning of a definite relationship with God.Totally broken, he yielded saying, Lord, I will go wherever you want me to go. He asked for signs to confirm that this was indeed Gods call. I hesitate to say this, but the two responders seem to have done what a lot of Christians do: blame you. But the question is, how do you know what is best for you? Does he ever say how much Im hurting? 2), How to Attract the Right Guy!(For Single Ladies), "As an author and a blogger, I must commend this highly inspiring (ebook). You know what will be the focus on your ministry. Thus when a young university lecturer joined the church in 1973, Papa was able to recognize him in the Spirit as the one that the Lord had spoken about in the past. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 4 responses to The Ministry of Marriage: For the Pastor. (USA) I am the wife of a Pastor. (14) In Stock. Knowing Gods will in marriage - Save the World Ministry Memorise: "And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. Wish God could help me and I would just die sooner than anything and let him remarry another woman. 2 Timothy 3:16-17, Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib and He brought her to the man, and they married any of them that they chose, My Spirit will not contend (or quarrel) with man foreverhis days will be a hundred and twenty years. Sometimes He providentially leads you into a relationship where you get your heart broken. If we return to the first marriage that took place in the Garden of Eden, recorded in Genesis 2:18-25, you will observe that Adam had no difficulty recognizing his wife. We are all familiar with the idea that we are Christs body on earth His hands, His feet. Conviction in the choice of marriage simply means: Watch out for the next series specifically for guys and ladies! ", "I have gained a lot from this piece. JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY AND FOREVER. I want to leave now! No one else is going to leave with your spouse. }, Friendship With The Opposite Sex(What you need to know), Unbreak My Heart: How to Handle a Broken Relationship, Sexual Lines No Pastor/ Youth Leader Should Cross. But if you think, I trusted God and got burned, so Im going to take matters in my own hands, youre not going to know His guidance. Knowing the true God, therefore, translates to salvation from sin and deliverance from evil. Of course not. When all is said and done, remember you have a choice and choices have consequences, whether negative or positive in your present life and your future. That is because of the vows you made when you married. We could study the chapter as an illustration of God the Father (Abraham) sending the Holy Spirit (the servant) to seek a bride (Rebekah = the church) for His Son (Isaac) who had just been through death and resurrection (chapter 22). Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. When you are called by God to be a Pastor, you usually have a fairly good idea of what your calling will be. But have you considered that your marriage is also a ministry? It will help me do ", "This is lovely, very accurate and no doubt the very best had ever ", "Wow just discovered this page, more grace to do more exploits sir in ", "Ignorance is worse than infections of all kinds, it's the chief weapon the ", "Wow! I must fix it. I work 60 hours a week. 0. But theres a better way. Back to why I believe the Holy Spirit directed me to leave that night, you see, there had been physical abuse early on, but when he was drinking or raging (whether I apparently prompted anything or not, it was sometimes hard to tell), the threat of that kind of abuse being repeated was always there. February 21, 2015. Do this because your Father who sees in secret will reward you. (Matthew 6:4) (From the article Husbands, Love Your Wives More Than Seminary). Cynthia must Die but Mercy said No. The very first step in finding out who is Gods will for you in marriage is to ensure you are in Gods will yourself and you know how to find His will in other areas of your life. If youre already married, please dont decide that you made a mistake in discerning Gods will in your marriage and decide to try again! The man was alone working the garden in full obedience to God, he did not lack anything but was fully contented and happy. In Europe the church is spread in England, Germany, and France. The Almighty God is fully conscious of human helplessness in situations of life, therefore, out of love, He gave Jesus as a solution to anyone that will accept Him as Lord and Saviour. More anointing sir. Wonderful proposed. Choosing Between Spouse and Lover: What if its Love? Have you been trying hard to ensure you dont make a wrong choice in choosing a spouse? The very first step in finding out who is God's will for you in marriage is to ensure you are in God's will yourself and you know how to find His will in other areas of your life. Its another evangelistic vehicle that the Lord can use as you avail yourself. The next day, in flight, she found herself wondering what to do. And God commanded, For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh (Genesis 2:24). And with that choice, certain duties and obligations came with it as well. Church Name: The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) State of Origin: Osun State, Nigeria. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery but I am talking about Christ and the church. .hide-if-no-js { I cannot keep going through this. Youll only bring more pain and discipline into your life. Still spiritually unfulfilled, he joined the Cherubim and Seraphim church in 1931. He put him to sleep and allowed him to see what He was doing through his spiritual eyes. We all want to know the will of God concerning major decisions we need to make, such as the career we should pursue, the place where we should live and the person we should marry. But Jesus would never perpetrate that in any cicumstance. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery but I am talking about Christ and the church. Will you choose to obey God or Man!? Gods people must never compromise Gods will on marriage. Thus, the Redeemed Christian Church of God was born in 1952, destined by the Lord Himself to take the world for Him. This is the first and greatest commandment. A TIMELY MESSAGE TO THE YOUNGER GENERATION!! This proved to be a comforting reminder during the trials in the months ahead. One reason many fail to receive Gods will is because they have set up an idol in their hearts. So God caused the flood of the whole earth in Noahs time and destroyed every life except Noah and his sons and their wives, all because of mans violating the basic divine principle of God in marriage, and that is what preoccupies the thoughts and hearts of men even until now. And strengthen it in front of open ones as well. Seeking first Gods kingdom is the primary factor in finding the right marriage partner. 00:00. In Genesis 6, it is written that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and they married any of them that they chose (Genesis 6:2). Our God is faithful and able to deliver us if we call unto him through Christ Jesus our Lord.To begin with this lady is talking about God bringing him to the Pastors life to straighten his life; secondly, she says that from the beginning of the relationship the Pastor did not mention to him that he was a man of God and thirdly he was still married to his wife and had an extra marital affair with another woman whom she describe that was not his wife. Cindy Wright of Marriage Missions International wrote this article. When I first came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, one of the first biblical principles I learned from our senior pastor was that Christians must be fully submitted to the will of God when it comes to the person they should marry. May be i wil become a pastor. Making Marriage Work. So how did he know what Gods will was in this situation? But if you feel an inner peace concerning the fellow, he or she might just be the right partner. While such experiences are not fun, the Lord does have important lessons to teach you if you submit to His sovereign ways. We are just married 1 year and now I feel that I have put my life, my hurts, my disappointments, my needs, my money and mostly me, aside and he has grown in confidence. Another way God guides is by using others to confirm what He has already told you. Sister, our God is God of second chances run to him for safety. In conclusion, the scriptures are very clear about marriage and how to go about it as born again Christians. The man and the woman were not given any choice by God. Your email address will not be published. Abraham told his servant that he could expect Gods angel to go before him and lead him to the right young woman for Isaac (24:7). I think this is what Paul is getting at when he asks, For if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for Gods church (1 Timothy 3:5)? (From the article, Husbands, Love Your Wives More Than Seminary). When we talk about being convinced about your choice, what does it mean? When God gives a woman to a man to be his wife, their relationship as one flesh supersedes their relationship to their father and mother or parents. At the beginning of creation, "God made them male and female. ( Matthew 5:8) Perhaps the clearest word for marriage in the Sermon on the Mount comes in Matthew 5:27-32. And marriage is one of Gods greatest tools for ministry. Its been nearly ten years since you posted your cry for help! So obey God and use the common sense He gave you. If there is a storm in your marriage be sure He is already in before the storm comes, He will take care of the situation. Clergyman, Pastor E.A Adeboye, has said that one of the areas Christians live to regret is in the area of marriage. After He looks throughout the whole world and tells you a particular brother or sister is His best for you, be rest-assured you would never find an alternative as good. While the marriages of clergy may be qualitatively the same and no more Christian than the marriages of other baptized believers in Christ, the pastors marriage speaks more profoundly and loudly about the union of Christ with his body and bride, the church. But Im going to approach the text by gleaning some principles of divine guidance. Whilst there, he began to hear a voice within him saying, You will be my servant. Since this was not his intention, he decided to ignore the voice. And after all, no one ever hated his own body. The Bible says For I know the thought that I have towards you, thought of peace and not of evil, to give you a glorious end, so the plan of God for our lives is beautiful, its the best!!! Jesus says, come unto me and I will give you rest from all your troubles. Come to Jesus today for redemption from the stronghold of sin, addiction, and all kinds of immorality. His father, Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye is a famous pastor and the General Overseer (GO) of the Redeemed Christian Church . In college I heard speakers say that we should just trust God for a wife. And there are a fair amount of nice, good-looking church-goers who are living for themselves, not for Christ. Watch the interesting Untold story and all you need to know about Pastor Enoch Adeboye of Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).#PastorAdeboye #Oyedepo #Tr. But a married man is concerned about the affairs of this world how he can please his wife. Pa Josiah Akindayomi was 71 years old when he died. It involved a lot of planning, expense, and hassle. If He did, why did He create you so late in history? You wont find a godly mate in bars. You won't find what we offer any where else. God did not give any choice to the woman to go show herself to the man if he would like her, and if she would like him. Even if they knew all of your own details and you werent perfect (gasp), it still is no cause for your husband to treat you so abysmally. Its only God who can change a man and if you try to enter into a toxic relationship without using the bible as your standard guide it will be a total disappointment. I believe that all Christians want to know the will of God for their lives, because knowing the will of God enables us to please Him in every aspect of our lives by making wise decisions that are in line with His will. No fear, the Bible says there is no fear in love, but perfect love cast away fear. One question that a single believer who has agreed to let God choose his or her marriage partner would ask is, How do you recognize Gods choice in marriage? When God guides you regarding His choice in marriage, even if you could not recognize your partner at first sight, He will use other ways to get you to know the fellow. really appreciate it. In fact, there was no guarantee of success. My uncle had sex with me display: none !important; He never did anything for me, lied to me about everything including the fact that he was a pastor, still married, was living with a woman who was not his wife and unemployed. Today, God is still doing marvelous deeds through the Redeemed Christian Church of God, worldwide. Ive only ever heard two tentatively suggest that maybe she was right to defy the cultural restrictions on women and wives in her day in order to do Gods will for many. Thanks very much ", "I want to say a very big thank you pastor for this ", "I I keyin with the testmony is working for me already my baby boy is on the way, I don't care, How God Delivered Me From The Spirit Of Lust Apostle Michael Orokpo, Pastor E.A Adeboye Renames Redeem Camp See The New Name, Twitter User Reveals The Response He Got From God When He Asked Why He Was Taking Him Through Troubled Waters For So Long, What Lawrence Oyor Pen down to his Father-in-law Mike Bamiloye on his 63rd Birthday will melt your heart, A Popular Bishop in Nigeria almost Initiated me into a cult group 23 years ago Nigerian Pastor speaks, It is so unfortunate that one of my wives is attending Pastor Paul Enenches Dunamis Church Asari Dokubo, The Rate Dunamis Church is growing in Nigeria amazes the White People alot Deborah Paul-Enenche reveals, Why All the People working on our Church Ark Project Are All Members of Winners Chapel Bishop David Oyedepo Reveals, Beautiful Pictures of Deborah Paul-Enenche As She Storms BBC Studios In USA With Her Husband, Sam Hawthorn Uloko For An Interview, What happened on Good Friday in the Bible, Thank You For Loving Me As I Am: Social Media Reacts As Deborah Paul-Enenche Celebrates Her Handsome Husband, Sam Uloko on His 28th Birthday, Pastor Korede Komaiya celebrates wife of his youth, Esther Komaiya as she celebrates 52nd Birthday, Deborah Hawthorn Uloko Shares Beautiful Pictures With Members As she Attend Sunday Service at Dunamis London. 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