Lord Krishna and Srimati Radharani have given Vrinda Devi her role as queen of Vrindavana. Just do everything very carefully. IF ONE IS FORTUNATE ENOUGH TO RECEIVE SUCH HOLY PRASADAM THEN ALL SINFUL REACTIONS ARE IMMEDIATELY PURIFIED WITHIN THE HEART AND PURE DEVOTIONAL SERVICE IS VERY EASILY OBTAINED. kesavarthi cinomi tvam barada bhava sobhine. Shrila Prabhupada did not use this kind of rhetoric. Tulasi leaves mixed with sandalwood pulp and placed on the lotus feet of the Lord is the topmost worship. He finally agreed, for the service of Vrinda Devi, and we began documenting his life story and the story of the development of Vrinda Kunda. This is not something we follow. The second batch of seeds proved fruitful, however, and tiny heart-shaped seedlings spread their delicate leaves in our Honolulu home. Adi 3.105-106 Vishnu granted his trishula to Shiva, who slew Shankachuda with the weapon. Tulasi has delicate purple and green leaves, flower tassels like miniature temple spires, and an arresting, sweet fragrance famous for attracting the minds of yogis to Krishnas service. Tulasi plants are LIBERATED SOULS who want to serve Krishna in that way. [21], A ceremony known as Tulasi Vivaha is performed by the Hindus between Prabodhini Ekadashi (eleventh lunar day of the waxing moon of Kartika) to Kartik Poornima (full moon in Kartika), usually on the eleventh or the twelfth lunar day. Madhya 23.51 Life s Ultimate GoalLove of Godhead, Krsnas smile, the fragrance of His transcendental body, His flute, bugle, ankle bells, conchshell, the marks on His feet, His place of residence, HIS FAVORITE PLANT [TULASI], His devotees, and the observance of fasts and vows connected to His devotion all awaken the symptoms of ecstatic love., Madhya 24.115 The Sixty-One Explanations of the Atmarama Verse I do not have tulasi devi yet at my home but now shes grown herself, but above the toilet. It is a great offense to cook or heat Tulasi, or to use her for mundane purposes, such as medicines and ointments. Tulsi or holy basil is an auspicious plant that also comes packed with umpteen health benefits. The same person created much disturbance at my home today as when I started chanting Hare Krishna on the terrace, he started beating the cow and talking badly about the cow and the calf. O Vrinda Devi, I offer my respectful obeisances to your lotus feet. Isnt it disrespectful to Tulasi Devi? Thank you to the following individuals for keeping Krishna.com alive and vibrant: Amit Singh, Sandip Bhatt, Renu Brennan, Bhavin Thakker, Dev Mani, Roshan Chagan, Alfred Fitch, Monesh G. Ahuja, Binta Patel, Robert Goettler, Ghiridhar Sri Iyer, Sumit Patel, Ian Lubsey, Gary Sund, Arun Athithan, Francisco Picazo, Gary Mark, Margot Cordua, Stanley Sikora Jr, Tarish Mehta, Timothy Burleson, Marina Hansen Russo, Anand Chaturvedi, Sandhya Rajput, Rosa Wallace, Rumeet Saluja, Sam Clements, Seema Chauhan, Sharon Standley, Cameron LaBrecque, Anand, Kathryn dePoo, Marlon Brock, Saranagati McGlinn, Skylab Gupta, Mireya Pourchot, Susan Faries-Lewis, Bhaskar Gurram, Narendra Kumar, Prinul Gunputh, Sunilkumar Patel, Shri Dhanpaul, Vijay Varanasi, Annop Brijmohun, Birendra Singh, Bob Hargreaves, Joseph Milosch, Ludgero Ferreira, Tyler Feduccia, Anindya Sen, Hemant Nerurkar, Amanda Stefenelli, Veronica Lindsay, Ramesh Comondoor, Chirag Mahyavanshi, Amanda Kumar, Kirk Walker, Muralikrishna Krishnamoorthy, Venkata Manotej Swami, Santosh Krishna, Bala Murali Krishna Polisetti, Hannah Rogers, Thirumalesh Bhat, Joshua Norton, Haydn Roberts, Colleen Turner, . Do not worry so much. Better to try and look after them so they dont die, but if the weather is bad this may not be possible. When the painting was finished, I would hold it up before Baba daily, and he would chant his prayers to Vrinda Devi, his worshipable deity. A prayer of forgiveness may also be offered to Tulasi before the act. If one commits any of the above offenses, one must read at least one chapter of Bhagavad-gita. You can put up barbed-wire fence around the tulasi plants if that will help, or somehow or other protect them from further danger. Simply by worshipping her faithfully, a devotee can get himself free of from all material miseries. 14) I SAID NO CHEMICAL SPRAYS. Of course Lord Caitanya is Krishna, so in that sense you can offer tulsi leaves, but His mood is as a devotee of Krishna. She is regarded as an earthly manifestation of the goddess Srimati Tulsi Devi, and is as an avatar of Lakshmi, and thus the consort of Vishnu. vrinde namas te caranaravindam. So it is really quite essential for all devotees to wear tulsi neck beads. Sometimes there may be disagreement and quarrel but we should not go away. Dont worry about it. FIRST UTILIZE THE DEAD LEAVES OR LEAVES WHICH HAVE FALLEN DOWN, AND IF MORE LEAVES ARE REQUIRED FOR WORSHIPING KRSNA, YOU MAY TAKE THEM FROM TULASI PLANT IN THIS WAY: FIRST APPROACH TULASI DEVI AND OFFER YOUR OBEISANCES, REQUESTING HER THAT FOR WORSHIPING KRSNA YOU WANT TO TAKE SOME LEAVES. Shankhacuda, a mighty daitya, underwent a severe tapasya that pleased Brahma. HOW ARE YOUR TULASI PLANTS IN HAWAII? Yes, the leaves of Srimati Tulasi Devi MAY BE OFFERED TO ALL VISNU-TATTVA EXPANSIONS OF KRSNA, INCLUDING NITYANANDA AND BALARAMA. Being intensely attached to thinking of the Lords lotus feet is called pada-sevanam. So you first introduced Tulasi plant in the Western countries and now you have introduced the vigraha form of Lord Caitanya in the Western countries. AND THE MANJARIS CAN BE PLANTED FOR GROWING NEW TULASI PLANTS. tani tani pranasyanti pradaksinah pade pade. She has taken the form of a tree so that everyone, even the poorest person, can offer something wonderful to Krishna. tavaiva murtis tulasi nri-loke Throughout the entire day and night, he would chant the sixteen names of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. But if you can not strictly follow the regulative principles or if you are not able to chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra every day or if you do not think you will be able to maintain the Deity worship you should first concentrate on becoming firmly fixed up in these things and living a very regulated life before you start the Radha-Krishna Deity worship program. vacamsi vaikuntha-gunanuvarnane However, after hearing details of Parvati's beauty from Narada, he demands Shiva hand her over to him. But one thing is that NO SPRAYS CAN BE USED, NOT AT ALL. We can not remain fallen and imagine we are devotees of Krishna. Prabhu I think it is a good idea for you, if you want to stay there, to not create undue disturbance. The devas invoke Prakriti, the personified force of nature, who offers them three seeds to be planted where Vishnu stays, which represent the sattva, rajas, and tamas gunas. Considering this, the Acarya began worshiping the Lord. I AM NOT FLATTERING YOU. Yes Prabhu, I will try to become better and better at serving Tulasi Devi. Even non-Hindus, he said, will not destroy Tulasi to build a house on a spot where she is growingtheyll look for a place not inhabited by Tulasi. We sat beside his bed and chanted Hare Krishna on our beads. This very fallen and lowly servant of Krishna prays, May I always swim in the love of Sri Sri Radha and Govinda. , yani kani ca papani Watchlist. Letter: Jagadisa THIS IS THE BEST SEASON FOR GROWING TULASI PLANTS. 9) YOU MAY CUT THE DEAD BRANCHES, BUT WHAT IS THE NECESSITY. There was a demon son of Lord Shiva whose name was Jalandhar. You have been doing penance for a long time to get me as your husband. [10][11][12], In a variation of this legend, Vrinda immolates herself in her husband's funeral pyre, but Vishnu ensures that she is incarnated in the form of tulasi plant upon the earth. Witnessing her slain husband return to life, Vrinda sported with him for several days, until she realised his true identity. The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc. Tulasis body is spiritual. These are stupid questions. The other name of tulsi is Vrinda. ei nivedana dharo, sakhir anugata koro There are so many rules and regulations people present as Vedic. Letter: Pradyumna [6][7], The Skanda Purana, Padma Purana, as well as the Shiva Purana feature Tulasi in the tale of Vrinda and her husband, Jalandhara. So dont try preaching to people who dont want to hear from you. Vidya dasi, 25 October, 1976 Prabhu, I am thinking of keeping her wood for some service of Krishna like carving beads, keeping besides Prasadam when Tulasi leaves are not available and the remaing small branches I have buried in the ground where other Tulasi plants are there. One of Krishnas most intimate servants comes in a special form to bless us with extraordinary fortune. I am so impressed with the way you are helping other devotees with all this information. I later came to know that tulsi should be undisrturbed on sundays. | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy. Sri Krsna, who is very affectionate toward His devotees, SELLS HIMSELF TO A DEVOTEE who offers Him merely a tulasi leaf and a palmful of water., Your email address will not be published. That was enough. Begin Tulasi-arati by offering obeisances to Tulsai-devi, chanting the Tulasi-Pranama mantra three times. Death is a powerful, compelling force, hard to describe, yet almost tangible. So I am very glad that you are seriously interested, and Krsna is pleased upon you. It was very nice doing this service. Tulasi Devi: She has an incomparable form. The first set of seeds did not grow. This is the way to increase attachment for the Lord and be completely free from all material desires. Anyone who comes in touch with the tulasi tree in the abovementioned ways lives eternally in the Vaikuntha world. My fascination with Tulasi Devi began very soon after meeting Srila Prabhupada in 1967. FROM THE TULASI PLANT YOU CAN CUT OFF ONLY LEAVES FOR OFFERING THEM TO KRISHNA, NEVER FOR CUTTING AND PLANTING. ), namo namah tulasi! Tulasi Vallabha Krishna It refers to Lord Krishna , who is the beloved of Tulasi Devi. Im thinking by serving Tulasi my life will become successful! Even non- Hindus considered that disturbing Tulasi plants would bring ill fortune. KRSNA IS VERY EAGER TO SEE HIS DEVOTEE SERVE TULASI, Vaisnavas, Mathura and Bhagavatam. Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda can be decorated with all kinds of jewelry. Haribol bhaktebhyo bhakta-vatsalah. [25] Some pilgrims carry tulasi plants in their hands throughout their pilgrimage to Dvaraka, the legendary capital of Krishna and one of the seven most sacred Hindu cities. WE CAN PLACE, HOWEVER, TULASI LEAVES IN THE HANDS OF RADHARANI FOR BEING PLACED ON THE LOTUS FEET OF KRSNA, as you have seen on the Govinda Album. It is approved. But we have to give up our sinful habits. We can not change the past, but we can change the future. One who offers a Tulasi manjari to Lord Krishna gets the benefit of offering all other varieties of flowers, and he goes to the abode of Krishna. FROM 15TH APRIL TO 15TH JUNE IS THE BEST SEASON FOR GROWING THIS PLANT. No. Do everything carefully. The house where Tulasi Devi had grown had been lying vacant for many years and now the rent house is occupied and the house members have uprooted all of them. radha-krishna-seva pabo ei abhilashi So it is not a very big requirement. Tulasi is especially sacred in the worship of Vishnu and his forms Krishna and Vithoba and other related Vaishnava deities. 71-08-31. Vishnu procured it for the devas, when the asuras tried to steal it. Letter: Radhavallabha Hare Krishna Prabhu Letter: Govinda He later told me that he had not seen Srila Prabhupada so light- hearted and happy in over a year. vane tvad-ishanghri-saroja- seva At that time, I was inspired to paint a picture of Vrinda Devi. I dont like it when Tulasi wood is wood for this purpose. Tulasi is the essence of all devotional activities. It is like shouting in a persons ears when you want to make an important point. Although these four saintly persons were always absorbed in the thought of impersonal Brahman, FROM ASSOCIATION WITH THE LORD AND FROM SMELLING THE TULASI LEAVES THE HAIRS ON THEIR BODIES IMMEDIATELY STOOD UP. Therefore Advaita requested Lord Krsna to appear as Lord Caitanya. Madhava Babas knowledge of the scriptures, especially those relating to the glories of Tulasi Devi, was vast. Babhru, 9 December, 1973 Los Angeles Please offer Her all respects and carefully tend and Srimati Tulasi will be pleased upon you in gaining the auspicious favor of the Lord. You are bathed in your own splendor, which defeats the effulgence of lightning and the golden campaka flower. It is good to keep the wood for making beads, etc. Thank you IT WILL NEVER GO IN VAIN. You have done the right thing. When she jumped to curse him, Vishnu appeared as his true form and spoke to her, after which Tulasi joined him to depart to Vaikuntha:[5]. jalasya culukena va There are conflicting accounts about Tulasi leaves being used in the worship of the god Shiva. Now tulasi plants are growing in almost every center of our movement. I am in receipt of your letter, undated. So my understanding became quite basic: somehow, growing Tulasimade Srila Prabhupada very, very pleased. I am so glad to hear how nicely Tulsi is growing. In the Western countries, while engaged in propagating the Krishna consciousness movement, we were brought great unhappiness because we could not find tulasi leaves. Let a person who becomes like a bumblebee at the lotus feet of Radha-Krishna, and who reads or hears these eight verses describing the glories of Vrinda Devi, eternally reside at Goloka Vrindavana. Through devotional service one can easily please Lord Krsna with a leaf of the tulasi plant and a little water. The more you read Srila Prabhupadas books the more you will find he is answering the questions you want answered. What should one do if he is not following the basic rules and regulations but has got Radha-Krishna Deity with him? It has been mentioned that plucking of leaves / watering of Tulasi Devi is forbidden on Sundays and other days as per the Lunar Calendar. Holy basil is an auspicious plant that also comes packed with umpteen health benefits this not! This may not be possible effulgence of lightning and the MANJARIS can be for! He is not a very big requirement devotee serve tulsi devi and krishna, or to use her mundane... Shankachuda with the Tulasi plant you can put up barbed-wire fence around the Tulasi plant and little... Three times begin Tulasi-arati by offering obeisances to your lotus feet effulgence lightning! Advaita requested Lord Krsna to appear tulsi devi and krishna Lord Caitanya and Lord NITYANANDA can be PLANTED GROWING. 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