The British did not guarantee colonists any of the rights under the First Amendment. While voters contribute to the nation's popular vote, the Electoral College is where representatives from every state and the District of Columbia (but not American territories) cast their. Last modified on December 9, 2021. There areexceptions to the urban-rural split, Levine said, as well as other competitive states thatmay not get as much attention due to their relatively low number of electoral college votes. "This proposal will preserve the electoral college, but it will make the electoral college simply a way of awarding the plurality vote winner," he said. Because the procedure for electing the president is part of the Constitution, a Constitutional Amendment (which requires two-thirds approval in both houses of Congress plus approval by 38 states) would be required to abolish the Electoral College. The president, however, would be elected not by direct vote, but rather by the Electoral College. In our unique system, Congress is positioned as the last bulwark in a presidential election to ensure the Constitution has been followed. Our oath, nonetheless,is to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, and to bear true faith and allegiance to the same.Taking this action today will not undermine our beleaguered institutions, as some critics charge, but rather reinforce and defend them. With two parties dominating the US system, this is unlikely to happen today. There have been over 700 proposals introduced in Congress to reform or eliminate the Electoral College. the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. c. It should be replaced with popular elections. true or false: "Taking the Fifth" refers to the Fifth Amendment right not to defend oneself. A vice president can become president through presidential disability, the death of the president, or. The President and Vice President are chosen by the States, which also include the District of Columbia only for this procedure. "James Madison, himself a Virginia slave-owner, said, 'The South will never go for this. Democrats Increasingly Say American Democracy Is Sliding Toward Minority Rule, Why Possibly Changing The Filibuster Brings Threats Of Political 'Nuclear' War. 2. By its clear language, they affirmed, only state legislatures, and not state courts or any other officials, are constitutionally authorized to determine the manner by which presidential electors are selected. But Smith, a Republican, says the battleground is diverse. A. The U.S. Constitution doesn't require electors to follow their state's popular vote, but many states' laws do. 1. answer choices. Six states - Alaska, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, Vermont and. A candidate may challenge the results of a particular state according to its ownlaws and deadlines. [1], Prior to the 2016 election, there were four times in US history when a candidate won the presidency despite losing the popular vote: 1824 (John Quincy Adams over Andrew Jackson), 1876 (Rutherford B. Hayes over Samuel Tilden), 1888 (Benjamin Harrison over Grover Cleveland), and 2000 (George W. Bush over Al Gore). These people are electors and their job is to choose the president and vice-president. Write an equal sign if the ratios form a proportion. But they are ignored in the current system. when nominated by the political party. If an elector votes against their state's presidential pick, they are termed "faithless". true or false: A multi-party system tends to require the building of coalitions to govern. In the electoral college, however, Clinton won 70%, Dole 30%, and Perot 0%. James Madison stated, There was one difficulty however of a serious nature attending an immediate choice by the people. On election day, voters choosing a presidential candidate are actually casting a vote for an elector. As of December 2012, the bill had been enacted by eight states and the District of Columbia, which together possess a total of 132 electoral votes. Should People Who Have Completed Felony Sentences Be Allowed to Vote? Republican candidate George W Bush won the 2000 election against Democrat Al Gore, Each state has a certain number of votes in the electoral college, Try our quiz on the key states at this election. the number of terms a president can serve. WASHINGTON, D.C. - 37 Republican members of Congress today issued the following statement in advance of the joint session of Congress at 1 p.m. today: In the joint session of Congress today, we will vote to sustain objections to slates of electors submitted by states we believe clearly violated the . WASHINGTON, D.C. 37 Republican members of Congress today issued the following statement in advance of the joint session of Congress at 1 p.m. today: In the joint session of Congress today, we will vote to sustain objections to slates of electors submitted by states we believe clearly violated the Constitution in the presidential election of 2020. That means the Electoral College puts a magnifying glass on just a few states that could have tremendous control over presidential elections. Republicans tend to win votes in small towns and rural areas," he said. In a political party, how does the state committee influence the national committee? From the Middle Ages until 1792, leaders of the Holy Roman Empire were elected by a college of prince-electors from various German states. They are often elected state representatives, party leaders and activists. If your thoughts have not changed, list two to three ways your better understanding of the other side of the issue now helps you better argue your position. In 2016, seven electoral college votes were cast this way, but no result has been changed by faithless electors. When an objection is duly presented, Members of Congress may draw their own individual conclusions as they determine the validity of the electoral votes at issuebut, in light of the plain language of the Constitution, the Electoral Count Act, and theper curiamopinions of the Supreme Court, it simply cannot be said that we are not charged with the full responsibility of making such a determination. The ruling leaves in place laws in 32 states and D.C. that bind electors to vote for the popular-vote winner. Which of the following is a true statement about the Electoral College? As an aside, CNN reported on Wednesday that Clinton will serve as a Democraticelector forNew York should the state go to Biden. All content of site and practice tests copyright 2017 Max. All rights reserved. The Constitution and federal law do not require electors to abide by the results of the popular vote in their states, so occasionally faithless electors go rogue and cast ballots for candidates other than the one to whom they are pledged. READ MORE: What Is the Electoral College and Why Was It Created? The following table gives the value of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), NASDAQ, and the S&P 500 on the first day of trading for the years 2008 through 2010. Yes. [18], A Nov. 6, 2016 episode of PBS NewsHour revealed that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have made more than 90% of their campaign stops in just 11 so-called battleground states. This is because the president is not chosen directly by the voters, but what's known as the electoral college. Eight days later, in their concurring opinion inBush, et al. Which of the following statements expresses a fact about the Electoral College? Another way the Electoral College is unfair, says Harvard University political scientist Gautam Mukunda, is that each state gets electors based on its representation in the House and Senate, which means small states get extra votes. One can see its importance in the fact that despite Hillary Clintons national popular vote total, she won only about a sixth of the counties nationwide, with her support limited mostly to urban areas on both coasts. [34], If the election were based on popular vote, it would be possible for a candidate to receive the highest number of popular votes without actually obtaining a majority. D.C., while not a state,is allocated three electors. The 2020 election was declared the most secure ever, but Trump continues to push the lie that the election was stolen from him. There are policy implications associated with that, he added. Most people feel that the person who gets the most votes should become president. As an end-around to a Constitutional amendment, the National Popular Vote interstate compact is working to have states pledge to award their electors to the winner of the national popular vote. To minimize the chances of corruption, bribery and backroom deals, electors are prohibited from gathering in one central location to cast their ballots. It provides representatives who promote cooperation between all committees. So-called faithless electors have not been critical to the outcome of a U.S. presidential election, but that could change in a race decided by just a few electoral votes. Article 1 of the Constitution determined that members of the Senate and House of Representatives would both be elected directly by popular vote. Given these inescapable facts, we believe we have no choice but to vote to sustain objections to those slates of electors. But the process also is linked to slavery, he said. A Nov. 6, 2016 episode of PBS NewsHour revealed that "Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have made more than 90% of their campaign stops in just 11 so-called battleground states. head of state and head of government. Its about one person, one vote everybodys vote counting equally. (b) Each of PepsiCos financial statements is labeled consolidated. What has been consolidated? What Is the Electoral College and Why Was It Created? In fact, two out of the last five elections were won by candidates who had fewer votes from the general public than their rivals. You know, you get 100 million votes and somebody else gets 90 million votes and you win. Just as in 2000 when George W. Bush received fewer nationwide popular votes than Al Gore, Donald Trump served as the President of the United States despite being supported by fewer Americans than his opponent. [24], For the 2020 election, electors voted on Dec. 14, and delivered the results on Dec. 23. It's about one person, one vote everybody's vote counting equally," he said. Find History on Facebook (Opens in a new window), Find History on Twitter (Opens in a new window), Find History on YouTube (Opens in a new window), Find History on Instagram (Opens in a new window), Find History on TikTok (Opens in a new window), Encyclopaedia Britannica/Universal Images Group via Getty Images, 5 Presidents Who Won the Election But Lost the Popular Vote. Only three other presidents have been elected without winning the popular vote, all of them in the 19th Century: John Quincy Adams, Rutherford B Hayes and Benjamin Harrison. true or false: By specifying the powers of the federal government, the Constitution fulfills the principle of limited government. The electoral college was also favoured by southern states, where slaves made up a large portion of the population. As commander in chief, the president is allowed to do which of the following? California has the most electors - 55 - while a handful of sparsely populated states like Wyoming, Alaska and North Dakota (and Washington DC) have the minimum of three. true or false: Former presidents receive the benefit of a pension. Consider the American Bar Associations fact check on whether the Electoral College can be abolished. This was because of the size of the country and the difficulty of communication. true or false: The Supreme Court interprets rights guaranteed by the Constitution, including the right to freedom of speech. Kiersten Schmidt and Wilson Andrews, "A Historic Number of Electors Defected, and Most Were Supposed to Vote for Clinton,, Dec. 19, 2016, Rachael Revesz, "Five Presidential Nominees Who Won Popular Vote but Lost the Election,", Nov. 16, 2016, National Archives and Records Administration, "The 2016 Presidential Election," (accessed Nov. 16, 2016), National Archives and Records Administration, "About the Electors," (accessed Nov. 16, 2016), National Archives and Records Administration, "Presidential Election Laws," (accessed Nov. 16, 2016), National Archives and Records Administration, "What Is the Electoral College?," (accessed Nov. 16, 2016), Alexander Hamilton, "The Federalist Papers: No. The discrepancy was also apparent in 2000. [2] [20], Jesse Wegman, author of Let the People Pick the President, stated, If anything, representative democracy in the 21st century is about political equality. B. Yet our friends have overlooked a critical, first principle. The Constitution of Pakistan (Urdu: ), also known as the 1973 Constitution, is the supreme law of Pakistan. true or false: Third-party candidates running for president must gather voter signatures to be placed on the ballot in each state. All Rights Reserved. true or false: The Supreme Court's primary function is to settle disputes among the states. "You don't have to convince the public that the system is fair. Push for the position and policies you support by writing US national senators and representatives. Here's a look at how the electoral college process works, how it came to be engrained in U.S. presidential elections and its influence on the future of politics in the country. This is why presidential candidates. In 1969, an amendment that passed overwhelmingly in the House (338 to 70) and had the endorsement of President Richard Nixon was filibustered and killed in the Senate. Managing Editor Pro/Con Arguments | Discussion Questions | Take Action | Sources | More Debates, The debate over the continued use of the Electoral College resurfaced during the 2016 presidential election, when Donald Trump lost the general election to Hillary Clinton by over 2.8 million votes and won the Electoral College by 74 votes. "If anything, representative democracy in the 21st century is about political equality. Electors are generally chosen from among state party leaders and state legislators. [23] [26]. Privacy notice. That vulnerability was on full display on Jan. 6, when Trump and the violent insurrectionists pressed Congress to overturn Biden's Electoral College win. Among our most fundamental institutions is the system of free and fair elections we rely upon, and any erosion in that foundation jeopardizes the stability of our republic. "If the White House, or the contender trying to get into the White House, is focused on electoral college calculations and how to win in the electoral college, they are going to prioritize issues that matter to voters in some of these swing states," Levine said. Each presidential candidate has a slate of electors chosen by the candidate's party in each state. Proponents say an election day holiday will increase voter turnout. "If no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes, the House of Representatives elects the president from the three presidential . When the time came to agree on a system for choosing the president, it was all too easy for the delegates to resort to the three-fifths compromise [counting only 3/5 of the enslaved population instead of the population as a whole] as the foundation. true or false: A multi-party system tends to require the building of coalitions to govern. Should Election Day Be Made a National Holiday? The election of 2000 was one of the closest in American history. Certification of the election results is done on a state-by-state basissince the results of each state's popular vote inform how the electoral college votes. One reason that the justices take a preliminary vote is to. A variety of newsletters you'll love, delivered straight to you. In 2000, George W Bush won with 271 electoral votes, although Democrat candidate Al Gore won the popular vote by more than half a million. Box 500 Station A Toronto, ON Canada, M5W 1E6. A positive effect of justices' lifetime appointments is, The Framers of the Constitution established the Electoral College because they. The electoral college has determined the winner of every U.S. presidential election since George Washington, butsome question whether itaccurately represents the will of American voters. Then-Vice President Mike Pence and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi preside over a joint session of Congress on Jan. 6 to certify the 2020 Electoral College results after a pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol earlier that day. 32129. An earlier version of this story included a misspoken quote that said people in Wyoming have 44 times the power of people in California in presidential elections. Three of Nebraskas five electoral votes are awarded to the winner of the popular vote in each of its three congressional districts, with the other two given to the statewide winner of the popular vote. With files from CBC News, The Associated Press and Reuters. Twelve years later, Benjamin Harrison defeated incumbent Grover Cleveland handily in the Electoral College although garnering fewer popular votes. Youre not going to convince a majority of Americans that thats not how you should do it. [33], John Koza, Chairman of National Popular Vote, warned, At this point I think changing the system to something better is going to determine whether theres a dictator in this country. [27]. Benjamin Blum is a producer with based in Toronto. [3 U.S.C.] d. It works without controversy in most elections. This has happened only once, when in 1824 four candidates split the electoral vote, denying any one of them a majority. [3] [4] [5] [6], In each state, a group of electors is chosen by each political party. It is an unfair method to use to select a president. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which statement is NOT true of the Electoral College?, Typically, the wrench in the gears of the electoral college that causes the election to be thrown into the House is, Which of the following is one way in which electors are chosen? Generally, states award all their electoral college votes to whoever won the poll of ordinary voters in the state. "Republican presidential candidates have won the national popular vote only once in the last 32 years," it stated. It's therefore possible for a candidate to become president by winning a number of tight races in certain states, despite having fewer votes across the country. [That authority] can neither be taken away nor abdicated.McPherson v. Blacker, 146 U.S. 1, 34-35 (1892). Audience Relations, CBC P.O. What happens if no candidate gets a majority? Each state gets as many electors as it has lawmakers in the US Congress (representatives in the House and senators). After all, that's how we run every other election in this country, says Jesse Wegman, the author of Let the People Pick the President. This procedure, outlined in the 12th amendment to the Constitution, was established following the elections of 1796 and 1800. READ MORE: 5 Presidents Who Won the Election But Lost the Popular Vote. 15.Id. It needs to be updated for modern times, c.) It should be replaced with popular elections. had doubts about the average person's ability to select a candidate. California has the greatest number of electoral votes (54); several states have only three electoral votes, the minimum a state may have (two senators and one member of the House). Financial statements of The Coca-Cola Company are presented in Appendix C. Instructions for accessing and using the complete Governor Sisolak stated, the compact could diminish the role of smaller states like Nevada in national electoral contests and force Nevadas electors to side with whoever wins the nationwide popular vote, rather than the candidate Nevadans choose. [31], Hans von Spakovsky, Senior Legal Fellow at the Heritage Foundation and a former commissioner for the FEC, explained, The Framers fears of a tyranny of the majority is still very relevant today. If the election depended solely on the popular vote, then candidates could limit campaigning to heavily-populated areas or specific regions. Onlythe state legislatures were given the authority to direct the manner of appointing presidential electors. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Because the Framers of our Constitution recognized elections were susceptible to corruption, they created the Electoral College as a safeguard and expressly empowered state legislatures to ensure the integrity of our unique election system. Electors are allocated based on the number of representatives a state has in the U.S. House of Representatives, which is determined by population, plus the number of senators two per state. The problem is that twice since 2000, the person with the most votes didn't win. They will never go for a national elected president. Why or why not? After the electors cast their ballots, they are sent to Washington, D.C., where they will be counted in Congress on Jan. 6, 2021. Which of the following best defines constitutional amendment? The number of electors from each state is roughly in line with the size of its population. These states will decide, 5 ways a Joe Biden presidency will affect Canada, How U.S. polls got it wrong in 2016 and why they're more likely to get it right this time, Electoral college voters can be punished for going rogue, U.S. Supreme Court rules, Biden needs a 'decisive victory' to avoid contentious fallout after U.S. election day, says professor, CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices. Comments on this story are moderated according to our Submission Guidelines. The rules of the process are dictated by the 12th Amendment. Q. How can a government guarantee both freedom of the press and the right to a fair trial? Each elector represents one electoral vote, and a candidate needs to gain a majority of the votes - 270 or more - to win the presidency. Most states use the winner-take-all method, in which all electoral votes are awarded to the winner of the popular vote in that state. 2023 BBC. In 2016, Donald Trump had almost three million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton, but won the presidency because the electoral college gave him a majority. Each state is equally represented in the electoral college. and more. The electors meet in their respective states, as well as in D.C., on Dec. 14 to cast their votes for president and vice-president on separate ballots. (A) Forty-eight states allocate their electoral votes by the "winner-take-all" method. The objection is expected to fail. Should the Electoral College be modified? (B) Each state is represented in the electoral college by a delegation equal in number to the state's total representation in Congress (senators and members of the House). In some states, electors could vote for whichever candidate they prefer, regardless of who voters backed. It also happened in 2000, whenDemocrat Al Gore defeated Republican George W. Bush in the popular vote by more than 500,000 votes, but Bush secured enough electoral college votes to win the presidency (more on Gore's Florida challenge later). (C) The electoral college was established by the Constitution as it was originally ratified. InBush v. Palm Beach County Canvassing Bd.,531 U.S. 70, 77 (2000), all nine justices noted that strict adherence to the provisions of the Electoral Count Act may create[] a safe harbor for a State insofar as congressional consideration of its electoral votes is concerned. However, the unanimous Court cautioned: Since [3 U.S.C.] The Electoral College comprises 538 electors; each state is allowed one elector for each Representative and Senator (DC is allowed 3 electors as established by the Twenty-Third Amendment). It's different from that ofother republics, where citizens vote directly for the president. "I mean, the fact that you could have the entire outcome of the election ride on 45,000 votes in three random states is, you know, just a huge, glaring vulnerability for any republic.". The results are announced that day, with Inauguration Day following on Jan. 20. "I'm sure I'll get to vote for Joe and Kamala[Harris, Biden's running mate] in New York," the former secretary of state told SiriusXM'sSignal Boost. By submitting a comment, you accept that CBC has the right to reproduce and publish that comment in whole or in part, in any manner CBC chooses. In discussing what it terms "the Imperial Presidency," the text identifies all of the following as sources of presidential power except. The statement was signed by Representatives Mike Johnson (LA-04), Robert Aderholt (AL-04), Rick Allen (GA-12), Jodey Arrington (TX-19), Brian Babin (TX-36), Jim Banks (IN-03), Mike Bost (IL-12), Jerry Carl (AL-01), Ben Cline (VA-06), Jeff Duncan (SC-03), Scott Franklin (FL-15), H. Morgan Griffith (VA-09), Diana Harshbarger (TN-01), Vicky Hartzler (MO-04), Richard Hudson (NC-08), Ronny Jackson (TX-13), John Joyce, M.D. . Once that happens, those states' electors would vote for the candidate who wins the national popular voteinstead of voting for the candidate who wins their state. The Constitution is intended to guide Pakistan's law . On Dec. 22, 2016, the results were certified in all 50 states. In 1992, Ross Perot received 19% of the popular vote but 0 electoral votes. This was the case in 2000, when Democratic nominee Al Gore challenged the results in Florida. true or false: Unlike in criminal court, witnesses in congressional hearings can be forced to testify against themselves. Consider how you felt about the issue before reading this article. It already failed in the Senate, the vote . Although the phrase "Electoral College" does not appear in the U.S. Constitution, it is how we refer to the procedure by which the United States elects the President. "The electoral college, from its very inception, has put the states in between the people and the president. 23912\frac{2}{3} \quad \frac{9}{12} when the cabinet deems it necessary. In 1996, President Clinton won 49% of the popular vote, Republican challenger Bob Dole received 41%, and Ross Perot received 8%. "Even looking at it from a narrow partisan lens, this process or that objection was potentially imperiling the Electoral College," said Michigan Rep. Peter Meijer, one of the Republicans who signed the letter. We share these grave concerns. Copy the following ratios. Of those visits, nearly two-thirds took place in the four battlegrounds with the most electoral votes Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and North Carolina. [19], Gautam Mukunda, political scientist at Harvard University , explained that states are given electors based on its representation in the House and Senate, so small states get extra votes. At the same time, there was little enthusiasm for allowing the president to be chosen by lawmakers in the capital, Washington DC. "Those states include some of the states with the heaviest minority populations in the United States, some of the states with the fewest minority populations in the United States," he said. Electing a U.S. president isn't as simple as one person, one vote. The length of a president's term in office. The House just wrapped up its debate over an objection on Pennsylvania's electoral votes for President-elect Joe Biden. Even though slaves didn't vote, they were counted in the US census (as three-fifths of a person). On Jan. 6, 2021, Congress held a joint session to certify the electoral college votes during which several Republican lawmakers objected to the results and pro-Trump protesters stormed the US Capitol sending Vice President Pence, lawmakers and staff to secure locations. D. The results of electoral college voting tend to distort the winner's margin of victory, when compared with the popular vote for president. Then-Vice President Mike Pence and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi preside over a joint session of Congress on Jan. 6 to certify the 2020 Electoral College results after a pro-Trump mob stormed the. Of those visits, nearly two-thirds took place in the four battlegrounds with the most electoral votes Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and North Carolina." [ 19] What do you want to know about the U.S. election? But just 538 people decide who will be president; thats about 0.000156% of the population deciding the president. Chicago, Illinois 60654 USA, Natalie Leppard It works without controversy in most elections. true or false: Executive privilege allows the president to speak freely with advisers about strategy without fear that Congress will question what was said in private to arrive at that strategy. [11], Richard A. Posner, judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit and a senior lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School, further explained, There is pressure for runoff elections when no candidate wins a majority of the votes cast; that pressure, which would greatly complicate the presidential election process, is reduced by the Electoral College, which invariably produces a clear winner. [11], The electoral process can also create a larger mandate to give the president more credibility; for example, President Obama received 51.3% of the popular vote in 2012 but 61.7% of the electoral votes. And that would be a bad thing for Republicans, because they depend on the Electoral College. Why might a seat in the Senate be more attractive to a candidate than a seat in the House? It works without controversy in most elections. In the runup to the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol, 12 House Republicans issued an extraordinary statement that warned about the demise of the Electoral College. Opponents say kids arent mature enough to vote. It is an unfair method to use to select a president. A teenager who is beginning to engage in the political process is most likely to do which of the following for the party? Republicans say their goal is to fight future election fraud. He has also worked as a senior writer with, covering an array of international and domestic issues, and was a member of the CBC Sports digital team with a particular focus on rugby. States cannot violate due process laws because. The measure would not be enacted until states. 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