It only got worse when he joined Horus' rebellion. Everything quickly changed as the Vth Legion's fleet formation morphed in an instant, suddenly switching from an aimless drift-pattern into an arrowhead shock assault of astonishing precision. The White Scars launched several highly-successful hit-and-run assaults against the Traitor forces and together with remnants of the Imperial Army's 1st Terran Tank Division and several infantry regiments they successfully harassed the enemy supply lines as the Chaos armies fled to the Eternity Wall Spaceport to get off-world and escape Imperial vengeance. Qin Xa stepped in front of the Khan. It only got much worse after the Dropsite Massacre when Curze captured Vulkan. The Khan prepared to settle their argument once and for all. Jaghatai Khan, known as The Great Khan or The Warhawk was the primarch of the White Scars Space Marine Legion.Known for his secluded and fierce nature, the Khan was commonly overlooked and seen as a barbarian but in truth was a highly cultured individual. Slowly, grindingly, Jaghatai Khan hefted Hasik off the ground one-handed, pulling him upwards until their faces were level. Khalid Hassan, Captain of the Imperial Army's 4th Clandestine Orta and an agent of Malcador the Sigillite, the Regent of Terra, arrived aboard the Lance of Heaven. Shiban urged his brothers onwards, trying to instill the virtues of greater speed, greater power. Warriors of both sides had already fallen, their bodies caked in the drifting dust, but the fighting continued around them, bitter and unyielding. Blink-dismissing the lattice of targeting reticules and environmental compensators hovering in their field of vision within their helmets, only then did the White Scars see them: shimmering in spectral blue-white, arthropodic, winged and massive. Fleeing their attackers aboard the White Scars' flagship Lance of Heaven, Qin Xa would eventually succumb to his wounds. Fulgrim believed that his legion should embody the perfection of not just warfare but Imperial culture, and formed a strong friendship with both Ferrus Manus and Horus during the Great Crusade. The voidcraft that rose from low orbit to meet the sleek White Scars cruisers were sturdy vessels, no doubt hardened from centuries of warring against xenos raiders and corsairs, but they were too few to stand against the dozen Imperium warships that awaited them. The Khan was no fool, and of course this new galaxy would be led by Horus. He inquired whether they had a fix on the Swordstorm. But the desperation in her eyes stopped him. The two fleets grappled together as they pulled away from Prospero, locked in a web of broadsides and attack runs. Alpharius was the very first Primarch recovered. With the enemy closing in, and the station collapsing all around him due to explosions of Vortex Charges set by Veil, Stormseer Yesugai sacrificed himself by inserting himself into the Dark Glass' command throne and then opened a portal through the Webway to Terra, which allowed the White Scars fleet to swiftly flee through and escape the Traitors' clutches. She ran straight towards Shiban as he charged the Servitor pits, her arms waving frantically. It should have been easy to dismiss, to put down to the warping power of the Empyrean. By the combined efforts of his last remaining Stormseers, the Great Khan was rendered unseen to the behemoth, so that even as it concentrated its assault upon Horus and Mortarion, Jaghatai was able to work his way around the creature's vast, bloated form and thereby locate a weak point upon its underside. In this, of course, they were entirely correct. First off, he is associated with the colour red. Hasik's own keshig were amongst them, hulking in Terminatorbattle-plate. The Khan observed him guardedly, for Mortarion had always been hard to read. He dispersed the Keshig he had raised from Chogoris, the core of his new White Scars throughout the various companies, warriors whose names would only grow with the passing of years: Qin Xa, Targutai Yesugei, Hasik Noyan-Khan and others besides. Ironically, the former Sons of Horus have embraced this as well. It would have calmed the others, to see a warrior-Primarch making his case in support of the Librarius. During the Iron Cage incident, the roles were reversed, with the Iron Warriors massively outgunning the Imperial Fists and having them surrounded. Many fell to the concentrated volleys of covering fire, their armour pulverised in the withering barrage, but their momentum was not halted. The Khan visited every Battleship in person, stamping out the last traces of rebellion where he found them. But the numbers began to tell. It was the same choice he himself had once offered to the tribes and cities of Chogoris, and even when it was cloaked in pomp and ceremony, the Khan of Khans understood what the Emperor's offer meant: to live as His vassal or perish as His rival. They were burned when he had broke the wards over the Emperor's secret Webway project after he had projected his astral form into the dungeons of the Imperial Palace to bring his father the dire warning of the corruption of Horus and his intentions for insurrection. The Death Guard emerged from the Warp devoted to Nurgle, and became the first Plague Marines. The drift became more pronounced as the intensity of the las-fire picked up. Called "powerful and provocative" by Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, author of the New York Times bestselling How to be an Antiracist, this explosive book of history and cultural criticism reveals how white feminism has been used as a weapon of white supremacy and patriarchy deployed against Black and Indigenous women, and women of color. Those few records of the two often note this friendship between two otherwise isolated Primarchs. Arvida acquiesced to their wishes, but requested that they wait for a short time until he had fully recovered from his last encounter with the vile Warp-entities. He held his dao poised, waiting for his enemy to move. The Imperium was willfully blind, deliberately so. The Great Khan fighting against Orks on Chondax. Falling for a long distance, the Primarch came to a sudden halt. A second later the entire chamber was filled with light as flames leapt up from underneath the Psychneuein. Such was the ferocity of the attack by the Forces of Chaos that the besiegers forced the Imperial defenders back to the walls of the Imperial Palace, where thousands died slowing the assault. Leaving a trail of fire and plasma in their wake, the Death Guard entered the Warp, abandoning local space to the control of Jaghatai Khan. Jaghatai's own Legion ranged far and wide across the wastes of Drune, striking at concentrations of xenos power identified by his Stormseers. Ease symptoms of itch and pain. The proud and noble White Scars were once considered the masters of the lightning . Commanders still use the title Warmaster but are aware of its sordid history, the. Horus had sponsored them, and Lorgar had shown them new tricks. Also, this piece of lore was written before Alpharius was given a twin in the form of Omegon. Many of the Terran warriors of the Vth Legion as well as some of their erstwhile Chogorian brethren took part in the clandestine activities of the lodges. As the White Scars fleet moved into orbit, the Khagan instructed the fleet to blockade, then prepare for planetfall. During this time, Arvida had also begun to experience the mutational effects of his Legion's gene-curse, known as the "Flesh-Change.". It all made for a ferociously fast set of warships, from the largest behemoths to the most slender of system-runners. Eventually the tribesmen defeated the army of the Palatine, who escaped back to his capital with a select few bodyguards. Jaghatai and Magnus liked each other specially for the mutual respect that each showed to the other; the White Scar was not afraid of psykers and was willing to help the formation of the Librarius (alongside Sanguinius), while Magnus actively tried to understand the sons of Chogoris instead of treating them like simple barbarians (which is one of the main reasons the White Scars stay away from the Imperium). His eyes were amber, glinting from under the deep shadow of a tattered cowl. The White Scars went after them, harrying, strafing, hurling all their pent-up fury in a maelstrom of Lance-energy. Eventually the armies of Jaghatai came to the Palace of the Palatine, where the Primarch demanded the head of the Palatine on a spike. Whatever it was that the Stormseer had detected an echo of before the gates was now evident for all to see. He received nothing but static for his trouble. But in the end, the witch-hunters largely carried the day. Hasik was waiting for him. A long cloak of dark green hung down from high-rimmed shoulder guards. They were ruined things, twisted and hunched, though still twice the size of the Terminators before them. He manages to trap the whole Crusade in the Maelstrom and Kairos Fateweaver temporarily imprisons Guilliman. The lightning-fast style of mobile warfare that had served Jaghatai Khan so well on the steppes of his homeworld proved to be equally effective on the many different battlefields of the Great Crusade. It was said that Jaghatai and his warriors fought many of the Chaos Space Marines that tried to retreat to Terra's spaceports and flee. The Death Lord had never hidden what he wanted. The walls curved upwards steeply, terraced like an auditorium and striated with bands of metallic ore. Brass instruments lay about it, each one smashed or warped. PSA: 1d4chan no longer exists. He had ever been more than a simple butcher and general, more a builder of empires than some among his kin. External links 1d4chan at (founded 2011 ), the wiki site for detailed information on all MediaWiki-powered websites He had been so easy to keep out of the conversation. Horus had deployed the XXth Legion to launch a massive assault on Russ' battered and outnumbered Space Wolves. This is what shaped him into a man of fierce honour, loyalty and ruthlessness. I have regularly been out and about at any time of day or night all throughout the city in the last 25 years and have not experienced a single . All but one -- a grey-haired woman wearing a rumpled and torn Imperial Army general's uniform. But it had worn on the Khan, unravelling his sleep. Meanwhile, Shiban Khan had his ship, the Kalijan, slide close to his Legion's flagship. At some point he switched targets to lawbreakers and corrupt officials, leaving their mutilated bodies as a warning to others. His arms went rigid, locked by some mysterious force. Before he died, Yesugai's astral form imparted a final message for his friend Arvida -- he asked him to utilise his vast psychic abilities to guide the White Scars' fleet to the Throneworld. Proclaimed by astropathic signal and courier ship, Jaghatai's call would take many years to reach the furthest of his warriors. Magnus countered that this was certainly true of Roboute Guilliman and perhaps Lorgar as well, in his own warped way. If he was dead, then the Imperium was finished. The Khan could sense that a choice was coming, a grand choice. He might burn himself out to get to Terra, he might not. Where it's hinted that the White Scars Primarch, Jaghatai Khan, is being held captive, and that the Ultramarines will be going to provide aid. Some 40,000 cells fall off your skin every hour but, sometimes, those dead cells clog up a pore. Fulgrim soon recovered and embraced Chaos, and mortally wounded Rouboute Guilliman in the aftermath of the Horus Heresy before being driven into the Eye of Terror. The Khan strode down from the platform, his Keshig following him closely. Personnel began to move between the warships as the lodge members began to move themselves into position for their coup d'etat. The Iron Warriors are a Loyalist First Founding Space Marine Legion known for their mastery at siege-craft, both in defence and assault. Toxins across a wide spectrum were present in lethal quantities, and extensive volcanism scarred the equatorial zone. He commanded that the Primarchs were to close their Legions' Librarius departments forthwith and not to indulge the undoubted psychic talents of those Legionaries who possessed the gift. The rest of his army was slaughtered, almost to the last man. They were the ordu of Jaghatai Khan and they took orders from no one else. At the same time, he dispatched a grand summons, calling upon all of the disparate bands of the Vth Legion, the scattered Pioneer Companies that warred across the galaxy, to attend him. Hasik went rigid, impaled just below his hearts, unable to respond as searing energies rippled across his body and locked him in paralysis. Jaghatai Khan (pronounced Jagg-a-tie KAAN),also known as "The Great Khan," "the Khagan" and "the Warhawk," was theprimarch of the V Legion of Space Marines, the White Scars, who led them through the years of the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy. But his two brother Primarchs disagreed, for they felt that such potentially dangerous abilities needed to be curbed. The warning had been voiced by Kulek Senn, a senior Stormseer of the Vth Legion. Though Jaghatai, a statesman and empire-builder as much as a warrior, had hoped for a peaceful Compliance campaign, he was equally pleased to test his warriors against a worthy foe in honest battle. Mortarion had run out of friends. The Khan of Khans wedded those genetic ties to the culture of Chogoris, making this the glue to unify his Legion. After being discovered by the Emperor, Perturabo was given command of the IV Legion, and forged these Iron Warriors into an uncompromising force that brutally crushed its opponents through attrition. His faceplate was that of a suit of gold-crested Mark III Power Armour, archaic and festooned with Thousand Sons iconography. He ignored Eldrad Ulthran's warnings about the weapon and Horus, and encouraged his legion to turn to forbidden methods to improve themselves until the Emperor's Children became just as devoted to the God of Excess. Where other Legions sought to prosecute a war of stern discipline and careful planning, conquering with implacable might and securing those domains they seized, the White Scars descended upon the foe like a storm from clear skies. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. One did not kill an entire planet without aftershocks. As they pushed their bikes close to the flagship, scanning for an entry point, the Khan finally saw a single docking port, un-shielded and unbarred. After the battle was clearly lost, he took the time to bombard the walls one last time just to penetrate them. He now knew more than anyone what awaited those on the other side. Jaghatai thrust upwards, spearing some essential node or organ in the behemoth's central mass. Sieges may be a pain, but he made things extra hard for himself for no reason. Arvida vowed that he would. So many of you know I'm sure about 1d4chan. The reality was that the White Scars were always the last to know what was happening in the wider galaxy. Coils of oily gas spilled from the lining of his battle plate, dribbling down the skull-painted surfaces and hissing on contact with Prospero's death-dry soil. Coming to a decision, he quickly scooped her up in his arms and sprinted towards the teleportation mechanism as fast as he could. It is also worth noting that on Olympia Perturabo would regularly challenge his adoptive brother Andos to competitions of skill, for no reason. With his death, the traitors fled in disarray, the Heresy was ended, and the Imperium's grim fate was sealed. "You have chosen the doom I could not. At dawn, Jaghatai's lightning raid caught the Traitor garrison at the spaceport completely by surprise, and reclaimed the spaceport for the Emperor. His health had been ravaged by the long sojourn on a dying world, and it took solar days for him to recover enough to speak of what he had seen. Looking at the signals, still on the edge of the system but already moving in close -- three, then four vessels allied to Horus were moving towards the Prospero System. The website with some good insight on lore and also just funny in general. The White Scars fleet was paralysed. Every eye was fixed upon the command dais. The Khan sprang forward, seeing too late what was happening. He volunteered to do the dirty jobs when he got his legion, to prove how tough he was. Mortarion proceeded to explain the reason for his recent arrival; he told Jaghatai that he had sought him out, for things had changed. of the Alpha Legion. Discovering the clandestine activities of Hasik and his co-conspirators, Shiban Khan, commander of the Brotherhood of the Storm, attempted to bring to the attention of Jemulan Noyan-Khan, that his ordu commander Hasik was a part of this cancer at the heart of their Legion, and informed him of their intended plans. No markers, no idents marked them, just sub-Warp signatures and the telltale flicker of Void Shield activation. Jaghatai Khan has not been seen since, though the White Scars believe he is still alive somewhere within the Webway and will one day return to the Chapter in a time of great need. In these final years of the conquest there were fewer wild spaces for the White Scars to make war as they liked. Jaghatai, Horus and Mortarion knew that they had reached the centre of the xenos incursion when even they could proceed no further, so powerful were the psionic tides flooding out from the hideously pulsating wound in reality at the very centre of the city. When the end finally came, when Horus died at the hands of the Emperor aboard his Battle Barge Vengeful Spirit in orbit above Mankind's homeworld, the White Scars emerged from the fires of galactic civil war bloodied, but alive. Somehow the Warp Storms around Chondax had been orchestrated by some mysterious outside force. Mortarion did not make empty threats. The Thousand Sons had hunted them, driving them into the wilds and far from the glittering spires. Maybe. I would like to kill you, for you remind me of my own choices, but I will not. Their nature was untamed, but still bound by the chains of duty and honour as defined by the Chogorian code. It was an apparition of his missing brother, Magnus the Red, the Crimson King. Jaghatai gave those cities of the Palatine he besieged two choices -- to surrender or die. As the orb of Chondax fell rapidly away aft, it was mediated by the glowing corpses of a dozen burned-out Alpha Legion warships. Mortarion informed Jaghatai that their respective starships were at war. The White Scars were to number among the heroes of this age, spreading across the stars to bring war and death in the name of their new master. The Chogorians had always known of the existence of the Warp and the dangerous entities of Chaos that lurked within. The White Scars vessels took on new trajectories and moved in perfect concert, suddenly leaping from semi-committed holding patterns into a single attack vector. It was a rare find, a realm of unsullied human genestock whose advanced technology was well-matched to that of the Imperium, but whose small size precluded any extended resistance to the Imperium's authority. When a master painter produced a painting of the campaign that prominently featured the Imperial Fists, while the Iron Warriors only appeared in the background, Perturabo requested the painting and, as soon as the artist handed it over, burned it to cinders while explaining that if his legion was not properly honoured in the aftermath of a victory, he would prefer they not be remembered at all. To put down to the warping power of the Palatine he besieged two choices -- to surrender die. And having them surrounded strafing, hurling all their pent-up fury in a web of and! 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