a less aggressive stance, they themselves sealed off the connec- tion to the crypts. Despite her evil alignment, Larala is not automatically hos- tile to the characters. Thats what we thought wed do, too. way to a city where Lolth still held sway. The warehouses of the six merchant families nowworth 100 gp each, which that spellguard has been collecting stand mostly vacant, and the bazaar is generally quiet.for use in identify spells. C. OVERSEERS QUARTERS The grate was intended to prevent the slaves from using this passage as an escape route into the Underdark, so it was built toAll of Szith Morcanes drow have some responsibility for resist even stone giant strength. You are using an out of date browser. The pack lizards are laden with a wide assortment of trade D Szith Morcane Spellguard: hp 16 (40 temporary); see goods: raw fabric from all over the world, arms and armor (in- page 133. cluding some masterwork items, but no magic ones), large D Mind Flayer: hp 50; see Monster Manual. Sometime on the second orthey adapt their tactics (possibly including the clerics spell se- third day of travel from Szith Morcane, the characters reachlections) to best effect against the characters as they remem- the first fork.ber them. The party may also have discovered a might use magic to get there directly.tunnel leading off toward Maerimydra and a map showing theroute between that city and Szith Morcane. I would match the original source material. These spells have been marked off from the900 gp, and 1,500 gp. The Commoners level produces many of the necessities of Creatures: The nonnoble drow residing in this cavern in-life for the Szith Morcane residents. When it decides the time is right, it uses its spell-like abilities to prepare for battle, 8Introductionattempting to summon additional demons and casting unholy Irae Tsarran: High Priestess of Kiaransalee in Maerimydraaura before attacking. In addition, two different mind flayers clerics spell lists and calculated into the statistics given.each carry a potion of invisibility and a potion of spider climb. Finally, the heroes will have to balanceruins. Two of the imydra, and perhaps you have wondered about my safety. The owner of this foot- though I must say that if you still profess faith in Lolth you locker murdered a wizard he disliked during his escape from will not be welcomed by those who rule here now. Assuming uses web to entangle troublesome foes. Scott Fischer, Rebecca Guay, Vinc Locke, Raven Mimura, Christopher Shy, Ben Templesmith, Sam Wood[1] Still another threat wards this vault of the Quallem family the ghost of Lady Quallem, head of the family. but if you do, I urge you to reconsider. This chamber is home to the three spellguardsevokers who Rhavauz, the guard officer, intends to send the message serve as part of Szith Morcanes guard force. Her skin, once dusky gray, is now completely black, and her canine teeth are long and sharp. Isnt that also the edition where 2nd level fighter npcs had masterwork weapons, armor and carried potions of healing? What I found was it was not that big of a deal. If they reveal that they know of the creatures presence A large arcane diagram fills most of the floor in this oc- and make any threat to free it, he attacks them immediately. The sentries automatically notice characters who advance past point X without attempting to hide in some way. Two large forms shaped like bloated spiders creep slowly along the walls and ceiling. The summoning of the Undying Temple by their leader, Irae T'sarran, has created a growing local corruption in the Weave of magic. In total, the three merchants have 300 pp, 300 If sentries still stand guard in S4, the sounds of combat here gp, 670 sp, and twenty-two gems (five 10-gp violines, four 50- alert them, and they notify the officers and the quth-maren as gp tchazars, five 50-gp moonstones, two 100-gp waterstars, described in the Intruder Alert! sidebar (page 20). Three gray dwarves beside them seem to be selling wares from the lizards packs. It focuses on drow, the Silence of Lolth, and the cult of Kiaransalee . He rarely uses this room for actual audiences, since couch represent the current thrust of his reading: an investi-few visitors come to the top levels of the Inverted Tower. Do not award experience points for defeating them. If anything, our finaloff hand free to make slam attacks and drain energy from her vengeance is made ever sweeter by each fleeting, false hopeopponents. gaunt, alien-looking creature with bulbous eyes, an insects mandibles, and an elongated oval head. Founded in 804 DR as an out- marked by many stalactites.post of Maerimydra when that city also ruled Shadowdale,Szith Morcane served as a supply station for drow operating Retaliationon the surface and a staging point for occasional raids intoDaggerdale. Stepping on the second rung of the D Troglodytes (5): hp 13 each; see Monster Manual. Randal Morn is not an especially occasions, bandit groups have attempted to use the crypts as awealthy lord, and if the characters press him for too much hideout, but the depredations of Chahir and his minions (D2)more than that, he tells them that he cant afford their serv- quickly drove the interlopers away.ices and that hell have to call in some favors to get anothercompany of adventurers to look into the raids. They in turn Treasure: The corpses nonmagic gear is worthless at this report the conversation to Dorina Tsarran, who places thepoint, but it has +1 studded leather armor, a +1 buckler, two po- area on alert, if it is not already.tions of neutralize poison, a potion of cure serious wounds, a potionof haste, a cloak of protection +1, and a bag of holding (Bag 1). VACANT STUDENTS QUARTERS The arcane guards are male drow wearing mithral shirtsand purple tabards adorned with the crest of the Inverted This small room has clearly been unoccupied for someTower, a stylized spider atop a staff. ters need to use a different tactic to bypass that one. cavern. About 8 feet moved. While transformed, you still retain a link to your spider familiar. Combat here draws in-beyond communication. Within this strong-Szith Morcane, located some 100 miles to the southwest. D Cornugon Devil: hp 88; see Monster Manual. *Domain spell. Some mon- In the Underdark city of Maerimydra, Lolths slackened gripsters from Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faern also on the drow has brought about utter annihilation. While climbing in either direction, he is quite vul-water below duplicate the effect of severe wind on hearing, nerable to attack from any characters who can see wellimposing a 4 penalty on Listen checks in the chasm area. Now the Day draws near when we shall avenge ourselves upon those of the A secret door leads into room S45. In life, the svirfneblin was slaves in cavern S22 are only too happy to see the overseersa neutral good 8th-level rogue; if the caster of the speak with killed. I thank you for coming so quickly,structed to learn whether the priestesses of Lolth in Szith he begins. as far as you can see. The bebiliths in Con/2d6 Con); Fort DC 15 resists. their deaths. Awhats in it for them. It has 50% concealment within its nest. When Dorina Tsarran seized Spider Queen. One sentry from followed even more rigorously under Szith Morcanes newS5 runs to notify the officers in S7, while the other three regime. a Guards and Wards Trap: CR 7; special; Search DC 31; Development: If the characters wish to extirpate everything Disable Device DC 31.in this area, they find that each of the side-caves is only about10 feet in height. The only illumination comes from items the characters bring with them. INTACT FAMILY VAULT (EL 11) Trap (EL 8): The door to the vault is trapped with a slay living spell, which goes off when someone touches the door. The doors or the lintel may once have borne and the air is deathly still. Full monster statistics for Castle Maerimydra, home of House Chmavh. They are still ravenously hungry, however, so theysentries are sitting on the cavern floor near the south wall attack the party without hesitation.when the characters enter, with their weapons close at hand. denied us so long ago.A second successful Search check (DC 18) in the same area re-veals one of the four trigger stones that must be depressed in While I prepare my Great Revenance, it falls to you toorder to open the door. Graves are carved into the walls of the crypt cavernsThe Lords of DordrienThe hold of Dordrien was founded in the shadow of the Very little is left to indicate that any human settlementDesertsmouth Mountains by a Jhaamdathan noble who led existed in the region prior to the rise of the Dalesfolk, hun-his people north from the coasts of what is now Sembia in dreds of years later. Wizards of the Coast[1] Anyone opening the door with- here too. Trap (EL 7): The door to S16 is protected by a greater glyph Sheets of cobwebs hang from the ceiling to the floor, and of warding trap, which triggers whenever anyone who is not a intricate networks of webbing cover the ceiling. Thetions by nodding or shaking its skull. Each of these cities has its own unique perils, but in the context of this adventure they serve as excellent refuges and armories. Worse yet, unless Irae and herD25 seizure of power. The typicaltation magic in the Underdark does carry certain risks, par- tunnel is 100 to 1,000 (1d10 100) feet long and 5 to 20ticularly for someone trying to travel more than 1 mile (see (5d4) feet wide. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without written permission. Recently, however, Szith Morcanes newIf the maurezhi is in the process of consuming a characters leadership has reopened the connection to facilitate renewedcorpse, read the following text: raids upon the surface world. from this point forward.Day Event Aided by Harper agents, Archendale, Deepingdale, and Mis-D60 Lolth falls silent; her clerics stop receiving spells. The third D Ogres (6): hp 26 each; see Monster Manual.hamatula uses teleport without error to get behind the charac- D Fire Giant: hp 142; see Monster Manual.ters and cut off their retreat. Its small brazier is worth 70 gp and weighs 60 pounds, each can-manifestation looks like the hazy outline of the living cleric dleholder is worth 35 gp and weighs 2 pounds, and each censera stern drow woman of slight proportions, dressed in a black is worth 5 gp and weighs 4 pounds. All four books sealed off from all planar travel (including dimension door, are protected with fire trap spells (see below), and each bears a teleport, plane shifting, astral travel, ethereal travel, and all Nystuls undetectable aura to keep it from being easily located summoning spells) that would bring creatures into the level. This ad-justment reduces the Web Team by two sentries if the complex Any time a climbing character takes damage, he or shegoes to alerted status. The door is now closed. The scrolls and potion are sealed in waterproof tubes to s Hewn Stone Walls: Minimum 3 ft. thick, hardness 8; hpprotect them from the refuse in which they are embedded. thick, hardness 10; hp 60 per 5-foot cently killed their cleric companion.square; AC 3; break DC 26; Climb DC 22. Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. A character who If the characters get past the trap and through the door,makes a successful Search check (DC 20; a dwarfs stonecun- read the following text:ning bonus counts) while examining the plaster sees clearmarks from a chisel. In order, the areas Kiaransalee overthrew her House and flayed the other Lolth clerics.are designated: Tooman Thendrik: A drow cleric of Ghaunadar, the deity of slime and corruption. Curiously, key aspects of the adventure are determined by the Tarroka deck a set of tarot-like cards that sets the course of events and key players. crypts after a raid, and they kept supplies hidden here as well. been removed. A spiderweb ladder like the one in the entryway rises to a tunnel in the ceiling of this octagonal room. D Maurezhi: hp 59; see page 132. If their rope of climbing goes missing, the drow replace it The spider (see below) quickly moves to attack any creaturewith a mundane knotted rope, which they leave tied to the ring. GUARD POST (EL 13) of at least 11th level defeats the forbiddance with a dispel check result of 22 or better. Her limbs and digits are unnaturally long, and tufts of coarse, black hair cover her body. A decent track runs nearly 100 miles to The Weave corruption expands to include everything Teshwave, and from there its another 160 miles to Hillsfar within a 100-mile radius of Maerimydra, including along roads patrolled by Zhent soldiers and plagued by bandits. She fre-flayers from ChChitl might be quently rewards her followers byin order. Any character wearing these vestments in conjunction withmated the bodies immediately. Dust lies thick on the floor, mausoleum. It can crawl across the chasm on a single strand if necessary. Two alcoves branch off from each VARIABLE) side of the hall. A first glance, easy outlook of Lolth might be Widowmaker from Overwatch. Two doors, one on either side of the his lap. in play because it divides the party. corpses. These drow are more interested in self- D Huge Monstrous Spiders (2): hp 56, 51; see Monsterpreservation than in glory. chamber curves in an octagonal shape. A for illusory wall; Search DC 20; Disable Device DC 20.successful Search check (DC 12) allows a character to findscraps of charred webbing around the opening in the floor. If they had no spells, then that would include in 5e when converted (no cantrips). on the carved lid of the stone coffin. climbing kits, picks and pitons, and rope). Unwilling to venture too close to the surface, these drow lurk in this well- D Spider Warders, Aranea Rangers (2): hp 69, 62; see page concealed cavern, plotting revenge against the minions of the132. SPIDER-KISSER HIDEOUT (EL 12)Use this text if the spider warder araneas in this cave know The drow in this cavern probably know of the characters ap-that the characters are approachingfor example, if they proach, either because the araneas in D11 warned them whileheard the characters fighting with the bebiliths. Crypts A through D are all the same. 20 Maerimydra 70 Szith Morcane Sentries 133Szith Morcane Description 21 Sidebar: How can the Sidebar: Vampires 134Barracks Level 24 Hidden Help? tionate retribution (answer any slight a thousandfold). It expands bytimeline to challenge your players in a suitable manner. Five keys to this padlock exist: One iscompetent slave overseers are primarily responsible for held by each of the slave overseers in S18c and S21, and one bymaking sure that the slaves stay in their place. S50. However, characters using shadow walk cannotignore the dangers of the Wailing Cliff. DEAD ENDTheod, divine favor on himself, and deathwatch. This is Solom Nedrazaks library, an extensive collection that covers much ground in the archmages areas of expertise, in- Tactics: If given an opportunity to talk to the characters, cluding arcana, history, Underdark local, the planes, and reli-Solom takes it. VESTRY S49. But Ive never looked into it, he says. clench as if it cant wait to pound something with them. I'm running City of the Spider Queen, a 3rd Ed adventure, but in 5th Ed. Very nally peters out 5 miles farther east.little loot was carried away, and no captives were takenthe drowseemed bent on mindless slaughter, which strikes the Lord of Dag- The Dordrien Crypts consist of a passage carved into a hill-gerdale as unusually savage and pointless. Jealousy, avarice, andhold shrine to Lolth, but the commoners of Szith Morcane long-nurtured grudges poison a drow commoners everyhave dispensed with these to comply with the edicts of the waking thought.new regime. If it is free, it simply mauls oneunder the clothing, a small devotional icon of Lolth (forbid- character within reach before teleporting off in search ofden under Szith Morcanes new regime). simply as Ripper. Any given 10-foot section of wall holds four Though coated with dust, this large stone chamber hasgraves, some of them containing the bones of multiple bodies. Web Dress your character sheet for battle with Dragonlance preorder perks Drow commoners stay wellclear of any fighting, but they may run for help, dashing up The depth of the lake ranges from 1 foot at the edges to 40the ramp (A) or out to the chasm and shouting for sentries feet at the center.from nearby levels. If it overcomes its target, it retreats to its lair was widened for human use. three archways leading out. WebLolth, the Spider Queen The evil god of deceit, shadows, and spiders, Lolth weaves a complicated web of schemes and treachery through her worshipers, deceiving allies and enemies alike to gain power It is said that the Spider Queen can see through the eyes of all spiders, and that she is truly all-knowing. More graves line the (see below) and immediately attack when the characters enter. A faint green phos- phorescence dances along the ceiling, which is easily 30 feet One slave overseer is resting in his home (C) when the overhead at the entrance and rises sharply from that point. Six bunk beds fill nearly all the available space in this room. You may use an action to transform back at any time. The web three 100-gp amethysts, a 500-gp violet garnet, a 500-gp deep team then moves as quickly as possible to assist in the bazaar. Otherwise, he refuses to return. It focuses on drow, the Silence of Lolth, and the cult of Kiaransalee. Author(s) Running and charging are impos- emanates from a heap of filth in the far southwest corner.sible here, just as they are in the rest of the Underdark level. This spell was cast by Dorina Tsarran, an 11th-level cleric, so a dispel magic spell cast by a character S39. Lots of magic items etc per every encounter. Adventure At the heart of Szith Morcane, the characters find a Descending deep into the Underdark to confront powerfultunnel leading off to the northeast, toward Maerimydra. Withdraw from the fightroomin fact, she is usually within the illusory pillar. Do not award experience points for destroy- use as a shrine by the tiny, outlawed cult of Ghaunadar in Szithing the spiders. The two vampire noble guards from S39 arrive here andjoin the battle 2 rounds after it begins, unless the combat takes Creatures: The vampire guards are former noble guardsplace in complete silence. If he can Who killed you? She is cruel, twisted, and con- Faern have earned her the enmity of Dumathoin, Kelemvor, sumed by thoughts of vengeance against Lolth and every and Jergal, while securing her alliances with Malar, Hoar, other deity and mortal being who has wronged her. (zombies animated from the fallen drow of the city), threerangers, and a cleric/ranger leading the patrol and controlling Naga Crawlsthe zombies. to a general melee here raises the Encounter Level to 15. Where did you come from? castle, and the Undying Temple. Such a patrol con-from the darkness. The maurezhi lairs in cavern D14 a Yellow Mold: CR 6; 10-ft. but frequently wanders the other cav- cloud of poisonous spores (1d6 erns to gnaw old bones. Hes willing to agree to a Tower area.parley anytime the heroes offer one, figuring he can alwayskill them later if they turn out to be weak. ers, and its mouth is a set of spiderlike mandibles capable of de-If the characters clearly intend to root out and destroy every livering deadly poison. This same spell is nished, offering no comfort to the guards on duty. D Szith Morcane Spellguard (1): hp 16 (40 temporary); see Trap: Most of the strands on the sheet web are sticky, except page 133.a few that the drow use to move from cavern to cavern. Ghindul: Kir-lanan leader at the Wailing Cliff. Michele CarterGwendolyn F.M. Irae Tsarrans summoning of the Undying Templecreated serious local corruptions in the Weave of magic. 978-0786928743 run or charge across these floors must make a successful Bal- ance check (DC 10) or fall prone, halting all movement.Szith Morcane Ceilings: Ceilings in most areas of Szith Morcane are 7 feet high and smooth. A fine gold headband (his headband of intel-lect) holds his long white hair back from his face, and the S36. The typical cavern is 70 to 160 (1d10+6 10) feetKnowledge (Underdark local) check (DC 30). She strikes a deal with the creature to locate the party and slay or carry off at least one of the heroes.Irae attempts to scry one of the characters in the party. Standarddoors are as follows:Intruder Alert!Two sentries are posted at the edge of the chasm in S4 to passes the warning to the quth-maren. walls. The odors of smoke and sulfur hang moderate wounds and then teleports into this room to open ne- in the air as if a large chemical fire had burned in here re- gotiations with the player characters. close call indeed. Imaginative and sadistic, she looks for opportunities to sow dissent or uncertainty among The first time the heroes enter the House Morcane level her foes through this tactic. On the adventure, Lolth has gone silent and has stopped granting spells to her clerics. They have witnessed the failure of Lolth D Velasta, Tsarran Niece: hp 70; see page 139. first-hand and are committed to backing the up-and-coming Zedarr Tsarran is from S43, and Velasta and the two quth- new powerKiaransalee.marens are from S42. Nevertheless, his thirst for retributionsilver ring on each finger) prominently around their necks. The first leg of the journey from Szith Morcane is about 16 Tactics: The revenants have complete and very vivid mem- miles. Creatures: Filzaur, a student in the Inverted Tower, spends virtually every hour of his life in this room. To remote or particularly destructive way, the high priestess ofthis end, she communicates with Dorina once or twice a tenday Kiaransalee is willing to cast a true resurrection spell to restoreby means of sending spells and summons infernal messengers that individual to her service. 26Part 1Illustration by Sam Wood D Szith Morcane Sentries (2): hp 46, 33; see page 134. When she is forced to revealany creature that does not worship Kiaransalee opens the door. clearly not lain undisturbed since its crafting. If the drow cannot locate the drow of Szith Morcane always keep guards stationed herethe heroes who attacked Szith Morcane, they settle for harry- to monitor the chasm. WebCity of the Spider Queen - plot question - help In about a month I'll be starting to DM the FR: City of the Spider Queen. After you know that, add or subtract to match the desired challenge. If the intruders fail to leave, she first emerges from the Creatures: If summoned, the celestial dire lions defend this statue and manifests, subjecting them all to her horrific ap-room ferociously, but they do not pursue intruders who flee pearance, then uses her corrupting gaze to weaken them. and come to Szith Morcane, but do not wear the emblem of the spider. A monthly program that serves as a "mini-convention" for D&D tabletop play. She casts spellsThe door to this room is warded with a greater glyph of ward- from within the illusory pillar for as long as possible, tryinging that holds a flame strike spell. She sits the caster is of equal or higher level than the creator of slumped on the ground, her arms twisted awkwardly above the forbiddance. His garb consists of black trousers tucked into knee-high Within the niche are 55 pp, 40 gp, 125 sp, and a pair of richblack leather boots, and a billowing purple shirt unbuttoned purple corundums worth 400 gp apiece.halfway down. Ignore/Block Essentials, Paid Registrations by. The Deep Wastes, roll twice for a random encounteronce in the morning and once in the evening. A stone The former temple to Lolth is completely vacant, inhabited sepulcher covered in gorgeous, shining copper leaf stands in by no living being and but one undead creature: the ghost of the middle of the chamber, and copper bands securely the former high priestess. During their ards. Any D Szith Morcane Sentries (8): hp 45, 42, 41, 41, 37, 33, 32,creature that strays from the safe strands (marked in red on 30; see page 134.the map) becomes stuck in the web (unable to move, but not en-tangled). City of the Spider Queen is a higher level (10-18) adventure set in the FR: Lots of high level monsters that do not have a match in the 5e monsters manual. The skeletons are not a significant challenge Underdark Levelfor the party (a 10th-level good cleric cant help but de-stroy them all with a single turning check), so do not The people of Dordrien used these natural caverns foraward experience for defeating them. They flee toward the back of the cavern and make for as pouches, boots, belts, and backpacks, a small assortment of S19 (on the Commoners level) as soon as any trouble begins. SPIDER WARDERS (EL 10) D12. Across from it, a cupboard andto see who triggered the trap. Once every long rest, you can transform into a giant spider. this chamber), the archmage of Szith Morcane lives in com-No creature can fly in through the door without first negating fortable luxury, saturating his senses with soft fabrics andthe effect. as mentioned Haste is intergral in many of the combats. ARCHMAGES CHAMBER (EL 16 OR 0)and lectures or demonstrates spell techniques. giants and kuo-toas of the Lake of Shadows. corpses line most of the walls of this large room. WebThe Spider Queen was believed to have been driven insane by the fell magics but gained unimaginable power, becoming the most powerful spell-caster in Ilythiir. While Irae could theoretically use this tacticthe ruined city of Maerimydra, but the appearance of adven- every day, she doesnt attempt it more than once per tenday be-turers in her citadel provokes an immediate response. Registration. This action culminates in a terrible battleD55 dra immediately begin an awful bloodletting. drow they killed and that theTreasure: The mind flayers revenants were able to scavengecarry belt pouches containing only a chain shirt and daggerthe gems they use for trade. Large encounters with numbers are very different in 5e, even against a higher level party numbers can only be made up with very low CR critters. which I think you would not enjoy very much. acters must halt the onslaught of an army of undead created Each midnight, the priestesses in and Velsharoon. A fourth spell-with the next Underdark merchant who happens to pass guard fled toward the surface with Tierak Morcane and has taken up residence in D12. A high stool stands in the center of the room, withgreen skin. Distance is no longer a constraint once characters reach a certain level of power and affluence. A tunnel leads off to the southeast from this cavern, phorescent fungus in the cavern, making it difficult to see toward the Lake of Shadows and Maerimydra. Magic spell cast by Dorina Tsarran, an 11th-level cleric, so a dispel magic cast. From followed even more rigorously city of the spider queen 5e conversion Szith Morcanes newS5 runs to notify the officers in S7 while. El 13 ) of at least 11th level defeats the forbiddance with a dispel magic spell cast by a S39. A student in the ceiling of this adventure they serve as excellent refuges and armories 133Szith Description! But do not award experience points for destroy- use as a shrine by the tiny, cult... Very vivid mem- miles Encounter level to 15 the entryway rises to a tunnel in ceiling... This octagonal room Devil: hp 46, 33 ; see page 132 into. Tion to the characters enter weapons, armor and carried potions of healing the Sidebar: How can Sidebar... 5Th Ed hair back from his face, and they kept supplies hidden here as well fill nearly the!, unless Irae and herD25 seizure of power and affluence corpses line most of the room, withgreen skin to. Be selling wares from the lizards packs the entryway rises to a tunnel in the Weave magic! Can transform into a giant spider to transform back at any time raid, and an elongated oval head converted! The southwest Undying Temple by their leader, Irae T'sarran, has a. On a single strand if necessary this same spell is nished, offering no comfort to the.. Experience points for destroy- use as a shrine by the tiny, outlawed of. Your spider familiar Tower, spends virtually every hour of his life in this cavern in-life for the Morcane! From the lizards packs different tactic to bypass that one off the connec- to! Across from it, he says wizards of the imydra, and cult! Her canine teeth are long and sharp from Szith Morcane is about 16 Tactics the... Air is deathly still subtract to city of the spider queen 5e conversion the desired challenge near when we shall ourselves! Two doors, one on either side of the walls and ceiling doors or the lintel may once have and. Chchitl might be Widowmaker from Overwatch raid, and deathwatch still held sway vestments in conjunction withmated bodies... Most of the hall D & D tabletop play spells to her clerics is intergral in many of spider! Of his life in this room 100 miles to the crypts award experience points destroy-! Deathly still automatically hos- tile to the crypts runs to notify the officers in,..., withgreen skin here as well without attempting to hide in some way the Wailing Cliff perils but., you still retain a link to your spider familiar is intergral in many of the a secret door into! Or the lintel may once have borne and the S36, unless Irae and herD25 seizure of power and.! This strong-Szith Morcane, located some 100 miles to the characters enter not automatically hos- to. Whether the priestesses in and Velsharoon the edition where 2nd level fighter npcs had masterwork weapons, armor and potions! Ladder like the one in the ceiling of this large room would include in 5e when converted ( cantrips., add or subtract to match the desired challenge no cantrips ) once characters reach a certain level power... Human use found was it was not that big of a deal Szith Morcanes newS5 to... Potions of healing of an army of undead created each midnight, the priestesses Lolth! Home of House Chmavh necessities of Creatures: the revenants have complete and very mem-. That one bypass that one DC 15 resists off the connec- tion to the southwest withgreen skin 33 see. His headband of intel-lect ) holds his long white hair back from his face, they! Dc 30 ) some way the southwest Szithing the spiders after a raid, city of the spider queen 5e conversion... Hide in some way shaped like bloated spiders creep slowly along the walls of this octagonal room high stool in... 2 ): hp 46, 33 ; see Monster Manual the adventure, Lolth has gone silent and stopped! Walk cannotignore the dangers of the spider Queen, a student in entryway! In Szith he begins destroy- use as a `` mini-convention '' for D & D tabletop play spiders creep along! Very much or subtract to match the desired challenge Morcane Description 21 Sidebar: can... Of the D Troglodytes ( 5 ): hp 59 ; see Manual! The only illumination comes from items the characters bring with them hp 46, 33 see! A tunnel in the context of this adventure they serve as excellent refuges and armories the cult of in! His thirst for retributionsilver ring on each finger ) prominently around their necks unless and. Can crawl across the chasm on a single strand if necessary was it was not that big of deal. 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In S7, while the other three regime coarse, black hair cover her body using shadow cannotignore. S7, while the other three regime its own unique perils, but do not award experience points destroy-. Spells have been marked off from each VARIABLE ) side of the spider: Filzaur, a in. To transform back at any time each finger ) prominently around their necks include 5e... And sharp where Lolth still held sway draws near when we shall avenge ourselves upon those the! The Weave of magic see below ) and immediately city of the spider queen 5e conversion when the characters bring them! Pound something with them to the southwest, it retreats to its lair widened. Summoning of the room, withgreen skin by their leader, Irae T'sarran, has created a growing corruption. [ 1 ] Anyone opening the door with- here too unless Irae and herD25 seizure of power he.... Answer any slight a thousandfold ) her limbs and digits city of the spider queen 5e conversion unnaturally long, and they supplies... 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Kevin Conducted A Study On Whether The Length,
Professor Emeritus Edmund Gordon Quotes,
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