When their infants began suffering symptoms such as fevers and diarrhea after teething began, the parents concluded that teething was the cause, having no idea that the real source of the symptoms was a disease such as malaria, typhus, or cholera. d. hippocampus. 3.11 Describe the neonates sensory abilities with respect to touch, taste and smell, hearing, and sight. Does speed of information processing contribute to better performance in middle childhood? What have studies on the consequences of early child care found? human development way people grow and change across the life span; includes peoples biological, cognitive, psychological, and social functioning culture total pattern of a groups customs, beliefs, art, and technology globalization increasing connections between different parts of the world in trade, travel, migration, and communication 3 SECTION 1 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT TODAY AND ITS ORIGINS LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1.1 Distinguish between the demographic profiles of developed countries and developing countries in terms of population, income, and education. That is, and during that process I banged my head hard on a shelf. They were kept in large, dim, bare rooms, attended by a small number of indifferent care givers. Age 9 My, how theyre growing up. But there is almost the birth of each child. Wikipedia citation. Learning to coordinate reaching and grasping is the basis of further development of ne motor skills, and an essential part of human motor functioning. Single motherhood has increased among both Whites and African Americans, but is now highest among African Americans; over 70% of African American children are born to a single mother (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2010). Mothers emotional well-being is a problem, and her well-being is typically enhanced by remarriage, at least initially (Visher et al., 2003). cal punishment gradually declined in the beat out of them. John Christiana created the beautiful interior and cover design. Boys increasingly describe themselves in terms of masculine traits (Serbin et al., 1993). Copyright 2000 - 2020 by Citation Machine, a Chegg Service. Another criticism of Piaget is cultural, because nearly all research has been on children in the West. Also, the entrance into formal schooling takes children away from the family social environment and places them in an environment where they spend a substantial amount of most days around many other children of similar age. Children in Western countries are also encouraged to speak up and hold conversations. The answer turned out to be, as you may have guessed, none of the above. Attachment theory has been criticized for not acknowledging temperament sufciently and for overlooking bidirectional effects. Why are rates of asthma higher now than in the past? In traditional cultures, this usually means being part of a peer play group that may include siblings and cousins as well as other children. A Multi plan gives you access to more than 1,500 eTextbook titles and study tools. as a Parent You want to co-sleep with your newborn daughter, but your spouse is afraid the child will not learn to become independent. When parents provide both genetics and environment, characteristics of a population, resembling a bell curve in which most cases fall near the middle as they do in most families, it is very difcult to judge the relative contribution of each. Shy children were identied as those who spent the individualistic values of self-assertion and most time in onlooker behavior (watching the activities of othindependence. Friendships do change in quality with age, as we will see in the chapters to come, but even in toddlerhood many of the features of friendship are evident. During the mid-20th century, pediatricians advocated early toilet trainingthe earlier the betterand in 1957 a study reported that 92% of American toddlers were toilet trained by the time they were 18 months old (Goode, 1999). Although they knew nothing about the physiological causes of illness and had no effective medical remedies, they attempted to devise practices that would allow their infants to avoid harm. Parenting Styles Describe the four types of parenting styles and the outcomes associated with each, and explain why those outcomes are complex. In toddlerhood, parents begin to convey and enforce rules that require emotional self-regulation: no hitting others no matter how angry you are, no jumping on the table no matter how happy you are, and so on (Calkins, 2007). In infants the study of attention has focused on habituation, which is the gradual decrease in attention to a stimulus after repeated presentations. The rst laughs occur about a month after the rst smiles (Nwokah et al., 1999). The Praeger Handbook of Mental Health and the Aging Community. One recent theory proposes that autoHigh Myelination in Early Childhood In which biographical memory before age 2 is limited because the awareness of self becomes stable structures is myelination completed by age 5? She had observed that along with stranger anxiety, infants and toddlers experience separation anxiety when apart from attachment gures, especially if a stranger is present. and is often a consequence of bottle-feeding in unsanitary conditions. The grandmother asserts that this is unhealthy for the granddaughter. d. goodness-of-t. However, for Piaget it was not enough for a child to grasp some aspects of conservation, classication, and seriation in order to be considered a concrete operational thinker; the child had to have complete mastery of the tasks associated with the stage (Piaget, 1965). For both boys and girls, 297 attention-decit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis that includes problems of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness APPLYING YOUR KNOWLEDGE Think of any sport or game popular among children in your culture. For example, the average 6-year-old in Bangladesh is only as tall as the average 4-year-old in Sweden (Leathers & Foster, 2004). 4.21 Describe infants emotional perceptions and how their emotions become increasingly social over the rst year. The Origin of Cultures and Civilizations 1.4 LEARNING OBJECTIVE Upper Paleolithic period period of human history from 40,000 to 10,000 years ago, when distinct human cultures rst developed Neolithic period era of human history from 10,000 to 5,000 years ago, when animals and plants were rst domesticated civilization form of human social life, beginning about 5,000 years ago, that includes cities, writing, occupational specialization, and states Summarize the evidence that human cultures rst developed during the Upper Paleolithic period, and identify the features of the Neolithic period and early civilizations. associated with negative characteristics such as anxiety, insecuNORTH MONGOLIA However, Chen and his colleagues rity, and social incompetence (Rubin & Coplan, 2010). How does animism reect young childrens egocentrism? All afternoon into three major sections: physical development, cognitive developthe women talk together as they prepare food for the evening meal. Our Citation Machine APA guide is a one-stop shop for learning how to cite in APA format. What might you tell him or her in response? Japan provides an interesting example of a culture where shame and withdrawal of love is the core of discipline in early childhood. b. be abruptly weaned at age 1. c. be given formula instead of breast milk. d. develop better attention spans. This nding reects a more general gender difference found in many other studies, that girls prize trust in middle childhood friendships more than boys do, and that boys friendships focus more on shared activities, although for both genders trust is more important in middle childhood than in early childhood (Rubin et al., 2008). b. Imprinting is another name for the stepping reex. relational aggression type of aggression that involves damaging another persons reputation among peers through social exclusion and malicious gossip and hostile aggression can each be expressed in several ways. Women are more at risk for postpartum depression if they have had previous episodes of major depression or if they have close family members who have experienced major depression (Bloch et al., 2006). Hoboken NJ: Wiley. Reviews. 6.15 Describe moral development in early childhood, including empathy, modeling, and morality as cultural learning. 6.16 Describe the roles that parents and peers play in gender socialization, and explain how gender schemas lead to self-socialization. asthma chronic illness of the lungs characterized by wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath has become cleaner and safer, and food content more closely regulated by government agencies. In humans the larynx is lower in the throat than it is in other primates, making spoken language possible. On their first birthday the social world The other mom had a girl who appeared to be perhaps 2 years of most infants is limited to parents, siblings, and perhaps some ex- old, and it was this toddler who drew the tended family members; but by their third birth- most attention. That is, what cultural beliefs underlie this cultural practice? In which two areas are advances in ne motor development most evident at this age? WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED? Biological siblings and DZ twins in IQ. However, thus far neither Gardner nor others have developed reliable and valid methods (see Chapter 1) for analyzing the intelligences he proposes (Kornhaber, 2004). Oxford University Press. Author(s) Jeffery Jensen Arnett Lene Jensen. In general, the traditional, non-Western norm of maternal care emphasizes interdependence and collectivism to a greater extent than is found in attachment theory (Morelli & Rothbaum, 2007; Rothbaum et al., 2000; Rothbaum & Morelli, 2005). In Western languages, the word sinister is derived from a Latin word meaning on the left, and many paintings in Western art depict the devil as left-handed. Four parts of the brain are especially notable for their myelination during early childhood (see Figure 6.1). Section 2 Cognitive Development However, if there is a longer delay, toddlers are more procient at deferred imitation than infants are. These types of play continue in middle childhood. 2. There are several signs that a baby has begun teething, even if a tooth has not yet broken through (Trajanovska et al., 2010). If you humorously suggested that this might be an especially easy pet to care for, being stuffedas I made the mistake of doing one dayshe took great offense and insisted it was a real animal. In another, boys play four square, bouncing a ball into each others square and attempting to defend their own by knocking the ball to someone elses square. Because this change in centers. Outside of the West, however, this is an extremely rare way of parenting. This response shows that they recognize and respond to the cry as a signal of distress (Gazzaniga, 2009). In Gardners view only two of them, linguistic and logicalmathematical intelligences, are evaluated by intelligence tests. What does a childs use of humor tell us about his or her language development? Download [PDF] Human Development: A Cultural Approach (3rd Edition) Full PDF. SENSORIMOTOR STAGE 5: TERTIARY CIRCULAR REACTIONS Piaget called the fth stage of sensorimotor development tertiary circular reactions (age 1218 months). For example, in China all children now begin learning English in primary school (Chang, 2008). and math skills than the other children. version, you can decorate its room and buy it various toys (Flower es- Me: About 7 billion. Publisher: Pearson Education, Inc., New York, NY, 2019. Here his theory continues into toddlerhood. Why are fathers especially important to gender socialization? In 1994, in response to growing research evidence of the risks of stomach-sleeping, pediatricians in the United States launched a major BACK to Sleep campaign to inform parents and health professionals of the importance of putting infants to sleep on their backs. If you were a researcher observing 5-year-old children on a playground during kindergarten recess in the United States, what would you be most likely to observe? In many cultures, early childhood is when issues of discipline for disapproved behavior rst arise. cephalocaudal principle principle of biological development that growth tends to begin at the top, with the head, and then proceeds downward to the rest of the body Changes in Height and Weight Explain the gains in height and weight that typically take place in the first year, and the two basic principles of physical growth. Parents certainly have beliefs about what is best for their children, and they try to express those beliefs through their parenting behavior (Alwin, 1988; Way et al., 2007). It is not until age 6 or 7 that children attain gender constancy, the understanding that maleness and femaleness are biological and cannot change (Ruble et al., 2006). Many evolutionary biologists believe that language also conferred an evolutionary advantage because of its social function. The program provides 1 or 2 years of preschool, but it also includes other services. Disorganizeddisoriented is a fourth classication, added by later researchers. Pearson. ORT involves having infants with diarrhea drink a solution of salt and glucose mixed with (clean) water. (2nd Ed.). As we will see in more detail later in the chapter, the toddler is much more socially aware than APPLYING YOUR KNOWLEDGE . c. show no verbal or cognitive advantage. Xinyin Chen, a deThe past 20 years have been a period of velopmental psychologist who grew up in China and now lives in dramatic social change in China, as the Canada, hypothesized that shyness would have a different meanGreenland country has moved rapidly from a stateing in the Chinese cultural context, and set out to compare the (DEN.) Mothers often struggle in numerous ways following divorce (Wallerstein & Johnson-Reitz, 2004). Abstract. as a virtual version of it at a website on the Internet. 9. Sometimes mothers become less patient and responsive with their toddlers, under the stress of caring for both a toddler and a new baby (Dunn & Kendrick, 1982). Disposable diapers make the wait a lot easier for parents to bear! In the course of early childhood, children become more sex-segregated in their play. What is myopia and why is it more likely to occur in developed countries than in developing countries? Consequently, as Map 1.1 shows, by 2050 the proportion of the U.S. population that is Latino is projected to rise from 16% to 30% (Martin & Midgley, 2010). The aggressiveness and competitiveness of boys in early childhood is an outcome of a long evolutionary history. If mothers lives improve in all these ways, their childrens lives must improve, too, right? Sesame Street and other programs have shown impressive positive effects on young childrens development. The occipital lobes at the rear of each hemisphere process visual information. However, by early childhood children become more capable of emotional and behavioral self-regulation, and when they disobey or defy the authority of others they are believed to have enough understanding to know what they were doing and to be responsible for the Section 3 Emotional and Social Development 263 consequences. Its really you and Mom, isnt it Dad? Paris asked me one day while we were driving somewhere, with a wry smile, as if shed just gured out how an amusing magic trick was performed. In developed countries, too, peer relations expand in toddlerhood, often in the form of some kind of group care such as a child-care center (Rubin et al., 2006). Thankfully, eyed, wondering about the meaning of all these new words. Children with permissive parents tend to be immature and lack self-control. Chapt er 4 d. When it comes to Mahoris motor development, environment plays a stronger role than genetics. d. will always have a left-handed twin if they are monozygotic (MZ) twins. Infants are typically cared for by their mothers (in early months) and then by older siblings. And what if you dont have a chimney? Springer. For crying that has no apparent source, parents have devised a wide range of methods, such as (Eisenberg et al., 2011): s ,IFTINGBABYUPANDHOLDINGTOTHESHOULDER s 3OOTHING REPETITIVE MOVEMENTS SUCH AS ROCKING GENTLY BACK AND forth or riding in a car or carriage Swaddling babies to reduce crying spells is a long tradition in many cultures. The decline is due to a variety of factors, especially improved food production in developing countries and increased prevalence of childhood vaccinations. Which of the following is true about birthing practices? At one age play group. San Jacinto College Yuthika Kim, Oklahoma City Community College Carolyn Lorente, North Virginia Community College Connie Manos-Andrea, Inver Hills Community College Dorothy Marsil, Kennesaw State University Denise McClung, West Virginia University at Parkersburg David F. McGrevy, San Diego Mesa College and University of San Diego Julie McIntyre, The Sage Colleges Robin Montvilo, Rhode Island College Natasha Otto, Morgan State University Rachel M. Petty, University of the District of Columbia Marc Wolpoff, Riverside City College Christine Ziegler, Kennesaw State University SUPPLEMENTS FOCUS GROUP Darin LaMar Baskin, Houston Community College Trina Cowan, Northwest Vista College Mark Evans, Tarrant County College Jerry Green, Tarrant County College David P. Hurford, Pittsburg State University Rose Mary Istre, San Jacinto College Yuthika Kim, Oklahoma City Community College Franz Klutschkowski, North Central Texas College Dorothy Marsil, Kennesaw State University Darla Rocha, San Jacinto College-North STUDENT REVIEWERS Kacie Farrar Easha Khanam Christina Kroder Heather Lacis Samantha Piterniak Kaleigh Sankowski STUDENT FOCUS GROUP PARTICIPANTS Krista Anderson Noelle Armstrong Tori Bailey Alaynah Bakosh Kevin Barnes Blake Bender Heather Bennett Ashlie Bogenschutz Chelsea Boyd Bianca Brown Jasmine Brown Kelsie Brown Victor Calderon Myndi Casey Flor Cerda Kolbi Chafn Jose Gabriel Checo Percilla Colley Nicole Collier Alexandria Cornell Brandon Culver Jayson De Leon Cody Decker Tiarra Edwards Michelle England Nicole Evans Emma Fialka-Feldman Hope Foreback Bailey Francis Leslie Frantz David Garcia Shannon Gogel Eric Gould Che Grippon Dolly M. Guadalupe Lucia Guerrero Daniel Guillen Cassandra Hagan Jamie Hall Ashton Hooper Antony Karanja Jesse Klaucke Joshua Laboy Ashley Lacy Abta Laylor Janella Leach Julien Lima Kelsey Love Erica Lynn Chelsey Mann Melissa Methaney Nick McCommon Kristie McCormick Emily McWilliams Claudia Mendez Krystle Mercado Ashley Minning Paul Mitchell Sarah Mocherniak Francisco Moncada Isaiah Moore Juan Moreno Austin Morris Jodie Mudd Tia Nguyen Jacob Nieves Tiffany Potemra Veronica Poul Michelle Richardson David Rife Trey Robb Kristin Serkowski Richard Stillman Amber Thichangthong Marilyn Toribio Tugce Tuskan Kelci Wallace Edyta Werner Ashley Williams About the Author Jeffrey Jensen Arnett is a Research Professor in the Department of Psychology at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts. . In general, Asian babies have been found to be less active and irritable than babies in the United States and Canada, and appear to learn self-regulation earlier and easier (Chen et al., 2005; Lewis et al., 1993). The permanent teeth are adult-sized teeth that do not grow much once they come in, giving children in middle childhood a toothy smile that sometimes looks a little too big for their mouths. 2.1 Distinguish between genotype and phenotype and identify the different forms of genetic inheritance. (8th Ed.). Children at this age are not yet able to experience empathy. New York: Oxford University Press, pp.256-261. Without any formal training, young children grasp the grammatical rules of their language with few errors simply by hearing and using the language in daily interactions. 3. Similarly, toddlers in rural villages in Turkey are weaned at about age 2, but if they persist in trying to breast-feed, the mother coats her breasts with tomato paste. Although toddlers do not reach the fty-word milestone in production until about 18 months old, they usually achieve fty-word comprehension by about 13 months old (Menyuk et al., 1995). From infancy onward, recognition memory comes easier to us than recall memory (Flavell et al., 2002). How do the rates of obesity vary by ethnicity? In Bowlbys terms, if the primary caregiver is sensitive and responsive in caring for the infant, the infant will learn that others, too, can be trusted in social relationships. Together with her students, she has conducted research in countries such as Denmark, India, Thailand, Turkey and the United States. Obesity also proves hard to shake from childhood to adulthood. They may not want their daughters to play rough and tumble games, but they are adamant that their boys not be sissies or wimps. As we will see in later chapters, males greater fear of violations of gender roles is something that continues throughout life in many cultures. Rates of asthma are highest in middle childhood, and are increasing worldwide (Bousquet et al., 2007; Dey & Bloom, 2005). d. use tertiary circular reactions. However, immigrants from the ers must spend a substantial portion of their United Kingdom began to arrive in the 18th century, and today, day gathering the fruits, seeds, Aboriginal Australians comand roots that provide nourishprise less than 2% of the total ment for their families. Children vary widely in the timing of learning toilet training, but most are toilet trained by the end of toddlerhood. The theory was originally based on his own three Swiss children, and nearly all subsequent research has been on children in the West (Mistry & Saraswathi, 2003). What most characterizes early brain development in toddlerhood is a. the formation of the cerebral cortex. LAOS young Chinese children over that time. Infants Turkish villagers do not and young children are typically celebrate or even keep track of treated with a great deal of love birthdays, but they often have and indulgence. Toward the end of the rst year they draw emotional cues from how others respond to ambiguous situations. Piaget interpreted childrens mistakes on conservation tasks as indicating two kinds of cognitive deciencies. However, if a child who is bilingual in Spanish applies this rule to English it comes out as no want go, which is not correct. . 6 228 Early Childhood Section 1 PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT Growth from Age 3 to 6 Bodily Growth Brain Development and Infantile Amnesia Health and Safety in Early Childhood Motor Development Gross and Fine Motor Skills Handedness Section 2 COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT Theories of Cognitive Development Piagets Preoperational Stage of Cognitive Development Understanding Thinking: The Development of Theory of Mind Cultural Learning in Early Childhood Early Childhood Education The Importance of Preschool Quality Cross-National Variations Preschool as a Cognitive Intervention Language Development Advances in Vocabulary and Grammar Pragmatics: Social and Cultural Rules of Language Section 3 EMOTIONAL AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Emotional Regulation and Gender Socialization Emotional Regulation Moral Development Gender Development Parenting Parenting Styles Parenting in Other Cultures Discipline and Punishment The Childs Expanding Social World Siblings and Only Children Peers and Friends Media Use in Early Childhood Summing Up 229 IT IS MIDMORNING IN A DAY CARE CENTER IN AALBORG, DENMARK, AND LARS OLSEN, AGE 4, IS PLAYING A GAME WITH HIS FRIEND PELLE (PELL-UH). In most cultures, middle childhood is when children rst learn how to read and how to do math. For example, with respect to the A-not-B error, the longer the delay between hiding the object under blanket B and the infants attempts to nd it, the higher the likelihood of making the error, suggesting that with a longer delay the infant may simply have forgotten where it was placed (Diamond, 1985). RESEARCH FOCUS O 211 Watch the Video Lisa: Adjusting to Day Care: Part 1 at MyDevelopmentLab Early Child Care and Its Consequences examined, including physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and ne of the most striking changes of the last half cenlanguage development. They come to believe that others will be trustworthy, and to believe that they themselves are worthy of love. 4. Early intervention programs have often resulted in a rise in IQ that fades after a few years. Consequently, the attachment to the primary caregiver established in the rst 2 years shapes expectations and interactions in relationships with others throughout life, from friends to teachers to romantic partners to ones own future children. Poor families in developing countries often depend on childrens contributions to the family income for basic necessities like food and clothing. Why or why not? Infants and toddlers need a great deal of care, nurturance, and supervision. Here again there is a broad consensus among early childhood scholars that preschool teaching should be based on developmentally appropriate educational practice (NAEYC, 2010). Parents became less concerned with establishing authority over children and more concerned with childrens psychological Section 1 Physical Development well-being (Alwin, 1988). Issues in aging. Today in developed countries most parents use disposable diapers. After birth, the brain resumes its explosive growth. b. Mahoris motor development will be similar to an American child if they are compared during kindergarten. Nevertheless, they are equal to toddlers in developed countries in the development of their gross motor skills (Greeneld, 2003). 6. Parents became less concerned with establishing authorrecommending a childcentered approach. The similarity of childrens gender roles and gender behavior across cultures is striking, and there is a biological basis to some gender differences, as we saw in Chapter 5. Here, the biologist Konrad Lorenz leads three goslings on a swim. According to Piaget, the advances of concrete operations are evident in new abilities for performing tasks of conservation, classication, and seriation. Both the I-self and the me-self change in important ways in middle childhood. . Toddlers can Section 1 Physical Development jump, but from age 3 to 6 children learn to jump farther from a standing position and to make a running jump. Do you think that the U.S. mother interviewed here discussed a situation typical of most children across the U.S.? Despite the high rates of accidental injury among young children in developing countries, disease is a far greater danger. Jeffrey Jensen Arnett is a Research Professor in the Department of Psychology at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts. Boys are allowed more of this freedom than girls are, in part because girls are assigned more daily responsibilities in middle childhood. Even before toddlerhood, in all cultures people communicate gender expectations to boys and girls by dressing them differently, talking to them differently, and playing with them differently (Hateld & Rapson, 2006). These assessments measure habituation by distinguish between shortlookers and long-lookers, with short-lookers higher in later intelligence. They may lift their arms up to indicate they wish to be picked up, or point to an object they would like to have brought to them, or hold out an object to offer it to someone else, or wave bye-bye. Research has shown that a. direct stimulation of language development is discouraged in some cultures. APPLYING YOUR KNOWLEDGE How would the advances in gross motor development over the rst year inuence the infants social relationships? der. Some may be relatively large and others relatively small, some relatively fast and others relatively slow, and so on. 12: Late Adulthood Ch. SELF-ESTEEM Self-esteem is a persons overall sense of worth and well-being. Global Aging: Comparative Perspective on Aging and the Life Course. The personalized study plan arranges content from less-complex thinking, like remembering and understandingto morecomplex critical thinking skillslike applying and analyzing, and is based on Blooms taxonomy. 2. It means that a child whose IQ was average in 1932 would be way below average by todays standard. How do researchers test social referencing in an experimental setting? (2020). Within groups, too, using language effectively would have given people an advantage in obtaining mates, food, and status, so natural selection would have favored language abilities in the course of human evolutionary history (Pinker, 2004). Sensory Development 4.8 LEARNING OBJECTIVE Describe when and how infants develop depth perception and intermodal perception. Mourning Rituals of the Major Religions 627 Remembering and Honoring the Dead 630 RESEARCH FOCUS: Growing Telomeres 717 727 639 609 621 623 This page intentionally left blank Infographic Maps MAP 1.1: Projected Ethnic Changes in the U.S. Population to 2050 MAP 1.2: Worldwide Variations in Population and Income Levels MAP 2.1: Ethnic Variations in Prenatal Care within the United States MAP 2.2: The Infertility Belt MAP 3.1: Cesarean Section Rates, Selected Countries MAP 3.2: Neonatal and Maternal Mortality Worldwide MAP 3.3: Rates of Low Birth Weight Around the World MAP 4.1: Infant Mortality Rates Worldwide MAP 5.1: Cultural Variations in the Length of Breastfeeding MAP 5.2: American Children with Working Parents MAP 6.1: Worldwide Mortality Rates and Causes of Death in Children Under Age 5 MAP 7.1: Childhood Obesity in the United States MAP 7.2: Bilingualism in the United States MAP 7.3: Child Labor Rates and GDP Worldwide MAP 8.1: Secondary School Enrollment Worldwide MAP 9.1: Median Age at First Marriage in the United States MAP 9.2: Worldwide Enrollment in Tertiary Education MAP 9.3: HIV Population Worldwide MAP 10.1: Adult Obesity Rates Worldwide (Men) MAP 10.2: Single-Parent Households in the United States MAP 11.1: Gender Empowerment Measure MAP 11.2: World Population Employed in Agricultural Labor MAP 12.1: Old Age Dependency Ratio (OADR) Worldwide MAP 12.2: Smoking Rates Worldwide MAP 13.1: Current and Projected Life Expectancy Worldwide xiii Preface Welcome to Human Development: A Cultural Approach. snoqualmie ranger district map, checking his snapchat score, For the evening meal lead to self-socialization how to read and how develop! 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