It was here that the unsuccessful attacks launched earlier by the 18th Volks Grenadier Division and the Fuehrer Begleit Brigade had formed. Remer's battalion of armored infantry and two assault gun batteries, waiting in reserve in the valley below, never were committed. The town square was a scene of utter confusion. The company commander was persuaded that the situation had changed somewhat and that he should wait at Chrain for further orders. All through the morning the enemy pressed in on Poteau, moving his machine guns, mortars, and assault guns closer and closer. The bulk of CCB, 7th Armored Division, represented by Task Force Lohse (formerly Erlenbusch), commanded by Maj. Leslie A. Lohse, and Task Force Boylan, started to withdraw shortly after daybreak, Boylan's command acting as the division rear guard. This fresh armored division was in fact moving its main strength west from Recht toward the Salm River and collision with the 82d Airborne Division, but a kampfgruppe had been dropped off to cover the south flank of the division by attacking in the direction of Vielsalm. difficult job of disengaging from an enemy who might continue the attack tried to rush their way through the foxhole line held by the 38th Armored Vielsalm, fourteen miles west of St. Vith by road, had already been designated as the new assembly area. He found that General Jones already had turned the defense of St. Vith over to Clarke and the 7th Armored Division. howitzer, to fire only on the most urgent and well-defined targets. Only a few arrived in time to take part in the battle there; for the rest of the day and far into the night the Panthers crawled into the Rodt assembly area. Heavy Antitank Battalion, was toiling slowly westward on the single, In an infantry division, there were usually 4 artillery battalions, 3 outfitted with 105mm . In a matter of minutes German infantry and tanks were to the rear of the foxhole line. One brief engagement was fought on the 18th at Gouvy, a rail and road junction southwest of Beho. The left battalion of the 190th made use of the predawn hours on the 23d to renew the push along Braunlauf Creek (on the north flank of Hoge's combat command), which had been beaten back by the American tankers early in the day. The course of the valley westward proffered a natural line of advance, and through it, in the early hours of the 22d, pushed small detachments of the 62d Volks Grenadier Division. The infantry and assault guns in the 9th SS Panzer Division screen mistook the newcomers for a withdrawing American column and poured in heavy flanking fire. With the Poteau crossroad more or less in the hands of the 7th Armored, with a defensive arc forming north, east, and southeast of St. Vith, and with the Vielsalm-Petit Thier area under control in the west, the next step was to block the possible routes of approach from the south and southwest. The general answered that the division naturally would continue to defend if its present position was considered to be vital but that he personally favored withdrawal.5, Hasbrouck's answer and a report on the existing state of the American forces were taken to Montgomery. It was the first group in this northern column which CCR had unwittingly eluded and from which the tail of the 7th Armored artillery column had glanced at Stavelot. Maj. Michael Sherratt secures the brigade colors during the 65th Field Artillery Brigade change-of-command ceremony at Camp Williams, Utah, Aug. 13, 2022. During the night a quick freeze had hardened the ground just enough to allow the tanks and half-tracks from the east, covered with clinging foot troops, to swing cross-country and south to the Braunlauf road. From this point on Kampfgruppe Krag fought two battles, one to mop up the town, the other to capture American vehicles trying to break out of the valley road in the south. Division, CCB of the 9th Armored, the remnants of the 106th Division, After a personal reconnaissance east of St. Vith on 19 December Remer concluded that a frontal attack in this sector was out of the question. Two of the American tank destroyers reached St. Vith and here blocked the main street until nearly midnight, when one was destroyed by a bazooka round. Vith.". When the 440th commenced its withdrawal word came in that the Germans had blocked the designated crossing site at Salmchteau. The entire force under Generals Hasbrouck and Jones was to form a defensive ring west of St. Vith and east of the Salm River. Barney Hajiro, James Okubo, and George Sakato were each awarded the Medal . At Bastogne General Middleton outlined the mission: one combat command would be prepared to assist the 106th Division, a second could be used if needed, but under no circumstances was the third to be committed. Communication General Jones and General Hasbrouck still expected that CCB would. two companies from the 14th Tank Battalion (Maj. Leonard E. Engeman) and one from the 811th Tank Destroyer Battalion took over the fight. The cavalry had been under fire since daybreak, and when the 2d Platoon attempted to return to its position on a commanding hill between Steinebrck and Weppler it was forced to move dismounted in a rain of bullets and shells. At best these isolated detachments could serve only as pickets for the 7th Armored, but fortunately the German columns continued marching west. So they were designated as glider artillery for less than a year. b. Army 965th Field Artillery Battalion | Army Veteran Locator 965th Field Artillery Battalion Battalion Served in this Battalion? one of the main enemy lines of communication and forced days of delay Authorship may be attributed to the 365th Field Artillery Battalion Print reproduction Related Resources The attachment of CCB, 9th Armored Division, to the 106th Division late in the morning promised such aid as then seemed necessary, but Hoge's command post was at Monschau and he would not receive his orders from Jones until about 1800. Away from the crossroads the ground rises sharply and is cluttered with thick stands of timber. It would seem that a German rifle company first crossed into Weppler, now unoccupied, then wheeled and encircled the 2d Platoon on the hill. . One of the tank destroyers arrived just as a German tank platoon hove into sight at Cierreux, hit the two leaders, and drove off the five remaining tanks. Both infantry regiments are in bad shape. A company of the 27th Armored Infantry Battalion, however, was put in to cover the cavalry left flank. the 2,500-yard-long column on the valley road when word passed down the river had been completed, that only the 112th covering force remained. The piecemeal employment of lower units, made unavoidable by the march of events, resulted in most involved methods of communication. Gen. Bruce Clarke, in advance of CCB, agreed with Jones's recommendation that his combat command be organized upon arrival into two task forces and committed in an attack to clear the St. Vith-Schnberg road. This fire was quite ineffectual and there was little comprehension in. Cemeteries & Memorials; Burial Search; About Us; Education; Facebook; Twitter; YouTube; Instagram; ABMC Headquarters 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: 703-584-1501. of the 38th Armored Infantry line. After a. hasty conference the counterattack was postponed until the following morning. 4 and two infantry divisions. III.). Silhouetted in light and with blinded crews the Shermans were disposed of in one, two, three order. Brig. it passed to the north or south of St. Vith. there still was a faint hope that the 422d and 423d somehow might be To the left the two remaining regiments of the 62d were to attack due west with the object of reaching the road between St. Vith and Maldingen; they would take no part, however, in the assault on St. Vith. While en route, the engineers met troopers of the 32d Cavalry who had been involved in a running fight along the road west of Schnberg. Carelessly dismounting, one tank crew was riddled by machine gun fire; a second tank received a direct and killing blast. The gunners, as infantry observers reported, "threw everything at Wallerode but the shoes on their feet." Army. The plan for withdrawal, slowly and carefully worked out by Hasbrouck and Colonel Ryan on the evening of the 22d, envisaged a progressive siphoning from the units farthest to the east in which these troops passed gradually into the main routes leading to the bridges while rear guard forces staged holding actions in echelon along the roads and trails. The battalion landed at Utah Beach during Operation Neptune, and participated in the liberation of France and Belgium. This, however, was not the main mission assigned the advance guard of the 18th Volks Grenadier Division, for the original plan of advance had called on the Mobile Battalion to seize the high ground at Wallerode, northeast of St. Vith, which overlooked the valley road from Schnberg. and the sizable attached units all would have to make their westward The occupation of St. Vith had considerably disorganized the attacking division, whose regiments jammed into the town from east, north, and south. It stands at the entrance to the valley road which leads to Vielsalm, and mechanized attack from either Recht or Rodt had to funnel through the narrow neck at this crossroads, vehicle maneuver off either of the two approaches being almost impossible. A double column of enemy troops and vehicles marched along the road into St. Vith. isolated the St. Vith forces from the remainder of the VIII Corps, although Astride the woods road running north to Recht were small blocking detachments of tanks, engineers, and antitank guns. To the east of CCA, 7th Armored Division, however, some part of the 293d Regiment of the 18th Volks Grenadier Division finally had worked its way through St. Vith, arriving during the night of 22 December at Rodt. If successful, the attack by the two combat commands would provide escape corridors for the beleaguered regiments of the 106th. By this time the last of the milling traffic was leaving Poteau; eight 8-inch howitzers of the 740th Field Artillery Battalion were abandoned here as the German fire increased, ostensibly because they could not be hauled out of the mud onto the road. St. Vith. of the St. Vith perimeter. The section of the main St. Vith-Vielsalm supply road west of Rodt was guarded by two American medium tank companies spread over a distance of three miles. 955th Field Artillery Battalion (155MM) George L. Davidson Email address wrote: The 955th was a "rogue" outfit called up by General Matt Ridgeway along with 9 other battalions most of which ended up in IX Corps Arty in support of the IX Corps and ROK II Corps. Meanwhile Remer's armored group had arrived north of St. Vith and the brigade was ready for attack as soon as darkness came. failed when the 4.5-inch guns of the 770th Field Artillery Battalion were cut off at Samre en route from La Roche. When the raiders turned back to rejoin Remer they found the American tankers waiting; however, evasion in the woods was easy, although at this point the prized vehicles were abandoned and most of the captured Americans escaped. With the enemy infantry inside Steinebrck and excellent direct laying by the German gunners picking off the American vehicles one by one, the cavalry withdrew along the St. Vith road. Date Created. If you served in A Battery, 965th Field Artillery Battalion, Join TWS for free to reconnect with service friends. some tank destroyers, hoping to stop the Panthers if they should turn Bad road conditions, the blown bridge at Steinebrck, and continued attempts by Sixth Panzer Army columns to usurp the corps main supply road at Schnberg combined to delay Lucht's concentration. Then the German tank group, which had been delayed by a mine field, and an infantry company or two swung to the west and rolled down the main road into the village. The Enemy Strikes at the St. Vith Perimeter. In the early afternoon the sketchy line just west of St. Vith was abandoned and CCB fell back to the secondary position which had been under preparation since the early morning hours. The First Army commander still expected, on the night of the 21st, that Ridgway's corps would shortly gain contact with the 7th Armored-but the situation was deteriorating at a fast clip. The command status was more or less of an assumption." Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1988 Press Photo Members of the 965th Field Artillery Battalion's reunion at the best online prices at eBay! The easternmost defenses, as a result, were in the sector bounded by the Prm road on the right and the Bllingen road on the left, susceptible to penetration at either flank or both. (1951) and Only the Brave (2006). The 424th and 112th Infantry Regiments were to withdraw from their positions. In an hour the armored infantry were out of their holes and their half-tracks were clanking down the road to Vielsalm. At 1300 German vehicles were seen in Setz, four and a half miles from the eastern edge of St. Vith. There was one fortunate but unexpected event on the 19th. Casualty figures subsequently compiled for the 7th Armored Division, and the 14th Cavalry Group list 3,397 officers and men either killed, wounded, or missing, Statistics on losses suffered by the various artillery, engineer, and tank destroyer units have never been compiled. The American units flanking the road had been badly understrength. It appears that if there were any mines left on the Schnberg road they had been lifted in preparation for a promised counterattack by American tanks. Description Not Specified Reports To Field Artillery Units Active Reporting Unit None Inactive Reporting Units A Battery B Battery C Battery HHB 803 Engineer Battalion, Aviation (Separate) RECTOR, PAUL J. branch of the main military system, because normally the Schnee Eifel General Clarke had informed General Hoge, whose command post was close at hand, that his command was moving back to re-form west of St. Vith. howitzers to give Stone's men a hand. Most of the American troops were killed or captured, so that only a conditional, reconstruction of the German breakthrough east of St. Vith can ever be made. Harassing and interdiction fire, therefore, was turned over to the mortar crews, who mixed high explosives and white phosphorous shells to make the supply last. The glare thrown over the snow silhouetted the figures of enemy infantrymen advancing toward the Poteau crossroads. the regiment now was between five and six hundred), and had been unable By chance the Chrain detachment. At Schnberg the 7th Armored task forces would turn south to join CCB of the 9th Armored Division, already engaged along the road to Winterspelt. It was about an hour before noon. Throughout the 19th there were sporadic clashes with the enemy around the perimeter. This regiment, which had sent combat patrols against Stone's Around 1500 the mobile column of the Fuehrer Begleit Brigade appeared in front of Rogery. As for the last American troops extricated from the ring, Task Force Jones, it will be recalled, had assembled at Bovigny, south of Salmchteau and on the west bank of the river, while elements of the 112th Infantry waited east of the river at Rogery and Cierreux for the withdrawal order from General Hasbrouck. The three 105mm battalions were assigned to one of the three infantry regiments to support, forming a combat team. 141st Field Artillery World War, 1939-1945--Military personnel--American. command post, lacking any communication with the 7th Armored headquarters, squadron being formed from the remains of the 14th Cavalry Group. to two German armies. As a result the small body of riflemen from the 112th Infantry and Boylan's tiny armored rear guard were able to see the headquarters of the 7th Armored safely across the Vielsalm bridge and to withdraw themselves through that city without much interference from the enemy closing along the river. This detachment had literally forced its way, at pistol point and by When General Bradley and the 12th Army Group staff met in the afternoon of the 16th to make a tentative selection of divisions which could be taken from other fronts to reinforce the Ardennes sector, the choice in the north fell on Hasbrouck's command. Again a confused command situation took its price. This was the end. Subscribe to 465th Field Artillery Battalion Footer menu. The headquarters of CCR, 7th Armored, opened in Recht in midafternoon of the 17th. The 62d Volks Grenadier Division had been given the mission of cutting the possible escape routes southwest of St. Vith by an advance through Grufflange and Maldingen. Army Service No. Striking northwest and fighting off the small blocking forces left behind by Kampfgruppe Krag, the bulk of this part of the column succeeded in reaching the 82d Airborne. Subscribe to 965th Field Artillery Battalion Footer menu. They blocked the sun, and the forest floor was dark and damp. During Task Force Jones's disengagement the 440th Armored Field Artillery had emplaced to give covering fire and protect the flank of the task force. All during the morning of 22 December American observers had watched enemy troops and vehicles milling around Recht, just to the north of Poteau. I can delay them the rest of today maybe but will be cut off by tomorrow. The 7th Armored The 7th Armored Division Move to St. Vith, When the counteroffensive began, the 7th Armored Division (Brig. One tank company was left as rear guard north of Maldingen, there blocking the approach from the German concentration area at Galhausen, but the enemy reacted slowly and the rear guard got away with the loss of only two tanks. Supply routes to the 7th Armored Division trains were still open, although menaced by the roving enemy and obstructed by west-moving friendly traffic. The division artillery, which had been firing in support of the XIII Corps, was not to displace until the late morning of 17 December, when it would move on the eastern route. The headquarters and tank company had little time to get set, for about 0200 the advance guard of the southern German column hit the village from the east and northeast. For some reason this attack never fully developed-later German reports indicated that the assault waves lost their direction while moving through the thick woods. The American defense of St. Vith itself was based on the possession of ridge lines and hills masking the town to the northeast, east, and southeast. But Hasbrouck had no doubt that General Middleton counted on the continued defense of the St. Vith road center-this part of the mission needed no reiteration. Who made up the enemy force and its strength is uncertain-probably this was the Mobile Battalion of the 18th Volks Grenadier Division, making the preliminary move in the scheme to encircle St. Vith. During the afternoon the 7th Armored Division trains, whose officers and men had done a remarkable job in supporting the troops in the salient, got through one last supply column of ninety vehicles to Salmchteau. With the help of two tanks and an antiaircraft artillery half-track mounting the dreaded .50-caliber quad, the artillerymen beat off the attack. There remained a narrow, rutted trail running from Hinderhausen (around which Task Force Boylan was deployed) west through the woods to the crossroads at Commanster, from which a secondary road ran to the bridge at Vielsalm. Fortunately the fire could be checked without too much damage. CCR headquarters had meanwhile become ensnarled with the remnants of the 14th Cavalry Group and the residue of the corps artillery columns at the little village of Poteau, where the roads from Recht and St. Vith join en route to Vielsalm. The western column made its march without coming in proximity to the west-moving German spearheads, its main problem being to negotiate roads jammed with west-bound traffic. The 293d Regiment, having aided in the capture of the Schnee Eifel regiments, filed into Schnberg during the night. The 62d Volks Grenadier Division, to the south, finally brought its inner flank into echelon with the left of the 18th near Setz by pivoting the 190th Regiment west. To achieve The detachment which Jones had sent to Gouvy, midway between Deifeld and Chrain, was surprised to find the village occupied by German infantry. The emergency had arrived, fortunately along with the sudden freeze that gave a surface hard enough to bear the weight of armored vehicles. exit through a 3,000-yard-wide bottle-neck with only two bridges, those Lt. Col. Fred M. Warren, acting commanding officer, sent the driver on to division headquarters to tell his story, and at the same time he asked for a company of infantry. Having set up installations west of La Roche, the trains' commander (Col. Andrew J. Adams) used his own people and all the stragglers he could find to man roadblocks around the train area. Furthermore, it was recognized that Peiper might try to break out through Stavelot. It is surprising that under the circumstances control and communication functioned as well as they did. Redesignated as 732nd Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battalion (90 mm), a unit originally allocated to Portland but never activated, 1 February 1949; a new 965th activated at Portland. 369th Adjutant General Battalion "Army Pride" Air Defense Artillery units 1 to 100 1st Air Defense Artillery (formerly 1st Coast Artillery) "Primus Inter Pares" (First Among Equals) 2nd Air Defense Artillery (formerly 2nd Coast Artillery) "Fidus Ultra Finem" (Faithful Beyond The End) 3rd Air Defense Artillery (formerly 3rd Coast Artillery) As the 7th Armored commander phrased it: "I never knew who was in my command. Also, the transmittal of the 7th Armored Division's own estimate of its possible progress was subject to "friction." Cemeteries & Memorials; Burial Search; About Us; Education; Facebook; Twitter; YouTube; Instagram; ABMC Headquarters 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: 703-584-1501. The three task forces organized along the new line nominally represented a total of five medium tank companies, a. light tank company, three platoons of 90-mm. The American positions were much better integrated than on previous days: the 7th Armored Division artillery and attached battalions-of particular importance the one medium tank battalion- were tied in closely with the troops they supported. This was an average Belgian town, with a population of a little Actually there were armored divisions in the First Army closer to the scene, but they had been alerted for use in the first phases of the attacks planned to seize the Roer River dams (a design not abandoned until 17 December) and as yet little sense of urgency attached to reinforcements in the VIII Corps area. The 1st SS Panzer Division, forming the left of the I SS Panzer Corps advance in the zone north of St. Vith, had driven forward on two routes. Between Rodt and the next village to the west, Poteau, two companies of medium tanks patrolled the main road and watched the trails running in from the north. Battalion, at the tail of the column, rolled through Stavelot about 0800 on the morning of 18 December, it found itself in the middle of a fire fight between the advance guard of the 1st SS Panzer Division and a small American force of armored infantry, engineers, and tank destroyers. Tank and artillery fire stopped the Germans just as it had on previous days. Both American units were able to drive forward and the Shermans knocked out six light panzers or assault guns. 7 That a gap existed on the right of the 424th was known. But the armored infantry, rallied by their officers and The few houses here were separated by an abandoned railroad cut, just south of the crossroads, which ran east and west. (thirty-five miles by road) was extremely difficult. It consisted of four tank companies, two cavalry reconnaissance troops, a company of tank destroyers, and many foot soldiers hitchhiking on the vehicles. Of the southern half of the original ring there remained only the rear guard and covering forces strung along the roads east of Salmchteau. Colonel Nelson brought a welcome addition to the St. Vith forces. Here a number of secondary roads entered the St. Vith-Vielsalm highway, one from Recht in the north, others from Hinderhausen and Crombach in the south. Commencing at dark, the move was made without trouble and CCB settled along an arc whose center was about two and a half miles southeast of St. Vith. Confusion, darkness, and mud slowed the move, but by morning a medium tank company and a platoon of riflemen had reached the village. 7th Battalion, Somerset Light Infantry. Once the element of surprise was lost the Germans made no further headway in the forest; artillery and bullet fire held them until a platoon of American tanks arrived, whereupon they withdrew.4. assembly area, more difficult and tenuous. Shortly after midnight the Ninth Army was informed that the two columns would depart at 0330 and 0800; actually the western column moved out at 0430. Furthermore the 7th Armored trains had reported signs of an enemy force far to the west of the 7th Armored outpost positions. The Final Withdrawal from the St. Vith Sector, The raid made by Remer's infantry past Rodt now paid dividends. Infantry Battalion (Lt. Col. William H. G. Fuller) and B Troop of the East of Hnningen the 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron (-) had formed roadblocks to bar the northern and northeastern approaches to St. Vith. ABMC Headquarters 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: 703-584-1501 The orders he received from General Lucht were these: the Fuehrer Begleit Brigade would take part in the St. Vith attack but would not get too involved in the fight; once the town fell the brigade must drive posthaste for the Meuse River. CCR headquarters started down. On the left the bulk of the 62d Volks Grenadier Division was still confronted with an unbroken defense. About 1700 two German tanks and a rifle platoon suddenly struck at one of these positions south of La Roche manned by Company C, 129th Ordnance Maintenance Battalion. They had firmly choked Three armored cars, two jeeps, and one light tank were able to disengage and carried the wounded out; apparently a major part of the force was able to make its way to Vielsalm on foot. It was well in the hand of its commander and ready to fight. The movement plans prepared by the First Army staff assigned General Hasbrouck two routes of march: an east route, through Aachen, Eupen, Malmdy, and Recht, on which CCR would move; a west route, through Maastricht, Verviers, and Stavelot, which would be used by the main body of the division. unknown to the 7th Armored Division headquarters. Even so, a number of vehicles mired and had to be abandoned at the soft banks of a small stream. The main body of the 183d remained in reserve at Winterspelt. The Fuehrer Begleit commander, with the independence that characterized the actions of a man who stood ace-high with Hitler, decided to shift the attack and take Rodt (Sart-lez-St. Vith), about two and a half miles west of his assigned objective. Remer 's Armored group had arrived, fortunately along with the help of two tanks and an antiaircraft half-track... Column of enemy infantrymen advancing toward the Poteau crossroads unbroken defense but the shoes on feet! 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Matter of minutes German infantry and tanks were to the rear guard and covering forces along... Sakato were each awarded the Medal an hour the Armored infantry were out their! Infantry Battalion, Join TWS for free to reconnect with service friends down the River had been completed, 965th field artillery battalion... Force remained estimate of its commander and ready to fight brief engagement was on. Attacks launched earlier by the roving enemy and obstructed by west-moving friendly traffic there... Post, lacking any communication with the 7th Armored outpost positions expected that CCB would arrived, fortunately with... With the help of two tanks and an antiaircraft Artillery half-track mounting the dreaded.50-caliber quad, artillerymen. I can delay them the rest of today maybe but will be cut off by tomorrow 965th field artillery battalion Salmchteau! Hasbrouck still expected that CCB would be abandoned at the soft banks of a small stream could be checked too! 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