Simplify your preaching calendar and let Acts become a seasonal journey for you and your church. 3-9 3. Grayson Baptist Church - Aug. 25, 2013 1. The huge outpouring of support for Caesar in Thessalonica makes sense with it being made an imperial city by Julias Caesar. He sees our struggles (vs. 17-19; 34). These are the seeds of application that can lead to transformation of the disciples in your congregation. An Introduction To The Book Of Acts. In each instance, underscore the importance of prayer. Introduction, vv. Product Code: JBACTBK. Missions and loving the local community are important actions of the early church. Look at the Book. Seek faithfulness over fairness (vs. 12-14). (view less). Acts 17 is a snapshot of the way people responded to the claims of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Next, decide upon a general theme for your sermon, such as the love of God, faithfulness, or hope. Souls will be saved (vs. 12). Remain true to Gods standards. 3. Staying with Barnabas, his life deals with materialism, serving, leading from the second chair, helping the outcasts (Paul and John Mark), and more. A good rule of thumb is when in doubt focus more on the applications people can use to change their lives. . With the same message (vs. 34-36). 2. Various (Gospel Project, June-July 2013) The Trinity: God the Son. He seeks to save the lost (vs. 3-8). 9. The lesson? I begin to follow the Lords leadership (vs. 6-9). I have an funny hobby. Young children around the world have many things to learn so did the baby church in Acts. How much easier is it to teach about materialism by talking about Ananias, Saphira, and Barnabas? There are two major ways you could approach six months of preaching. God picks out Saul and makes him Pauland somehow Saul yields and chooses the Lord. God still expects movement and multiplication of His believers to spread around the world. When Your Government Is Ungodly - Part 2 Stand Up for Jesus! The Lord Jesus Christ at work by the Holy Spirit through the apostles in Jerusalem, Chapters 1 7 A. (view more) Grayson Baptist Church - June 30, 2013 read more, Scripture: The Book of Romans. We should follow the footsteps of Joseph. 3. BACKGROUND: *Please open your Bibles to Acts 9, as we think about serving our Savior. Sermon by Rick Crandall Discover biblically sound Sermons written by seasoned pastors for your church. The Day of Pentecost matters to us: Sermon by Rick Crandall read more, Scripture: Acts also reminds us there are many transitions we have as individuals and a community. (view more) *Our God likes to use little things to make a big difference in His world. One church consultant named four audiences with whom ministry should be provided: The primary ministry goal for the first audience, the core group, is discipleship. Acts 9:1-18 Having trouble logging into your account? For example, 1 & 2 Corinthians takes on a deeper and richer meaning when we know the problem of Judaizers presented in Acts 15 and following. This is the type of community humanity craves and preaching through Acts gives modern-day believers an opportunity to create a similar community where believers become the hands and feet of God on earth in the middle of suffering. Acts 7:1-8 One month of church history, a theme, or a character is an ideal way to work through the 28 chapters of material for people. The Cross And Our Response to Trials (1 Peter 4:12-19), 8. Because He went the distance to deliver us (vs. 26-27) *Here in Acts 7, Stephen has been on trial for his strong faith in Jesus Christ. read more, Scripture: . Seeing the church make prayer their identity is one of the gifts of the Book of Acts. The lectionary has a schedule of scripture readings that takes you through the Bible every three years. We need to point our friends who have a bold and radical conversion story to learn from Paul. The fourth essential is the Holy Spirit (vs. 44-48). The mission of the church is Gods purpose on earth: it is important. How God Wants to Grow Our Church 3. God's world (vs. 4-5). Thinking about life situations aloud with others helps us to consider our own motives in similar situations. Carry on the Work of God's Church! Jesus comes into a world dominated by the superpower, Rome, with multiple cultures, languages, religions, and ideas. Sermon by Rick Crandall Sermon by Rick Crandall Barnabas grows from being a generous giver in Acts 4 & 5 to a protector and ministry partner of Paul before taking up the cause of John Mark. Add to Cart. Every commentary on the Book of Acts you create for your congregation will serve them well. Sin, Gospel, False Teachers, Praying For The Lost, Preaching Gospel, Receiving The Spirit, Laying On Of Hands Allow Acts to encourage you to walk more closely with God so that you might make Christs name known with the boldness and the zeal of the apostles. (view less), 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, Help your church understand God's plan in pain, Call your people to experience a higher freedom, Proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth. Sermon by Rick Crandall Racial, social, and economic biases can inadvertently lead us to calling works of God works of the devil. Grayson Baptist Church - Sept. 8, 2013 Stories of how God moved into bad situations gives us hope, inspiration, and ideas for new actions. What Happens When We Help Spread The Gospel? Acts 2:22 2:41 3. Grayson Baptist Church - Sept. 15, 2013 Indeed, the church is arguing over what God is doing until the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15. Stephen was Miracles will be multiplied (vs. 4-7). 1. The series can also help your core group determine how it will engage the world as Christians empowered by the Holy Spirit. Prayer is intimately connected to the previous theme of Gods purpose, presence, and power. This is the purpose of His body, the church, here on earth. The sermons in the book of Acts give us a window into the preaching ministries of Peter, Stephen, Philip, James, and Paul, along with the immediate impact those sermons had. January offers itself as a kick-off for vision and direction for the year. BACKGROUND: We can make a big difference for God! BACKGROUND: By our going (vs. 13-18). 2. The short answer is yes! You might choose to speak more to the response in Athens dealing with our multicultural world. Sermon Outlines & Transcripts A Teaching Resource Below is a list of broadcast messages that include a combination of outlines and notes, overviews, and media transcripts. 19. He has a passion to teach and disciple others, and holds a Th.M. Passionately seeking for His people (vs. 22). This is the 69th sermon in the series "Action". (view more) Speak the truth about Jesus (vs. 31). Acts 1:1-11, Tags: Acts 2:1-21, Tags: Have you ever been tempted to just give up and quit? Sermon. Acts allows us to interact with others who have gone before us and carried our burden in their time. 4. Acts 13:13-22, Tags: This series began when the COVID19 pandemic began. The short answer: Every pastor should be ready to make their own commentary on Acts for their church. Acts 10:23-36, Tags: Our times are not unprecedented nor a surprise to the Lord of Eternity. We see dramatic movements changing a large number of people in chapter 2. The Book of Acts: Spirit-Led Leadership The FREE biblical leadership principles series is a 9-week study that will cover a variety of leadership principles. Care Care, Recovery, and Counseling support Connections Welcoming and connecting you into the life of the church Family Young Adults, Senior Adults, Marriage, and Parenting To start saving items to a SermonFolder, please create an account. Sermon by Rick Crandall Every church has challenges, but some churches are in need of a lifeline, rather The Lifeline in the person of the Holy Spirit, revealed in the Book of Acts. Spend more time with our Savior (vs. 13). 3. Growing churches have growing problemssomething addressed head-on in the Book of Acts. Humans are made to remember stories and Jesus knew it. A foundation in the Book of Acts introduces the competing ideas in the world of the early church. The church in Acts is constantly changing and facing challenges, and through it all, God provides answers and stability. Please note, our website requires JavaScript to be supported. 1. The community portrayed in Acts shows an ideal world where individuals bear one anothers burdens, provide physical and emotional support during struggle, and live in a state of generosity. If you are the chief worship planner in your church, make notes for yourself about the hymns, visual environment, or special music to request for that Sunday. from Jerusalem to Rome. (view more) Grayson Baptist Church - September 1, 2013 Later we will develop these themes and others, but for this moment, consider the fact that Luke deals with serious challenges. 3. The most notable mission movements in the history of the church are born from prayer and fasting. 4-week series starting on Easter Sunday. Acts 7:37-54, Tags: So how might God speak through you to your church? There are over 700 outlines (with more added each week as they are developed). ENEWS. From the beginning claims of Peter and John to the Sanhedrin and through the nomadic preaching of Paul, there is no more controversial and important claim of the church than the resurrection. New Testament (Gospel Project, July 2013) The Trinity: God the Holy Spirit. Too often, our own lives do not reflect that sort of change. Sermon Outlines, Series, Illustrations, Manuscripts | Discover biblically sound Sermons written by seasoned pastors for your church. Acts is the only biblical book that chronicles the history of the church immediately after Jesus's ascension. (view less). The elders and apostles viewed their leadership as protecting the importance, the primacy, of the Word and prayer. An Acts sermon series is a great way to learn and have a context for what is happening in Bible times. (view more) 1. What does the church do in a crisis? Only Jesus is able to save us (vs. 21). Moreover, when James makes his pronouncement at the end of the council, there are still very Jewish strings of understanding tied to the gentile church. Please contact us or click here to learn more about how to enable JavaScript on your browser. Lets go back to our idea of doing an overview and a short sermon series on Acts. So if your church needs inspiration, the Book of Acts is for you. Here is the first of what we hope will be many theme-based worship series. Acts 9 is a personal visit of Jesus to Saul who becomes Paul a personal, powerful, encounter with Jesus calling Saul to salvation and ministry. Consider preaching about how the Holy Spirit works in individual lives (personal piety and holiness) and in the corporate church (bold mission and ministry). Acts 4:1-12 The comfort (vs. 40-41). Sermon by Rick Crandall Our integrity is important (vs. 3-4). The Scripture makes this truth clear in many places. Acts 5:12-29 It was probably written in the early 60's, perhaps from Antioch, Rome or Ephesus. Grayson Baptist Church Aug. 18, 2013 Book of Acts Sermon Starters: Introduction. He moves the church from their own ideas and purposes to His very own. Help them see how God is changing and growing people through the stories of Acts. Grayson Baptist Church - Sept. 22, 2013 Righteously judging all people (vs. 19-22). Victorious Service for Our Savior 2. 3. In the initial sermons, you may wish to preview several key functions of the Holy Spirit that you will cover in the series. This series is from the Book of Acts and the Epistles. The following outline is intended to be used while studying the book. (Responding to the Spirit) - Acts 2:37-47, Week 5: Get Up! Help your small group leaders create a space for discussion to move from facts to meaning. No matter how you lead your church through Acts, you all will benefit. I stop relying on my own righteousness (vs. 1-2). Smaller congregations need to take heart you are exactly the right size to make and multiply disciples. This sounds very healthy, right? Sunday, September 13, 2020 Brad Barrett. 3. Grayson Baptist Church - July 28, 2013 Noted under the importance of the theme of the resurrection. 2. This is the 68th sermon in the series "Action". 1. Every local congregation should know how they impact the world. Tell the truth about Jesus (vs. 7-12). Character studies also expose us to the life of an individual rather than finding them in one moment in time. The Pauline Epistles as well as the rest of the NT canon can be identified by places introduced in Acts. read more, Scripture: 01 - Introduction To Ephesians - Ephesians 1:1-2 02 - Praise God For His Sovereign Work - Part 1 - Ephesians 1:3-6a . Acts Series Outlines 11 . Sermon by Rick Crandall Acts 4:23-31, Tags: There is no doubt about it. God wants deacons to: The Berea people hear the claims of the resurrection and dive deeper into the Old Testament to decide if this is really true or not. Easter Sermon Series [NEW] Made New. *When we looked at the early church last week, they had been severely threatened by the religious authorities in Jerusalem. Its no secret that not all churches or all pastors are in the same place. God wants us to be unselfish (vs. 32b & 34-35). Just like the one-month approach, themes and characters are important and a great way to work through the book. Acts 13 is a prayer meeting at the church in Antioch where God selects Paul and Barnabas to lead a missionary expedition the very first of its kind. He was a good, godly man, and one of the first deacons. Listen to Chuck Swindolls overview of Acts in his audio message from the Classic series Gods Masterwork. When dealing with a textual sermon we are forced to make choices, so be aware of the tension of information and application. In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus put it this way: Max Lucado pointed this fact out, when he wrote: The following themes are not an exhaustive list, but a summary on the book of Acts and lessons the Lord teaches again and again through the Book of Acts. Jesus Himself (presence) once again tells the surrounding believers they will be his witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and in every part of the earth (purpose) and then is raised into heaven (power). The Book of Acts does not shy away from the fact that discipleship costs followers their entire lives. This series began when the COVID19 pandemic began. A free spreadsheet template to help you organize your series ideas and preaching calendar. For example, in Acts 17, you could pick up on the theme of responding to the resurrection in three different ways as presented by three different cities. 1. help solve problems. (Personal and Social Restoration) - Acts 3:1-10, Week 6: No Longer Afraid (Holy Boldness) - Acts 4:1-22, Week 7: I Need to Make a Call (Prayer) - Acts 4:23-31, Week 8: Extravagant Generosity (Wealth Distribution) - Acts 4:32-37, Week 9: Soliciting Celebrity - Acts 5:1-11, Week 10: Hallelujah Anyhow (Martyrdom) - Acts 6:8-7:60, Week 11: Who'd a Thunk It? Grayson Baptist Church - Nov. 10, 2013 Lifting a person from their historical context and the broader biblical narrative does not tell their whole story. We learn principles of leadership, how to deal with sin and challenges as individuals, and community-based living. Giving, Prayer, Miracles, Trusting God, Witnessing, Prayer General Why God's Church Matters Relationships between any two persons are not singular nor static; relationships are dynamic. 4 0 obj *Indianapolis pastor Russ Blowers was a member of the Rotary Club. 3. serve faithfully. Frank E. Gaebelein, v. 9 (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1981): 217. 1. A better understanding of the hub of the NT and the church will help your church grasp times, people, and places in other sermons and sermon series. What do we do with 2,000 new converts? Welcome to the world of the Book of Acts. Maybe just as importantly, the benefits compound in the pastor. Acts 9:1-9 But in this chapter, he was (view less). The more time we spend in a new location, the less mysterious it becomes and that is true of the ancient world we come to know in the Book of Acts. A sermon series can draw your congregation together around a common theme or biblical topic, and SermonCentral has hundreds of series collections to assist pastors in developing their own sermon series. They dont pray to get a stamp of approval. A Miracle On Solomon's Porch. At the time Ministry Pass is a sermon series & church graphics library created by pastors, for pastors. Rather than making it history or a number of chapters to mull over in a week, a natural story and thought line helps us move through the entire book. With Acts role as a hub, it should be preached from every three years. When Your Government Is Ungodly - Part 2, 27. Acts 10:1-23, Tags: Because it was a new dispensation in God's plan (vs. 1-4). Evangelism, Church Growth, Christian Growth, Divine Appointments, One Way To Heaven, Peter And Cornelius Prepare a sermon or get inspired with the click of a button. God wants His message of hope and salvation to extend to all peoplein Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth (1:8). Leaders who are in a church with these and other challenges should use the book of Acts as a guide. By the presence of God's Spirit (vs. 14-17). The importance of His work (vs. 1-3). Pledge your full allegiance to the Lord. This wasnt a high school debate. (view less). For example, 1 Timothy 2:3-4 says that: "God our Savior" desires all What do leaders do? Acts 8:4-12 What should we do when our government is ungodly? 2. Blueprint For The Church. Prayer, Church Unity, Prayer General, Persecuted Christian, Witness For Christ 2. Relationships. Less well known is the world of the Mediterranean where the church blossomed and grew into a world-wide, multicultural, movement. (Vs. 1b) 2. You can lead the congregation through Acts in a verse by verse or theme by theme way. Rather than worry about pulling every theological thread in how God moves first and we respond, all believers agree that life is best when we partner with God. Fifteen . Dr. J. Vernon McGee :: Outline for Acts OUTLINE: I. Chapter 4 is an affirmation of the witness of Peter and John. Shine for Jesus! 10,ll Extension of the gospel to the Gentiles. xFSpdz&mF =ry-eYU?| 3. . God will give us strength (vs. 19-22). It will help to keep the whole of the book before you as you work your way through each section. Those of us in the church need to put on boldness and compassion like Ananias and Barnabas. BACKGROUND: Great singing and powerful preaching are good but by meeting with others in prayer we have changed our world. Acts 9:19-31, Tags: We will not have a powerful corporate prayer life until we have a powerfully connected corporate life. of key apostles (especially Peter and Paul) in the decades immediately following Christs ascension into heaven. It was designe. Sign up to receive e-mail from Insight for Living Ministries. He develops us with detours (vs. 20-30; 35-36). We all know the American church is facing challenging times. John Piper Sep 16, 1990. 4. The prayer room in Acts 1 gives us the explosive birth of the church in Acts 2. For reference, Artemis was also linked to fertility cults of Isis and others, harkening back to the OT. The challenge with this approach is to balance your time so that enough teaching on a principle and its application emerge well from the text and you can drive it home. And the ham was very good, but I wouldn't say it was heavenly. (view more) Each section study gives your church a deeper understanding of Gods actions in the early church. About fifteen percent of the people raise their hands in both cases. The characters, real people who made real decisions, Ananias, Saphira, and Barnabas deal with these principles in different ways. Humbly accept the Lord's assignment (vs. 23-26). Acts 4:32-37 *Have you ever been tempted to give up on church? Acts 1:1). He wants to save our souls (vs. 35-37). Obedience, Church Growth, Humble Service, Book Of Acts. God's work (vs. 8). Outrages God's enemies (vs. 17-18). Second, of all the activities of leadership in a fast growing church, prayer and the Word are the most important. Here are four ideas and different ways to approach an Acts series. read more, Scripture: Acts 10:1-23 Gods Case Against The Christ-Rejecting Court, Mapping 'fault Lines' In America - Micah 3, 5 Ways To Grow Your Church's Congregation, My Sermon With A Little Bit Of Bible Thrown In, The Book Of Acts - Shared by Rick Crandall. Seasoned leaders know different solutions can be found for the same problem so how do we choose where to place our hope and lives? Small groups practice the presence of God together. BACKGROUND: Get a copy of our FREE guide to avoiding burnout and discover what causes pastoral burnout, and how to heal so you can lead well into the future! Acts chapter one. Various (Gospel Project, August 2013) The Way of the Worshipper. He has missions in mind for us (vs. 34). Therefore, it is reasonable to include Luke's purpose for Acts as falling under his purpose for the book of Luke. Preaching to eyewitnesses would be silly, if they knew better. They immediately organize people into groups, large and small, to make disciples of these new believers. For those interested in developing such a sermon, the outline is suggested in chapter 1, verse 8. 4. read more, Scripture: Scripture: Acts 1:1-3. We can access the lessons, challenges, and people easier because we understand the times better. BACKGROUND: If youre wanting to do an overview of the Book of Acts to get your feet wet, here are some places to start. Sermon by Rick Crandall Historical times, events, and ideas shape all of us, just like they did to the people in Acts. How can we take the next step? Fourth Sunday of Easter, Year A, A Living Hope The Big Picture of Acts. The structure, breadth, and depth of Acts gives the preachers calendar flexibility and options. The same Holy Spirit leading and guiding the early church in the Book of Acts is ready to lead you and your church. We get to know him and his relationship with money in Chapter 5 before we rediscover him at the church in Antioch. Is a year-long sermon series in the Book of Acts worth a full year? Saul meets Ananias when both of them pray in Acts 9. Stephen was Acts 5:1-11 Why? A year in Acts allows us to appreciate real people making real decisions in real situations. *We used to go to Heavenly Ham a good bit. Thats a question for every leader. OUTLINES - KEOWN 1 . The Book of Acts is the story of God's sovereign hand meeting our freewill over and over and over again. Acts place as a history book gives a direct contact to all the books of the NT from the Gospels through Revelation. The importance of His witnesses (vs. 8-11). *This is last week's issue of "The Baptist Message," and the headline for this article is: "Hankins Delivers Sobering News to 2020 Commission." 4. 3. Bible Verse; Newest; Oldest; Most Viewed; Sermon. 21. 2 The designation "most excellent" is used by Luke to refer to Roman officials of high rank. Christians would like to know more about the world of the Bible. 4. 1) In Peter's sermon at Pentecost (Acts 2:14-41), he begins by exposing his listeners by declaring they are interpreting the situation of multilingual preaching wrongly, and moves into exposing the Gospel by connecting the prophet Joel with the life of Jesus and the gift of the Spirit. Parents work with babies teaching them to eat, crawl, walk, talk, share toys, and hundreds of other everyday life skills. Whether it is one sermon as a background for another NT book or a full year of expository and thematic sermons, time spent in the Book of Acts benefits everyone. In Luke 1:4 the author says that he is writing to "most excellent Theophilus" . Expect Christ's enemies to be energized (vs. 1-3). Another approach is to focus on a section of Acts. An Acts-based sermon series can help your core group embrace empowerment by the Holy Spirit. This is the Sermon by Rick Crandall In Acts 6, the deacons are appointed to serve people on an everyday basis so that the apostles can continue in prayer and in the ministry of the Word. God had a bigger plan for the church. 3. Acts 7:8-16, Tags: Where would we be if they had refused to stand up for Jesus (view more) Please confirm that you want to receive email from us. He stretches us to reach new people (vs. 9-16). The parables are one form of storytelling that we know and often share. And power to move from facts to meaning, the church, prayer general, Persecuted Christian, Witness Christ! Dispensation in God 's plan ( vs. 32b & 34-35 ) in many places Acts 13:13-22 Tags! 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