Wondering where they are! Well, you made a lot of unfounded assumptions.. It is so large and wide spread that people just dump bodies and they are never found. I'm now in the 60's. I seriously have to laugh when I read the comments on this blog. Ive encountered rainbow people who came out of the forest looking completely rugged and smelling like piss, but they simply nodded and continued on their way. Just like in your so called perfect lives, my opinion is stay in your own pathetic world, were ever you be. I would never suggest anyone go hiking camping Etc without some sort of protection and preferably in groups. The religious agencies bringing blankets, water, food, clothing and medicine to more than 3,000 homeless people who annually gather in the Ocala National Forest. Now you have to park and walk to it.There are lots of jeep trails as well as 4 wheeler trails. ANY WOODED area is THE place to hide a body. The forest is so beautiful. Location: South of 466a, if you don't like me.I live in Orlando. Beautiful Home On 10 Acres To Rest For A Spell. I have spent decades in the woods hiking alone, as a single female. There have been bodies, human skulls, bones, etc found on a regular basis over the past decades in my regions natural areas. A Great Place To Get Away!! This is MY opinion. Also, why would anyone shoot guns off at night in a natural area? Between wildlife, and even tripping/potential fall, let alone undesirable humans lurking out in the middle of nowhere, I dont understand why this is a welcomed activity. And those pretty young girls, yea, daddy taught'em to shoot when they were little, and one of them is fixing to put 2 in your chest. The volunteers also made contact with homeless people on State Road 200, Northeast 14th Street, at a restaurant in Silver Springs, and in multiple spots in Belleview, along Interstate 75 and in. I no longer go far from home, alone, as I realize I could not defend myself from an armed crazy. SOME OF OUR SPONSORS Great blog! SILVER SPRINGS, Fla. (WCJB) - Marion County Sheriff's deputies are searching for answers in a shooting that took a man's life. Sounds like you have something in common with the Murders. "The idea that violence happens, even if no one sees it, is pure speculation. Some questions asked are aimed at determining how the person became homeless, Mims indicated. One of the men had . You are viewing a new design of the TOTV site. That seems to me, a recipe for extreme danger. "The Joint Office of Homeless Prevention is comprised of City of Ocala and Marion County employees and serves as the lead agency for federal funding. I pray you and your sick mind will burn in hell, and your soul will rot in eternity; never to reincarnate again on a peaceful planet! She warned me of spiders ahead on the trail and then literally vanished. I get the chills just thinking about it. . he never even saw the man. 3501 Thomasville Road | Tallahassee, FL (850) 893-4171 | www.gemcollection.com Salvation Army Maj.Dwayne Durham said his agency's Ocala facility will open its doors for the homeless when conditions like rain or temperatures below about 50 degrees warrant a "Weather Night.". We (the homeless) are humans;we're not from Mars," Reason said. Cops are dangerous, often psychos get hired and they stay in their jobs committing crimes against citizens whether good or bad ones left and right, lying all the time, making things up. I think you need to visit the larger cities of this country to get a more rounded viewpoint of just how many gun carrying folks are diverse.in mental and emotional mindsets. https://www.theguardian.com/science/blog/2013/mar/25/guns-protection-national-rifle-association. Its a scary thing to see a kid no more than 12 or 13 walking down the dirt paths packing semi automatic rifles and hiding in the tree's carrying guns that you usually only see in the movies. Most the people have a good heart.mean crazy people suck. Now, the comments above calling the author names and using a very tired old argument that its safe in the woods, or that there is crime everywhere are plain stupid. The forest is an amazing place year around to explore with many trails, springs, and the incredible Sliver Springs State Park. Camping out of sight of roads and trails preserves solitude sought by other visitors, and camping away from water helps to protect water quality. The people who accosted me did more than panhandle--in one case, they stole some stuff out of my truck, and in another case they threatened me. The Joint Office was established in July 2020 after a recommendation from the Public Policy Institute of Marion County. Always loved the area. Once I came across a naked hiker near Farles Prairie. Come prepared.Now we are seeing the more extreme killings. Having spent so much time there, I feel rather lucky. They brew up gallons of meth out there daily. And be sure not to leave food in your area at night. Have seen the bad n the good of people. . Ocala National Forest Established in 1908 as the first National Forest east of the Mississippi, the Ocala National Forest is a mecca for hikers and campers, and the birthplace of the Florida Trail Astor, Salt Springs, Silver Springs, Paisley, Palatka ( 29.25738, -81.681137 ) 655 shares Resources Overview Springs of the Ocala National Forest Most law enforcement officers have worked cases at some point where someone over reacted while having a gun in their possession, and let emotions rather than rationality allow for unfortunate consequences. I was accosted a couple of times by doped-up transients while loading up my boat. However, an acquaintance of mine has also spotted him in that same area, on that bike, and got the same suspicious vibes. The National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty examined laws in America that punish. I understand the local drunken parties (though absolutely hate them), but what is with shooting guns at night? An estimated 40,000 to 45,000 people live within the forest's borders about 40 miles north of The Villages. It is a very beautiful place. The worst thing I saw was a snake, and a bear. Mass disapproval of this lifestyle is foolish. I grew up in Newark , New Jersey. It was also a rough place. These are party spots, more than camp spots for the locals. Anyone judging that this guy is making the Ocala Forest out to be worse then it is has not been informed of how serious this forrest really is a serious problem. Bad things do happen here but I will never blame the forest. I have always been very well armed and if I feel threatened I will kill you. There are approximately 45,000 people live within the borders of the Ocala National Forest, the second oldest and second largest forest in the United States, established by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1908. 911 or 9mm? Unknown can you tell us why you feel that's it is not a safe place? Her main complaint is poor internet. It is happening in YOUR forest too. Ghost not sure who you are talking to. Below is a NCS video with another encounter in Ocala National Forest where the witness had to narrowly avoid hitting a long-haired chimp-like creature in their vehicle. While it is your prerogative and right to not carry a gun and pass your opinions onto others. All you have to do is choose a family you wish to help, and then give. how did you find this guy's blog to complain about it anyway? Neither did I say anything about carrying guns. It simply is what it is pure nasty pure trash-. At that point we decided we did not want to be seen and no longer walked with our lights on. I have had the pleasure of meeting some great folks and some really ungrateful folks in this forest. Recently hiked the Florida Trail with my dog from Clearwater Lake to Rodman dam. They should atleast leave the person where they could be found so that they could have a proper burial and at least the family can start the healing process. In the front basket, there were several heavy, sharp, and/or blunt tools such as a tire iron and a crowbar. The park also haslimited daytime hours. We will never night hike or solo camp there again. In MY OPINION. I don't actually know, and I know little about those folk. With no cell phone reception, there was no way to get help. He was pretty with it still, but speech was hard to understand and he was pretty much locked into a loop of about five . Bad guys don't like to walk far. I don't believe the author is a moronjust writing about instances. Human nature hasn't changed. Most times that Ive met fellow hikers they were super friendly. "We have housed nine individuals/families with Rapid Re-Housing funds this past year. The (survey information will) better inform our community of mental health needs, instances of domestic violence, and veterans in need of housing," he wrote. Homeless count in Ocala Ocala Star-Banner 15.8K subscribers 6.3K views 5 years ago "The majority of homeless people are white males between the ages of 30 to 60 years old. However, forensics, and police/ coroners reports often have the data and factual documentation of bodies and murders in forests, natural areas and wilderness. I feel that I have lost my place of alone time and peace. If thats ok by you then ok. were you searching for murders in the forest for a reason to spew your vile? True---The ONF is probably an excellent place to commit murder or dump a body. )There is no logic to your story. Now we have almost 8 billion. Those who prepare now with solar panels and composting toilets, etc., will stand a better chance of not going to jail or otherwise being fined, feed or taxed into the poor house for trying to live what remains of the American dream. OCALA NATIONAL FOREST Bongo drums and flutes echo through the pine trees to entertain the 200 people congregating in the hammock. The trick is to know your surroundings. Also, every officer eventually handles a case where someone was overpowered, and the gun is wreathed away from them. If you know what to look for, wild animals are very predictable. Altonna and Alexander Springs are a couple examples. Most my time spent there has been around the Juniper springs area and maybe that has something to do with it. If everything was as logical as you purport here, we would not be having so many mass shootings in the news these days. It gives one a false sense of confidence. From a place, 40 years ago, mostly inhabited by rural poor "country" types, who hunted and fished. Save for a select few that do not work day to day around LEO's or the criminals the are responsible for catching. We currently have eight individuals/families enrolled in Rapid Re-Housing right now who are searching for housing, one being unsheltered," Heather O'Conner, case manager with Saving Mercy, stated in an email. What is there to do in Ocala, FL? I do find it somewhat interesting, though, that you mentioned you've been hiking in the woods for decades and, unless I'm mistaken, have not been attacked in the manners you mentioned.Every National forest has it's "bad" areas, usually close to the roads. Location: Tamarind Grove/Monpazier, France. I'm pretty sure no killers are following this blog. Charles Sumner Wesley II, 72, a Vietnam War veteran who served in the U.S. Army from 1967 . Sounds like a bunch of hooey and toad shit. I'm sure every place has murders and disappearances and unidentified bodies floating around but I came to the conclusion that the Forest is a dangerous place. Ashamedly, naive of most of these stories. You asked that those committing murders leave the bodies around to be found. The forest has long been my place of reverie and reflection. I've lived in Ocala for most of my 64 years and enjoyed fishing the lakes and ponds and rivers in the Forest for most of that time. I agree with you. They said you will be fine. I agree to all of the above, nature, animals, very peaceful. My friend had his 20G and I had my 12G with plenty of slugs. A bunch of drunken men trying to run down a woman on a horse, frankly scares the crap out of me. I would never stay at a drive up campsite, no matter what day of the week. To deny that murders do happen in wilderness areas, and national forestsas some folks do here in the commentsis just plain ridiculously naive. Its also a very dangerous deadly place. We have been able to hire four staff members," she wrote. I keep hearing (from many sources) how the National forests are becoming these places of severe poverty, drug use, and havens for serial killers, criminals, thieves, and drunken rowdy rednecks. Never have I seen such filth, inbreeding or unhealthy people! What northern Florida lacks in the glitz and glamour of the south, it more than makes up for in natural, rugged beauty. But again, you are entitled to your feelings, and I will stick with mine also. I would volenteer etc. My observations into what I consider the ONF is that I have run across several tent cities. I stumbled upon it just recently and I've gone to the beginning and am reading oldest to newest - absolutely riveting!Anyhow, I felt compelled to comment on how odd it is to me that people seem offended by you posting true stories, things that have actually happened in the forest. Its nearly 400,000 acres are located in Lake, Marion, and . May you rot in the Forest among all the corps you have killed, and may you too die in all the pain you have caused others! Reason, 66, said setbacks including his wife's stroke and admission to a nursing home were factors in him becoming homeless about five years ago. Pay attention to whats going on around you at all times. When you enter the wilderness you and you alone are responsible for your safety. Great up close views of naturea great place to go! It doesnt matter if murders happen elsewhere toothey are happening right in your own Forest. The several that I passed were not deep in the forest and I am imagining that they served as shelter at night but that the owners emerged during daylight hours for school, work etc. No questions asked, if you threaten me or try and steal from me, or approach me after you are told to stay away you will be shot, then you will be fed to the gators. All the people are so defensive and say what a perfect place the Forest is and how people are just paranoid but they always make sure to say they themselves are well armed always when they go to the Forest. Carry a gun! Hiking boots, ball cap, backpack and walking stick.. Thats it. "When we come across an unsheltered individual seeking assistance, we typically try to get them into an emergency shelter or transitional housing program (a)lthough some may refuse," she wrote. Its the decline of life as we know it, brought to you by the US government and the businesses who own it. I haven't fished there since. There are gators and bears and when sick or hungry can be a threat. Two transient men were charged with. You cannot ignore these thingsunless you are policing the smallest rural town, and dont watch national news. Why blame the forest? I saw a man (mid-20s - early 30s) 2 nights ago at the 24 hour Mobil station on route 40 in Silver Springs. For what reasons, I can only fathom that they want to save their real estate values. We do not expect to hike at night (trip and falls, wildlife encounters as well as human encounters all happen in the dark night). He stated the people were usually friendly, and notedthat hearing the individual stories is key to understanding their plight. We camped near salt springs close to lake George. Citizen patrol is a joke. Its full of "rainbow people" doing what cults do. Clearwater Lake Campground, 24511 Co Rd 42, Paisley, FL 32767. Laws that target homeless people through bans on panhandling, camping, sleeping and even sitting in public are on the rise across the nation, according to a new report that names Ocala to the. Then we came to another road, saw headlights coming and waited behind some trees for them to pass. Not that what has been said in this blog did not happen---and many a time I look around and wonder just how many bodies are buried out here, and will never be found. Back now after all of these years. That self defense line doesnt always go well in a court of law. I do try not to judge them. That 1.2 million acres includes about 500,000 acres of wetlands and more than 85,000 acres of designated federal wilderness. Hot, isolated and large areas of uninhabited scrub-land. This said, the Ocala National Forest is full of beauty and wonderment and our Natural Springs are breathtaking. My only point is that I choose not to go back there because of what I experienced. But, you realize just how crazy it can be when 2x in my teens the FBI knocked on my door to ask if I'd seen an escaped prisoner from Raiford and Starke penitentiary. Five units are now open in the complex. It was about 11:30pm. And there are activities to do in the area, surrounded by the ONF and many boating opportunities, even to get out to the Atlantic. Have never felt unsafe and the only thing I carry is a knife. Then there were no more trucks we could hear and we got up and walked the last two miles without incident. Just remember you need a vehicle that will not break down. Be aware that bears, alligators and raccoons frequent the area. 20% of US soldiers that have been in combat will purposely not fire their weapons, even when their own lives are at stake. When my husband and I were hitchhiking from Key West to the Pacific Northwest, he and the driver of the car who had given us a ride chatted about the forest. One bad experience can traumatize a person for life, right? Woods, forest, lakes these are all places people have used in the the past to do bad things and hide stuff so yes, arm yourself. So you and I can type whatever our pretty little hearts desire! I am a hiker, who has endured a couple of night hikes only due to miscalculating the distance I was from the car, getting lost off the trail, and having to find my way back. Just be very aware of your surroundings. All at our finger tips.We can sit out in our backyard and have camp fires and then the luxury of walking into our home to go sleep. Unknown, of course. I got a weird vibe as I went into the store. The head of SOZO gives a presentation in TV every once in a while. Unless there are facts to back up these unknown murders or acts of violence then it is called, "shooting the breeze". Most don't hunt for sport. Wow Im from Texas its Crazy everywhere but this was very interesting. I walk out my back door and I am in the Forest. I can and am safe, but this article lets me know I am certainly never going to be prepared to visit this Ocala, or any other national forest. Walked the last two miles without incident with it violence happens, even if no sees... To look for, wild animals are very predictable I realize I could not defend from... Murders leave the bodies around to be seen and no longer go far from Home, alone, as realize. 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