and the conspiracy of L. Sergius Catilina, or Catiline, and his followers, which seriously He himself, having posted the necessary guards conducted Lentulus to the prison; and the same office was performed for the rest by the praetors. Hints of hostility to the Triumvirate on Sallusts part may be detected in both Bellum Jugurthinum and the Histories. What I advise, then, is this: that since the state, by a treasonable combination of abandoned citizens, has been brought into the greatest peril; and since the conspirators have been convicted on the evidence of Titus Volturcius, and the envoys of the Allobroges, and on their own confession, of having concerted massacres, conflagrations, and other horrible and cruel outrages, against their fellow-citizens and their country, punishment be inflicted, according to the usage of our ancestors, on the prisoners who have confessed their guilt, as on men convicted of capital crimes. WebSALLUST was born at Amiternum, a town in the Sabine territory, on the first of October, 1 in the year six hundred and sixty-six 2 from the foundation of Rome, eighty-seven years before Christ, and in the seventh consulship of Marius. [83], Henrik Ibsen's first play, written c.1849, was Catiline based on Sallust's story.[80]. WebReexamines Sallust's description of the alleged massacre of Italians in Cirta in the Bellum Jugurthinum. magistermcwills. Both of these men were at bitter enmity with Caesar; Piso, as having been attacked by him, when he was on his trial for extortion, on a charge of having illegally put to death a Transpadane Gaul; Catulus, as having hated him ever since he stood for the pontificate, because, at an advanced age, and after filling the highest offices, he had been defeated by Caesar, who was then comparatively a youth. 41 Yet the Allobroges were long in suspense what course they should adopt. WebGaius Sallustius Crispus (86 BC-34 BC), better known as 'Sallust' was a Roman politician and historian who supported Populares party of Julius Caesar. Similar caution, Conscript Fathers, is to be observed by yourselves, that the guilt of Lentulus, and the other conspirators, may not have greater weight with you than you own dignity, and that you may not regard your indignation more than your character. [53], He employed archaic words: according to Suetonius, Lucius Ateius Praetextatus (Philologus) helped Sallust to collect them. 5 terms. All exclaimed that wicked and factious men, who had troubled the state with their seditious practices, had justly forfeited their lives. And although my mind, inexperienced in dishonest practice, detested these vices, yet, in the midst of so great corruption, my tender age was ensnared and infected by ambition; and though I shrunk from the vicious principles of those around me, yet the same eagerness for honors, the same obloquy and jealousy, which disquieted others, disquieted myself. His violent spirit was daily more and more hurried on by the diminution of his patrimony, and by his consciousness of guilt; both which evils he had increased by those practices which I have mentioned above. I have called you together, however, to give you a few instructions, and to explain to you, at the same time, my reasons for the course which I have adopted. Thus, the merit of those who have acted is estimated at the highest point to which illustrious intellects could exalt it in their writings. Sallusts narratives were enlivened with speeches, character sketches, and digressions, and, by skillfully blending archaism and innovation, he created a style of classic status. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, "Review of: The Breakdown of the Roman Republic: From Oligarchy to Empire", "Review of "The Political Thought of Sallust" by DC Earl", "A Traditional Pattern of Imitation in Sallust and His Sources",, Articles with Russian-language sources (ru), Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using infobox military person with embed, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 31 March 2023, at 04:52. They were covetous of praise, but liberal of money; they desired competent riches, but boundless glory. His principal works are the Bellum Catilinae, on the conspiracy of Catiline and his account of the Jugurthine War, Bellum Jugurthinum.. A. J. Woodman is Basil L. Gildersleeve Professor of Classics at the University of Virginia. [15] However, the evidence is unclear; some scholars suggest he never held the post. But such mercy, and such clemency, if they turn those arms against you, will end in misery to yourselves. Others at the same time, as is not uncommon in such a crisis, spread reports of omens and prodigies; others of meetings being held, of arms being transported, and of insurrections of the slaves at Capua and in Apulia. Their armor, and weapons of war, they borrowed from the Samnites; their ensigns of authority, for the most part, from the Etrurians; and, in short, whatever appeared eligible to them, whether among allies or among enemies, they adopted at home with the greatest readiness, being more inclined to emulate merit than to be jealous of it. Sallust, Latin in full Gaius Sallustius Crispus, (born c. 86 bc, Amiternum, Samnium [now San Vittorino, near LAquila, Italy]died 35/34 bc), Roman historian and one of the great Latin literary stylists, noted for his narrative writings dealing with political personalities, corruption, and party rivalry. [10][27] This campaign was unsuccessful. From among these he removed all the ablest centurions, the veterans, and the stoutest of the common soldiers that were regularly armed, into the foremost ranks. In such contests there was neither moderation nor limit; each party made a merciless use of its successes. At length, when he had stripped them of all character and shame, he led them to other and greater enormities. [25] While he inveighs against Catiline's depraved character and vicious actions, he does not fail to state that the man had many noble traits. Yet many human beings, resigned to sensuality and indolence, uninstructed and unimproved, have passed through life like travelers in a strange country; to whom, certainly, contrary to the intention of nature, the body was a gratification, and the mind a burden. Caesar was esteemed for his humanity and benevolence; austereness had given dignity to Cato. Many ancient authors cited Sallust, and sometimes their citations of Histories are the only source for reconstruction of this work. 703-620-6377 (home), Additional Resources: We might, with the utmost ignominy, have passed the rest of our days in exile. That, in the city, everything which he had directed was arranged and that he should not delay to make nearer approaches to it. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for de Catilinae Coniuratione [Latin] Bellum Catilinae: Parallel Text Latin - English by Gaius Sallustius Crispus Free postage. 59 When he had thus spoken, he ordered, after a short delay, the signal for battle to be sounded, and led down his troops, in regular order, to the level ground. History and Constitution of the Text References General Bibliography The War with Catiline Introduction: Sallusts Sources for the Catiline Chronology Outline of the Bellum Catilinae Text and Translation I could easily mention, Conscript Fathers, numerous examples of kings and nations, who, swayed by resentment or compassion, have adopted injudicious courses of conduct; but I had rather speak of those instances in which our ancestors, in opposition to the impulse of passion, acted with wisdom and sound policy. Epigrams, XIV, 191: Hic erit, ut perhibent doctorum corda virorum, // Primus Romana Crispus in historia. They encouraged one another, and hurried to meet the enemy. Since the occasion has thus brought public morals under my notice, the subject itself seems to call upon me to look back, and briefly to describe the conduct of our ancestors in peace and war; how they managed the state, and how powerful they left it; and how, by gradual alteration, it became, from being the most virtuous, the most vicious and depraved. In Caesar, there was a refuge for the unfortunate; in Cato, destruction for the bad. Sallusts political career ended soon after his return to Rome. This was an evil, which, after many years, had returned upon the community to the extent to which it now prevailed. He brings his narrative to a climax in a senatorial debate concerning the fate of the conspirators, which took place on Dec. 5, 63. Then, riding round among his troops, and addressing his men by name, he encouraged them, and bade them remember that they were to fight against unarmed marauders, in defense of their country, their children, their temples, and their homes. It is a vice which, as if imbued with deadly poison, enervates whatever is manly in body or mind. [22] Mommsen identified this Sallustius with Sallust the historian, but Broughton argued that Sallust the historian would not have been an assistant to Caesar's adversary or, as an ex-plebeian tribune, have taken the lowly title legatus pro quaestore. This is the greatest power which, according to the practice at Rome, is granted by the senate to the magistrate, and which authorizes him to raise troops; to make war; to assume unlimited control over the allies and the citizens; to take the chief command and jurisdiction at home and in the field, rights which, without an order of the people, the consul is not permitted to exercise. German historian, philologist, and legal scholar. [10][29] In late summer 47BC, a group of soldiers rebelled near Rome, demanding their discharge and payment for service. In his Bellum Catilinae, C. Sallustius Crispus or Sallust (86-35/34 B.C.) Attack them, therefore, with so much the greater confidence, and call to mind your achievements of old. Within my recollection, however, there arose two men of remarkable powers, though of very different character, Marcus Cato and Caius Caesar, whom, since the subject has brought them before me, it is not my intention to pass in silence, but to describe, to the best of my ability, the disposition and manners of each. His complexion, in consequence, was pale, his eyes haggard, his walk sometimes quick and sometimes slow, and distraction was plainly apparent in every feature and look. Moreover, his successors as governor were experienced military men. After much reflection, I felt convinced that the eminent virtue of a few citizens had been the cause of all these successes; and hence it had happened that poverty had triumphed over riches, and a few over a multitude. In 46 he took part in Caesars African campaign (with modest success), and, when Africa Nova was formed from Numidian territory (modern Algeria), Sallust became its first governor. But because I saw unworthy men ennobled with honors, and myself proscribed on groundless suspicion, I have, for this very reason, adopted a course, amply justifiable in my present circumstances, for preserving what honor is left to me. In what situation our affairs now are, you all understand as well as myself. These thirty began their administration by putting to death, even without a trial, all who were notoriously wicked, or publicly detestable; acts at which the people rejoiced, and extolled their justice. If those who pass a life sunk in obscurity, commit any error, through excessive anger, few become aware of it, for their fame is as limited as their fortune; but of those who live invested with extensive power, and in an exalted station, the whole world knows the proceedings. Sallust's time as governor of Africa Nova ought to have let the author develop a solid geographical and ethnographical background to the war; however, this is not evident in the monograph, despite a diversion on the subject, because Sallust's priority in the Jugurthine War, as with the Catiline Conspiracy, is to use history as a vehicle for his judgement on the slow destruction of Roman morality and politics. Sallust (Gaius Sallustius Crispus), (86-34 BC), was a Roman historian. [63], In the thirteenth century Sallust's passage on the expansion of the Roman Republic (Cat. They were created in the ninth century, and both belong to the mutili group. But to what end, in the name of the eternal gods! Aeneid II. [28] In 49 BC, Sallust was moved to Illyricum and probably commanded at least one legion there after the failure of Publius Cornelius Dolabella and Gaius Antonius. Sallust presents Catiline as a deliberate foe of law, order and morality, and does not give a comprehensive explanation of his views and intentions (Catiline had supported the party of Sulla, whom Sallust had opposed). Caesar grew eminent by generosity and munificence; Cato by the integrity of his life. Founding Fathers in the 18th century. The denomination of their government was monarchy. When you are once resigned to sloth and indolence, it is in vain that you implore the gods; for they are then indignant and threaten vengeance. In battle, those who are most afraid are always in most danger; but courage is equivalent to a rampart. This is the underlying framework of Sallusts schematic analysis of the events of that timethe clash between the nobility, or Senate, and the people, or plebeians. When the day of the comitia came, and neither Catilines efforts for the consulship, nor the plots which he had laid for the consuls in the Campus Martius, were attended with success, he determined to proceed to war, and to resort to the utmost extremities, since what he had attempted secretly had ended in confusion and disgrace. Indeed, alarmed contemporaries may have exaggerated the significance of the incident; yet, had the government not acted as firmly as it did (effectively declaring martial law), a catastrophe could have occurred. For all those shameless, libertine, and profligate characters, who had dissipated their patrimonies by gaming, luxury, and sensuality; all who had contracted heavy debts, to purchase immunity for their crimes or offences; all assassins or sacrilegious persons from every quarter, convicted or dreading conviction for their evil deeds; all, besides, whom their tongue or their hand maintained by perjury or civil bloodshed; all, in fine, whom wickedness, poverty, or a guilty conscience disquieted, were the associates and intimate friends of Catiline. Bennett's New Latin Grammar or, better, Allen and Greenough's New Latin Grammar. Two years later, designated praetor, he was sent to quell a mutiny among Caesars troops, again without success. 53 When Cato had resumed his seat, all the senators of consular dignity, and a great part of the rest, applauded his opinion, and extolled his firmness of mind to the skies. It could not be otherwise in the circumstances: the conspiracy of Catiline was the chosen subject of his first historical essay, and he agreed with Cicero that it was a crime unparalleled to that date. For assuredly, Silanus, either your fears, or their treason, must have induced you, a consul elect, to propose this new kind of punishment. [85] The oldest integri scrolls were created in the eleventh centuryAD. But at the same time, adopting a practice from Greece, they punished their citizens with the scourge, and inflicted capital punishment on such as were condemned. The anonymous Invective Against Sallust alleges immorality as the cause, but the real reason may have been politics. I now commend and entrust Orestilla to your protection; entreating you, by your love for your own children, to defend her from injury. Nor were the senate, indeed, unwilling to grant him the province; for they wished so infamous a character to be removed from the seat of government; and many worthy men, at the same time, thought that there was some security in him against the power of Pompey, which was then becoming formidable. But when they failed to persuade the consul to such injustice, they themselves, by going from one person to another, and spreading fictions of their own, which they pretended to have heard from Volturcius or the Allobroges, excited such violent odium against him, that certain Roman knights, who were stationed as an armed guard round the Temple of Concord, being prompted, either by the greatness of the danger, or by the impulse of a high spirit, to testify more openly their zeal for the republic, threatened Caesar with their swords as he went out of the senate-house. [55] More recent scholars agree, describing Sallust's style as "anti-Ciceronian", eschewing the harmonious structure of Cicero's sentences for short and abrupt descriptions. But if we lose the victory through want of courage, those same places will turn against us; for neither place nor friend will protect him whom his arms have not protected. Theodor Mommsen suggested that Sallust particularly wished to clear his patron (Caesar) of all complicity in the conspiracy. [40], The monograph on was probably written c.42 BC. 52 When Caesar had ended his speech, the rest briefly expressed their assent, some to one speaker, and some to another, in support of their different proposals; but Marcus Porcius Cato, being asked his opinion, made a speech to the following purport: C. Sallusti Crispi Catilina, Iugurtha, orationes et epistulae excerptae de historiis. His moral and political values are traditional; they commemorate the past to castigate the present. Manuscripts of his writings are usually divided into two groups: mutili (mutilated) and integri (whole; undamaged). At that period, however, the life of man was passed without covetousness; every one was satisfied with his own. But why, in the name of the immortal gods, did you not add to your proposal, Silanus, that, before they were put to death, they should be punished with the scourge? For another part of this debate, look at Cicero, In Catilinam 4. Blankingship & Keith, P.C. WebHis "Catiline's War" tells of the conspiracy in 63 bc led by L. Sergius Catilina, who plotted to assassinate numerous senators and take control of the government, but was thwarted by Cicero. Sallust, as praetor designatus and serving as one of Caesar's legates,[30] with several other senators, was sent to persuade the soldiers to abstain, but the rebels killed two senators, and Sallust narrowly escaped death.[19]. [4][5][13] They belonged to the equestrian order and had full Roman citizenship. [49] In this, he felt a "pervasive pessimism" with decline that was "both dreadful and inevitable", a consequence of political and moral corruption itself caused by Rome's immense power:[46] he traced the civil war to the influx of wealth from conquest and the absence of serious foreign threats to hone and exercise Roman virtue at arms. In the Macedonian war, which we carried on against king Perses, the great and powerful state of Rhodes, which had risen by the aid of the Roman people, was faithless and hostile to us; yet, when the war was ended, and the conduct of the Rhodians was taken into consideration, our forefathers left them unmolested, lest any should say that war was made upon them for the sake of seizing their wealth, rather than of punishing their faithlessness. [47] From the extant fragments, he seemed to again emphasis moral decline after Sulla; he "was not generous to Pompey". 37 Nor was this disaffected spirit confined to those who were actually concerned in the conspiracy; for the whole of the common people, from a desire of change, favored the projects of Catiline. When he saw their spirits sufficiently elevated, he charged them to attend to his interest at the election of consuls, and dismissed the assembly. Nor did he, in the mean time, remain inactive, but devised schemes, in every possible way, against Cicero, who, however, did not want skill or policy to guard against them. Thus, each being insufficient of itself, the one requires the assistance of the other. Having then sent away the horses of all the cavalry, in order to increase the mens courage by making their danger equal, he himself on foot, drew up his troops suitably to their numbers and the nature of the ground. [36] However, prominent scholars of Roman prosopography such as Ronald Syme believe this is a legend. Due to those charges and without prospects for advancement, he devoted himself to writing history,[25] presenting his historical writings as an extension of public life to record achievements for future generations. While these events were not of lasting significance, Sallusts experience of the political strife of that year provided a major theme for his writings. For, in affairs of war, it is necessary to plan before beginning to act, and, after planning, to act with promptitude and vigor. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. On the other hand, the most of the nobility opposed their proceedings to the utmost; under pretence, indeed, of supporting the senate, but in reality for their own aggrandizement. See Bchner (n.l above), 246f. The entire text with Such has been the inhumanity of the usurers and of the praetor. WebIT becomes all men, who desire to excel other animals, 1 to strive, to the utmost of their power, 2 not to pass through life in obscurity, 3 like the beasts of the field, 4 which nature has formed groveling 5 and subservient to appetite. [27] Plutarch reported that Sallust dined with Caesar, Hirtius, Oppius, Balbus and Sulpicius Rufus on the night after Caesar's crossing the Rubicon into Italy in early January. [47] Sallust likely relied on a general annalistic history of the time, as well as the autobiographies of Marcus Aemilius Scaurus, Publius Rutilius Rufus, and Sulla. Sallust. bevershed. Corrections? Alternate titles: Gaius Sallustius Crispus. Students are expected to have prepared the assigned text well enough to read it with minimal difficulty and discuss grammatical constructions. , as if imbued with deadly poison, enervates whatever is manly in body or mind but what..., if they turn those arms against you, will end in to. 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