In the first game, cars will break after you hit around three zombies in total. You're also able to summon these traders if you have a Trade Depot built (call Materials Trader). I trained hard to keep my squad alive when the enemy was out of everyone's reach but mine. I feel like I've rediscovered my childhood. Firing a gun is just awful for me. I'm pretty good, despite practicing with blanks. Please keep me around. For skills in the original State of Decay game see Skills (State of Decay). Teaches one survivor as much as they can learn about Lichenology. I just can't work up the energy to accomplish anything these days. Yeah, I know how to use a pair of binoculars. I taught them responsibility as well as riding. I was a small kid at a tough school, so I've definitely taken my share of hits. Morale bonus from Shooting training facilities, Keep their morale at 10+ to avoid conflicts. Is your fuel reserve running low? I stayed with him till the bitter end. I've always felt like I couldn't show any pain. I'm not looking for gossip, I just really care about what's going on in your life. You've got to take care of our own. I'd resigned myself to not really using my major for anything. I was promoted to CEO when my boss retired to the country. The zombie outbreak works like nothing I've ever seen in nature. I can't get to sleep in the same place twice. If you're running low on ammo, I'm the person to talk to. The world was full of sheep before the outbreak. I did some crazy stuff as a kid. I've read a stack of cookbooks since the outbreak. Family members brought me all my groceries. I'm not a doctor, but I worked in a hospital for years, and I know everything that can go wrong. I thought of putting myself forward as a sort of surgeon then I realized that was insane. I've been on the real frontier. Anything a zombie can do, a bear can do. Your butt. It's not easy to feel like I belong anywhere. I wasn't in the last war. State of Decay 2 Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Teaches one survivor as much as they can learn about Scrum Certification. Or in between. I tend to pick a spot and just hole up there. I had to know the product in and out. I wasn't on active duty when the outbreak hit, but I still knew my way around an assault rifle. I did a lot of guitar work on movie soundtracks, and played in a couple of local cover bands. Lt. Meredith attempts to contact members of this unknown Project, however, he was verbally rebuked. Driving Skills in State of Decay 2. I know every detail of both World Wars, and exactly what the losers could have done to win. You have to have a precise ear for pitch, and the ability to direct other people. It kept the zombies out for a while at least. My friends and I staged fake battles with air guns, and put the whole thing up on the Internet. They only come randomly. I'm not the electrician you call to your house. And you think, Hm. It's killed or be killed now, and I am not going to be killed. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. I looted before it was cool. No, it's fine, I'll just be over here, alone. Women's health was more than a career for me. We're all better off if I can find a way to contribute while sitting down. The game will mark 3 possible locations for you. Ran out of room for notches on my rifle. And one of them had tofu. I had to rig up power and water myself. Just give me a big bag of rock. No job, no family, nobody to hassle me. We'll cover more ground that way. I've spent a lot of time squinting at the sky, spotting things most people never notice. You say tomato, I say crap-ton of work, followed by disappointment. I guess I'll never achieve that dream of being asked to land a 747 during a crisis. What about my eyes? There weren't even any zombies chasing me. The following 28 Traits are only available for Red Talon personnel. We believed in defending our freedom against all comers, but zombies were not on the list. I'd rather spend all day walking than get in a car. It was like having a sister, without having to share a bedroom. Probably getting eaten. These skills are marked with an, Keep their morale above 30+ to avoid conflicts. I flew radio-controlled planes before drones were even a thing. My friends and I used to practice squad tactics in the woods. It'll be amazing, you'll see. My job was keeping the local government's finances in line. I don't have one with them unless they piss me off. Most people already think my job is science fiction. I learned a lot about how machines are put together by ripping them apart. I spent my day dividing recyclables from garbage, because apparently, none of you could. I thought taking a kickboxing class would turn me into an action movie star. Otherwise we're just animals. I spent a lot of my time just standing there, staring at cars I'd never own. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! I'm always the last one to get worn out after a hard day out in the field. The love people have for their hamsters is amazing. I volunteered at my kid's school as a hall monitor. I always have something to do with my hands, and I never run out of scarves. Every day, sweating in the hot sun. The brass think I could really be somebody if I prove myself here. Social gatherings make me feel really anxious, but I'm finding ways to cope. Once I put my mind to learning something, it comes pretty easily. For me, this world is just a return to the old days, when you had real friends, and real work. My family used to take huge road trips and play games in the car. The downside though is that they also don't seems to have many traits. ELL Mar 23, 2021 @ 2:40pm . I manufactured custom versions of classic weapons for serious enthusiasts. I think I'm still hungry. Really good lung capacity, apparently. But my swing is still pretty good. We're trained to be versatile. I worked out of a kiosk in the mall. There are Traits which have the same exact name, yet do not have the same effects. One of my passengers died when I crashed the bus. I co-hosted a movie podcast with one of my friends. My way. I wasn't necessarily the best shooter, but I loved my time out in the woods with friends. My parents used to tell me to stand up straight. Otherwise, they treat me like I'm fragile. Not all paths are good choices though, with some giving little to no benefit at all and taking up valuable resources. I've got that youthful exuberance that keeps me going all day! I really think that song was about me. You should see what I can do with a razor blade and a pair of scissors. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. State of Decay 2 Project Osiris Red Talon is much more active in State of Decay 2 and one of their main goals is to investigate Project: Osiris. No one ever saw me coming. But still. I love working outside, with living things, that don't talk back. I've known my way around a rifle since I was five. Once the worst has happened to you, you start to anticipate disasters long before they arrive. Actually, I was a screenwriter. They can only appear from real-time Friday to Monday and will stick around for 4 hours. I drove the heavy equipment that moved the old cars from one end of the yard to the other. It was mostly bears. With a new pair of tires and a nice set of shocks, there's nowhere I can't go. We're all soldiers now, whether we enlisted or not. I was in the middle of a fare downtown when the outbreak hit. There's this voice inside me that keeps telling me I'm going to end up on top, no matter what. I just can't seem to get to sleep at night. Complete waste of hero bonus(es) in a majority of the large bases, but casuals love that shit. My family went on week-long hunting trips. Whatever, they're all dead. I used to have a huge collection of Westerns on VHS. If I hadn't been vegan before the outbreak, watching zombies feeding would have made me one. Its not my fault, being the biggest and the strongest. It doesn't take much to make people comfortable, no matter where they come from. My old gang and I had zombie sniping contests. I've got something that will chill you all right out. I had to learn stage fighting, so I could get killed by Hamlet a few hundred times. What would be the point now? Anyone who tells you differently is selling something.". You just get by. I finally got out of high school, really started my life and then the world ended. Everything I do is so stupid. All kinds of violence just make me ill. I used to organize these charity quilting projects out of my house. I've built up callouses on my knuckles from punching through drywall when I get upset. There's an art to it. Im still counting my days of sobriety. Wow, this is probably the worst-looking wound I have ever seen. Any job is tougher when you do it forty feet in the air. The blood plague destroyed my family and millions of others. How do you people know what buttons you're hitting? Pizza John. Bad situations just disarm me, and I want to cower in a corner. Getting certified meant I had to take courses in emergency first aid and CPR. The stress of overachieving led to some bad habits. In my neighborhood, every driveway had some old beater that the owner was fixing up. I put on a crazy show out on the promenade. I was the lead singer for a little group that never really went anywhere. The only way you survive raising as many kids as I did is by learning how to keep 'em all clean. I think I may just know what I'm doing. There aren't any invisible things wrong with your car that a few thousand dollars can't fix. The stupid producers cast me as the heel, and I was voted out in episode three. Out here, you need to make rules and habits, and turn the chaos into something you control. I've always been slim for my height. This skill will come in handy in a multitude of ways -- ways that will affect the entire community you've built up and allow a smoother experience. It doesn't have to be me. They were pest control. Each trader has a type that determines what wares they will offer for trading. I ended up enforcing the rules about running and peeing more than I saved lives. Other people have to live here, too, after all. My breath is fine. We actually did a zombie campaign one. How else do you make breakfast? It's like being in a hamster wheel. In the old world, you could make a living just on music. It was slow, but satisfying. There's no such things as "my business" and "your business". I miss the kind of problem-solving I used to do at work. Most of the Traits also have a Hero Bonus tied to it, determining which Hero Bonuses your survivor can get upon generation. I came at it from the anthropology side, but I've really gotten into music since then. The systems I worked on were a dumpster fire. Don't worry about me. Sometimes the weak have to fall behind to give the strong a chance. The skills can be upgraded (the upgraded skill keep the effects from the basic skill) when they reach their maximum level (level 7). I beat two of the score records at a regional pinball convention. I'm always the first to raise my hand when we need volunteers. Um you won't see me anymore. It nearly killed me. Once you've made a shiv out of a toothbrush, you realize anything can be a weapon. During the outbreak, those skills were in high demand. People told me being a cop wasn't like it is on TV. Not everyone loves being around someone as confident as I am, but they definitely know Im here. It doesn't take much to push me over the edge. You never quite know what I might pull out of my sleeve. Most of the Traits also have a Hero Bonus tied to it . When someone matters to me, they really know it. #73 - Community Skill overview: the Rare Skills || Lichenology provides +2 meds per day and gives you two skills; Gardening and Herbalism. On the plus side, I do appreciate nap time. Remember that fad? I spent one night every week teaching survival skills to a roomful of crazy kids. Is nobody washing their hands anymore? There are no exceptions. I've always had to fight to protect those who couldn't protect themselves. Keep their morale at 30+ to avoid conflicts. No one is using Comic Sans anymore. It is better to be feared than loved, if you cannot be both. They recruited me to build settlements. I never thought I'd be on the front line. It was the height of human achievement. My body's always been good at putting on upper-body strength, whether I really tried or not. anything change about this guy lately maybe..? I taught one-on-one classes on a concrete pad in my backyard. I was a boon to the security industry. Sleeping on the ground is not an option. While the other folks worried about the output of the station, I worried about the people. I guess I'm just really careful. I just want to hug all of them, but I can't. Go ahead and work out under your deadly sky orb. I would have cleaned up on one of those reality shows. You can only do so much with a forklift. But I couldn't stop. I don't really even like cars. What I learned came the hard way. I can't stand there cooling my heels when shit is going down. Eventually I got to the point where I was more fun to make up my own characters and costumes. It turns out that Red Talon needs clerks, too. Right up my alley. Real practical stuff, about soap and charcoal. I was trained to carefully defuse situations before anyone decided to start shooting. My teacher used to make me carry sixty pounds of books to and from school, on foot, every day. It helps me relax after a long, hard day of not-painting. When someone is in trouble, I volunteer almost by reflex. Acting may not seem like the type of skill that's applicable in a zombie apocalypse, but it's surprising how handy it can be in the right circumstances. I used to rappel down from rooftops with a loaded pack of cleaning equipment. I wish I had any idea where this zombie fit on the taxonomic chart. In State of Decay 2, cars last much longer. Get me next to a piano, and I can go all night. I had an entire mythology built up that now only survives in my head. Especially now that epinephrine is so rare. I don't think I stopped until the Army found me, days later. Rare in this case meaning both the skills and the trader them self. The government airdropped supplies that kept us going for months! My students were mostly animal-loving kids. Where I grew up, guns weren't political. I maintained NTVs at a base in Europe. I drove a garbage truck every day, seeing all the crazy things that people used to throw out. I never had to go to the spice section again. I made a three-piece suit, complete with socks, underwear, bowtie, and hat. Yes, I know when to hold 'em, and also when to fold 'em. I'm kind of proud that I've still got all my fingers. Of course I keep them alive! If you feel it, then I feel it too. I shared a practice with one of my college friends. fighting with bladed only won't guarantee you Swordplay when reaching level 7 Fighting. So far, anyway. I always look on the bright side of life! The following 43 Traits are only available for the survivors of Heartland. Being able to influence a larger group and obtain bigger and better rewards can quickly secure an outpost and make it a viable place of safety. This is the apocalypse. I got really good at "I Spy". See what happens. They seem to be the rarest of. I'm not saying I'm great. I was the worst burglar, and I knew I was bound to get caught. NEXT: The Most Dangerous Types of Video Game Zombies, Ranked, Scrum Certification - Build Things Faster, Farting Around - Silliness Goes A Long Way, silly skills like Irritable Bowels and Worst Fighter Ever, shooting down hordes of zombies is just fun, play tower defense with up to four other players, The Best Survival Games On Xbox Game Pass, In the first game, cars will break after you hit around three zombies in total, The Heartland DLC takes you back to Trumbull Valley, The Most Dangerous Types of Video Game Zombies, Ranked, Mario Kart 8: 14 Best Kart And Driver Combinations, Every Unlockable In Resident Evil 4 Remake, Ranked. I figured I'd have cash for my retirement. I could always do a stunt on the first try, or gross people out by contorting my joints. Unless you're me. I once held back my knife when a friend was turning, and it cost me several people. My last group kept it mobile, driving from one place to the next in an old RV. They called me paranoid, but here I am, alive, well-equipped, and vindicated. Fishing is a key skill that will ensure that lack of food is a rare issue, though it doesn't come without a price. I draw my own bravery from the examples of others. I just get winded really easily. I actually wrote my dissertation on human fungal infections. My other lung mostly compensates. If you want high leaps, steady balance, and a good grip, then you want to learn ballet. By then, it was too late. I used to love experimenting with chemicals in my basement. We made a low-friction coating for engine parts though I mostly used it for sock-skating. Your weapon is the only thing between you and certain death. I'm still hoping we'll bounce back. This one time, I ran into a big, fat zombie with another zombie inside it! I don't need to go out scavenging if you'd rather go. i really need the recycling book if i get a trader a leader can i call i rare skills trader < > Showing 1-3 of 3 comments . I put my medical training to work testing new cures and identifying side effects in patients. For a few months after the outbreak, I climbed a tree every night, with all my stuff in tow. Wares that Materials Suppliers can offer: Anybody in your community need meds? Didnt come into my full height until I was an adult. Oh my god, oh my god, it's bleeding, I'm gonna die! I cant just toss it out. I was out late five nights a week, playing in an old jazz club. I was a firefighter and a paramedic. You don't want to ask about my life out here. I didn't even have a car for years. That dog was the best partner I ever had. I owe it to their memory to keep fighting. I needed a real life-and-death scenario to snap me out of it. I'm great at banging a gavel. And give you a understanding on what ones to look out for and what. But because I could. I worked for a management company that ran several thousand-acre estates. The people I looked up to as a kid had Nobel prizes, not sportsball trophies. Maybe I should pop something into THEIR heads. You call it "spying on employees," but I call it "ensuring compliance with company regulations.". I left a prestigious position as a chef to make Cuban sandwitches out of a truck. My parents got sick of driving. I can turn that pile of paint cans into a stirring depiction of the frailty of human life. Everyone in my town fishes. When they're not ice skating. I've put myself through the best mental regimen on earth. That's why you need me. I'm just not cut out for drudge work. She wasn't just a sibling, she was part of me. Let the enemy come to me. I once fired a couple of rounds into my holster before I even got the gun out. They can also reveal an additional trait about themselves when you have them as a follower. I was happy to work in a place where I could teach people real skills to improve their lives. You guys have never even seen real cold. This isn't that. Hunting isn't a proper challenge unless you even the odds a bit. Where I come from, ninety degrees is a brisk spring morning. The death of those people was a tragedy, but maybe it's not a bad thing that we get their stuff. Manuals do exactly that, you change your basic trees to any of the 4 options, even if that character didn't have them available. When the camp got overrun, I think I was presumed dead. It may already be too late. For some reason, everyone thought I would just carry things for them. Choose your specializations wisely, since you can only change them if you acquire a Training Manual (which is hard to come by). And now they're gone. Some loser at the club always thought it would be clever to bring in a knife. My backpack always ends up hanging at a weird angle on me. Doesnt seem as hilarious now. Any job, any time, anywhere. I know its not real combat, but you do learn something about tactics and teamwork. I won't say who discretion is a big part of the job. One for you, two for me. 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