After Rani consults with the spirits of her parents, she and the Night Pride return to the mountain pass and lead the guard to the Tree of Life. Following fights at Mzimu Grove, Big Springs, and Okute Woods, Shupavu and Njano hear about the hyena resistance and inform Scar of its existence.
After Scar obtains the alliance with Reirei's pack, they work with Janja's clan to cause two different attacks in the Pride Lands at the same time, forcing the Lion Guard to split up to chase them down. When Simba orders the guard to follow his command, they make matters worse. Due to a misunderstanding with Rafiki about the wisdom of honey badgers following Bunga averting a flood, the animals of the Pride Lands begin to think that Bunga is the wisest animal there is, but when his advice begins to cause more harm than good, Kion and the others must find some way to stop Bunga before it's too late. His eyelids are a slightly more bluish shade. When Rani and the Lion Guard get worried when Kion thinks he is useless without the Roar, Anga reminds him that he, Bunga, Fuli, and Beshte rescued Ono in an egg from Janja's clan when they were little. As Kion continues his healing process, Ono's cure is ready. With the help of a leopard named Yun Mibu, the guard are able to rescue Kion. In the area where Scar appeared, a scorch mark with a strange symbol remains. She overhears Scar ordering Janja's clan to block the river above Hakuna Matata Falls to prevent the Pride Lands from receiving a major water source. The end of each claw also has a black spot. When Kion tells Jasiri that Scar has returned, she forms a hyena resistance with her clan to help the Lion Guard by informing them of Scar's plans and stopping Janja's clan, Reirei's pack, and Kiburi's float before they can get to the Pride Lands. While Kion struggles to find Ma Tembo's herd a new home someplace else in the Pride Lands, Scar orders Janja, Reirei, Kiburi, and Mzingo's groups to remain in what's left of Kilio Valley as part of his plan to take over the Pride Lands piece by piece. With some convincing from Mufasa and Nala, Kion gains the confidence to use the Roar when he confronts Makuu. Queen Janna completes her journey in the Circle of Life, and Rani worries about taking her place as queen of the Tree of Life. Due to Ono's eye damage, Kion names Anga as the new keenest of sight and renames Ono as the smartest member. Ono is a narrowly built bird with a very skinny pair of black legs that are striped with orange, which lead to a pair of orange claws. Meanwhile, the Lion Guard patrols the Pride Lands to keep other animals safe from dust devils, and are baffled by Cheezi, Chungu, Goigoi, Tamka, and Nduli's attacks. Beshte makes friends with a timid okapi named Ajabu who has traveled to the Pride Lands to get away from Makucha the leopard, but the other members of the Lion Guard think that Ajabu is imaginary due to his tendency to hide from others. The first eight episodes of season 3 were released on the DisneyNow app on August 3, 2019, while the last eleven episodes were released on the DisneyNow app on September 2, 2019.Kion and the Lion Guard have grown into teenagers and continue to defend the Pride Lands from Scar and his army. Kion and his friends then return to the Pride Lands where they are reunited with their families and friends. While the Lion Guard is on night patrol, they mistake a pack of aardwolves for hyenas.
Bunga, Kion, Ono and Beshte search for Utamu grubs. In order for Dandy Claws to deliver presents to Timon and Pumbaa, Bunga enlists the rest of the Lion Guard and the rest of the animals in the Pride Lands to help perform "The Twelve Ways of Christmas" by obtaining the different things and animals for the song by Christmas morning.
Meanwhile, Mama Binturong poses as an animal in trouble so she can get into the Tree of Life and get information for Makucha, Chuluun, and Ora. 22.The Lost Gorillas. Jasiri asks for Kion's help in dealing with a pride of lions who are keeping her family away from their watering hole, including her sister Madoa and two cubs named Tunu and Wema. Anga soon discovers Mzingo's flock have been setting the recent fires, under Scar's orders. The Lion Guard reach an ocean and meet a dolphin named Lumba-Lumba who saves Bunga. Atop his head, he sports a crest of five feathers of differing lengths, starting off with a light yellow at the bases and transitioning to a slightly dark tangerine orange near the tips. Before Kion answers, Azaad comes along with Janja and Jasiri, who tell the Lion Guard that Zira and her pride of Outsiders have returned.
Ashamed of himself, Kion runs off. To cheer everyone up, Kion decides to make Makini's mpando mpya a big event and invites all of the Pride Landers to witness it, and asks Timon and Pumbaa to put on a show to entertain them.
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