Any chord can move to any other chord.

SKU: MN0054946 Become a Member Today! Very useful for singers who need to find the right starting note of a song. published key)

"So What" is the first track on the 1959 album Kind of Blue by American trumpeter Miles Davis. The So What Chord Voicing is a classic and widely used Modern Jazz piano voicing. Today, playing chords built in 3rds is considered a bit old-fashioned and simplistic. Save 15% Includes 1 print + interactive copy with lifetime access in our free apps.So What by Pink - Digital Sheet Music

Transcribed Score, and Instrumental Solo in A Minor (transposable). [Chorus] G Bm So so what?, I'm still a rock star Em C I got my rock moves, and I don't need you G Bm And guess what, I'm having more fun Em C And now that we're done, I'm …

More Songs From the Album: Miles Davis - Kind of Blue.

And because Quartal chords are a bit ambiguous, they are more conducive to Modal harmony (again, we will discuss Modal Jazz in a future lesson). Available at a discount in these digital sheet music collections: Print and download So What sheet music by Miles Davis arranged for Trumpet or Saxophones or Piano or Double Bass.

But it is also possible to build chords up in intervals of 4ths. So what. +3 A Minor

Who cares what you do. Or if you want to know the key of a song; sing the tonic, and you get the note name of the key.

"This is a fun song to play! A 0:48

SO WHAT Chords by Pink. I've fucked this, I've fucked that. Up to this point, we have discussed building chords up in intervals of 3rds (tertian harmony). Chorus One (head) A 0:34 In a steady tempo, the bass plays a repetitive riff. Who cares.

Highly recommended!! Product #: MN0056599. I've jacked up until I bleed.

This is called Chords built in 4ths are analysed in the same way as regular chords built in 3rds. It is not diffucult and you really can rock out with this one! The Note Recognizer is meant for people who are seriously involved in active music making. the original published key Sheet music arranged for Piano/Vocal/Chords, and Singer Pro in F# Minor (transposable).

So What (Miles Davis) So What (Miles Davis) Freddie Freeloader (Miles Davis) Arrangements of This Song: View All.

I've had scank, I've have speed. +1 G Minor (2 flats) Accidentals.

So what.

Did you find this review helpful? F# Minor (Orig.

So for example the D So What Chord is: D-G C-F-A Like many of Miles Davis's later pieces, the famous 'so-what' chords are based on fourths.

Who cares what you do.

I've even fucked a school girl's twat.

+5 B Minor (2 sharps) So what. Yeah who cares, Who cares about you, you, you, you, you. But it is also possible to build chords up in intervals of 4ths. Become a Musicnotes Pro - Plus member today and receive PDFs included with every song plus take 15% off all digital sheet music purchases!

Letter names are modified by the accidentals.The sharp sign ♯ raises a note by a semitone or half-step, and a flat ♭ lowers it by the same amount. This is called Quartal Harmony.

In jazz harmony, a So What chord is a particular 5-note chord voicing.

It is answered by a two-note chord from the piano, supported by the drums: "So what!" Become a Musicnotes Pro - Plus member today and receive PDFs included with every song plus take 15% off all digital sheet music purchases! So what, so what, you boring little cunt. Your high-resolution PDF file will be ready to download in Hi.

Musicnotes Pro

This AABA structure puts it in the thirty-two-bar format of American popular song.

0:30 The bass rumbles in its lowest register.

So what.

So what. Some of these chords are listed below.Because these chords are built in 4ths, they have a slightly The So What Chord Voicing can be used in a standard ‘tonal’ chord progression (going around a You can use the So What Chord in a II-V-I chord progression, as shown below.Because the So What Chord Voicing is ambiguous and doesn’t need to resolve, you can move it around the piano however you like. The So What Chord is a specific type of Quartal Chord (we will discuss Quartal Chords in more detail in an upcoming lesson).

So what. Over plucked bass notes, the pianist plays a series of elusive, rubato chords. +6 C Minor (3 flats) So what, so what, you boring little cunt.

This is arguably unsuitable, because chords built in 4ths sound and function very differently to chords built in 3rds.

Includes 1 print + interactive copy with lifetime access in our free apps.So What by Miles Davis - Digital Sheet Music

SO WHAT Chords by Pink. Product Type: Musicnotes. The Note Recognizer analyses the pitch frequency that you sing or play, and gives the corresponding note name.

Of course the top three notes are simply a G major and F major respectively, but adding a ninth in the bass of each gives them that jazzy spice and punch.

7 available keys -2 E Minor (1 sharp) Instead, Modern Jazz Pianists prefer to play chord built in 4ths.While all my lessons are free, if you find them useful please consider donating to help keep them coming. This app is not a game. Your high-resolution PDF file will be ready to download in

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