Notice all these are natural judgments on the natural world.Now we’re turning to the supernatural world. The blessing is with you. Revelation 16, and it’s page 1037 if you’re using a seat Bible. By doing this, your computer will not automatically restart on you while you are away. It touches on some of these same things. For example, even in marriage. Proverbs 19:3 explains,“When a man’s folly brings his way to ruin, his heart rages against the Lord.”Just let that sink in to all of us today. In chapter 17, Roberts calls this the “Apotheosis of Appeasement.” The Apotheosis of Appeasement, that is the climax or the highest peak, the apex of appeasement (when appeasement is at its greatest manifestation), is what that chapter is all about. In one debate Churchill said,“The Government simply cannot make up their minds, or they cannot get the Prime Minister to make up his mind. And the word is saying, people are going to be saying,“‘There is peace and security,’ then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. Why? Because unfortunately, and I’ve complained to Jesus about this, but he doesn’t seem to be changing it. And then he gets really specific. If no one at your church ever annoys you, you might be too comfortable.You never feel challenged, only affirmed. May we keep our garments of grace on, wrapped up in your favor, your love, your truth. It’s embedded in this sea of “Jesus loves you.” He describes in verse 1, you’re “beloved children” of God, now walk as children of God. If you’re not in Revelation 16 already, go ahead and turn there. He exhibited remarkable courage in battle. I’m all of this or none of this. He puts us in a community to expose parts of us that come out when people who are different from us, who look at things different from us, they say things that are frustrating, they point out things in ways that are not helpful, and we can focus it all on them. At the end of this trilogy of cataclysmic judgments — trilogy, remember: seal, trumpet, bowl judgments — Jesus inserts a warning and a blessing. Version: Stay Awake 1.0 You drop it, you drink it. It empowers us. Note that your submission may not appear immediately on our site.Your message has been reported and will be reviewed by our staff. Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”You see, you can’t do this alone. Choose between "Always stay awake" or "Only while charging" All activity is logged and available for viewing.

Father, I pray that when we feel conviction, we would know your love. How many times have you ran a virus scan or disk defrag or any other number of time consuming processes just to come back to your computer to find that it has gone into Sleep or Hibernate mode, which of course pauses or completely stops the scan that you had started? Plague severe. Can I get one amen? We’ll come back to that in a moment. “While people are saying,” What is he talking about?

And then you’re ready to wrap us up, to pour out your love because of Jesus. And if you try to protect yourself from that, it’s probably because you’re only getting around people who are just like you.

Very strong statement of God’s judgment so that his people will allow God’s wrath to be carried out rather than us trying to carry out wrath on our own.Verse 8, angel 4 poured out his bowl on the sun. It pierces to the division of soul and spirit, bone and marrow.”It gets to parts of us that no other tool or weapon can ever get to us. This is the peak, the climax, the pinnacle of adversity and tribulation. Remember second trumpet a third of the sea turned to blood. Am I just going with the flow?”What I’d like you to do right now is look over that list, that list of seven, and I challenge you to circle the little box of three of them that you … These are stated pretty strongly, so I’m not saying you completely agree with the whole thing.

All of this is signaling the disintegration of the natural order with the result, you would think, would be a global revival and repentance. Because Jesus has a way of putting us with people who will annoy us. During that time Hitler was rearming Germany, preaching anti-Semitism, attacking Jews, entering the Rhineland, while at the very same time promising peace to Europe.

And then, as Alan mentioned some of this, next week baptism and Members Meeting, big time of celebration the following week, Thanksgiving. Stay Awake allows to temporarily disable the screensaver, going to sleep or hibernation mode and everything else that is started automatically when the system is idle.

So they go on in strange paradox, decided only to be undecided, resolved to be irresolute, adamant for drift, solid for fluidity, all-powerful to be impotent.”“There is no greater mistake than to suppose that platitudes, smooth words, timid policies, offer today a path to safety.”He was desperately, at times almost single-handedly, trying to wake up the world before it was too late.On a far greater scale, Revelation 6-16, this is the section we are focusing on this fall, is fulfilling that same role. That’s why these are relevant words to us like they were to the early church. Sometimes simply allowing evil to run its course.

Do you realize difficult conversations are often signs that you’re awake? Simply run the file & Stay Awake will do just as it's name says.

You’re way too comfortable, dangerously comfortable.Another one, no one at your church ever annoys you. You don’t just have the light, you are the light because of Jesus Christ. You’re coming like a thief at a time, in a way, that we can’t nail down. [Notice he goes right after our identity.] But yet there is an intensification, a building up toward the future. Encourage one another. And love at times has to confront, which is hard. That’s a sign of life. There is still one Windows drawback though.. There is still one Windows drawback though..

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