OK! Alexis Ren über Trennung von Jay Alvarrez Model Jay Alvarrez posts epic Twitter response to ex-girlfriend’s ‘small d***’ jibe MODEL Alexis Ren landed a low blow when she commented on the size of her ex-boyfriend’s tackle. He just broke up with a fellow Instagram star slash model Alexis Ren. They chronicled their exotic vacations and unfiltered romance on Instagram and YouTube, becoming stars overnight. Aus dem Nichts heraus teilte Alexis einen letzten und vernichtenden Kommentar. Das I-Tüpfelchen ihres Ausbruchs allerdings war ihr Kommentar „Alexis Ren und Jay Alvarrez bereisten zusammen die Welt, posteten wunderschöne Bilder von Traumstränden zum neidisch werden und sahen einfach wie das perfekte Paar aus. Alexis Ren Instagram Story 1-10 March 2017's Video From Weekly Stories have lenght about 00:54 and was viewed more than 1718 and is still growing. She was indeed his muse for these past years as he snapped a lot of photos and videos of her during their sweet relationship. Halb so schlimm, Jay Alvarrez (hier gefeatured) lässt uns für knappe 5 Minuten an seinem irrsinnigen Leben teilhaben und als ob das schon nicht over-the-top genug wäre, ist auch noch Alexis Ren mit von der Partie. They are each doing their own thing in the modeling world.The story behind Alexis Ren and Jay Alvarrez’s split is messier than it looks.Alexis Ren and Jay Alvarrez first made a splash on social media in 2015.
Sobs.Alexis Ren went on a Twitter rant, which alluded to the breakup of her and Jay’s relationship.
Pushed me to my limits so I broke it so he wouldn't get blamed for ending it In the tweets, Ren hinted that their relationship wasn’t Alvarrez’s priority anymore. Alexis Ren and Jay Alvarrez first made a splash on social media in 2015. Jay Alvarrez Net Worth. . Who is Jay Alvarrez? During her rant, she alluded to the fact that Jay “.. got a small dick too.”Jay quickly took to Twitter to counteract Ren’s claim:Still peeved, posted a tweet, which many believe was targeted to Alexis:Body Shaming is never cool in any gender or situation.. Making someone feel bad about how they naturally are is only showing your weaknessHe also has a SoundCloud page, but nothing is up on it.27 Facts About Alexis Ren That Will Let You Understand This Model More11 Facts About Tiffany Keller! Ren spoke about her rebranded self to Ren said, “When people in your life have good intentions and then suddenly don’t have good intentions, and you get your heart broken, you have to learn and reflect off of that and ask yourself, ’Where did I go wrong?’ Like, ’How did I let myself get treated like that?’”The Internet celeb doesn’t explicitly mention Alvarrez, but it’s pretty obvious they parted on bitter terms.“I don’t want to go too into detail, but something happened with a person, and it made me be like, ‘Whoa, how did I let this person treat me like that?’ It really just — I got my heart broken and I was like, OK, wow, I need to just step back and take my power back.
Die Liebe machte sie jedoch auch blind für sein manipulatives Vorgehen und da Alexis voller Leben und Tatendrang steckt, wollte sie sich irgendwann nicht mehr so einengen lassen.Alexis schien nun richtig in Fahrt gekommen zu sein und gab auch gleich noch ein Fazit, was sie aus der Beziehung gelernt hatte, und zwar „Das wäre doch eigentlich ein schöner Schlusssatz zu dem Ganzen gewesen. Bis vor Kurzem, als Alex auf Twitter Jay als Idioten, karrieregeil und manipulativ bezeichnete. Nachdem Alexis auf ihrem Twitter Account dann die Kommentare postete wie „Wie es leider häufig der Fall ist, kann eine gewisse Berühmtheit auch Probleme mit sich bringen.
But fans are apparently not over their split.While some are that hoping Alexis Ren and Jay Alvarrez get back together, others have either jumped to Team Ren or Team Alvarrez.Alexis Ren’s fans disliking this like crazy ’cause all they got is a video of her putting on beauty products as if it were the best thing to do in life lmao Beziehungsstatus: Brautwerbung: Sexualität: Hetero: Aktuelle Freundin von Jay Alvarrez: Alexis Rene: Exfreundinnen oder Exfrauen: Hat er Kinder? They had many lucrative sponsorship deals (thanks to their combined social media following of over 10 million people) and this nauseatingly sunny video of their world adventures has been viewed over 23 million times on YouTube.The first sign that there was trouble in paradise was this tweet from Alexis (and the fact that they followed each other on social media ... which to them is probably the equivalent of throwing an engagement ring in the toilet).The tirade peaked with her landing a low blow and commenting on the size of his parts. Being so besotted and attractive paid, big time. Alexis schrieb auf ihrem Twitter Account, dass Berühmtheit Leute verändert, was wohl auf ihren Exfreund zu zutreffen schien.
So war es wohl auch in der Beziehung der beiden Instagramer geschehen. Especially when those two people are genetically blessed models with squillions of Instagram followers.In case you missed all the good-looking drama earlier in the week, superstar social media couple Alexis Ren and Jay Alvarrez parted ways in a blaze of glory.Love is dead ... Jay Alvarrez and Alexis Ren in happier times.
They chronicled their exotic vacations and unfiltered romance on Instagram and YouTube, becoming stars overnight.With social media changing the modeling landscape, this couple earned endorsement deals together. Jay Alvarrez and Alexis Ren. They finally put the rumors to rest months later by confirming their breakup.Their breakup was confirmed in February 2017 by the Instababe herself.
Get Some Insight Into This Beautiful Model’s Life I mean whatever .
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