I have a general idea of how this story will go but I'm more than happy to listed to any suggestions.Galen sat up and rubbed his head, trying to ease the headache that was plaguing him. ""Calm down boy, we all escaped thanks to your sacrifice. Starkiller asked bitterly. "You are going back as Darth Starkiller, Dark Lord of the Sith. I'm dead, aren't I?" Kota paused again making Galen feel a little uncomfortable and on edge.

All whilst under the guise of Darth Starkiller, a Dark Lord of the Sith. Hi, I know time travel fics aren't exactly the most original fics when it comes to Star Wars but I just finished The Force Unleashes and thought it would be interesting sending Galen Marek AKA Starkiller back to the past.Hope you enjoy this story, feel free to give any tips and advice. It didn't sound like too hard a task either, he knew he could defeat the Emperor so all he had to do was kill him and Order 66 never happens. Not knowing the fate of his friends and Juno had him concerned and annoyed especially now that he had Kota talking in riddles, not explaining what the hell any of this meant. After dying against the Emperor while saving the Leaders of the Rebellion on the Death Star, Galen Marek is given the opportunity to right the wrongs of the past. Did you die too?

The author would like to thank you for your continued support. "There was a brief silence between the two as it sunk into both of them that they had to allow millions of lives to lost in the Clone Wars, Kota had already lived through it and now he had to live with the knowledge that Galen would have to do the same. "This made Kota chuckle again, this time at the naivety being shown by the boy, then again all Galen had known was training his force powers and lightsaber skills, he doubted Vader taught him anything about both sides of the force and more importantly what balance truly meant. He then jumps out of the AT-AT and find his way into the Echo Base. Follow/Fav Darth Starkiller: Saviour of the Republic. "The Force may want to reverse the events of Order 66, but it can't take sides. You will be sent back to before the beginning of the Clone Wars to stop Order 66 from coming to pass." The others belonged to me, Shaak Ti and Kazdan Paratus. "The force has been waiting for someone to be sent back to fix the errors of the past and it seems you are the one. This is a rift in time and space created by the force so we could have this conversation. ""What as reminders of my mistakes?" A desire to save the future and hopefully one day be reunited with Juno motivating every step he took.And there is chapter 1, I admit I did have Kota give Lord Starkiller a little more information than other fics tend to but he has little to no knowledge of this time so he needed the extra intel.Thank you for reading, I hope you'll stick around for the next chapter.After dying against the Emperor while saving the Leaders of the Rebellion on the Death Star, Galen Marek is given the opportunity to right the wrongs of the past.

He is then attacked by many rebel alliance soldiers and some Wampas even got into the base. "You have become one with the Force boy and we are, well nowhere boy. This bond would be the beginning of Starkiller's influence on warriors and soldiers, and hs willingness to help others He saw Darth Nihilus as power hungry and cruel, and used his teachings at Jedi Master Shaak Ti, and Yoda to learn some of the different aspects of the Force, even going so far as to learn teachings of the Baran Do Sages, the Grey Paladin's , and other Force user organizations. Starkiller landed in a cave area and has to fight his way through Wampas to finally get into the base. "The jedi lost who they were during the war, gone were the keepers of the peace and negotiators. Kota turned away and scratched his beard as he thought of the best way to explain the situation.

He collapsed to his knees as he realised, he was trapped inside this suit just like Vader was. With his emotions now in check Lord Starkiller gave Kota a quick nod and got to his feet noticing not only his own lightsaber but several others as well attached to the belt of the suit. After that keep her safe, she needs to survive after the Clone Wars. Galen let out a sigh, he had been certain that this mission would be his last and judging by the white abyss he was standing in, he was right. Favorite :

Please tell me Juno lived. In the end he settled on raising his arm as he stepped into the portal.Bright white light blinded Lord Starkiller as he awoke on Naboo, he sat up and clenched his fists, grimacing at the sound of the metal's blades scrapping each other. Vader onthult dat al dit een val van hem was om iedereen die tegen de Keizer is te vernietigen. ""No, the Clone Wars must happen for balance to be achieved." All he could do was tell him what the force was permitting him.

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