By Gregg L. Friedman MDWhat about this one: “The record size for a crocodile from Papua New Guinea to be considered authentic by Guinness was a 6.32 m (20 ft 9 in) specimen shot by Herb Schweighofer in May 1966 along the northeastern coast. The giant crocodile was captured over a period of three weeks; once it was found, it took around 100 people to carry him onto land. The crocodile’s mounted body is now on permanent display at the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory.A 2007 Australian independent horror film named Rogue, about a group of tourists in Australia who fall prey to a giant, man-eating crocodile, was inspired by the story of Sweetheart. It is interesting that the Guinness World Records Book is putting this info on their page with such little evidence.If I see the evidence, I’ll happily update this post.Not related to the topic but their website is ultra-backward, which is a shame, since India has thousands of excellent programmers and designers.Hey there, really enjoyed this article. Lapu-lapu is a large saltwater crocodile captured in Bunawan, Agusan del Sur, Philippines. Circumstances surrounding the four scars are unknown.Scientists and herpetologists who have studied Gustave claim that his uncommon size and weight impedes his ability to hunt the species’ usual, agile prey such as fish, antelope, and zebra, forcing him to attack larger animals such as hippopotamus, large wildebeest and, to some extent, humans.According to a popular local warning, he is said to hunt and leave his victims’ corpses uneaten. A national park in India, Bhitarakanika alone has 4 crocs recorded at 6+ m(as classified by Guiness World Records). Feeders and caretakers can clean him, and touch him without fear. The first remains were discovered during several expeditions led by the French A common method to estimate the size of crocodiles and crocodile-like reptiles is the use of the length of the skull measured in the midline from the tip of the snout to the back of the skull table,However, extrapolation from the femur of a subadult individual as well as measurements of the skull width further showed that the largest During the course of several expeditions on the Sahara from 1946 to 1959, led by the French paleontologist The next major findings occurred during the expeditions led by the American paleontologist Sereno took thin sections from trunk osteoderms of an estimated subadult individual (~80% of estimated maximum adult size).However, a 2014 analysis of a biomechanical model of its skull suggested that unlike

The reference link on their wikipedia page (marked as [1]) is broken. According to the local resources, a local fisherman first spotted the crocodile on Tuesday, but initially, they thought it was a wooden log. I write about the planet Earth and science on this website, It is extinct, and a distant relative of current crocodiles. According to Wikipedia, in June 2015, one resident claimed that Gustave dragged an adult bull buffalo on a riverbank. His necropsy According to Dr. Adam Britton, Lolong’s enclosure might not look pretty, but, in fact, crocodiles in the wild call muddy holes as “home”, they just look for any kind of shelter and the basic necessities for survival. Also, it was stated in his documentary film that since crocodiles can go several months without eating, one the size of Gustave could afford to select his prey carefully.The last reported sighting of Gustave was in February 2008 by National Geographic sources. I’m really terrifiedGreat post! Gustave is actually included in the list.I would like to learn more about giant crocodile and gatorsMaybe check the skull of a crocodile in the Carrobiree hotel NT on the Maraki track .I think by memory its close to 1m . We may then comfortably rest assured that Salties do occasionally, rarely, slightly exceed 20 feet in lengthOne of the crocodiles listed above, jaws 3 from India is recently dead in 2020. I think he could be easily 6m ?Wonderful article. You are absolutely right, and in fact I was thinking about that too. And I already wrote about it I love how they say Kris is suspicious just for the simple fact that they can’t believe it exists.

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