Ripe fruit is OK, but well below the flavor quality of a Cavendish.
or 5-8 Ft in a container. 2. This banana tree has a high wind resistance, some cold tolerance, and excellent disease resistance with s strong pseudostem and base. cubense). Le Libertia ixioides Goldfinger®, parfois nommé Iris de Nouvelle-Zélande, est une vivace moyennement rustique, mais originale , par la couleur jaune-orangé de son feuillage et structurante par son port en touffe compacte et évasée, d'aspect léger. Sliced or diced green and ripe fruit does not oxidize to an unsightly brownish color as does the fruit of the Cavendish export clones. Für alle, die Bio-Produkte bevorzugen, verkauft Dole in Europa zertifizierte, biologisch angebaute Bananen. 1. 5. Notice the elongated "Top" shape of the male inflorescence. All pictures above showing the male inflorescence are American Goldfinger FHIA-1. A strong root system which makes it a hardy plant under marginal water and soil conditions. The cultivar, developed at the Honduran Foundation for Agricultural Research by a team of scientists led by Phillip Rowe and Franklin Rosales, has been bred to be pest-resistant and crop-yielding. 3. Notice the elongated "Top" shape of the male inflorescence. The other parent cultivar is SH3142.
Goldfinger [ɡ ə ʊ l d ˈ f ɪ ŋ ɡ ə] [1] est un film britannique réalisé par Guy Hamilton, sorti en 1964. Cold tolerant - plant remains green under cold conditions which cause the "Williams" Cavendish variety to turn a yellowish color. It will grow to about 14 Ft in the tropics Excellent green life of fruit after harvest which renders it suitable for export. 6. It grows to 4.3 meters (14 feet). 4. Credit: Mike Wang Credit: Mike Wang FHIA-1 American Goldfinger(mutant) male flowers.
The fruit gets 6-8 inches long or better. Notice the phenotypic variance in flower color. It is an outstanding producer of delicious tasting bananas. The original FHIA-1 male flowers are also top shaped, but it's not as elongated. Les bananiers Cavendish sont un sous-groupe de cultivars triploïdes (AAA) de l'espèce Musa acuminata2. FHIA-1 American Goldfinger(mutant) female flowers. Unsere Anbaumethoden zielen auf eine bessere Bodenfruchtbarkeit sowie eine biologische Schädlingsbekämpfung und Krankheitenkontrolle ab. Male bracts open one at a time with the original FHIA-1 clone. banana improvement research project of Fundacion Hondurena de Investigation Agricola. American Goldfinger ripe fruit.
pseudostem and base.
construction and broad leaves with fruit clusters in the 30-100 Lbs bunches.It is the first product of the Practical immunity to both races 1 and 4 of Panama disease (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Notice the phenotypic variance in flower color. The Goldfinger banana is a banana cultivar developed in Honduras. High level of resistance to both the yellow Sigatoka leaf spot disease (Mycosphaerella musicola) and the black Sigatoka leaf spot disease (Mycosphaerella fijiensis). This new and distinct variety of banana plant has the following unique combination of desirable features: Die Bio-Banane.
/ BANANA TRADING S.L: Address: V. Sancho Tello 23 : ZIP: 46021 : City: VALENCIA Region: VALENCIA - Valencia : Country: SPAIN : Phone +34 96 3931686 : Fax +349 639 31861 : E-mail: : www: : Services: EXPORT PACKAGING PRODUCTION WAREHOUSING: Certification: CAECV - Companies certified by CAECV Credit: Mike Wang FHIA-1 American Goldfinger(mutant) male flowers. Its is slightly sub-acid with a of one of its parents(Musa "Dwarf Prata"/"Prata Ana"/ "Dwarf Brazilian"...these are all synonyms). It has a high wind resistance, some cold tolerance and excellent disease resistance with a strong SH-3142 was developed from a cross between SH-1734 and The roots of the Goldfinger's development can be traced back to an initiative to develop new banana breeds by the The first big breakthrough came in 1977, with the development of a hybrid which provided a good banana bunch size, and was resistant to both The Goldfinger was unveiled in Canada in 1994 by the IDRC.The Goldfinger takes longer than other banana varieties to mature, but is more resistant to cold, wind and pestilence. La banane est le fruit ou la baie dérivant de l’inflorescence du bananier.Les bananes sont des fruits très généralement stériles issus de variétés domestiquées.Seuls les fruits des bananiers sauvages et de quelques cultivars domestiques contiennent des graines.Les bananes sont généralement jaunes avec des taches brunâtres lorsqu'elles sont mûres et vertes quand elles ne le sont pas.
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