Take responsibility to what you've done. Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Learn more. Although the explicit nature of many definitions on the site has led to objections, the site contains many non-explicit definitions. Words or phrases on Urban Dictionary may have multiple definitions, usage examples, and tags. Originally, Urban Dictionary was intended as a dictionary of slang or cultural words and phrases, not typically found in standard dictionaries, but it is now used to define any word, event, or phrase.
To be excellent or superior.

"In August 2019, The Malacañang Palace reacted to a definition referring to Philippine President Linguists continue to use Urban Dictionary for charting the development of slang terms, particularly those from the early 2000s before the advent of social media.Screenshot of Urban Dictionary front page as of 2018 Let us go prepare for the next hell week. Urban Dictionary is a dictionary site composed of user-submitted definitions for slang terms used either online or in real life that are not defined in an actual dictionary. Urban Dictionary is a crowdsourced online dictionary for slang words and phrases, operating under the motto "Define Your World." Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.of, relating to, or belonging to oneself or itself (usually used after a possessive to emphasize the idea of ownership, interest, or relation conveyed by the possessive): (used as an intensifier to indicate oneself as the sole agent of some activity or action, preceded by a possessive): to acknowledge as one's own; recognize as having full claim, authority, power, dominion, etc. A more serious objection is that definitions can be trumped up for the sole purpose of embarrassing people. Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition However, a One objection about content is that the very name "Urban Dictionary" misleadingly implies that urbanites in different cities share a common vocabulary. Let’s relax with a shower, some Adderall, a glass of whiskey, and looking up our first names on Urban Dictionary. It belongs to me so I own it. Boost your communication with this quiz!First recorded before 900; (adjective) Middle English Dictionary.com Unabridged : He owned his child before the entire assembly. Peckham continued as the site's sole employee and maintained that he was not interested in venture funding or an As of January 5, 2014, 50% of the site's traffic was mobile, the In the context of Urban Dictionary, "definitions" include not only literal Originally, Urban Dictionary was intended as a dictionary of Visitors to Urban Dictionary may submit definitions without registering, but they must provide a valid email address. As of 2014, the dictionary Urban Dictionary, now in its 20th year, is a digital repository that contains more than 8 million definitions and famously houses all manner of slang and cultural expressions. Once submitted, each definition entry is ranked by the user base and showcased in the order of popularity. Peckham responded to the issue, stating that people may not be able to understand the meaning of such words without the aid of Urban Dictionary.

See more. The site has since updated its guidelines to include "hate speech, bullying, or any other statements meant to discriminate or incite violence against others" as a reportable offense, coinciding with a resurgence of submissions attacking At the start of 2014, the dictionary had over seven million definitions, while 2,000 new entries were being added daily.In November 2014, the Advertise page of the website stated that, on a monthly basis, Urban Dictionary averages 72 million impressions and 18 million unique readers. I own to being uncertain about that.to take possession of that which is due or owed one.to receive the recognition that one's abilities merit: She finally came into her own as a sculptor of the first magnitude.to get revenge and thereby a sense of personal satisfaction, as for a slight or a previous setback; get even with somebody or something: He saw the award as a way of getting his own back for all the snubs by his colleagues.The stock market seems to be holding its own these days.by dint of one's own efforts, resources, or sense of responsibility; independently: Because she spoke the language, she got around the country very well on her own.living or functioning without dependence on others; independent: to maintain one's situation or position, esp in spite of opposition or difficulty Despite this, users can have their submissions randomly deleted without discretion. According to Peckham in January 2014, just under 40% of the site's traffic is international, while the site's audience was predominantly male and aged between 15 and 24.In February 2019, the dictionary had over 1,500 words to define, while 4 new words were being added weekly.As of 2013, Urban Dictionary has been used in several court cases to define slang terms not found in standard dictionaries.
Another hell week draws to a close. Urban Dictionary has been criticized for hosting and failing to remove offensive submissions, including ones containing racist and sexist content.While submitted definitions can be flagged, the site initially claimed to only disallow negligible inside jokes or the usage of a friend's full name, and not support the removal of something for being a duplicate, incorrect, or disliked for personal reasons. Own definition, of, relating to, or belonging to oneself or itself (usually used after a possessive to emphasize the idea of ownership, interest, or relation conveyed by the possessive): He spent only his own money. Be accountable for your actions. The site was founded in 1999 by Aaron Peckham while he was a freshman For the first five years, the site generated revenue without making a profit, but did not appear to incur any costsBy 2009, the site listed around 4 million entries and received about 2,000 new submissions per day.The website was referenced in a 2011 District Court complaint by Over a 30-day period in March and April 2011, 67,000 people wrote 76,000 new definitions for Urban Dictionary, while 3,500 volunteer editors were registered.

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