She has to find a new place to lay low after the enemy that killed her child friend is now looking for her. But after the murders.
I eat boys up, breakfast and lunch What happens when they put the Carnivore girl into the city of Gotham? Find out here! I-I-I have a heart I swear I do But just not baby when it comes to you I get so hungry when you say you love me (hush) If you know what's good for you I think you're hot I think you're cool You're the kinda guy I'd stalk in school But now that I'm famous, you're up my anus Now I'm gonna eat you fool! Queen of the Creepella I felt the night sky finally dawn on me, once I got outside of the club. Gotham was already been corrupted before the Wayne's murder. I have a heart I swear I do But just not baby when it comes to you I get so hungry when you say you love me If you know what's good for you I think you're hot I think you're cool You're the kinda guy I'd stalk in school But now that I'm famous, you're up my [bad word] Now I'm gonna eat you fool!
I have a heart I swear I do.
What happens when she meets the penguin and other people in the Gotham area? I grabbed my phone out of my pocket as I flipped it opened to see the screen. The Cannibal from Nevada comes to Gotham to help her childhood friend out only to lose him. What happens when the little bird falls for the wrong girl that can kill him in a second?
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