Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. Disappointing.

Apparently never quite sure, or concerned with, who's picking up the tab.

However, the version I bought was unreadable as the print was so small. . What they wanted to do, she did.
She claims she got stingy divorce settlements, but seems to always have nice digs, beautiful clothes, spectacular travel locations, and innumerable air kiss friends with whom she seems to endlessly party. No independence and while she was part of the hippy era, she takes no position or even mentions the women's liberation movement.

Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Hers was lonely (except she has great siblings when she gets to see them) and her parents basically abandoned her. Pattie was obviously a very beautiful and SPECIAL woman. Personally I think George's problems with Paul were not just about Paul's well known ego, but also because George had one too (surprise) and some of George's all too human flaws do become apparent in this book. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. Clapton wrote the song about Pattie Boyd.

Please try your request again later. But boo hoo, George is moody because creativity and stuff. To me it seems George married hastily to someone who wasn't totally suited to him- at least in the long run- and throughout the whole book Patti seems to be in denial about that. And there it is. Don’t waste your time. I found everything post childhood interesting...kind of a sad childhood with no real paternal guidance and little love, it seems, but I just wanted to get through it and on the George and the Beatles.

I well remember as a nine year old standing in a long line of people waiting to get into the Cinema to watch a Hard Days Night,i only liked John Wayne war films and in truth could not make head nor tail of the film,my parents took me to London,Swinging London on week long holidays throughout the mid sixties,i asked if i could have a red Palace Guard red uniform jacket,i thought i would look really cool in one of those,my dad said yes so of we went to Carnaby street,none would fit as my dad no doubt knew in advance so i never did get to dress as a Palace Guard,I remember London of that time as being just as it is in the now aging films,very sunny,very safe and very nice night or day.This era is of course sinking back into history,the first world war has gone out of living memory the second rapidly doing the same,so the age of the invention of the teenager beginning in the 1950s to the revolution of the 1960s is moving onto the history stage.The reaction to the war in Vietnam coupled to the music and movements of the era did create a true revolution one that changed the world and was perhaps overdue,enough has survived to the present day to make a difference and nothing since has had anything like the effect not even Punk Rock.Pattie Boyd is part of that history,her book begins with her childhood a mix of happy and unhappiness common to most children i suppose regardless of class or wealth,moving to her appearance in the Beatle film in school uniform with another Girl who it is hard to find anything about other than her name and catching the eye of George Harrison is amusing and well told.Accusations of gold digging do not hold water as both she and her sister were well known models of the day and part of the Swinging London set (swinging in the current age has a different meaning) her marriage to George Harrison lasted considering the stresses involved for a long time,it was a true love and George comes over as a fine man with a good heart but beset as all the Beatles were to differing levels by what had happened to them,a well known American actor has said everyone should be rich and famous for a time so they can know it is not the answer.Her story covers the love triangle between her ,George and Eric Clapton is also well covered,Eric has since said that he did not truly love her,to me a man who wrights songs about a woman as he did is most certainly in love with her,Pattie became the wife of two very creative people and this is the Fairy Tale and Greek Tragedy,Eric has told his own story very truthfully,a man who has had great success and suffered tragedy that no human being should ever have to suffer,many people see them as sort of Gods but they are just people,in reading her book i got the feeling she loved maybe still does George and Eric,perhaps having fonder memories of George,at no point does she demonise anyone nor does she put herself on a pedestal.Happily today she leads a happy life and is a renowned photographer,appearing to have no bitterness for some of the bad fortune and hurt she has endured,something she has had a fair share of and not all down to the men who chased her and chase her they did,no she looks back at her life and celebrates the times she lived through and the people she got to mix with,if the book has one fault it is not enough Photographs although the ones included are very good,i wonder if she is aware that five decades on lots of girls on line show you how to do your make up the Pattie Boyd way or just want to look like her,more than a good read it is a fascinating insight into the lives of some of the most famous people of the day and how it was a bit different to what people may have thought,a Fairy Tale,Greek Tragedy and i think told from the heart.
I do not normally like autobiographies or biographies, but decided to try this as I thought Pattie Boyd had lived an interesting life. Meets Harrison on the set of HDN, lavish life style, drugs, ersatz spirituality. Gets ex husbands to buy her houses doesn't have a proper job or know how to tax a car or licence her TV. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote.

It also analyzes reviews to verify trustworthiness.Sorry, we failed to record your vote. Some promotions may be combined; others are not eligible to be combined with other offers. I bet she's a lot of fun to be around and I'd love to visit her garden. Something went wrong. As soon as I found out that Pattie Boyd had written an autobiography, I bought it.

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