Kiryu tells Baba to relay a message to Haruka and heads off the Kamurocho Hills. However, on the following morning, Kiryū was informed that Yumi has been kidnapped by Patriarch Dojima. His Drunken thrust also changed drastically, although the animation did not change. Majima told Kiryu that a man named Nikaido of the Omi Alliance took Haruka and caused the zombie outbreak in Kamurocho. Tachibana informs Kiryu that his company, Tachibana Real Estate, and the Dojima Family are having an all-out war over the purchase of the Empty Lot. A short while later, the Florist phoned Kiryu, telling that Nikaido's hiding in the penthouse in Millennium Tower, along with Haruka and DD. Aoyama was planning to take over the Tojo Clan and thus frames Kiryu for attacking Madarame and shooting Morinaga.

The odd team of a former Yakuza, a dishonored inspector, and a 9-year-old girl, search for who or what is behind all of the incidents that take place in the middle of Kamurocho. Sato: I think it would be very interesting (to put Kiryu in Smash Bros). Now, Kiryu is 38 years old when the fifth Chairman of the Ryuji's father wants to avoid unnecessary bloodshed with war and makes preparation for a peace treaty. After the events of Yakuza 5 in December 2012, 44-year old Kiryu is brought to the hospital after being severely injured when his wound opens up while fight and then defeating Aizawa. Then afterwards Kiryu changes Haruto's diapers and then he starts crying Kiryu thinks he is hungry but he was actually sleepy. At Tojo Clan Headquarters Kiryu finds Aizawa who is Kurosawa's son, his legacy and the culprit. Encountering Katsuragi, Kiryu begins the exchange with Yasuko as he hands over the file to Kido. One of Kiryu's earliest misadventures occurred on Christmas Eve in 1980, when Kiryu, out of concern for Kazama, followed Kazama to the scene of a raid on the Korean Jingweon Mafia. While taking a breather, Oda was revealed to be a traitor and was nearly killed by him if not for Makoto's cane being a concealed blade that leaves Oda vulnerable as Kiryu leaves with Makoto and lets Oda die for his betrayal of the Tachibana family. Later, Kiryu gets a call and goes to the Tojo clan to find who is the culprit for taking over the clan and killing its members. He murdered Patriarch Dojima and Yumi went into a deep shock. Kiryu and Saejima fight their way through the Omi Alliance members separately until they reach Katsuya in his suite with Watase following after. Kiryu and Nishikiyama head there alone to find Shibusawa as they were rescued by Kashiwagi. Kiryu meets with Watase who reveals he has no interest in Daigo and thus doesn't know where he is, but he does reveal a lot of information was leaked by Aoyama.
Both Kiryu and Saejima defeat Katsuya and Watase. After taking the rap for a murder perpetrated by his childhood friend Akira Nishikiyama, Kazuma spent 10 years in prison.

After defeating the mutants, Nikaido admitted defeat and was about to be killed by Goda, but then DD turned and infected him with the mutagen, turning him into a mutant and making Kiryu and Goda having to fight him. Writer Hasei Seishu told the staff the positions were too high for his age and thus Kiryu's age was revised.
Kiryū is now 44 years old. Still, his rugged masculinity and fighting strength have also won him many fans, and he is one of the most charismatic residents of Kamurocho. While on the run, a mysterious 9-year-old girl named Haruka appears before him during in the wake of the incident. He is one of the characters from Sega side, his rival is Kiryu is the only character facing Yakuza series in the game, his rival is Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He appears in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale II as a playable character. Both Kiryu and Saejima defeat Katsuya and Watase. After defeating them, Kiryu instantly remembers Haruka's words that Kamurocho is falling apart. Kazuma Kiryū wants Sohei Dojima's son, Daigo, to take the clan's leadership and prevent an upcoming yakuza families war between Tojo Clan of the Kanto region and Omi Alliance of the Kansai region, which was Terada's wish. As DD attempts to make his escape, it is revealed that Akiyama had commandeered his escape chopper as it was sent spiraling below with DD on it. They pay their respects to Hamazaki and Yasuko and begin their counterattack At Tojo Clan's headquarters, Kiryu finds Aizawa who is Kurosawa's son among the dead Tojo patriarchs, his legacy, and the culprit. However, there was a glimmer of light welcoming Kiryū.

Kiryu and Saejima fight their way through the Omi Alliance members separately until they reach Katsuya in his suite with Watase following after. Suddenly, an unknown woman enters his apartment, and it's revealed to be one of the hostesses from the hostess club and has a chat with girl named Mayumi. Kiryu holding a Pizza-La box. It has been a year since, Kiryū became 4th Chairman of Tojo clan, resigned from Tojo Clan on same day, and decided to say farewell to his Yakuza-life to live in peace with Haruka. This allows Kiryu to travel to Sotenbori with Oda to meet with the owner of the deed at Laying low back in Kamurocho, Kiryu meets up with Tachibana, who explains that Kazama, knowing Kiryu, had anticipated these very actions, and he and Tachibana had been working together to find the Empty Lot owner, with Kazama attempting to stop Dojima from obtaining more power, and Tachibana simply wishing to reunite with his sister, Makoto. Yahata agrees but he's still intent on fighting the Tojo. After defeating him, Kiryu's surprised that Hayashi still recognizes him even in zombie form.

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