We love the community and wanted to build this resource for them.

The emote was uploaded to FrankerFacez, and became popular in 2017. During IRL streams, this may happen during a face-to-face encounter or when a streamer is ranting about something.

Some, like Kappa, are used to help people communicate with one another during incredible streaming moments while the chat moves at breakneck speeds.

The whole debate on twitter between totalbiscuit and the owner of the emote is really dicey and it's actually kind of amusing the bickering over a twitch emoteGotta hope BTTV renames it now.
Pepe is living in a non-political context, and completely divorced from politics. “Will he be able to escape this connotation?

“It might get briefly taken over by Trihard or ForsenE or another popular emote, but it remains at the top consistently. This is an independent site not run by Twitch.

It is often used on Twitch in the same way that you would use a laugh emote when messaging friends on other platforms. The Lul emoji should now be available for use in your server! Do not reuse without obtaining their permission. ANIMATED EMOJI - 50 Monkas goes back to a 4chan thread from 2011, but the illustration wasn’t used as en emote until 2016 when someone uploaded it to the FrankerFaceZ Twitch extension. LUL is a Twitch emote featuring a picture of video game reviewer John Bain, better known by his online handle TotalBiscuit. EMOJI - 10. That’s easier said than done.New emotes are introduced all the time. The GWjiangoOmegaLUL emoji should now be available for use in your server! On November 2nd, 2016, the emote was uploaded by user Ian678 to the FrankerFaceZOn April 27th, 2017, YouTuber Sequensy uploaded a video titled "LULW Fuck LULW God," featuring a tiled background of the emote (shown below). For all your LUL-emote needs! To learn more or opt-out, read our Emotes have their ups and downs. Die Variante „LULW“ wurde am 8.November 2016 vom Benutzer „Ian678“ in die FrankerFaceZ-Datenbank hochgeladen.Diese Erweiterung ermöglicht die Nutzung inoffizieller Emotes bei Twitch.. Inzwischen ist „LUL“ eines der beliebtesten Emotes und häufig im Chat zu sehen. Guarantee the old one would be used more.Congratulations to Twitch on ruining the best emote.Let's be real, LUL is only good because its spelled LUL, just short and one letter off LUL, we still have 4Head, Jebaited, EleGiggle, LUL happened to be the freshest emote at the time, it will be replaced and the trend will welcome the new laugh master emote soon.But I'm really not sure what you're going on about, the old one looks crap as well, both are cramming a full picture into far too few pixels.That's about the least relevant thing to be ever angry about...New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast/r/Twitch is an unofficial place for discussions surrounding the streaming website Twitch.tv. Since these aren’t run through Twitch directly, the emotes often circumvent rules. To upload the Lul emoji to your Discord server follow these simple steps. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts On Twitch, with these emotes, there’s no political connotation.”That’s debatable. If a particular emote isn’t on the list, but is popular within the circle of streamers you follow, the best way to understand what it means and how it’s used is to ask in chat, on Twitter or check out the streamer’s Reddit page for further details.Polygon spoke with Don Caldwell, Know Your Meme’s managing editor, to help explain why some of these emotes are incredibly popular.“It is the kind of quintessential emote,” Caldwell said. EMOJI - 10. The icon, which shows Jebailey being taken aback by surprise, is used when someone is trying to troll or bait a streamer or other viewers in chat. Zulul is an edited variation of the LUL Twitch emote often spammed in chats with the phrase “Vi Von Zulul” by fans of Twitch streamer Forsen, which was spawned out of a viral photograph of Pastor Lul, a Nuer refugee who was discovered during a Twitch stream held in September 2016. The emote is typically used to indicate laughter in a similar vein to typing abbreviation of LOL The guy depicted in this emote is the video game reviewer John "TotalBiscuit" Bain, and this is taken from a photograph laughing in an unknown Gaming event.

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