If you don't really like science but need a requirement, get a class with him.The only way you could possibly not pass his classes is not to study, not to participate or don't show up. 23.03.09 Strategien für die Online-Recherche 1) Eine (Online-) Quelle gezielt befragen. He makes the lectures entertaining and has a great sense of humor. Hes nice though if that counts.Do not take one of his classes.
Lindemann is by far one of the best professors at SCF. Marcus Lindemann: „Darf ich ja eigentlich gar nicht sagen, aber ich bin Fan von Borussia Mönchengladbach. Meine Zuneigung stammt aus den 70er Jahren, da … November 2019 #242; Lindemann - Knebel.

Lindemann was a real treat as his lectures were fun to listen to and he is definitely of the funniest professors out there. Overall I would recommend this class.If you like corny jokes, this is your guy.

He is passionate about what he teaches and cares for his students.

His tests can be a bit tricky, but if you do the study guide (and actually study it..) and practice questions you'll do fine. The tests extremely difficult even when studying and reviews.

Marcus Lindemann (Bild) sitzt am Mikrofon und führt auch nach dem Spiel die Interviews.

Hes an awful teacher and i do not recommend him at all. review days are just him repeating the review questions and reminding you to study because you got them wrong. Test are tough but if you turn in all your lab reports and other assignments, you should be fine Jan Schneider, Marcus Lindemann; 18.12.2010 Datenschutz ... für ihn zum Problem werden könnten. The class is a hard one to take online, but studying hard is the best way to pass.

Meine Zuneigung stammt aus den 70er Jahren, da …

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Wir verwenden Cookies, um Inhalte zu personalisieren, Werbeanzeigen maßzuschneidern und zu messen sowie die Sicherheit unserer Nutzer zu erhöhen. He's also hilarious!I love this class and cant wait to take more classes that he teaches. Im a straight a student and I got a C on one (19 people failed).

He reviews for the tests and has detailed power points which are also available on canvas. Pay attention and make sure to download his powerpoints for accessible study material!He's one of my favorite teachers. MARCUS LINDEMANN Kommentator, Moderator, Reporter, Sprecher. He also offers extra credit!Absolute legend, was incredibly sick and refused to leave us without a review for our exam and continued to teach the class . 7 talking about this. He is kind and really tries to make learning fun. Excellent lectures, humor-filled, and all around very nice guy.P.

4.2 / 5. Till Lindemann's Solo-Projekt mit Peter Tätgren von Pain ist ja mittlerweile bekannt für sehr provokante Texte.

As long as you know the material, you're almost gureenteed to pass. Auch dieser Song ist keine Ausnahme. He also talks very fast and doesn't explain the larger terms that he uses when trying to explain something else. Jump To Ratings.

Offers extra credit and didnt penalize late work. the class isnt hard at all but you NEED to study for the exams really good because not everything on the review will be on the test word for word.Hes a great prof! Fußball in der Bundesliga – alle Informationen zu den aktuellen Spielen heute in der Buli! He has every power-point presentation online for you to study which is really helpful, just make sure you don't buy the textbook as we didn't really use it. There is a massive amount of information that he relays. Rammstein-Fans kommen allerdings auf ihre Kosten. Hes nice and he knows his stuff but its hard to take it in because he moves fast.

He's so funny and makes it easy to pay attention. Overall, it was alright, difficult, but alright. In der Konferenz ist Martin Groß zu hören. 1.

Super smart, really nice, and very animated!!!!! He was a comedic relief to all of my stress. My favorite professor in my first year of college!

Marcus Lindemann: „Mit der eigenen Mannschaft geht man kritischer um. Als Einstieg/Überblick über die Materie "Bundesliga" eignet sich die (Free-TV-)ARD-Sportschau ganz gut; um einen tiefergehenden Blick auf das Thema oder den Fokus auf den Lieblingsverein zu bekommen, muss man auf den (teureren) Pay-TV-Sender setzen. Da mäkelt man sogar noch an einem 5:0-Sieg herum, sucht ein Haar in der Suppe und sagt: ‚Die hätten eigentlich 10:0 gewinnen müssen‘.

Very funny and makes science fun to learn.

Knows his stuff and is willing to help students. Great professorI can struggle with science sometimes, especially college level, but he made it feel a lot easier. Very passionate about the topics he teachesHe's an awesome professor! His makes joke not for the sake of making jokes but for you to learn. Sicher, seine Begeisterung für den Lieblingsverein etwa ist harmlos.

You will do weekly in-class labs with reports. I get annoyed with corny jokes so I really dont find him funny, just annoying. he is funny and makes learning super fun and easy.

The dude had pneumonia and still posted video lectures, test reviews and taught in class as much as the doctor would allow him.

He posts study guides on Canvas before an exam, work through them thoroughly and tests are a breeze.He is so passionate about teaching the class the subject.

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