These tribes are more melancholic and self-defacing in nature, meaning that the Orcs living among them are at the end of their ropes and ready to give up on never entering Orc society ever again. Orc Thrift is actually something that is strongly looked down upon in Orc society, and it is even seen as something shameful. Orc tribes are usually exactly what Altalar project them to be, bloodthirsty and cruel even to their own kind, only accepting Orcs who were outcast and strong enough to survive on their own, and killing others who they deem too weak to survive and stealing the food they need to survive. The only rules that exist in Kretōn are that an Orc may not touch the neck or genitals of the opponent, may not bite, or attack the eyes. Despite being somewhat distinct in appearance, the Orc species still have a number of things in common, like skin-tone, eye-color and hair-color. These Mound Cities usually have a larger building at the very top, lack streets, but have a variety of Orc buildings and statues spread out over the slope, finished with a fairly low wall at the bottom that isn’t actually meant as a defensive structure (since Orcs don’t do defensive sieges, they always come out and fight), but rather as a boundary definition between city and not-city. Estates in Orc society refer to the property owned by an Orcōn when they enter the military structure. orc, fantasy, fantasy house, assembly hall, great hall: Block Count: 2819: Object materials: Stone Bricks: 576 Oak Wood Plank: 395 Red Wool: 383 Grass: 216 ... NOT AN OFFICIAL MINECRAFT PRODUCT. When depicted, they are usually opposite each other or next to each other, juxtaposed to Yazgar who swoops over them. Murder, blasphemy and disobedience however are some of the worst crimes in Orc society. All creations copyright of the creators.|Material+Icons,//,//,//

Each Pōlorc is ruled by a duo-kingship, these kings are called Rakhōn. Orcs don’t see a difference between same-sex and opposite-sex relations in Orc society, and it actually happens with a far greater frequency than among any other Race. Usually when a recruit joins the military, a new Hold (house) will be built, along with a plot of land assigned to that Hold. Even after earning this however, Helōcanc remain in service to the Orcōn. This can sometimes be as mundane as having a slightly less imposing physique or being short. There is a certain level of melancholy and pity that the society based Orcs feel towards the Orcs that are not part of their structure, as they inherently perceive Orc society as the best way for an Orc to explore and develop themselves into the best version of what they could be. Free The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. There is no real staircase entry or even a slope, and to enter such a houseone must climb on top of the stone slab which is often six feet off the ground. The Nōthera continually breathe down the necks of the Gerōnek, demanding them to be efficient, and free of corruption. Even among the Arak and Gorak however, there exist some communal teaching through so-called Utenōn, where an Arak or Gorak hosts public fitness classes and lessons on a square somewhere in the Pōlorc for children (even of the slave caste). Aside from this, any tactic to win can be used. There are three main tribes called the Orcōn (what one would normally see as an Orc), the Arak (what Ailor incorrectly identify as The Orcōn are what one would consider the most standard Orc, and what other Races are most familiar with seeing on the battlefield or in their cities.

Vakgar is usually depicted as having "a mohawk that is more black than red" wielding a burning torch and an axe, while Makosh is depicted as having "a mohawk that is more red than black" wielding a shield and a spear. Nōthorc can also be half-breeds between the other Orc subspecies, which would then be referred to as a Nōthorcantac, though these are usually lumped together with the common Nōthorc population for ease of reference. Nōthera will for example publicly beat a convicted rebel Gorak to death, or engage in public vandalism and brutality to set an example. All Orcs of all subspecies experience an urge to fight that is cyclical and consistently monthly in which they enter a state that is called the Orken Thrift. To steal is to gain more than is allowed in possessions, meaning it usually confiscated by the city. Orcs have a number of physical traits and organs that aren’t found in other Races.

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