Derweil zog Otto Ohlendorf mit seiner Einsatzgruppe D eine tödliche Spur durch die südliche Ukraine in Richtung Kaukasus. He was sentenced to deathThis website makes use of cookies to ensure that the website works properly. … Otto Ohlendorf, 1907 nahe Hannover als Sohn eines Landwirts geboren, trat noch als Gymnasiast in die SA ein, zwei Jahre später in die SS mit der Mitgliedsnummer 880.
Von 1917 bis 1928 er an der Schule studierte, in Andreanume. Ohlendorf Otto wurde 1907 in Hoheneggelsene, in geboren Niedersachsen (Deutschland).
He was born in Hoheneggelsen on 4 February 1907, the son of a peasant farmer. "One task which Ohlendorf disdained was providing guards for the harvest at the behest of Army commanders, who wanted to prevent the Romanians from consuming any of the goods.Ohlendorf stated that he tried to mitigate any "unnecessary agitation" for the victims during the Justifying the murder of children, Ohlendorf stated, "the children were people who would grow up and surely being the children of parents who had been killed, they would constitute a danger no smaller than their parents. He assembled the leaders and men of the Einsatzkommanos, repeated to them the liquidation order, and pointed out that the leaders and men who were taking part in the liquidation bore no personal responsibility for the execution of this order. Otto Ohlendorf was the Head of Amt lll of the Reich Main Security Office during the Second World War and organiser of mass murders in the Southern Ukraine in 1941 and 1942. He studied at the University of Pavia, where he gained his doctor’s … EIDESSTATTLICHE ERKLÄRUNG. Nach dem Studium nach Göttingen ging, wo er Jura studierte. Ohlendorf, Otto, born 04-02-1907 in Hoheneggelsen, the son of farm owners. By using this website we assume that you agree with this. Biografische Information zu Ohlendorf, Otto, Biografienachweise, Quellen, Quellennachweise, Literatur, Literaturnachweise Portrait, Porträtnachweise, Objekte, Objektnachweise, Verbindungen, Orte , Ohlendorf, Otto ... Frauen und Kinder als Juden oder „Kommunisten“ in der Ukraine und auf der Krim ermordet wurden. In 1941, Ohlendorf was appointed the commander of Einsatzgruppe D, which perpetrated mass murder in Moldova, south Ukraine, the Crimea and, during 1942, the North Caucasus. Otto von seiner Jugend inbrünstig an Politik interessiert. An economist by education, he was head of the Sicherheitsdienst Inland, responsible for intelligence and security within Germany.
During the Einsatzgruppen Trial, Ohlendorf was the chief defendant, and was also a key witness in the prosecution of other indicted war criminals. Februar 1907 in Hoheneggelsen; 7. Juni 1951 in Landsberg am Lech) war ein deutscher Kriegsverbrecher, SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Polizei, Befehlshaber der Einsatzgruppe D und Amtschef (SD-Inland) im Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA). SS Gruppenführer and head of the Sicherheitsdienst (SD) Inland, 08-06-1951, age 44, hanged at the Landsberg Prison in Bavaria.Ohlendorf, Otto, born 04-02-1907 in Hoheneggelsen, He devoted only four years (1939–43) to full-time activity in the RSHA, for in 1943, in addition to his other jobs, he became a deputy director general in the Reich Ministry of economic affairs.Because of Ohlendorf’s work in this field, petitions for leniency were filed after he was sentenced to death by hanging. Ohlendorf’s apparently reliable testimony was attributed to his distaste for the corruption in Nazi Germany Otto Ohlendorf was convicted of crimes against humanity and war crimes committed during World War II. Seine Eltern waren gut ausgebildete Bauern. Ich, Otto OHLENDORF, erkläre hiermit an Eidesstatt: Ich war Chef des Sicherheitsdienstes(SD, Amt III des Büros Hauptamtes des Chefs der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD (RSHA), von 1939 bis 1945.
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