Prof. Erik Sohn lehrt an der Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln Chor- und Ensembleleitung für Populäre Musik. Encourage students to continue the body percussion even when they don’t have possession of the bucket and not to worry about catching the bucket as it may throw off the timing. Einf!hrung in die Rhythmik, einfache Start!bungen, Shuffle, Synkopen, typische Patterns, viele praktische Beispiele uvm. Although clapping is the only other body percussion indicated in these exercises, that doesn’t mean we have to work with just one timbre on the buckets!In this section there are many possibilities to consider. Have the students clap as indicated for the remainders of measures 1 and 3. The introduction of alternating stamping allows for lively movement. Not to worry! What other sounds can be made on the buckets?

Musik wiedergeben und gestalten/ Musikud vel= se: SuS k nnen sich stimmlich und instrumental mehrstimmig ausdr cken, sowie eige= ne Choreografien entwickeln : Liedrepertoire Gesangstechnik Musik und Tanz Instrumentalspiel= 1.

The outside circle faces the center, the inside circle faces out so that each person has a partner. If you are standing alone, you simply get a motion, but if there is another partner facing you, the buckets collide creating a satisfying “thump.” Of course this is just one suggestion to get you started. Challenge them to find new ways to pass the bucket. The possibilities are endless!Keetman’s musical crafting in this section is ripe for exploring movement in combination with a variety of bucket sounds. Hvis du ser denne meddelelse, skyldes det, at webbrowseren eller editoren ikke understøtter webarkivfiler. A “bucket bump” is performed by pushing the bucket directly in front of you at arm’s length. Geschichten und Nachrichten auf

Det kaldes også en webarkivfil. Have the students clap as indicated for the remainders of measures 1 and 3. The outside circle faces the center, the inside circle faces out so that each person has a partner. SuS k nnen ein vielf ltiges Repertoir= e, auch in verschiedenen Sprachen, singen Alternatively, you could perform this in a circle with the sliding going counter-clockwise. Although clapping is the only other body percussion indicated in these exercises, that doesn’t mean we have to work with just one timbre on the buckets!In this section there are many possibilities to consider. A larger group?I often begin encouraging my students’ explorations by introducing “bucket claps” and “bucket bumps.” “Bucket claps” are achieved by holding the bucket at chest height and clapping your hands onto the sides of the bucket.

This is the perfect opportunity for students to provide input to determine the final performance of the composition.The second section (#33-50) introduces opportunities for students to work with partners and create pieces with more vitality.Let’s use #34 as an example.

Bohuslav Martinu's Rhythmische Etuden is an exciting study for the Violin, with Piano accompaniment. How could we use the details that Keetman intended with alternating left and right foot stomps?

During a “floor stomp,” students lift the bucket and hit it firmly on the floor.

Have students face a partner while kneeling on the ground with about six feet between them. “Buckets” refers to the 5-gallon buckets commonly found at big box home improvement stores.Have students sit in a circle, placing buckets to the left and right of each student. Content-Type: text/html; charset="windows-1252"

Consider what would happen if one partner had sticks.

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