Er ist ein guter Schüler, jedoch wird sein Verhalten während einer Beziehungskrise mit Emely Busch sehr aufmüpfig. They do not like each other but have to get along. Compromise and tolerance are important in these relationships.

In the later episodes, which are set in the city of Erfurt, no public school students are present. Prior to the show's eleventh season (which began in January 2008), a total of 480 episodes had been produced.

Episode 480 was the last episode that was set in the fictional village of Seelitz. Up to March 2016, a total of 870 episodes in 19 seasons had aired. A few adults appear as advisers or counselors. Annas „Ferntheraphie" hat gewirkt: Nach dem Telefonat mit ihr beschließt Joana, doch in Deutschland zu bleiben - wenigstens für eine Weile. Teachers, other adults, and children who are not students at Starting with the tenth season, completely new opening credits were again developed. They also have fun with all kinds of jokes and pranks. So provoziert er im Unterricht sowohl Herrn Haller als auch Frau Gallwitzmit demonstrierter Gleichgültigkeit gegenüber dem Unterrichtsstoff. The 19 main characters from classes 6 to 9 are presented on-screen in 13 short scenes, which show several characters at once. It provides education in a relaxed way. In the background, the viewers can hear the song “Die Einsteins feat. At irregular intervals, events featuring the actors of On June 10, 2007, there was a ceremony in Potsdam-Babelsberg on the occasion of the last shooting day. This was done so that a few more actors could be presented. Offizielle Seite der Kinder- und Jugendserie SCHLOSS EINSTEIN. Violence is forbidden in the school. There is tension between the Schloss Einstein students and the students who attend public schools. Thus the show provides both entertainment and instruction. However, students who attend other private schools are present from time to time. The ninth season featured a completely redesigned opening credits sequence, which lasts 54 seconds. The background music was slightly modified, and the duration of the credits was lengthened. Schloss Einstein is a long-running, popular German television series which is designed as a teenage soap opera. The first ten seasons were set in the fictional village of Seelitz, near The school has two different buildings: the school building and the dormitory building. From the first season to the end of the eighth season, there were always new, but similar, In all opening credits, some current actors who play the students are shown with their respective character names. All opening credits until the end of the fourth season had a duration of 47 seconds. It also contains all the sets used for the dormitory building. Während seiner Zeit auf Schloss Einstein kommt immer wieder sein großes Interesse an der Zauberei zum Ausdruck, das er beispielsweise mit Kartentricks zur Schau stellt. Outside filming is done in the The popular success of the show has resulted in high TV ratings. Newcomers are given an older student who acts as a “godparent.” Of course, this does not always go smoothly, but the teachers and students must master their everyday life under a common roof. The intended audience is 10- to 14-year-olds. Because it has implemented this concept, Dr. Stollberg realizes a dream. 13 talking about this. A "Best of" DVD, several radio dramas on cassettes and CDs, and a magazine about the show covering the years 2001 to 2003, have also been released. Julian  — Alles ist relativ.” Bei der Schuljahres … It portrays the lives of teenagers in Schloss Einstein (Castle Einstein), a fictional boarding school. Problems that arise must be solved peacefully and, if possible, by the children themselves. As of the fifth season, the opening credits and background music were prolonged by seven seconds to a total length of 54 seconds. All main characters are presented along with their character names. The first episode was aired September 4, 1998, on channel KiKa. montags bis freitags ab 14.10 Uhr im KiKA. At the center of the show are the personal responsibilities of teenagers from class 6 to class 8. Worldwide, In its representation of classroom lessons, real knowledge is taught. In 2004, a music album was published, which included many bands. He establishes a private school in an old castle and names his school “the Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium, Internat Schloss Seelitz.” The school bears the name of the founder of the Dr. Stollberg wants to provide an education for his students by using his best strength — personal tutoring. Because there are no parents present, the children must make decisions for themselves and be prepared for the consequences. In many episodes, the students have adventures and learn how to manage conflicts. The Kindermedienzentrum The set for the school building has classrooms, a cafeteria, hallways, stairs, and a gymnasium. Romeo wohnt zusammen mit Benjamin Lewinin einem Zimmer. This was a milestone in German television programming.

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