This has an implication on how to choose antenna array structure in a real deployment scenario with specific coverage requirements.
The same principles do, however, apply to both vertical and horizontal dimensions. High AAS performance can be achieved without the need for many MIMO layers.
An AAS radio consists of an antenna array closely integrated with the hardware and software required for transmission and reception of radio signals, and signal processing algorithms to support the execution of the AAS features. Since data usage is currently increasing at a much faster rate than corresponding revenue, mobile network operators (MNOs) must evolve the RAN in a way that enables a reduced cost per bit while meeting new demands for end-user performance.
Maximizing the antenna area is important for improving the UL cell-edge data rates, especially for higher frequency bands employing TDD. 5G ready active and passive antennas enabling the future of mobile communicationMulti-band filters and combiners complement our extensive antenna portfolioExplore our product portfolio and get detailed information about our base station antennas and antenna line productsEricsson Antenna System contains a complete passive antenna portfolio with leading performance. Telecommunications giant Ericsson today announced two new radios with integrated antennas it claims will ease deployment pains and speed the rollout of mid-band 5G. Spatial multiplexing, here referred to as MIMO, is the ability to transmit multiple data streams, using the same time and frequency resource, where each data stream can be beamformed. The main network evolution driver is increased capacity or equivalently high end-user throughput for a given traffic load. In cases where UL coverage is limiting, UE feedback offers more robust operation, whereas full UL channel estimation is applicable in scenarios with good coverage. The performance of the components in the antenna system ultimately determines the effectiveness of the radio site, while a poor antenna system can severely reduce the radio network performance.Today's complex antenna systems with multiple frequencies and multiple technologies on the same radio site, put great demands on the ability to create effective antenna system solutions.Ericsson Antenna System is an integral part of Ericsson Radio System and provides a full range of high-quality products in the following areas: passive antennas, active antennas, filters and combiners, tower mounted amplifiers, feeder system, and accessories. For conventional non-beamformed systems such as 2T2R, the vertical spread of users in combination with the small ISD creates a situation where many users are outside the vertical main beam of the nearest base station. Compared to the dense urban high-rise scenario, traffic per area unit is lower. Ericsson Antenna System is an integral part of Ericsson Radio System and provides a full range of high-quality products in the following areas: passive antennas, active antennas, filters and combiners, tower mounted amplifiers, feeder system, and accessories. For TDD, the same frequency is used for both UL and DL transmission. For the case of UL channel estimation, there are differences depending on whether time division duplex (TDD) or frequency division duplex (FDD) is used. Vertical beamforming, however, does not provide any significant gains as the vertical user spread is low. Furthermore, mitigating interference in terms of null forming for MU-MIMO is even more challenging, since more channels typically need to be characterized with high granularity and accuracy. DL longer-term channel knowledge (such as dominant directions) can, however, be obtained by suitable averaging of UL channel estimate statistics. 3 dB). This is usually done by dividing the antenna array into so called sub-arrays (groups of non-overlapping elements), as shown in section C of Figure 2, and by applying two dedicated radio chains per sub-array (one per polarization) to enable control, as shown in section D. In this way it is possible to control the direction and other properties of the created antenna array beam.Figure 2: A typical antenna array (A) is made up of rows and columns of individual dual-polarized antenna elements (B).
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