DeHaan doesn't see a turn around until people start to get back to work.

All rights reserved. So while low prices save American drivers money, they cost American producers way more. It's a combination of the ongoing pandemic as people around the world stay home to avoid spreading the coronavirus and an oil price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia. Turmoil offers players a visually charming, tongue-in-cheek take on the simulation genre inspired by the 19th century oil rush in North America. You don't want to tap into a gas pocket accidentally as this will let the gas escape. So getting to fill up his tank for cheap, he calls it bittersweet. Back at the gas station, Mani Younas (ph) feels a little like he's stepped in a time machine.MANI YOUNAS: I feel like I'm going back to, like, 1998 when it was 75 cents maybe.DOMONOSKE: Younas is actually concerned by just how low these gas prices are. Here, there is oil, rock and gas. He was cut from 40 hours this week to 24.

Drivers generally benefit from low gas prices, but now NPR's Camila Domonoske says it's a little more complicated.CAMILA DOMONOSKE, BYLINE: Vickie Robinson (ph) just had to stop at this Gulf station in Woodlawn, Va. She couldn't say no to a price like this.VICKIE ROBINSON: I was shocked this morning when I came out to see that the prices were at least 50 cents less than what I'm normally used to.ROBINSON: One dollar 81 cents - I can't believe it.DOMONOSKE: She was thrilled to fill up at that price, and AAA spokeswoman Jeanette Casselano says gas prices are still falling.JEANETTE CASSELANO: Right now, signs are indicating that should trends continue the way they are, there's a possibility we could see the national average hit $2 in the next coming weeks.DOMONOSKE: That's even more dramatic than it sounds because, this time of year, gas prices are usually going up, but everything is topsy turvy because oil prices have crashed recently. Gas prices have dropped as Saudi Arabia and Russia send the price of crude oil plummeting.

As you make money digging up and selling oil, the town will grow along with you. UNDATED -- Gas prices could continue to fall with the oil market in turmoil. Gas allows to raise prices by channelling it to one of the companies. Turmoil offers players a visually charming, tongue-in-cheek take on the simulation genre inspired by the 19th century oil rush in North America. A walkthrough of the 4 different stages of Turmoil and tips to better your gameplay. In 2011, Encana Corp. was the largest natural gas company in Wyoming. Camila Domonoske, NPR News.Copyright © 2020 NPR. That pushes gas prices down, but it's also bad news for all kinds of businesses and their employees, like Wilson Garcia (ph). I haven't seen it that low in a long time. He's very happy with how cheap gas has gotten.WILSON GARCIA: Seeing it, like, under $2 is amazing. He's been watching the stock market crash.YOUNAS: It can be a 50 cent gas, but if you don't have money to fill up the gas, what's the point of having a cheap gas?DOMONOSKE: He's not the only one asking whether these low prices are a bad sign for the U.S. That price feud between Russia and Saudi Arabia, it's hurting oil producers around the globe, including American producers. US cities in bind as turmoil spreads far beyond Portland ... the Seattle City Council banned the use of tear gas and other crowd control tactics, including pepper spray. Gas prices could continue to fall with the oil market in turmoil. Collapsing demand for fuel during the COVID-19 pandemic has created a glut of oil, with storage capacity running short.Truly an unprecedented time in the industry that we are seeing negative prices because there's simply not enough room to store oil.DeHaan says crude oil prices for the June contract is also falling.The more actively traded June contract, which becomes active today, is trading at about $16 a barrel, now that's down $4 this morning, and along with it wholesale gas prices are down another 10 cents a gallon this morning.GasBuddy says demand for gasoline remains anemic at 5.08 million barrels per day.DeHaan says for eight straight weeks the national average for the price of gas has dropped.

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