It was founded by Heinrich Klotz between the years 1989 and 1992, together with the ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe. /////// / |< ||| | ZKM | Centre d'Art et de Technologie des Médias
weiter zur Seite Ausschreibungen nach VOL. Fax: +49 8974882551. But proposals covering other themes within the activities of both institutions are welcome.ZKM is a cultural institution in Karlsruhe, Germany, that combinesproduction and research, exhibitions and events, among others, for theapplication for “Ircam – Artistic Research Residency Program” via the“Your Application” panel. Welcome to 2019. März 2013. Juli 2018 »Refiguring the Feminist Future« Curated by Morehshin Allahyari. You can save your application as draft beforethe submission deadline. Submitted applications should clearly demonstrate collaborative aspects with two institutions for the project. From: ludger brümmer. No material through mail orA candidate can not represent for more than two consecutive years.Submission deadline is strict and will be automatically closed byNovember 30th (midnight Paris time).
Ausschreibungen nach VOL. The Rigged System | Web Residencies Solitude & ZKM . weiter zur Seite Ausschreibungen nach VgV. Au lieu de: II.4) Die Lose umfassen folgende Strecken: — München – Augsburg – Ulm, — Augsburg – Donauwörth – Aalen/Treuchtlingen.
Subject: programing job offer at zkm Karlsruhe Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 From: ludger brümmer. The ZKM | Center for Art and Media is a foundation under public law. It’s been 30 years since the World Wide Web was introduced to the world. Priorresidency reports can be consulted from Ircam’s Musical Research website.Biographical details: Short biography, Detailed CV (PDF document), andDetailed Project Proposal (PDF only, maximum 6 pages): DetailedProject description, including the state-of-the-artbackground and justifications on the novelty of the proposed project,collaborative musical research project. Ausschreibungen nach VgV.
Artistic Research Residency Program 2017.
Machbarkeitsstudie für ein multimodales Mobilitätskonzept für den Eurodistrikt PAMINA . Deutsche Gesellschaft für Elektroakustische Musik e.V.Subject: Joint ZKM IRCAM residency on spatial musicFeaturing IRCAM Residency & Joint ZKM / IRCAM Residency TracksThe artistic research residency program is open to composers,professional musicians, choreographers, stage directors, sounddesigners, and students who wish to carry out their musical and artistic research using IRCAM or its partners’ facilities and extensive research environment. Final selection for this track is subject to a joint evaluation of proposals by ZKM and IRCAM, based on relevancy, Final laureates of Joint ZKM/IRCAM Residency Track can redeem travelcosts between laboratories once or twice during the residency, based onthe proposed project.
Featuring IRCAM Residency & Joint ZKM / IRCAM Residency Tracks. Among other things, the ZKM plans to work on chatbots, which will be available for website visitors and exhibition visitors on site. AsThe Institute for Music and Acoustics has a vacancy for anin software development, to be filled at the earliest possible date.This post is responsible for the realization of development projects inA capacity for teamwork, individual initiative, and an interest inWe offer an interesting and varied occupation in public service at onePlease send your complete application specifying the possible startingZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie KarlsruhePlease note that sent in applications can only be returned if a Elektronische Vergabe seit 1. Ausschreibung der Tischtennismeisterschaft des Kantons Zürich im Jahr 2016 Submission of program notesand scores along the multimedia is highly recommended.Application procedure is strictly ONLINE. E-mail: (Supplément au Journal officiel de l'Union européenne, 25.7.2015, 2015/S 142-261682) Objet: CPV: 60210000.
Given the bi-localized nature of this call, the minimum duration residency for this call is 6 months. Frist: Freitag, 28.
Services de transport ferroviaire public. 19, D-76135 Karlsruhe The Work Plan of the proposal should also clearly demonstrate the will to carry out the project in both locations (Paris/France for IRCAM and Karlsruhe/Germany for ZKM) during the project life.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Elektroakustische Musik e.V.there is a new job coming up in Karlsruhe, Germany:The ZKM | Center for Art and Media is a foundation under public law. Four years later, all commercial restrictions were removed and the doors were open for anyone to participate, to innovate, to expand, and to capture.
At the end of their stay, candidates will be invited to share the results of their work with the international musical research community in the form of documentation The purpose of the Joint ZKM/IRCAM residency is to foster collaborations between the two institutions around one or two artistic projects that demand joining research, technical and artistic efforts between the two Candidates applying to the Joint ZKM/IRCAM Residency Track should choose the Special Track in their application. The system will warn for any incompleteApplicants are highly encouraged to consult existing and prior workrelated to their proposed project at Ircam and elsewhere through varioussources including Ircam Research websites and program partners. Ausschreibung des Eurodistrict PAMINA. Ausschreibungen nach VOB. Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design was first established as a progressive school on April 15, 1992. The artistic research residency program is open to composers, professional musicians, choreographers, stage directors, sound . AUSSCHREIBUNG – Joint ZKM IRCAM residency on spatial music.
As basis for such a chatbot and potential other software systems, a knowledge graph should be developed in the pro-posed thesis.
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