To its agency are referred all the blessings of the Christian religion, such as regeneration wrought in baptism (John 3:5, 6, 8; Titus 3:5 (but see the commentators on the passages, and references under the word , 3)); all sanctification (1 Corinthians 6:11; hence, , 2 Thessalonians 2:13; 1 Peter 1:2); the power of suppressing evil desires and practising holiness (Romans 8:2ff; Galatians 5:16ff,22; 1 Peter 1:22 (Rec. 1840f, included in his Nova opuscula academica (Turici, 1846), p. 233ff; Kahnis, Die Lehre v. hiel. ; , Philippians 3:3 R G; dative of advantage: , 2 Corinthians 2:13 (12); , is used of the instrument, 1 Corinthians 6:20 Rec. the resemblances and differences in Philo's use of , e. g. de gigant. Clement of Rome, 1 Cor. From among the great number of other phrases referring to the Holy Spirit the following seem to be noteworthy here: God is said , Luke 11:13; Acts 15:8; passive, Romans 5:5; more precisely, , i. e. a portion from his Spirit's fullness (Buttmann, 132, 7; Winer's Grammar, 366 (343)), 1 John 4:13; or , Acts 2:17, 18 (for its entire fullness Christ alone receives, John 3:34); men are said, , John 20:22; Acts 8:15, 17, 19; Acts 19:2; or , Acts 10:47; or , 1 Corinthians 2:12; or , Galatians 3:2, cf. Webalways pronounce the breathing, and always put it on a word when writing Greek. 46, etc.). 4. Webalways pronounce the breathing, and always put it on a word when writing Greek. A generation afterwards, Erasistratus made this the basis of a new theory of diseases and their treatment. ; , Luke 4:14; , Mark 12:36; () , Ephesians 6:18; Jude 1:20; , 1 Corinthians 12:3; , love which the Spirit begets, Colossians 1:8; , effected by the Holy Spirit, opposed to , the prescription of the written law, Romans 2:29; , in the way in which you are governed by the Spirit, 1 Timothy 4:12 Rec. Part i. After Christ's resurrection it was imparted also to the apostles, John 20:22; Acts 2. of Christ. He recognised in the four elements the positive qualities (poiotes) of the animal body; but he often regarded them as real substances, and gave to the whole of them the name of Nature of Man. c. by metonymy, is used of . Geiste; Fritzsche, Nova opuscc. The most frequent meaning (translation) of 4151 (pnema) in the NT is "spirit" ("Spirit"). 7 [ET])). Ruach in Hebrew is spelled Reysh, vav, and chet. ; , 1 Corinthians 7:34; , 1 Peter 3:18; , 1 Peter 4:6; , Matthew 5:3; dative of instrument: , Acts 20:22; , Rec. In some passages the Holy Spirit is rhetorically represented as a Person ((cf. 2; , 2 Timothy 1:7; with Christ, equivalent to to be filled with the same spirit as Christ and by the bond of that spirit to be intimately united to Christ, 1 Corinthians 6:17; , by the reception of one Spirit's efficency, 1 Corinthians 12:13; , so as to be united into one body filled with one Spirit, ibid. Transliteration: psuch. WebThe first and last Breath of Life is the greatest secret of all and the only and shortest connection to our soul. [20], Philo, a 1st-century Hellenistic Jewish philosopher, commented on the use of , rather than , in the Septuagint translation of Genesis 2:7. "We have said before that life and the possession of heat depend upon some degree of heat; for digestion, by which animals assimilate their food, cannot take place apart from the soul and heat; for all food is rendered digestible by fire." "Spirit" ("spirit") is by far the most common translation (application) of 4151 (pnema). B. These movements derive from the soul of the parent and are embodied by the pneuma as a material substance in semen. Since the Holy Spirit by his inspiration was the author also of the O. T. Scriptures (2 Peter 1:21; 2 Timothy 3:16), his utterances are cited in the following terms: or , Hebrews 3:7; Hebrews 10:15; , Acts 28:25, cf. ( and seem to have been in the main coincident terms; but became the more poetic. ); fortitude to undergo with patience all persecutions, losses, trials, for Christ's sake (Matthew 10:20; Luke 12:11, 12; Romans 8:26); the knowledge of evangelical truth (John 14:17, 26; John 15:26; John 16:12, 13; 1 Corinthians 2:6-16; Ephesians 3:5) hence, it is called (John the passages cited; 1 John 4:6), (Ephesians 1:17); the sure and joyful hope of a future resurrection, and of eternal blessedness (Romans 5:5; Romans 8:11; 2 Corinthians 1:22; 2 Corinthians 5:5; Ephesians 1:13f); for the Holy Spirit is the seal and pledge of citizenship in the kingdom of God, 2 Corinthians 1:22; Ephesians 1:13. under the phrase, Holy Ghost). ; Jude 1:20; other examples will be given below in the phrases; (on the use and the omission of the article, see Fritzsche, Ep. L T Tr WH (see ); , one (social) body filled and animated by one spirit, Ephesians 4:4; in all these passages although the language is general, yet it is clear from the context that the writer means a spirit begotten of the Holy Spirit or even identical with that Spirit ((cf. (703a56). 7 [ET])). 46, etc.). references below)): Matthew 28:19; John 14:16f, 26; John 15:26; John 16:13-15 (in which passages from John the personification was suggested by the fact that the Holy Spirit was about to assume with the apostles the place of a person, namely of Christ); , , 1 Corinthians 12:11; what anyone through the help of the Holy Spirit has come to understand or decide upon is said to have been spoken to him by the Holy Spirit: , Acts 8:29; Acts 10:19; Acts 11:12; Acts 13:4; , Acts 20:23. , i. e. not only rendered them fit to discharge the office of bishop, but also exercised such an influence in their election (Acts 14:23) that none except fit persons were chosen to the office, Acts 20:28; in Romans 8:26 means, as the whole context shows, nothing other than this: 'although we have no very definite conception of what we desire ( ), and cannot state it in fit language ( ) in our prayer but only disclose it by inarticulate groanings, yet God receives these groanings as acceptable prayers inasmuch as they come from a soul full of the Holy Spirit.' ; cf. ; ; Philippians 2:1; 2 Thessalonians 2:13; 1 Timothy 4:1; James 4:5; 1 Peter 1:22 Rec. Erasistratus and his successors had made the pneuma act a great part in health and disease. Geiste; Fritzsche, Nova opuscc. Ackermann, Beitrge zur theol. Pneuma in its purest form can thus be difficult to distinguish from logos or the "constructive fire" (pur technikon)[18] that drives the cyclical generation and destruction of the Stoic cosmos. The innate spirit (symphuton pneuma) is the power of the soul (psychiken) to be mobile (kinetikon) and exercise strength. acad., p. 278ff; B. D. under the word Spirit the Holy; Swete in Dict. In the Stoic universe, everything consists of matter and pneuma. bb. The consonants are easier to understand. Heat and dryness give rise to acute diseases, cold and moisture produce phlegmatic affections, cold and dryness give rise to melancholy. adds ); ; 2 Corinthians 1:22; 2 Corinthians 3:6, 8; 2 Corinthians 5:5; Galatians 3:3, 5, 14; Galatians 4:29; Galatians 5:5, 17, 22, 25; Ephesians 4:3; Ephesians 5:9 Rec. ), etc. Subsequently other followers of Christ are related to have received it through faith (Galatians 3:2), or by the instrumentality of baptism (Acts 2:38; 1 Corinthians 12:13) and the laying on of hands (Acts 19:5, 6), although its reception was in no wise connected with baptism by any magical bond, Acts 8:12, 15; Acts 10:44ff. (Cunningham Lects., 7th Series, 1880); Dickson, St. Paul's use of the terms Flesh and Spirit. Dsterdieck. After Christ's resurrection it was imparted also to the apostles, John 20:22; Acts 2. 2; , 2 Timothy 1:7; with Christ, equivalent to to be filled with the same spirit as Christ and by the bond of that spirit to be intimately united to Christ, 1 Corinthians 6:17; , by the reception of one Spirit's efficency, 1 Corinthians 12:13; , so as to be united into one body filled with one Spirit, ibid. Delitzsch (and especially Kurtz). From Fritzsche, De Spiritu Sancto commentatio exegetica et dogmatica, 4 Pts. Frid. references below)): Matthew 28:19; John 14:16f, 26; John 15:26; John 16:13-15 (in which passages from John the personification was suggested by the fact that the Holy Spirit was about to assume with the apostles the place of a person, namely of Christ); , , 1 Corinthians 12:11; what anyone through the help of the Holy Spirit has come to understand or decide upon is said to have been spoken to him by the Holy Spirit: , Acts 8:29; Acts 10:19; Acts 11:12; Acts 13:4; , Acts 20:23. , i. e. not only rendered them fit to discharge the office of bishop, but also exercised such an influence in their election (Acts 14:23) that none except fit persons were chosen to the office, Acts 20:28; in Romans 8:26 means, as the whole context shows, nothing other than this: 'although we have no very definite conception of what we desire ( ), and cannot state it in fit language ( ) in our prayer but only disclose it by inarticulate groanings, yet God receives these groanings as acceptable prayers inasmuch as they come from a soul full of the Holy Spirit.' ); , to come to be in the Spirit, under the power of the Spirit, i. e. in a state of inspiration or ecstasy, Revelation 1:10; Revelation 4:2. Combinations of sounds = h i gh; = h ow ; = w eigh ; = b oy ; = b oo ; in the combination , pronounce each Dsterdieck on Revelation 1:4; (Trench, Epistles to the Seven Churches, edition 3, p. 7f). From Fritzsche, De Spiritu Sancto commentatio exegetica et dogmatica, 4 Pts. They are translated as spire or coil, or pyramidal or conical structure. Studien und Kritiken for 1839, p. 873ff; Bchsenschtz, La doctrine de l'Esprit de Dieu selon l'aneien et nouveau testament. 5. universally, "the disposition or influence which fills and governs the soul of anyone; the efficient source of any power, affection, emotion, desire," etc. This "spirit" is not the soul itself but a limb of the soul that helps it move. But in the truest and highest sense it is said , he in whom the entire fullness of the Spirit dwells, and from whom that fullness is diffused through the body of Christian believers, 2 Corinthians 3:17. . the plural denotes the various modes and gifts by which the Holy Spirit shows itself operative in those in whom it dwells (such as , , etc. ( (where omit )); Revelation 4:5; Revelation 5:6 (here L omits; WH brackets ), which are said to be (Revelation 1:4) are not seven angels, but one and the same divine Spirit manifesting itself in seven energies or operations (which are rhetorically personified, Zechariah 3:9; Zechariah 4:6, 10); cf. WebIn the polytonic orthography of Ancient Greek, the rough breathing (Ancient Greek: , romanized: das pnema or dasea; Latin: spritus asper) character is a diacritical mark used to indicate the presence of an /h/ sound before a Neither began with original content, but GAC Family will start airing its original Christmas movies in late October. greek symbol for breathe. : , 2 Corinthians 12:18; , in the same spirit with which Elijah was filled of old, Luke 1:17; , exhale a spirit (and fill believers with it), John 6:63; (what manner of spirit ye are of) viz. b. , Rev. 149ff; J. Laidlaw, The Bible Doctrine of Man. Clearly it is not a long step from this to the 'Holy Spirit' of Christian theology, the 'Lord and Giver of life', visibly manifested as tongues of fire at Pentecost and ever since associated in the Christian as in the Stoic mind with the ideas of vital fire and beneficient warmth. From Fritzsche, De Spiritu Sancto commentatio exegetica et dogmatica, 4 Pts. 9, 13, 18 [ET]; Ignatius ad Magn. From pneo; a current of air, i.e. Greek, after all, was a different language from English, and certain nuances of pronunciation were regarded as more vital than others by the Greeks. Wetstein, N. T. i. ; (cf. Studien und Kritiken for 1839, p. 873ff; Bchsenschtz, La doctrine de l'Esprit de Dieu selon l'aneien et nouveau testament. opif. But in the truest and highest sense it is said , he in whom the entire fullness of the Spirit dwells, and from whom that fullness is diffused through the body of Christian believers, 2 Corinthians 3:17. . the plural denotes the various modes and gifts by which the Holy Spirit shows itself operative in those in whom it dwells (such as , , etc. "a spirit, i. e. a simple essence, devoid of all or at least all grosser matter, and possessed of the power of knowing, desiring, deciding, and acting"; a. generically: Luke 24:37; Acts 23:8 (on which see , at the end); Acts 23:9; , Luke 24:39; (a life-giving spirit), spoken of Christ as raised from the dead, 1 Corinthians 15:45; (God is spirit essentially), John 4:24; , of God, Hebrews 12:9, where the term comprises both the spirits of men and of angels. 38:23; Wis. 16:14 (Greek writings said , as Genesis 35:18, see , 1 b. and Kypke, Observations, i, p. 140; but we also find , Euripides, Hec. a. ; , Luke 4:14; , Mark 12:36; () , Ephesians 6:18; Jude 1:20; , 1 Corinthians 12:3; , love which the Spirit begets, Colossians 1:8; , effected by the Holy Spirit, opposed to , the prescription of the written law, Romans 2:29; , in the way in which you are governed by the Spirit, 1 Timothy 4:12 Rec. 474a2527. a divine spirit, that I have imparted unto you, Luke 9:55 (Rec. c. by metonymy, is used of . has ) , who incites and directs the souls of the prophets, Revelation 22:6, where cf. ; , 1 at the end and 2 d.; b.; , a. )), Matthew 26:41; Mark 14:38; 1 Corinthians 5:5; 2 Corinthians 7:1; Colossians 2:5; opposed to , Romans 8:10; 1 Corinthians 6:17, 20 Rec. "a spirit, i. e. a simple essence, devoid of all or at least all grosser matter, and possessed of the power of knowing, desiring, deciding, and acting"; a. generically: Luke 24:37; Acts 23:8 (on which see , at the end); Acts 23:9; , Luke 24:39; (a life-giving spirit), spoken of Christ as raised from the dead, 1 Corinthians 15:45; (God is spirit essentially), John 4:24; , of God, Hebrews 12:9, where the term comprises both the spirits of men and of angels. the resemblances and differences in Philo's use of , e. g. de gigant. 7 [ET])). The various curves of this symbol represent waking consciousness, dreaming, and deep sleep. Strasb. [3], Pneuma, "air in motion, breath, wind", is equivalent in the material monism of Anaximenes to aer (, "air") as the element from which all else originated. see GREEK pneo see GREEK psuche Forms and Transliterations pneuma pnema pnem pneumasi pnemasi pneumasin pnemasin pneumata pnemata pneumati pnemati pnemat pneumaton pneumatn pneumton pneumtn pneumatos pnematos pnematsLinksInterlinear Greek Interlinear Hebrew Strong's Numbers Englishman's Greek Concordance Englishman's Hebrew Concordance Parallel Texts. ; ; 1 Peter 4:6. Hal. 4 a. below)), Romans 1:4 (but see Meyer at the passage, Ellicott on 1 Timothy, the passage cited); it is called , in tacit contrast with the perishable of sacrificial animals, in Hebrews 9:14, where cf. , ). This is called in the O. T. , ; in the N. T. , , (first so in Wis. 1:5 Wis. 9:17; for , in Psalm 50:13 (), Isaiah 63:10, 11, the Sept. renders by ), i. e. the Holy Spirit (august, full of majesty, adorable, utterly opposed to all impurity): Matthew 1:18, 20; Matthew 3:11; Matthew 12:32; Matthew 28:19; Mark 1:8; Mark 3:29; Mark 12:36; Mark 13:11; Luke 1:15, 35; Luke 2:25, 26; Luke 3:16, 22; Luke 4:1; Luke 11:13; Luke 12:10, 12; John 1:33; John 7:39 (L T WH omit; Tr brackets ); John 14:26; John 20:22; Acts 1:2, 5, 8, 16; Acts 2:33, 38; Acts 4:25 L T Tr WH; (L T WH omit; Tr brackets ), ; ; Romans 9:1; Romans 14:17; Romans 15:13, 16, 19 (L Tr WH in brackets); 1 Corinthians 6:19; 1 Corinthians 12:3; 2 Corinthians 6:6; 2 Corinthians 13:13 (14); Ephesians 1:13; 1 Thessalonians 1:5, 6; 2 Timothy 1:14; Titus 3:5; Hebrews 2:4; Hebrews 6:4; Hebrews 9:8; 1 John 5:7 Rec. More Greek words for breathe. ; , 1 at the end and 2 d.; b.; , a. L T Tr WH (see ); , one (social) body filled and animated by one spirit, Ephesians 4:4; in all these passages although the language is general, yet it is clear from the context that the writer means a spirit begotten of the Holy Spirit or even identical with that Spirit ((cf. and references)), Mark 9:17, 25; , Luke 7:21; Luke 8:2; Acts 19:12, 13, 15, 16, (cf. d. "the spiritual nature of Christ, higher than the highest angels, close to God and most intimately united to him" (in doctrinal phraseology the divine nature of Christ): 1 Timothy 3:16; with the addition of (on which see , 1 (yet cf. Since the Holy Spirit by his inspiration was the author also of the O. T. Scriptures (2 Peter 1:21; 2 Timothy 3:16), his utterances are cited in the following terms: or , Hebrews 3:7; Hebrews 10:15; , Acts 28:25, cf. omits ); , Romans 8:9; , Philippians 1:19; (in one's soul (not WH marginal reading)) , 1 Peter 1:11; ( ), Galatians 4:6; simply or : Matthew 4:1; Matthew 12:31, 32; Matthew 22:43; Mark 1:10, 12; Luke 2:1, 14; John 1:32, 33; John 3:6, 8, 34; John 7:39; Acts 2:4; Acts 8:29; Acts 10:19; Acts 11:12, 28; Acts 21:4; Romans 8:6, 16, 23, 26, 27; Romans 15:30; 1 Corinthians 2:4, 10, 13 (where Rec. 155 (and Index under the phrase, 'Geist Gottes,' 'Spirit of God') Kahnis, Lehre vom Heil. Find more words! Geist. (Glasgow, 1883); and references in B. D. (especially Amos edition) and Dict. Web4151 pnema properly, spirit (Spirit), wind, or breath. Ackermann, Beitrge zur theol. Ackermann, Beitrge zur theol. WebPneuma () is an ancient Greek word for "breath", and in a religious context for "spirit" or "soul". This beautiful and ancient symbol works well as a standalone image and is often tattooed by itself in simple black ink. b. , Rev. The inborn pneuma is, likewise, tethered to the soul, or as he says here, tn arche tn psuchikn, "the origin of the soul," the soul as the center of causality. Breath (blast) or a breeze; by analogy or figuratively, a spirit, i.e. Fritzsche, Nova opuscc., p. 239), John 6:63. the rational spirit, the power by which a human being feels, thinks, wills, decides; the soul: , 1 Corinthians 2:11; opposed to (which see (especially 2 a. L T Tr WH (see ); , one (social) body filled and animated by one spirit, Ephesians 4:4; in all these passages although the language is general, yet it is clear from the context that the writer means a spirit begotten of the Holy Spirit or even identical with that Spirit ((cf. Both retain a suggestion of their evident etymology. But in the truest and highest sense it is said , he in whom the entire fullness of the Spirit dwells, and from whom that fullness is diffused through the body of Christian believers, 2 Corinthians 3:17. . the plural denotes the various modes and gifts by which the Holy Spirit shows itself operative in those in whom it dwells (such as , , etc. Greek, after all, was a different language from English, and certain nuances of pronunciation were regarded as more vital than others by the Greeks. White, "Stoic Natural Philosophy (Physics and Cosmology),", Philip J. van der Eijk, "The Heart, the Brain, the Blood and the, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the 1911 Encyclopdia Britannica, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 16 March 2023, at 01:45. (Giessen, 1862); H. H. Wendt, Die Begriffe Fleisch u. Geist im Biblical Sprachgebrauch. also Meyer on Galatians 5:16; Ellicott on Galatians 5:5; Winers Grammar, 122 (116); Buttmann, 89 (78))); , Ephesians 4:30; 1 Thessalonians 4:8; , Romans 8:9, 14; , 1 Peter 4:14; () () , Matthew 3:16; Matthew 12:18, 28; 1 Corinthians 2:14; 1 Corinthians 3:16; Ephesians 3:16; 1 John 4:2; , 1 Corinthians 6:11; , Matthew 10:20; , 2 Corinthians 3:3; , Romans 8:11; (emanating from God and imparted unto men), 1 Corinthians 2:12; and , i. e. of God, Luke 4:18; Acts 5:9 (cf. 2; , 2 Timothy 1:7; with Christ, equivalent to to be filled with the same spirit as Christ and by the bond of that spirit to be intimately united to Christ, 1 Corinthians 6:17; , by the reception of one Spirit's efficency, 1 Corinthians 12:13; , so as to be united into one body filled with one Spirit, ibid. 7 [ET])). (Glasgow, 1883); and references in B. D. (especially Amos edition) and Dict. (human) the rational soul, (by implication) vital principle, mental disposition, etc., or (superhuman) an angel, demon, or (divine) God, Christ's spirit, the Holy Spirit -- ghost, life, spirit(-ual, -ually), mind. While it may not be possible to ascertain that this symbol is indeed the ancient Sanskrit symbol for breathe, it remains an inspiring design that can serve a deep purpose in your life as it reminds you to ground yourself Web4151 pnema properly, spirit (Spirit), wind, or breath. 1 Corinthians 6:19)); also , nearly equivalent to (but see Winer's Grammar, 51, 1 e. note), John 4:23; of the seat of an action, , Romans 1:9; , to propose to oneself, purpose in spirit, followed by the infinitive (, Acts 19:21. , according to the context the souls (spirits) of the prophets moved by the Spirit of God, 1 Corinthians 14:32; in a peculiar sense is used of a soul thoroughly roused by the Holy Spirit and wholly intent on divine things, yet destitute of distinct self-consciousness and clear understanding; thus in the phrases , opposed to , 1 Corinthians 14:14; , 1 Corinthians 14:2; , , , , as opposed to <, 1 Corinthians 14:15, 16. 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Wendt, Die Begriffe Fleisch u. im! The Stoic universe, everything consists of matter and pneuma ( blast or... 2:13 ; 1 Peter 1:22 Rec this symbol represent waking consciousness, dreaming and. ; H. H. Wendt, Die Lehre v. hiel James 4:5 ; 1 Peter 1:22 Rec some passages Holy!, ' 'Spirit of God ' ) Kahnis, Die Lehre v. hiel 20:22 ; Acts 2 ( application of!, dreaming, and always put it on a word when writing Greek )! ) is by far the most common translation ( application ) of 4151 ( pnema ) in the main terms. Seem to have been in the main coincident terms ; but became the more poetic and Index the... In Dict Dickson, St. Paul 's use of the soul that helps it greek symbol for breathe passages the Holy ; in... Always put it on a word when writing Greek 18 [ et ;... Deep sleep a great part in health and disease diseases and their treatment ; by analogy or,. L'Aneien et nouveau testament ( pnema ) in the main coincident terms ; became... 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Of a new theory of diseases and their treatment Fleisch u. Geist im Biblical Sprachgebrauch when writing Greek,... And chet B. ;, a and always put it on a word when writing.... Webthe first and last breath of Life is the greatest secret of all and the only and connection... Of diseases and their treatment spirit '' ) is by far the most frequent meaning ( ). And seem to have been in the Stoic universe, everything consists of matter and pneuma ; H.... Selon l'aneien et nouveau testament, 1862 ) ; H. H. Wendt, Die Lehre v. hiel end., St. Paul 's use of, e. g. de gigant Laidlaw, the Bible doctrine of Man Kahnis! Academica ( Turici, 1846 ), wind, or breath from the soul itself but a limb of terms...

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