Stream 9 February 2020| 10am | Nigel Dixon | Foreground Background Pt 3 by AllSaintsPN from desktop or your mobile device - All rights reserved. Februar 2020 verfügbar. Watch Queue Queue. ※ Die Spielfunktion, „Freunde zurückzurufen“, ist nur noch bis zum 17. The majority of cases in January and early February originated from the same automobile-parts manufacturer as the first case. This video is unavailable.

How about that.The UK has a higher minimum wage than all but three EU member states: in fact six EU countries have no minimum wage at all.It is not just that we want to go further than the EU in banning live shipment of animals: there are ways in which we already are further ahead.The UK banned veal crates fully 16 years before the EU.We are protecting elephants by introducing one of the strictest ivory bans in the world; and the EU, meanwhile, is still in the consultation stage.And on the great environmental issue of our time, perhaps the greatest issue facing humanity, Britain was the first major economy in the world – let alone the EU – to place upon our own shoulders a legal obligation to be carbon neutral by 2050.That will put huge strains on our system, it will require full effort and change but we know we can do it.We have cut our carbon emissions by nearly twice the EU average since 1990, 42 percent and we have cut while the GDP has grown by about 70%; but here is the question: are we going to insist that the EU does everything that we do, as the price of free trade?Our legislation to ban single-use plastics goes further and faster than anything proposed by the EU.Does that mean we will refuse to accept a zero-tariff zero-quota deal with the EU unless the EU agrees to match us every step of the way?Will we stop Italian cars or German wine from entering this country tariff free, or quota free, unless the EU matches our UK laws on plastic coffee stirrers or maternity leave or unless they match our laws in any other field of policy that might conceivably affect the production of an Alfa Romeo or a bottle of gewurtztraminer?So I hope our friends will understand that what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.There is no need for a free trade agreement to involve accepting EU rules on competition policy, subsidies, social protection, the environment, or anything similar any more than the EU should be obliged to accept UK rules.The UK will maintain the highest standards in these areas – better, in many respects, than those of the EU – without the compulsion of a treaty.And it is vital to say this now clearly because we have so often been told that we must choose between full access to the EU market, along with accepting its rules and courts on the Norway model, or a free trade agreement, which opens up markets and avoids the full panoply of EU regulation, like the Canada deal.We have made our choice: we want a comprehensive free trade agreement, similar to Canada’s.But in the very unlikely event that we do not succeed, then our trade will have to be based on our existing Withdrawal Agreement with the EU.We have a deal – we’ve done it and yes it did turn out as I prophesized to be oven ready.The question is whether we agree a trading relationship with the EU comparable to Canada’s – or more like Australia’s.And I have no doubt that in either case the UK will prosper.And of course our new relationship with our closest neighbours will range far beyond trade.We will seek a pragmatic agreement on security, on protecting our citizens without trespassing on the autonomy of our respective legal systems.I hope that we can reach an agreement on aviation, allowing cheap flights to continue.We are ready to consider an agreement on fisheries, but it must reflect the fact that the UK will be an independent coastal state at the end of this year 2020, controlling our own waters.And under such an agreement, there would be annual negotiations with the EU, using the latest scientific data, ensuring that British fishing grounds are first and foremost for British boats.And in all these other areas, I see the same need for warmth, we’ll deliver that or cooperation for friendship and exchange and va et vien, for academics, students and businesses but I see no need to bind ourselves to an agreement with the EU.We will restore full sovereign control over our borders and immigration, competition and subsidy rules, procurement and data protection.And while we will always co-operate with our European friends in foreign and defence policy whenever our interests converge – as they often, if not always, will – this will not in my view necessarily require any new treaty or institutions because we will not need them for the simple reason that the UK is not a European power by treaty or by law but by irrevocable facts of history and geography and language and culture and instinct and sentiment.And I have set in train the biggest review of our foreign defence and security policies since the Cold War, which is designed to seize the opportunities that lie ahead and make sure that we play our part in addressing the world’s problems.I know we will do it in cooperation with our European friends.And I say to our European friends – many of whom I’m delighted to see in this room – we are here as ever, as we have been for decades, for centuries, to support and to help as we always have done for the last hundred years or more and the reason I stress this need for full legal autonomy, the reason we do not seek membership or part membership of the customs union or alignment of any kind, is at least partly that I want this country to be an independent actor and catalyst for free trade across the world.I was there when they negotiated the Uruguay round.I saw it completed in Geneva when they gavelled it out -And it was one of those events that people hardly reported, but it was a fantastically important event in the life of the world.And it was a critical moment in my view that helped to lead to almost two decades of global growth and confidence.And then in 2008 we saw the abject failure of the Doha round and though there were many culprits there can be no doubt that both the EU and the US bear a heavy share of the blame for their refusal to compromise on farm subsidies.And of course while we were in, the voice of the UK was of course muffled.I don’t wish to exaggerate our influence or our potential influence, but then nor would I minimise the eagerness of our friends around the world to hear once again our independent voice again in free trade negotiations and our objective is to get things started again not just because it is right for the world, but because of course it is right for Britain because this people’s government believes that the whole country will benefit.Because it will help our national programme to unite and level up and bring together our whole United Kingdom.And by expanding our trading relationships to improve the productivity of the entire nation by expanding infrastructure, education and technology you know that our programme is to bring this country together, combine that with greater free trade.And of course I hope you will see us exporting more fantastic ships built on the Clyde, more wonderful bone china pottery from Northern Ireland, beef from Wales.It is an incredible fact that we still sell not one hamburger’s worth of beef to the US, not one kebab’s worth of lamb, and as I speak the people of the US are still surviving without an ounce of Scottish haggis which they continue to ban Mr Ambassador.I am glad to say that the Chinese last year signed the first agreement to take British beef after a 20-year ban, but still no lamb, not a joint, not a chop, not a deep frozen moussaka, even though we have the best lamb in the world.And don’t tell me the issue is distance from China.Let me ask you a question, see if you’ve been paying attention to this speech the New Zealanders sell huge and growing quantities of lamb to China, as indeed they do to America.There is no reason why we cannot do much, much better and I am deeply proud of this – I don’t want to do down this country’s global exporting spirit.We do extraordinary things as I never tire of telling you.Tea to China, cake to France, TV aerials to South Korea and so on.Boomerangs to Australia - Nigel Farage to America.
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