Mit dem ersten Ableger der Reihe Infinity Blade zeigte Publisher Epic Games im Jahr 2010, wie optisch ansprechend Spiele für Smartphones und Tablets aussehen können. From the award-winning Epic studio, ChAIR Entertainment, the ground-breaking Infinity Blade games have brought handheld gaming to new heights with gorgeous visuals, adrenaline-fueled sword fighting battles, and advanced character progression and customization in an expansive 3D world.Starting 12/10/18, the Infinity Blade trilogy are no longer available for purchase.Take on some solemn guardians in the Aegis Tournament.© 2012-18 Epic Games, Inc., Epic, Epic Games, Unreal, Unreal Engine, and Infinity Blade and its related logos are registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. in the USA (Reg. Upon defeat, the player restarts the game as the character's … It delivers a powerful sword slash and deals 75 damage to enemies and destroys opponent structures and environmental walls, floors and trees in one hit. & Tm. Alles zum Spiel mit Wertung, Download, Systemanforderungen, Release Termin, Demo und Patch, Tipps, Forum und Lesertest. In the game, the unnamed player character fights a series of one-on-one battles in a derelict castle to face the immortal God King. Nach Angaben des Publishers Epic Games sei das nötige Personal, um die Reihe weiter voranzutreiben, neben den anderen Projekten des Herstellers nicht mehr aufzubringen. and elsewhere. It is a weapon created by Galath, the Worker of Secrets, to undo his invention of the Deathless. ChAIR (stylized) is a registered trademark (Reg. Take up the ancestral sword of your forefathers to fight foes threatening to destroy your home. Nach weiteren zwei Teilen wird die Reihe nun jedoch This wiki is Monobook friendly. Though it was vaulted on December 14, 2018, it made a brief reappearance in the This is mostly due to the Blade being forced onto the player to use. Infinity Blade II, Infinity Blade III, Infinity Blade: Awakening, Infinity Blade: Redemption, the Epic Games logo, the Unreal Engine logo, and UE4 and its logo are trademarks of Epic Games, Inc. It can destroy buildings easily, eliminate people with ease, gives wielders 200 HP and Shields, … Skills include strength, speed, protection, and magic. ChAIR (stylized) is a registered trademark (Reg.
Infinity Blade is an action role-playing game developed by Chair Entertainment and Epic Games and released through the Apple App Store on December 9, 2010. The first player to pull the Infinity Blade from its pedestal will be instantly healed to full Health and Shields. Item Level 100 The Eye Unique Duration: 15 min (real time) One-Hand: Dagger; 17 - 30 Damage: Speed ; 1.80 (13.1 damage per second) +12 Agility +13 Stamina +9 Critical Strike Durability 95 / 95: Equip: Increases magical damage taken by the target by 5%, and dispels Prince Kael'thas' Mind Control when a melee ability lands. and elsewhere.
Alternate Fire allows the player to leap great distances, destroying objects in its path. U.S. Pat.
You can change your skin in the "Appearance" section of your user preferences. The Infinity Blade is a Melee Weapon in Battle Royale available only in Mythic variant. & Tm. Warning: This wiki contains spoilers. Off.) All rights reserved. When in battle, players swipe the screen to attack and parry, and tap the screen to dodge and block enemy attacks. On the elimination feed, it will come up as (Player 1)’s Infinity Blade erased (Player 2). Off.) U.S. Pat. & Tm. It will very rarely drop as loot from Raidriar. Off.) The Infinity Blade is the main catalyst of the Infinity Blade trilogy. If a player picks up the Infinity Blade, all other inventory items including building materials will be dropped.
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