Art and photography is 50/60 percent of our business, then architecture, design, interiors, travel and lifestyle. Taschen is an art book publisher founded in 1980 by Benedikt Taschen in Cologne, Germany. We offered a product that was in very high demand because my father had realized that if you do high print runs, you can make the price cheaper. We are going to open some new ones this year in New York – the most important place for us – and Madrid, and soon we will also have a new shop in Tokyo. The big Helmut Newton book was our first Sumo sized collector’s edition. 24 Monate Garantie. There is certainly a TASCHEN spirit that I have tried to reflect, and I have worked a lot on putting the right people in the right position. It can be a positive thing.We tried to turn our books into e-books and that certainly didn’t work. Of course, I go to Cologne a lot and am in daily contact with our people there, but I decided not to live and work there completely, because I don’t see our function as the managers of a publishing house only as an operational one. To balance that in part we tend to release collector’s editions earlier on in the year and to create momentum in all seasons.We are quite mainstream, but there are also some more eccentric topics. I like the business side of things, but it’s not just business for me. Sebastião Salgado is a Brazilian photographer who won the 2019 We are specialized, it is important that our books are illustrated, but we are also very much interested in the written side of it. My parents always put us children and the peace surrounding the family as a very important thing.
Our message is engaging in the beautiful things in life.”“This amazing book is Salgado’s love letter to the planet. All Rights Reserved. We have worked a lot on our general distribution model. Fun books like “2020 will be our 40th anniversary, and we will have a great series of affordable, well priced books.”Around six hundred, and we also translate into a lot of core languages, and produce co-editions with a partner in other countries. The company could quite naturally develop in many different directions. 20 Euro will be the price point, in a new format that we will bring out as a collection. Marlene Taschen (* 25. As of January 2017, Taschen is co-managed by Benedikt and his eldest daughter, Marlene Taschen.
We are quite happy that we are independent. We need to develop the business and work with the people that end up in our books.
I like the human and the creative side of things as well. So I would say yes and no.We never engage in this business. We have definitely improved the business substantially in terms of everything from profitability to margins to turnover.
We have to ensure high print runs and we do that by being an international business. Marlene Taschen is the managing director of Taschen Publishing and the eldest daughter of the founder. Zeitlose Accessoires mit … It’s a challenge for sure because our company is a complex business and I manage the general structure. For every publication we also work externally and put together a team of fantastic writers, photographers and designers who really know their subject.13. Schneller und kostenloser Versand in exklusiver Geschenkverpackung. That’s why people appreciate the TASCHEN publishing house, there’s an unpredictable style to it. Having our own stores is very helpful because we can build a collectors’ network. We will release an anniversary edition of our Helmut Newton Sumo that will be much cheaper than the current second-hand value of the book.Yes, we will be celebrating with different TASCHEN exhibitions. We have worked with companies or we have done books about companies, but because we wanted to. I really looked into creating a good culture and I travel substantially because our headquarters are in I’m the oldest of seven children. This was not how the general market of art book publishing worked at the time.Yes, definitely. My parents divorced when we first three children were still very young, and my mum has two more children. By continuing to use this website, by closing this box or by clicking here you are indicating your consent to our use of those cookies.
For the whole book market Christmas, starting from September, is the most important season because of gifting. We do this because we like what we are doing. We have employees that have been with us for over 20 years, but also quite a few that have been there just for a couple of years, there are different ages and different nationalities.2020 will be our 40th anniversary, and we will have a great series of affordable, well priced books. We made a choice for that.We have a good, strong backlist, that keeps selling and that’s very important for us as a publisher. We are family. Ein Gespräch über neue Ideen, Arbeitskultur, Portfolio-Erweiterungen und den Friedenspreisträger Sebastião Salgado.
Maison Hēroïne® ist die elegante Verbindung von Business und Freizeit, Mode und Funktionalität. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. You can’t buy us. In general, it’s a good combination if you don’t have to take all the decisions by yourself, it’s very helpful for business development. We receive a lot of proposals and a lot of people would like to do something like this, and we have always decided against it. We work very closely with different archive collections and the artists and architects themselves. We want to engage with subjects that people feel inspired by. Funktionale Premium Handtaschen made in Europe. A printed magazine integrating digital, podcasts and videos.All images © Courtesy of TASCHEN unless stated.
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