The command :"/explode ~ ~ ~" has the size one so it's like:"/explode ~ ~ ~ {Size:1} /region flag __global__ tnt < allow | deny > If set to allow, TNT explosions are enabled in your Minecraft worlds.
i would like minecraft PE to add an option in the summoning command to toggle the time before creepers will explode like in the java addition.
Please be sure you get your thread in the right place.The explode command do an explosion and the size of the explosion is by the command adjustable.The size one is the size of a nromal tnt explosion and the size ten is ten times as strong as one tnt explosion.The command :"/explode ~ ~ ~" has the size one so it's like:"/explode ~ ~ ~ {Size:1}You can use creepers that have a Fuse of 0, and a customizable explosion radius (goes up to 127.
Position : Une explosion de TNT est initiée au centre du bloc de TNT amorcé, qui est un cube de dimensions 0.98x0.98x0.98. Die Explosionskräfte mehrerer TNT-Blöcke addieren sich nicht, sondern jede Explosion wird einzeln berechnet. /region flag __global__ creeper-explosion < allow | deny > If set to allow, explosions caused by creepers will be enabled.
The approximation algorithm has sampling error that results in directional asymmetry of propulsion.
You have to set the fuse manually, not sure about explosion size.We don't need a new command for every little function that every mapmaker wants, especially if there is a perfectly valid way of doing the task using the currently available tools.I think the size of the explosion should be the radius, not the TNT equivalent./explode ~ ~ ~ 10 = explosion at ~ x, ~ y, and ~ z with radius 10.One thing size 4 should be normal tnt explosion cause thats the blast radius (voir les données d'une explosion ci-dessous). MORE COMMAND OPTIONS inside of a command for minecraft PE.I think this its an good idea, well on the MapMaking its soo much neededHello as I was looking to my comments I noticed that we can add an option like damage or particle thanks Unbiunium for your idea with the creeper but I think that adding an extra command is shorter and the command can't be killed ;)Example:/explode "x" "y" "z" {damage:300, particle:false, radius:1} enough to destroy water /\ no particles /\ size of the radius /\(instead of the Size modifier)Pretty sure you can do this with a TNT summon command.
Example: /explode ~ ~10 ~ {Size:10} The size one is the size of a nromal tnt explosion and the size ten is ten times as strong as one tnt explosion.
TNT can be broken instantly with any tool, or without a tool. Propriétés [modifier | modifier le wikicode].
Despite being damaging to entities, fireworksdo not destroy terrain and as such are not counted as conventional explosions. If set to deny, TNT explosions are disabled in you Minecraft worlds.
This is the default value.
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