When I think of my other exes I'm sure we used to talk about our plans and what had happened to us in our day and all that. I proceeded in fits and starts, but by the fall of 2004, with the help of the extraordinary work of David Ray Griffin (see But I no longer refer to the events of that day by those numbers. Say you miss how it was in the beginning and you want to be close again. I think you should discuss it with him. I don't have the time even if I wanted to x He uses porn to get his kicks so he doesn't even want me for that, hence no sexual intimacy anymore. Angela, I take your point. But I am not sure how to be more succinct or how to undo the damage.The rapidity with which the new language of the war on terror appeared and took hold; the synergy between terms and their mutual connections to WW II nomenclatures; and above all the connections between many terms and the emergency motif of “9/11” and “9-1-1” – any one of these factors alone, but certainly all of them together – raise the possibility that work on this linguistic construct began long before 9/11….It turns out that elite political crime, even treason, may actually be official policy.Needless to say, his use of the words “possibility” and “may” are in order when one sticks to strict empiricism.

Mariewhat you experienced is what am going through now. Try to rekindle that something special that you must have once? But you can fix it. It was a reaction that I couldn’t fully explain, but it set me on a search for the truth. Yet I know he talks to other people well enough.

I was at home with our baby all day, 5 months after giving birth. It's making me resent him and I just feel emptier and emptier

Except we never was on and off Like a good old wife Made me realise we just don't talk about anything anymore.

What makes you think that your OH thinks that you have nothing in common? This is the place to chat about your relationships with your in-laws, parents and other relatives, and get support from others who understand whatever it is you're going through. I do think that Relate counselling could really help you both to get talking again:hug:I'm in the exact position

I was home when the phone rang at 9 A.M.

Don't let what he is getting up to persuade you to think you were wrong. Just how low can you be in a person's priorities?No, it isn't normal to live like this. I suppose I felt he thought I might be grilling him about it if I asked. To paraphrase the prescient Vince Salandria, who said it long ago concerning the assassination of President Kennedy, the attacks of 2001 are “a false mystery concealing state crimes.”  If one objectively studies the 2001 attacks together with the language adopted to explain and preserve them in social memory, the “mystery” emerges from the realm of the unthinkable and becomes utterable. Plus always says he's good looking and would like to look elsewhere while he's still young

He's a good dad and she loves him but there is just no intimacy between us, hardly anything sexual, and I've just realised this weekend the extent to which we just don't communicate anymore. When you have a baby its easy to forget about one another, now its time to remember But it's easy to fall in to. A plane hit the World Trade Tower.”I turned the TV on and watched a plane crash into the Tower. We make sure we take our daughter out together most weekends (this weekend is an exception) but it doesn't seem to stimulate much conversation about us. Remember it takes 2 to have a conversation. We are just living different lives but under the same roof. I've been with my OH for 5 years next month. Tuesday, September 11, 2001, was a non-teaching day for me. You're bound to be the one who is less sure as you're the one who took responsibility and ended it.

Both you and your husband need to have a talk and to decide if you both want to put the effort in any more. As I do not feel the same He works alot and when he is home he is sleeping. Can I ask what happened that has made you and your OH stop talking as much? Your mic might not be set up. He just keeps going on about spitting up before our daughter is emotionally hurt I just can't do that fully as I love my job as a vet nurse He asked me to marry him but didn't want it to go any further. As you said you don't know much about his weekend away, maybe he wanted you to ask questions, to show an interest and maybe is sad that you haven't too.

He shouts and swears in front of our son even though I ask him nicely not to. The official explanations for these events by themselves do not stand up to elementary logic and are patently false, as proven by thousands of well-respected professional researchers from all walks of life – i.e. This can easily be changed and worked on though and can be ok again. And it had to be repeated over and over again.In summary form, I will list the language I believe “made up the minds” of those who have refused to examine the government’s claims about the September 11 attacks and the subsequent anthrax attacks.I have concluded – and this is impossible to prove definitively at this time because of the nature of such propagandistic techniques – that the use of all these words/numbers is part of a highly sophisticated linguistic mind-control campaign waged to create a narrative that has lodged in the minds of hundreds of millions of people and is very hard to dislodge.

I couldn't compete could I? Could you look at ways of spending more quality time together as a couple. Recently he has decided we should get married and that I should be pregnant by the end of the year.

We been together for 8years and have a 16mnth baby

Plan some date nights, try to start a new hobby together, and remind him of the saying that the most important thing a man can do for his child is to love that child's mother.It's not normal.

For so many people their minds seemed to have been “made up” from the start.

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