In 2001 Felix Burda died of colon cancer at the age of 33.Leading doctors supported the foundation in its efforts,In 2002, thanks to the Foundation's efforts, March was declared "Colon Cancer Month" to increase media coverage of the issue.Following the Foundation's campaigning, from 2002 German health insurance was legally required to cover a Within a year of the first Colon Cancer Month, the number of colonoscopies increased by 34%, which the Foundation saw as a sign of the success of its work.In 2008, the Foundation presented a walk-in model of a colon, to explain the anatomy and function of the organ.The Foundation was awarded the Special Prize of the German Prize for Business Communication 2009.The Foundation has worked to incorporate other risk factors, such as a family history of Recently, the Foundation has worked to address the specific needs of people with a family history of colorectal cancer and to improve the organisation of colon cancer screenings.The Felix Burda Foundation is an independent charitable foundation managed in trust by the Hubert Burda Foundation. Christa Maar and Hubert Burda are lifetime members. Was es mit dieser PRÄVENTIOPHOBIE auf sich hat, erfahren Sie hier. In the early years, for example, colorectal cancer screening in the United States, which had a higher participation and a lower mortality rate than Germany, was an important model for the foundation.The Foundation has an endowment of 300,000 euros.
Felix Burda: Birthdate: November 25, 1967: Death: February 25, 2001 (33) Munich, Upper Bavaria, Bavaria, Germany (Darmkrebs) Immediate Family: Der Gesundheits-Butler für Ihr Smartphone Der automatische Gesundheits-Manager für alle Präventions-Leistung - von Impfungen, Zahnarzt bis … Sie wurde 2001 von Christa Maar und Hubert Burda gegründet, um die Früherkennung von Darmkrebs zu verbessern. The registered office is in Offenburg with an office in The Foundation is involved in international organizations in order to promote the exchange of experts in its field. Die Stiftung verfolgt ausschließlich gemeinnützige Zwecke, zu ihren bekanntesten Initiativen zählt der Darmkrebsmonat März. Other board members are appointed for a term of three, four or five years. The operational management of the foundation is the responsibility of a board chaired by Robert Schweizer. In addition to Maar and Burda, the body currently includes internists and gastroenterologists Berndt Birkner and Meinhard Classen.
Bestellen Sie Material für Ihre Aktion!Gemeinsam mit der Siemens-Betriebskrankenkasse und Welt der Wunder TV wollen wir Darmkrebs-Betroffene ehren, die sich trotz ihrer Erkrankung für andere und für die Prävention von Darmkrebs engagieren. Other members include Heinz Spengler and Christa Maar, the foundation's managing director. The Felix Burda Foundation is a German charitable foundation based in Offenburg. It is governed by an honorary board of trustees of three to five persons. FELIX BURDA STIFTUNG.
Über 1.000 User haben Susanna Zsoter ihre Stimme gegeben und sie zum Ehrenfelix 2020 gewählt. Felix Burda, verheiratet und Vater von zwei Kindern im Alter von fünf und sieben Jahren, studierte Kunstgeschichte in München und Bologna. Christa Maar mit Bundesgesundheitsminister Jens Spahn und Daniel FunkeIm Stil der jeweiligen Werbekampagne zum Darmkrebsmonat März, finden Sie hier Flyer & Plakate. Die Felix Burda Stiftung ist eine deutsche Stiftung mit Sitz in Offenburg.
Arabellastraße 27 81925 München Tel +49-89-9250 2501 APPzumARZT. Among its most well-known initiatives is the "Darmkrebsmon" or "Colon Cancer Month" in March. It was founded in 2001 by Christa Maar and Hubert Burda to improve the early detection of colorectal cancer.
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