Funny Questions to Ask a Girl. What would be the scariest text message to wake up to?142. Also a great intro into a conversation if you also like one of the actors or actresses she mentions.Plus, it’s easy to spin this question off into a discussion about movies. What piece of clothing have you seen that you desperately wanted?173. Do you prefer being warmed when you’re too cold or being cooled when you’re too hot?70. If you don’t know, well now you’ll know! When were some occasions you did a double take?192. What was the most disappointing ending to a great book / movie / game?169. These aren’t your normal run of the mill questions and some can actually get quite deep.These questions will definitely get an interesting conversation going.

If she doesn’t like those types of movies though, you might want to give this one a pass.Another one that is a bit off the wall, but I’m sure we’ve all thought about it. Just remember, listen and ask questions; don’t just think of the next thing you are going to say.A great question that she is sure to have plenty to say about.

If many people consider red to represent anger / passion, blue sadness, green envy, what feelings would some of the other colors like purple, turquoise, silver, or brown represent?103. What movie did you start watching expecting it to be horrible but it was actually pretty good?159. Or you could just talk about how cool it would be to have robot body decked out with lasers *pew* *pew*!This is a rather silly question, but it can be a lot of fun. What’s the most polarizing question you could ask a group of your friends?200. When you were a kid what silly thing were you deathly afraid of?133. However she wants to answer the question, remember to always ask why and find out more.

Just make sure to be supportive and don’t make fun of what she can’t do, that kind of ruins the point of the whole question.Kind of a random question but it might give you some insight into the people she chooses to surround herself with or the people she looks up to.Another one of those questions for pulling out a good story.

Looking to get to know a woman a little bit better or need some questions for a woman you’ve known a long time? Or you can ask her about what the telltale signs for a good and bad person are.This is a question to get the creative juices flowing and I’m sure you both can come up with some funny and interesting situations that would arise if super heroes / villains existed. What would be the worst thing to put into a piñata?99. Try out secret hand shakes or high fives with elbows, you are only limited by your creativity.This is usually good for a funny story. Plus, you’ll learn more about what makes her who she is and why she is the way she is now.You might learn some about what movements she supports or doesn’t support. What’s the most ridiculous thing you have convinced someone is true?123. What’s something you completely changed your mind about and went from believing one thing to believing the exact opposite?157. In a survey of 1000 American women conducted by Men’s Health, 77 percent of the women ranked a sense of humor as their preferred attribute in a man.

Do you screenshot the sweet texts that people send you?

You can easily expand this question by bouncing different ideas off of each other and talking about the merits of each idea.Oh procrastination. We’ve all got apps on our phones (usually self-improvement / education apps) that we mean to start using but never get around to.Also this question is a great gateway question for a discussion about apps.Kind of an odd question, I debated whether to include it on this list. What would you do if one day you woke up and every person was just gone without a trace?97. Or you might find that she doesn’t really care about it. are you ready to making your first impression better and non- rememberable. If your goals line up, it’s a great way to get a conversation going about what you both would like to accomplish in the future. What movie have you seen more than seven times?138. What always lets you down and what never lets you down?151. Humor was ranked ahead of intelligence, passion, confidence, and generosity. If you inherited a private jet from a stranger, what would you do with it?73. Plus, if you don’t know anything about it she’ll probably enjoy telling you about it.I can almost guarantee this one will lead to a funny story. Move beyond the small talk with these personal questions.Her outlook on relationships just might be important.This question gets to the things she feels most strongly about.Nothing builds a connection like a lively conversation. And plus they have to live with a bunch of pain in the ass stuff that goes on with their body, the least we can do is to learn a bit about it and be thankful we don’t have to deal with it (I’m assuming you are a guy reading this, but I could be wrong).Lots of chances for follow up questions to learn more, but yeah if it’s about bodily stuff you might not want to pry too much.

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