This is a … ka is used by females and krap by males.

(“sawadee ka” for females and “sawadee cup” for males) Thank you very much – kob kun cup/ kob koon Ka. Inzwischen gibt es sogar T-Shirts mit besonders markanten Thai-Englisch Kauderwelsch wie zum Beispiel "Same, same but different". Posted on 30. In your profile you did not set your gender. Axel 21 Axel 21 Chairman of the Bored; Advanced Members; 21 3,772 posts; Gender: Male #2; Posted March 14, 2007. Alles ist Sawadee, wenn es mit Thailand in Verbindung steht - Restaurants, Massagesalons und Hotels tragen das Wort, das oft auch Sawasdee geschrieben wird, im Namen.

No Muay Thai o correto é a expressão Sawadee Krap (para homens) e Sawadee Kha (para mulheres), que siginifca bom dia, boa tarde, boa noite, ou seja, é uma forma respeitosa de cumprimento. I found it annoying and confusing; like she was making fun of me.

But I find the following two utterances as almost being ungrammtical:I agree ขอบใจครับ sounds weird, but not when it comes to ขอบคุณ ... that sounds fine as an option between ขอบใจ (familiar) and ขอบคุณครับ (polite) - sometimes you need to 'desugar' your speech after a barrage of ครับ ๆ ๆ ๆYou need to be a member in order to leave a commentSign up for a new account in our community. Sawadee Krap für die Männer).Ich bin gerade mitten in meinem 3. However, you might hear some women say "krap" when they talk to a boy or some men say "kha" to a girl.
Link to post Share on other sites. You do not need to know why they say that.

'kha' is the polite particle used by females (and transgender people). Sawadee Kaa, Thailand.

Kap kun ka/krap . Sawasdee krap and a warm welcome [...] from Phuket island, the peal of Andaman Sea.

Subscribe to the daily ThaiVisa newsletter to receive Can I ask, is it used a) to teach the correct particle to the child, b ) to show affection/caring, or c) for both reasons? Aber keine Sorge, Übung macht den Meister!

'khrap' (or 'khap' without the 'r' in most people's casual speech) is the polite particle used by men.Ok, means if I say thank you to a female or a male, I will say "kap kun khap" and " sa wa dee khap" right?But if you are a feminine gay male you can say 'kha' as well.When I was first learning Thai, a female would often say "krup" at the end of her sentences.

Um dir das Erlernen etwas zu erleichtern, haben wir dir einen kleinen Guide zusammengestellt. For some reason (maybe because it's a private word game that is exclusively played with your lover), it's just considered really cute to Kaa your girlfriend, and likewise have her Krap you back. Fussreflexzonen-Massage. Rücken-Nacken Massage.

If you are a male and use 'ka' somebody might wonder where you learned it. 'kha' is the polite particle used by females (and transgender people). Mit diesen einfachen und nützlichen Phrasen machst du dich bei den Einheimischen gewiss super beliebt. (informell) ... Gegebenenfalls sollte hier auf kalendarische Besonderheiten eines Landes (z.B.

You do not need to know why they say that.

Really good male-female friends can do it too, but it's not common, unless it's part of a joke, or some overt performance. Öl Massage. Sawadee Krap für die Männer). Sawasdee Khaa/Kap: Guten Tag Kop Khun Khaa/Kap: Danke Tschek Bin: Bitte zahlen Mai pen rai: Macht nichts. Thais sprechen Englisch auf ihre eigene Weise.

In these two cases, they can speak it that way but it is not really correct.Ok, I am not Thai, and not having lived in-country now for nearly 15 years I am the first to admit that my Thai has gone seriously downhill. Mai jer gaan nan leuy khrup/ka! Versuchen Sie es einfach selbst, wie ein paar Worte in Thai den Urlaub verschönen. 'kha' is the polite particle used by females (and transgender people).

You do not need to know why they say that. So you can say Khop Khun Krap.Generally speaking, you put "krap" or "kha" at the end of the sentence to make it more polite. Die Betonung von Wörtern liegt oft auf unterschiedlichen Silben und die Aussprache ist thailändisch geprägt. Die Endung "Khaa" oder "Kap", die Sie häufig hören werden, wird jeweils von Frauen oder Männern verwendet. For example, You can say "Khop Khun" which means "thank you" and you can make it more polite by adding "krap" if you are male. So you can say Khop Khun Krap.

Hallo, oder wie es auf thailändisch heißt: Sawadee Kaa (bzw.

My guess is that it was more like how a mother might speak to her infant son to train him to use krup and not copy the "ka".When I was first learning Thai, a female would often say "krup" at the end of her sentences. Share this post. …

Thais sprechen Englisch auf ihre eigene Weise.

Dieses Land bietet so viele Abenteuer und endlose Möglichkeiten. Ich bin gerade mitten in meinem 3. Auf Phuket gibt es eine professionelle Sprachschule. Últimas notícias.

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My guess is that it was more like how a mother might speak to her infant son to train him to use krup and not copy the "ka".When speaking to or 'on behalf' of my 11month old daughter, I always use ka.A male using KA คะ/ค่ะ to a young girl like this. But now I am guessing that was not her intention.
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How are you?

November 2018 by Sandra Veröffentlicht in Thailand. For example, You can say "Khop Khun" which means "thank you" and you can make it more polite by adding "krap" if you are male. Mit diesen einfachen und nützlichen Phrasen kannst du die Einheimischen garantiert beeindrucken.Ich komme aus (Deutschland) - Pom/Chan maa jaak DeutschlandKannst du Englisch sprechen? Hallo, oder wie es auf thailändisch heißt: Sawadee Kaa (bzw. Generally speaking, you put "krap" or "kha" at the end of the sentence to make it more polite. But now I am guessing that was not her intention.

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