YOU have just changed.The hardest part is accepting your new self. It’s not that you’ve changed into a There is one positive outcome from this: You shed excess. Or will you join the masses and refuse to change, refuse to adapt, and sign away any chance of living a good and righteous life?For More Of His Thoughts And Ramblings, Follow Paul Hudson On I thought that if I couldn’t find love again, she must feel the same way.I believed she would love me for the rest of her life, as I will love her for the rest of mine. We barely notice the difference between our expectations and reality, and we live our lives as if none of it mattered.Then there are other times -- when our anticipation takes root and grows over months or years of waiting -- when real life pales in comparison to our fantasies. You start to once again get a grasp on your life, your reality and your future.I was smart enough to understand where things were going before they got there. We expect more than we're likely to get.We aim for perfection, but we discover that reality isn't so different from the lives we've been living. Optimism is a wonderful thing until it blinds you.It’s important to be optimistic, but it’s just as important to be The more you accept that there is always a chance that things won’t go the way that you think they will, the less likely you are to be caught off-guard when that happens.Unfortunately, I’ve come to learn that sometimes -- no matter how aware you are that things may not work out -- there is no such thing as sufficient mental preparation.Not all of your hopes and dreams are going to come true, and when one of them collapses in front of your eyes, it hurts more than you could possibly imagine.And if that dream is a future with someone you love, your world will be turned upside down.
Our beliefs define us and determine our future.Learning to accept that the the person you love has fallen in love with someone else can teach you some of life's most important lessons.If you don’t confirm your beliefs then your beliefs must be wrong and therefore must be changed. Love isn’t just about the emotions you’re feeling. I couldn’t spend another second talking to her, because I knew I was about to break down. When you love someone When you love someone

When you see the person you love fall in love with someone else, it breaks you.I distinctly remember the exact moment when I realized that our love would live forever in the past. I was at a loss for words.I didn’t know what to say. She was the one I always believed I’d end up with; I was convinced that no matter how many times either of us screwed things up, we’d eventually come back to each other.And I recently had the opportunity I’d been dreaming of: We had another chance to give things a shot, it seemed.But I learned she was running to me because she was running He's no good for her, but she feels for him immensely.
Seeing the person you love fall in love with someone else can destroy you. I may have understood how things were going, but I didn't want to watch.I wanted to be with her, to create a life together. The wind was knocked out of me. Of course, I couldn’t know anything for certain. The more eager we grow, the more painful the experience is when it's not what we wanted.That’s the issue with expectations: We usually overshoot them. I know because it almost destroy me.I’ve been in love with the same girl for over a decade now. You now have a partially blank slate. Believe a lie. Reality is different from our expectations, and most of the time that doesn't really bother us.When the unexpected happens, it's usually not an issue. Put out the sun When you love someone You'll deny the truth. And that's one of the reasons I've always loved her so much; she has an immense capacity for love. I tried loving others, but it never worked out. But that wasn't -- isn't -- the case.So I closed the door on a love affair that changed my life and taught me more than anything else ever could. When you love someone You'll do anything You'll do all the crazy things that you can't explain You'll shoot the moon. But you'll know you're a different person than you were an hour ago.You'll no longer feel or look at the world in the same way. I didn't know if I should keep my hands inside or outside of my pockets.My heart was racing. I didn’t know how to stand. I wanted to start a family. I wanted -- and was ready -- to be the man, partner and lover that she had always wanted. Your life has just changed. You get the opportunity to rewrite and redefine the person you are.From the ashes of your love rises a new you. The question is: do you have it in you to redefine your beliefs, to redefine what you think the purpose of all this is?

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